69 research outputs found

    Records of the Kievan Palatinate during the exile

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    The article discusses the efforts of the Kievan nobility to secure castle records in the period when the palatinate’s dietines have been held in Włodzimierz, and analyzes the resolves of those dietines in this regard. It also discusses the activities of the commissioners appointed to revise old records, assess the extent of war damage to existing records, and oversee the proper keeping of new ones. The attention is also paid to the postulates put forward in the instructions for the palatinate deputies. The Kievans have sought to recover the records captured by the Muscovy, but this objective has not been attained. Other sources, such as manifestations and requisitions, have also been employed. Activities of the Kievan nobility have led to the revision of the castle records of Żytomierz and Owrucz. Żytomierz records have been kept at Łuck, remaining inaccessible to the Kievans until the record-keeping has been resumed in the 18th century. Old Owrucz records have been lost after the monastery fire, and the new ones have been reestablished in the late 1670s. Keeping of Kiev records has been resumed in 1684 in consequence of the reestablishment of the palatinate courts

    The Gołąb Confederacy in modern historiography

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    In 1972, Adam and Kazimierz Przyboś have published an edited Diariusz kołowania i konfederacji pod Gołębiem i Lublinem w 1672 r. (Diary of Gołąb and Lublin concentration and confederacy of 1672), a work that has provided an impulse for further study of the Gołąb Confederacy. At the time it has been one of the few confederacies with its own monograph, published already in 1936 by A. Przyboś, but since then – and until the 1972 edition of Diariusz – the subject has been mostly neglected, as was the case with the entire unhappy reign of King Michał. For K. Przyboś the said edition has been a starting point for a number of analytical studies of that period, and especially of the confederacy itself. In this research program, he has been followed by several younger historians, whose studies are reviewed in the article. The confederacy has received particular attention in the works of Jarosław Stolicki and Leszek Wierzbicki. Source editions connected to the confederacy, such as personal and public diaries and journals, and especially the 1672 resolutions of the nobles, also play a highly significant role

    The last Ukrainian sejmiks in the seventeenth century

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    W artykule omówiono ostatnie sejmiki województw ukrainnych, jakie odbyły się w XVII w. W województwach kijowskim i bracławskim były to zarazem ostatnie sejmiki podczas trwającego pół wieku okresu obradowania na wygnaniu. Sytuacja szlachty ukrainnej poprawiła się po zakończeniu wojny z Portą i uchwaleniu przez sejm w 1699 r. konstytucji o likwidacji wojska kozackiego. Postulaty powrotu zgromadzeń do starych miejsc: Winnicy i Żytomierza były zgłaszane w czasie obradowania jej we Włodzimierzu, ale wcześniej nie mogły być zrealizowane. W tym czasie nasiliło się zjawisko limitowania sejmików. Najdłuższy był ciąg obrad sejmiku podatkowego województwa kijowskiego, który trwał od 14 września 1698 r. prawdopodobnie do 14 czerwca 1702 r., a na pewno do 8 stycznia 1701 r. i został wyznaczony około 15–20 razy. Wszystkie zgromadzenia przed sejmem w 1699 r. zostały odroczone, podobnie jak w innych ziemiach. Po sejmie doszło do kontrowersji na sejmikach relacyjnych i elekcjach deputatów województw bracławskiego i czernihowskiego.The article discusses the last sejmiks of Ukrainian palatinates to take place in the 17th century. For the Kyiv and Braclaw palatinates, they were also the last conventions during the half-century period of sitting in exile. The situation of the Ukrainian nobility improved after the end of the war with the Porte and the enactment by the Sejm in 1699 of the constitution on the disbandment of the Cossack army. The postulates of returning the sejmiks to their old seats, Winnica and Żytomierz, were put forward during their deliberations in Włodzimierz, but they could not have been implemented earlier. At that time, the phenomenon of limitae (sejmik adjournments) intensified. The longest session was held by the tax sejmik of the Kyiv province, which lasted from September 14, 1698, probably to June 14, 1702, and certainly to January 8, 1701, and was adjourned about 15–20 times. All dietines before the Sejm in 1699 were postponed, as in other lands. After the Sejm, there were controversies at relational assemblies and elections of deputies of the Bracław and Chernihiv palatinates

