118 research outputs found

    Održivost i socijalizam - socio-ekološke ideje u urbanizaciji Novog Beograda

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    The main objective of this research is to explore the ecology ideas in socialism, or more precisely socio-ecological ideas that were present in urbanization of New Belgrade. The paper investigates beginnings of the development of environmental consciousness that emerged in late sixties of the twentieth century due to rapid urbanization processes of Belgrade, but also draws attention to specific architectural and urban concepts in historical urban development of New Belgrade which are from the standpoint of modern principles of sustainability positive examples of social - environmental exchanges. What can we learn from past experiences? Since the power relations of socio-environmental conditions that shape urban environment are constantly changing in terms of scale and participants in the process of urbanization, historical and geographical insight into the constantly changing urban configuration is necessary for understanding and consideration of future radical political-ecological urban strategies.Ovaj rad ima za cilj da istraži ekološke ideje koji se pojavljuju u socijalističkom periodu, ili preciznije socio-ekološke ideje koje su bile prisutne u urbanizaciji Novog Beograda. Rad istražuje početak razvoja ekološke svesti koja se javlja krajem šezdesetih godina XX veka usled naglog procese urbanizacije Beograda, ali takođe ukazuje i na određene arhitektonske i urbanističke koncepte u istorijskom razvoju Novog Beograda koji sa stanovišta savremenih principa održivosti predstavljaju pozitivne primere društveno-ekološke razmene. Šta možemo naučiti iz prethodnih iskustava? Budući da se odnosi moći društveno-ekoloških odnosa koji oblikuju urbane sredine stalno menjaju u pogledu razmere i učesnika u procesu urbanizacije, istorijsko-geografski uvid u te stalno promenljive urbane konfiguracije neophodan je radi razumevanja i razmatranja budućih radikalnih političko-ekoloških urbanih strategija

    City and nature environmental strategies in the history of Belgrade urbanization

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    Nаrušаvаnje odnosа „čovek - prirodа“ u grаdskom okruženju postаvljа pitаnje održivog odnosa grаd - prirodа, trenutno veomа аktuelnog globаlnog problemа. Međutim, interesovаnje i zаbrinutost zа ovаj problem, kаo i pokušаji dа se nа njegа odgovori stаriji su od sаvremene inicijаtive održivosti i prisutni su još od kаdа je društvo postalo svesno činjenice dа je „industrijsko“ postаlo dominаntno obeležje civilizаcije. Rаd stаvljа аkcenаt nа istrаživаnje i аnаlizu teorijskih promišljаnjа, kаo i prostornih reаlizаcijа urbаnističkih idejа nаstаlih kаo odgovor nа ekološke probleme rаzvojа Beograda. Rаd zаstupа stаv dа je rаcionаlno delovаnje u sаdаšnjosti moguće ostvаriti sаmo kroz rаzumevаnje smislа pojаve, procesа ili stаnjа u istoriji grаdа, odnosno dа ozbiljnа istrаživаnjа o budućem rаzvoju traba dа se oslanjaju na iskustva istorijskih modela i teorijskih promišljanja, kao i na mogućnosti njihovog unapređenja primenom savremenih tehničko-tehnoloških dostignuća

    Urbanization of nature in the process of socio-environmental change

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    The attitudes about global problems of the environment and the possibilities of the ‘sustainable future’ mainly ignore the urban origin of many ecological problems. The main objective of this research is to point out the problems of urban concept of the environment and its direct connection to the contradictions of capitalistic urbanization processes. Neo-Marxist thought reminds us that the urban environment has deeply penetrated into the dialectics of urban capitalistic process and the tendency to preserve the environment. Accordingly, it is important not only ideology and practice, but also the environmental protection projects to be viewed through a unique socio- environmental process as integral part of the urbanization of nature

