97 research outputs found

    CycleIK: Neuro-inspired Inverse Kinematics

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    The paper introduces CycleIK, a neuro-robotic approach that wraps two novel neuro-inspired methods for the inverse kinematics (IK) task, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), and a Multi-Layer Perceptron architecture. These methods can be used in a standalone fashion, but we also show how embedding these into a hybrid neuro-genetic IK pipeline allows for further optimization via sequential least-squares programming (SLSQP) or a genetic algorithm (GA). The models are trained and tested on dense datasets that were collected from random robot configurations of the new Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator (NICOL), a semi-humanoid robot with two redundant 8-DoF manipulators. We utilize the weighted multi-objective function from the state-of-the-art BioIK method to support the training process and our hybrid neuro-genetic architecture. We show that the neural models can compete with state-of-the-art IK approaches, which allows for deployment directly to robotic hardware. Additionally, it is shown that the incorporation of the genetic algorithm improves the precision while simultaneously reducing the overall runtime.Comment: Accepted at ICANN 2023 (32nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

    NICOL: A Neuro-inspired Collaborative Semi-humanoid Robot that Bridges Social Interaction and Reliable Manipulation

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    Robotic platforms that can efficiently collaborate with humans in physical tasks constitute a major goal in robotics. However, many existing robotic platforms are either designed for social interaction or industrial object manipulation tasks. The design of collaborative robots seldom emphasizes both their social interaction and physical collaboration abilities. To bridge this gap, we present the novel semi-humanoid NICOL, the Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator. NICOL is a large, newly designed, scaled-up version of its well-evaluated predecessor, the Neuro-Inspired COmpanion (NICO). NICOL adopts NICO's head and facial expression display and extends its manipulation abilities in terms of precision, object size, and workspace size. Our contribution in this paper is twofold -- firstly, we introduce the design concept for NICOL, and secondly, we provide an evaluation of NICOL's manipulation abilities by presenting a novel extension for an end-to-end hybrid neuro-genetic visuomotor learning approach adapted to NICOL's more complex kinematics. We show that the approach outperforms the state-of-the-art Inverse Kinematics (IK) solvers KDL, TRACK-IK and BIO-IK. Overall, this article presents for the first time the humanoid robot NICOL, and contributes to the integration of social robotics and neural visuomotor learning for humanoid robots

    Using Natural Language Feedback in a Neuro-inspired Integrated Multimodal Robotic Architecture

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a multi-modal human robot interaction architecture which is able to combine information coming from different sensory inputs, and can generate feedback for the user which helps to teach him/her implicitly how to interact with the robot. The system combines vision, speech and language with inference and feedback. The system environment consists of a Nao robot which has to learn objects situated on a table only by understanding absolute and relative object locations uttered by the user and afterwards points on a desired object to show what it has learned. The results of a user study and performance test show the usefulness of the feedback produced by the system and also justify the usage of the system in a real-world applications, as its classification accuracy of multi-modal input is around 80.8%. In the experiments, the system was able to detect inconsistent input coming from different sensory modules in all cases and could generate useful feedback for the user from this information

    Site of cochlear stimulation and its effect on electrically evoked compound action potentials using the MED-EL standard electrode array

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The standard electrode array for the MED-EL MAESTRO cochlear implant system is 31 mm in length which allows an insertion angle of approximately 720°. When fully inserted, this long electrode array is capable of stimulating the most apical region of the cochlea. No investigation has explored Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential (ECAP) recordings in this region with a large number of subjects using a commercially available cochlear implant system. The aim of this study is to determine if certain properties of ECAP recordings vary, depending on the stimulation site in the cochlea.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Recordings of auditory nerve responses were conducted in 67 subjects to demonstrate the feasibility of ECAP recordings using the Auditory Nerve Response Telemetry (ART™) feature of the MED-EL MAESTRO system software. These recordings were then analyzed based on the site of cochlear stimulation defined as basal, middle and apical to determine if the amplitude, threshold and slope of the amplitude growth function and the refractory time differs depending on the region of stimulation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Findings show significant differences in the ECAP recordings depending on the stimulation site. Comparing the apical with the basal region, on average higher amplitudes, lower thresholds and steeper slopes of the amplitude growth function have been observed. The refractory time shows an overall dependence on cochlear region; however post-hoc tests showed no significant effect between individual regions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Obtaining ECAP recordings is also possible in the most apical region of the cochlea. However, differences can be observed depending on the region of the cochlea stimulated. Specifically, significant higher ECAP amplitude, lower thresholds and steeper amplitude growth function slopes have been observed in the apical region. These differences could be explained by the location of the stimulating electrode with respect to the neural tissue in the cochlea, a higher density, or an increased neural survival rate of neural tissue in the apex.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The Clinical Investigation has the Competent Authority registration number DE/CA126/AP4/3332/18/05.</p