    Materials for the Activities of the Kiev Dietine From the Second Half of the 17th Century in the Town Records of the Former Kievan Palatinate

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    W Centralnym Państwowym Archiwum Historycznym Ukrainy w Kijowie znajdują się księgi grodzkie dawnego województwa kijowskiego. W połowie XIX w. zostały zebrane przez zaborcę i oddane na przechowanie do nowo utworzonego archiwum. Były one prowadzone od 1566 r., kiedy na Litwie przeprowadzono reformy. Pochodzą także z II poł. XVII w., kiedy sejmik województwa odbywał się we Włodzimierzu. Szlachta kijowska dążyła, aby po wojnach z Kozakami i Moskwą księgi grodzkie były zabezpieczone przed zniszczeniem, a następnie została przeprowadzona ich rewizja. Sejmy w 1658 i w 1661 r. uchwaliły w tym celu także konstytucje. Konieczne było również przeprowadzenie zmian, w wyniku których usprawniono sądownictwo, ponieważ Kijów (miejsce sądów) znajdował się w rękach moskiewskich. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na postanowienia sejmików województwa kijowskiego w instrukcjach i laudach dotyczące rewizji ksiąg. Przeprowadzono kwerendę w księgach grodzkich żytomierskich, owruckich i kijowskich z czasów wygnania. Przedstawiono stan ich zachowania na podstawie ówczesnych źródeł. Porównano te zapisy z informacjami ze współczesnego inwentarza i przeprowadzoną przez autora kwerendą (aneks II). Księgi żytomierskie i owruckie częściowo zachowały się. Księgi kijowskie sprzed 1648 r. zostały zagarnięte przez Moskwę. Po roku 1684 zaczęto prowadzić nowe księgi kijowskie, które do dziś znajdują się w zasobie archiwum w Kijowie. Przedstawiono źródła do dziejów sejmiku kijowskiego, które znajdują się w tych księgach.The holdings of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv include the castrum records of the former Kievan palatinate. In the mid-nineteenth century, they were collected by the Russian government and deposited in the newly created archive. Those records have been maintained since 1566, the date of the major legal and political reforms in Lithuania. In particular, they include the records of the second half of the seventeenth century, when the palatinate dietine was held in Włodzimierz. The Kievan nobility prevailed in their desires to preserve the castrum records from destruction, and to have a revision carried out after the wars with the Cossacks and Muscovy, in accordance with the constitutions of 1658 and 1661. Judicial reforms have also been necessary, since Kyiv (the traditional seat of the courts) remained in the hands of Muscovy. The article discusses the resolves of the Kievan palatinate dietines regarding the revision of records, and the results of the query of the Żytomierz, Owrucz, and Kyiv castrum records from the exile period. The state of preservation of those records is presented on the basis of contemporary sources. These records were compared with the information from the contemporary inventory and an archival query conducted by the author /Annex II/. The records of Żytomierz and Owrucz are preserved partially. The Kyiv records predating 1648 were seized by Muscovy. After 1684, new Kyiv records collections has been established, which is still kept in the archives in Kyiv. The sources for the history of the sejmik of Kyiv, which can be found in these books, are presented in the [email protected] Jagielloński w KrakowieЦентральний державний історичний архів України, м. Київ (Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy w Kijowie) // Centralʹnij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni, m. Kiïv, fond 2 (księgi grodzkie kijowskie) ks. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Київ (Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy w Kijowie) // Centralʹnij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni, m. Kiïv, fond 11 (księgi grodzkie żytomierskie) ks. 15.Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Київ (Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy w Kijowie) // Centralʹnij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni, m. Kiïv, fond 15 (księgi grodzkie owruckie) ks. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12.Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Київ (Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy w Kijowie) // Centralʹnij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni, m. Kiïv, fond 25 (księgi grodzkie łuckie) ks. 432.Центральний державний історичний архів України, м. Київ (Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy w Kijowie) // Centralʹnij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni, m. Kiïv, fond 28 (księgi grodzkie włodzimierskie) ks. 123, 131, 133, 137.Архив Юго-Западной России, издаваемый временной комиссией для разбора древних актов, состоящей при Киевском, Подольском и Волынском генералгубернаторе, cz. II, t. 2, Акты для истории провинциальных сеймиков Юго-Западного края во второй половине XVII века, Киев 1888, cz. 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    John III Sobieski’s domestic policies before 1679