    The prediction of criminal recidivism in male juvenile delinquents

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    Rezultati dosadašnjh istraživanja su ukazali na jaku vezu između kriminalnog ponašanja maloletnih delinkvenata sa jedne strane i crta ličnosti i odnosa u porodici sa druge strane. Međutim, još uvek se malo zna o tome koliko su odnosi unutar porodice i karakteristike ličnosti povezani sa kriminalnim recidivizmom. Cilj istraživanja bio je da ispita ove odnose koristeći kraću verziju skale Velikih pet + dva (Neuroticizam, Ekstraverzija, Otvorenost za iskustvo, Savesnost, Prijatnost, Pozitivna valenca, Negativna valenca), Skalu kvaliteta porodičnih interakcija (zadovoljstvo porodicom, prihvatanje/odbacivanje od strane majke/oca) i zvanične podatke iz kriminalnih dosija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 61 institucionalizovanom delinkventu i 64 ne-delinkventa, uzrasta od 15 do 18 godina. Neuroticizam, Otvorenost za iskustvo, Savesnost, Negativna valenca, prihvatanje od strane oca i odbacivanje od strane majke su statistički značajni prediktori kriminalnog recidivizma maloletnih delinkvenata. Delinkventi su pokazali statistički značajno više skorove na Neuroticizmu, kao i niže na Savesnosti i prihvatanju od strane majke u odnosu na ne-delinkvente.Previous studies have demonstrated a strong association of criminal behavior of juvenile delinquents with delinquents' personality traits and family interactions. However, little is known about the extent to which family interactions and personality traits are associated with criminal recidivism. The present study aimed to examine these relationships, using the Velikih pet plus dva (Big Five Plus Two) - short version (assessing Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Aggressiveness, Positive Valence, Negative Valence), the Quality of Family Interaction Scale (Satisfaction with family, Mother and Father Acceptance/Rejection), and official data from criminal records. The study included 61 institutionalized delinquents and 64 non-delinquents, 15 to 18 years of age. Neuroticism, Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Negative valence, acceptance by father and rejection by mother are statistically significant predictors of criminal recidivism in juvenile delinquents. Delinquents showed higher Neuroticism, lower Conscientiousness and acceptance by mother compared to non-delinquents

    Transformation of New Belgrade Modern Space in Different Ideological Contexts Changes in the Theory and Practice of Urban Planning

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    Built in the strong ideological context of self‐management socialism as a big housing area according to the principles of Athens Charter and modern urbanism New Belgrade continuously presented a point of interest in terms of its future development. The changes of ideology conditions that ensued after the 1990’s, as a result of both political system (from socialist to democratic society) and economy system transformation (from economic planning to market economy), conditioned specific transformation of the modern space of New Belgrade and its ideological representation. Today, when New Belgrade is undergoing a post‐socialist transition, the issues related to various city planning problems have arisen as a consequence of urban densification and open market economy processes. This paper advocates the stance that it is necessary to explore the development processes of New Belgrade urban structure from the standpoint of the relationship of existing physical structure and changed ideological principles in certain historical moments. The paper researches urban space of New Belgrade from the period of construction of New Belgrade as the large residential area to its current interpretation as a commercial and business center in terms of interaction between political ideology and architectural – urban practice. The acent is on the transitional periods that are set as the turning points of different theoretical and ideological models. The main problem is the change in ideological representation of New Belgrade that appeared on the level of urban structure and its future direction of urban development

    The influence of the length of fattening and gender of the lambs on the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue

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    In this research, three groups of 12 lambs (6 male and 6 female) of the Pirot improved race were examined. The first group of lambs was fattened for 60 days, the second 120 and the third 180 days. Nutrition of the lamb to rejection (40 days) is the mother's milk. After 40 days, it switched to pelleted concentrate (with 18% protein) and a quality hay, which was ad libidum as the concentrate. At the end of the fattening, the lamb is slaughtered by the usual technique. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of the length of fattening and gender of the lambs on the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Differences in fat in the subcutaneous tissue dorsally, medially and laterally at the intersection between the 12th and 13th vertebrae are significantly different (P<0.01) both in male and female lambs in all three groups. At the intersection of the lateral side between the 12th and 13th vertebrae there are significant differences (P<0.01) between the first and second and between the first and third groups in both genders. The subcutaneous fatty tissue in females compared to male lambs is thicker in all measured locations. However, significant differences were found in the thickness of breast tissue (P<0.05) and dorsal between the 12th and 13th vertebrae (P<0.01) for lambs of the second group. Female lambs of the third group also have thicker subcutaneous fatty tissue, dorsally and medially between the 12th and 13th vertebrae (P<0.05).Publishe