    The Emotional Dilemma: Influence of a Human-like Robot on Trust and Cooperation

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    Increasing anthropomorphic robot behavioral design could affect trust and cooperation positively. However, studies have shown contradicting results and suggest a task-dependent relationship between robots that display emotions and trust. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of robots that display human-like emotions on trust, cooperation, and participants' emotions. In the between-group study, participants play the coin entrustment game with an emotional and a non-emotional robot. The results show that the robot that displays emotions induces more anxiety than the neutral robot. Accordingly, the participants trust the emotional robot less and are less likely to cooperate. Furthermore, the perceived intelligence of a robot increases trust, while a desire to outcompete the robot can reduce trust and cooperation. Thus, the design of robots expressing emotions should be task dependent to avoid adverse effects that reduce trust and cooperation.Comment: Accepted at 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN

    Explain yourself! Effects of Explanations in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Recent developments in explainable artificial intelligence promise the potential to transform human-robot interaction: Explanations of robot decisions could affect user perceptions, justify their reliability, and increase trust. However, the effects on human perceptions of robots that explain their decisions have not been studied thoroughly. To analyze the effect of explainable robots, we conduct a study in which two simulated robots play a competitive board game. While one robot explains its moves, the other robot only announces them. Providing explanations for its actions was not sufficient to change the perceived competence, intelligence, likeability or safety ratings of the robot. However, the results show that the robot that explains its moves is perceived as more lively and human-like. This study demonstrates the need for and potential of explainable human-robot interaction and the wider assessment of its effects as a novel research direction

    Geologie, Paläontologie und Geochronologie des Eem-Beckens Neumark-Nord 2 und Vergleich mit dem Becken Neumark-Nord 1 (Geiseltal, Sachsen-Anhalt)

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    Den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bilden die Ergebnisse sedimentologischer, palynologischer, malakologischer und chronometrischer Untersuchungen an Sedimenten aus dem Zentralbereich des Paläoseebeckens Neumark-Nord 2. Die interdisziplinären Untersuchungen an dem 11 m mächtigen Hauptprofil A und benachbarten Profilen zeigen übereinstimmend, dass die limnische Sedimentation vom Ende des Saale-Komplexes über die Eem-Warmzeit bis in die Weichsel-Kaltzeit erfolgte. Das Profil lässt Seespiegelschwankungen mit einer generellen Tendenz der Verflachung und Verlandung sowie wechselnde Sedimentationsraten erkennen. Durch die palynologischen Untersuchungen sind außerdem mit Erosion und Sedimentumlagerungen verbundene Hiaten festgestellt worden. Eine von Laurat et al. (2006) und Mania et al. (2008, 2010) im Profil ausgewiesene zusätzliche Warmzeit, die durch eine Kaltphase von der Eem-Warmzeit separiert und zudem jünger als das Interglazial von NN1 sein soll, existiert nicht. Vor allem die palynostratigraphische, aber auch die malakologische Koinzidenz der Becken NN1 und NN2 belegt die Gleichaltrigkeit der Ablagerungen. Somit ist in Neumark-Nord zwischen der Saale-Grundmoräne der Zeitz-Phase und den periglaziären Bildungen der Weichsel-Kaltzeit nur eine Warmzeit nachweisbar, das Eem. Dies wird durch neue geochronologische Daten eindeutig verifiziert. Daher können die zuletzt von Mania et al. (2010) dokumentierten Lagerungsbeziehungen, nach denen die Beckenfolge von NN2 über der von NN1 liegen soll, nicht bestätigt werden. In Neumark-Nord werden die klimatischen Besonderheiten des Mitteldeutschen Trockengebietes während der Eem-Warmzeit deutlich. Insofern bietet der Vergleich der Eem-Vorkommen von Neumark-Nord, Gröbern und Grabschütz ein Lehrbeispiel für die standortspezifische Variabilität benachbarter synchroner Warmzeitprofile.researc

    Structural genomics of histone tail recognition

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    Summary: The structural genomics of histone tail recognition web server is an open access resource that presents within mini articles all publicly available experimental structures of histone tails in complex with human proteins. Each article is composed of interactive 3D slides that dissect the structural mechanism underlying the recognition of specific sequences and histone marks. A concise text html-linked to interactive graphics guides the reader through the main features of the interaction. This resource can be used to analyze and compare binding modes across multiple histone recognition modules, to evaluate the chemical tractability of binding sites involved in epigenetic signaling and design small molecule inhibitors

    The incorporation of the novel histone variant H2AL2 confers unusual structural and functional properties of the nucleosome

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    In this work we have studied the properties of the novel mouse histone variant H2AL2. H2AL2 was used to reconstitute nucleosomes and the structural and functional properties of these particles were studied by a combination of biochemical approaches, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron cryo-microscopy. DNase I and hydroxyl radical footprinting as well as micrococcal and exonuclease III digestion demonstrated an altered structure of the H2AL2 nucleosomes all over the nucleosomal DNA length. Restriction nuclease accessibility experiments revealed that the interactions of the H2AL2 histone octamer with the ends of the nucleosomal DNA are highly perturbed. AFM imaging showed that the H2AL2 histone octamer was complexed with only ∼130 bp of DNA. H2AL2 reconstituted trinucleosomes exhibited a type of a ‘beads on a string’ structure, which was quite different from the equilateral triangle 3D organization of conventional H2A trinucleosomes. The presence of H2AL2 affected both the RSC and SWI/SNF remodeling and mobilization of the variant particles. These unusual properties of the H2AL2 nucleosomes suggest a specific role of H2AL2 during mouse spermiogenesis