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    John III Sobieski’s domestic politics was mostly subordinated to his foreign policy objectives. The king’s post-election course of action was strongly influenced by his past experiences. He deferred the coronation until a more favourable moment, although the political benefits of that decision failed to materialize. The new king’s politics was quite cautious. He did not put forward any major reform proposals, assessing the prospects of such reforms to be poor. He managed to end the war with the Ottoman Empire, but the king’s subsequent moves met with strong domestic opposition encouraged by Vienna and Berlin. The failure of the Baltic politics led John III to return to the idea of a war with the Porte. Before that, the king had to resolve acute internal conflicts, doing so during the Diet of Grodno in 1679. Only then could he undertake preparations for a new political course. However, the most important factor in the success of the new policy was the opportune development of the international situation at the time

    The function of the Seymik Marshall in the mid-17th century

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    The paper discusses the function of the Seymik Marshall (which was equivalent to the English Speaker) under the reigns of Kings Michał Korybut and Jan III. The author based his analysis on the examples of assemblies convened to debate at Volhynia. The function of tha Marshall of the Seymik came to being after 1572. The significance of this function grew in the course of time but in the discussed period there was no enlargement of the Marshall’s competence despite the phenomenon of “limita” which appeared at that time. In these Seymik sources in which we find more detailed entries there may be encountered the information on both the function of Director and Marshall. The Director was the top-positioned officer of the voivodship. He commenced the debates and suggested who might be the candidate for the position of the Marshall. The Marshall presided over the Seymik. This activity was sometimes referred to as exercising the Directoriate. The formulas that were used on such occasions were, however, not always precise. Therefore, sometimes the Marshall was referred to as the Director. The difference between these two names is not detectable in the material referring to other Seymiks of the Polonia Minor

    Funkcja marszałka sejmikowego w II połowie XVII w.

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    THE FUNCTION OF THE SEYMIK MARSHALL IN THE MID-17TH CENTURY The paper discusses the function of the Seymik Marshall (which was equivalent to the English Speaker) under the reigns of Kings Michał Korybut and Jan III. The author based his analysis on the examples of assemblies convened to debate at Volhynia. The function of tha Marshall of the Seymik came to being after 1572. The significance of this function grew in the course of time but in the discussed period there was no enlargement of the Marshall’s competence despite the phenomenon of “limita” which appeared at that time. In these Seymik sources in which we find more detailed entries there may be encountered the information on both the function of Director and Marshall. The Director was the top-positioned officer of the voivodship. He commenced the debates and suggested who might be the candidate for the position of the Marshall. The Marshall presided over the Seymik. This activity was sometimes referred to as exercising the Directoriate. The formulas that were used on such occasions were, however, not always precise. Therefore, sometimes the Marshall was referred to as the Director. The difference between these two names is not detectable in the material referring to other Seymiks of the Polonia Minor

    The seats of crown dietines in exile, 1648-1696

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    As a result of the wars of the second half of the 17th century, the gentry from a number of provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were forced to seek refuge from the enemy in other, safer provinces, and to hold their dietines in exile. In the years 1648-1649, the gentry from a number of Lesser Poland provinces were temporarily displaced, but most of them soon returned to their abodes. Citizens of the Ukrainian provinces were less fortunate. The Czerhnigovian, Bratslavian and Kievan gentry held virtually all of their dietines in that period in Włodzimierz in Volhynia. They convened in the Uniate cathedral church and in the Dominican Friars’ church. In their resolutions they continuously underscored the provisional but legal character of the place of their deliberations. The Ukrainian exiles (except Czernigovians) returned to their abodes in the 18th century. From 1672 to 1698, the Podolian gentry held their dietines in Halicz and later in Lviv (in Franciscan churches), and in 1699 in the Trinity Trenches, while Kamieniec Podolski was under Ottoman control