    Životna sredina i aspekti društveno-ekološke razmene

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    Održivi razvoj i zaštita životne sredine, kao i problemi resursnih i biotehnoloških ograničenja rasta grada, samo su neka od urbanističkih tema koja su postala aktualna, ako ne i ključna za život i budućnost svakog velikog grada i svakog odgovornog društva. Diskusije o globalnim problemima životne sredine i o mogućnosti za „održivu“ budućnost uobičajeno ignorišu urbano poreklo mnogih problema u okviru pitanja zaštite životne sredine. Prirodni ili ekološki uslovi i procesi ne deluju odvojeno od društvenih procesa, stoga su postojeći društveni i prirodni uslovi uvek rezultat složene transformacije postojeće konfiguracije koje su same po sebi i prirodne i društvene. Jedna od glavnih karakteristika savremenog urbanog života je sveprisutna potreba za društveno i materijalno metabolisanom prirodom u cilju održivog urbanog života. Zato, ne bi trebalo da čudi, da je u praksi svakodnevnog života urbana priroda osnovno materijalno i simboličko dobro koje produbljuje urbane društvene klasne i polne konflikte i borbe, kao i kulturne podele oko njegove upotrebe i kontrole. Prostorna raspodela ograničenih prirodnih resursa tesno je uzročno-posledično povezana sa problemima neujednačenih urbanih društveno-ekoloških promena. U tom smislu sastavni deo ekoloških studija postala su i pitanja društvene pravde. Ovaj rad postavlja pitanja destrukcije i transformacije prirode kroz procese urbanizacije sa istorijsko-materijalističkog gledišta, pre nego iz savremene perspektive pokreta za pravdu životne sredine. S obzirom da su glavni problemi životne sredine u bliskoj vezi sa procesom urbanizacije glavni cilj ovog rada je da istraži umrežene procese društveno-ekološke razmene koji omogućavaju da se sagledaju i razumeju povezani ekonomski, politički, društveni i ekološki procesi koji formiraju urbane pejzaže

    Economic aspects of vermicompost production in southern Serbia

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    Given the accelerated technical and technological development in the field of agricultural production of the 21st century, which aims to increase production quantitatively, the quality of primary agricultural products is in many cases unfairly neglected. This has directly aroused consumer awareness of the inevitable transition to purchasing products from alternative production methods (self-produced "healthy food", organic food production). For these reasons, the consumer alternative is to switch to environmentally friendly and health-safe products obtained from agricultural production and to use them in the future. A very promising product of this kind in the Republic of Serbia is vermicompost. Vermicompost is widely used in primary agricultural production: fruits and vegetables, mushroom production, horticulture, nurseries, green areas, parks, green sports fields, and in all segments of organic plant production. The benefits that farmers have from using vermicompost are a prerequisite for this product to be marketed in Serbia. This paper describes the benefits for both vermicompost manufacturers and consumers and the wider community.Publishe

    Antioxidant Protection against Curative and Palliative Doses of Ionizing Irradiation in Human Blood Decreases with Aging

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are independently recognized to play a significant role in radiation-induced damage on healthy tissue and in aging process. However, an age-related alteration of antioxidant (AO) system in radiation response in humans is poorly investigated. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the irradiation effects on the activities and expression of AO system in the blood of healthy women during aging. Blood samples were irradiated with curative and palliative doses of 2 Gy or 9 Gy γ-rays. AO capacity for detoxification of O2•− and H2O2 in response to 2 Gy γ-irradiation decreases in women above 58 years, while in response to 9 Gy shows signs of weakening after 45 years of age. Due to reduction of AO capacity during aging, cytotoxic effects of curative and palliative doses of irradiation, mediated by ROS, may significantly increase in older subjects, while removal of H2O2 excess could reduce them


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    Precipitation and temperatures are of particular importance for maize production. The aim of these studies was to analyze the yields of different maize hybrids in years that were both favorable and unfavorable for their production. Thus, the yield of maize in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed in the area of Southern Serbia (Leskovac). The year 2020 can be considered favorable for the production of maize, primarily due to the amount of precipitation during the vegetation (436 mm) and its proper distribution in the summer months. The year 2021 can be considered unfavorable for the production of maize, which is especially evident by the small amount of precipitation during the growing season (219 mm). The influence of the year, especially the climatic conditions of the year, was very pronounced. Thus, the average yield in 2021 was lower by 36% compared to 2020. The influence of hybrids on yield was pronounced, and differences in yield were statistically very significant. Hybrids with a shorter vegetation period had good yields in the unfavorable (dry) year, all due to the earlier passing of silking, fertilization, and grain formation phases. In years favorable for maize production, such as 2020, hybrids with a longer vegetation period showed their genetic potential for yield and were more dominant than hybrids with a shorter vegetation period. If maize is grown on dry soil, it is recommended to sow more hybrids of different vegetation lengths, for safer production