9 research outputs found

    Effects of the platelet rich plasma on apexogenesis in young monkeys: Radiological and hystologycal evaluation

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    Platelet-reach plasma (PRP) is an attractive tool in regenerative medicine due to its ability to stimulate proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. Since dental pulp derived stem cells are recognized as central in apexogenesis, the aim of the study was to evaluate radiologically and histologically effects of PRP on apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots. The study included eight monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) divided in two equal groups for evaluation 3 and 12 months after treatment. All participants obtained the same treatment including pulpotomy and after-treatment with: hydroxiapatite (HA)-incisor and HA+canine PRP. Radiological evaluation was performed using the long cone paralleling technique for recording of defined parameters and histological evaluation was performed using tissue removed en block for the observation of parameters related to apexogenesis. The results obtained radiologically and histologically have shown increase in bridge formation in HA+PRP (75%) group after 3 months comparing to HA group (50%). Contrary to that, after 12 months there were no significant differences between groups. The root delay was not registered in the HA+PRP group contrary to HA group where it was registered in 25% after 12 months. Results of the study suggest that PRP is a powerful tool for intensive and rapid apexogenesis since it offers clear and comprehensive results (mostly in the first three months) which are early radiologically visible without any failure in the proposed requests

    Terapijski efekti tri vrste funkcionalnih aparata u lečenju malokluzija II skeletne klase - sagitalne i vertikalne promene

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    Introduction/Objective Class II malocclusions are sagittal malocclusions characterized by a distal relationship of posterior teeth. Depending on the underlying problem, Class II malocclusions can be skeletal or dentoalveolar. Class II malocclusion treatment modality will depend on the cause, severity, and age. Growth modification is the best treatment option in growing patients with skeletal Class II malocclusions. The aim of this study was to establish and compare sagittal and vertical skeletal and dental changes in patients treated with the 'M block' appliance, the Frankel functional regulator, and the Balters' bionator. Methods The sample consisted of 70 patients diagnosed with skeletal Class II malocclusions (ANB > 4°) and mandibular retrognathism (SNB lt 80°). The patients were divided into three groups according to the type of appliance. All the patients went through the standard diagnostic procedure (anamnesis, clinical and functional analysis, study model, panoramic radiograph, and cephalometric analysis), and dental and skeletal age was determined. Treatment effects were analyzed on study models and cephalograms at the end of treatment. Results All the appliances led to significant mandibular anterior movement and sagittal growth, which reduced the ANB values. All three groups of patients presented with neutral growth pattern, upper incisor retrusion, and lower incisor protrusion at the end of treatment. Conclusion The results of this study indicate efficacy of all three appliances in skeletal Class II malocclusion treatment.Uvod/Cilj rada Malokluzije II klase su sagitalne nepravilnosti zagrižaja koje karakteriše distalni odnos bočnih zuba. U zavisnosti od toga koje strukture su u nepravilnom odnosu, dele se na skeletne i dentoalveolarne. Terapija II klase zavisi od uzroka, izraženosti i uzrasta. Najbolji vid terapije ukoliko pacijenti i dalje rastu je modifikacija rasta. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrde i uporede sagitalne i vertikalne promene na skeletnim i dentalnim strukturama u toku lečenja M blok-aparatom, Frenklovim regulatorom funkcije tip I i bionatorom po Baltersu tip I. Metode Sedamdeset ispitanika sa dijagnozom skeletnog distalnog zagrižaja (ANB > 4°) i mandibularnog retrognatizma (SNB lt 80°), prema vrsti aparata, podeljeni su u tri grupe. Svi su prošli kroz standardnu dijagnostiku (anamneza, klinička i funkcionalna analiza, analiza studijskih modela, ortopantomografskog i profilnog telerendgenskog snimka). Terapijski efekti i promene analizirani su na studijskim modelima i profilnom snimcima po završetku terapije. Rezultati Sva tri aparata dovela su do značajnog mezijalnog usmeravanja i sagitalnog rasta mandibule, što je smanjilo ANB ugao. U sve tri grupe je utvrđen neutralni rast, kao i retruzija gornjih i protruzija donjih sekutića. Zaključak Rezultati studije ukazuju na efikasnost sva tri ispitivana aparata u lečenju skeletnih malokluzija II klase

    Osetljivost sojeva Candida spp. izolovanih kod čoveka i psa sa stomatitisom na etarsko ulje timijana

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    Candida spp. form a part of human and animal oral cavity flora. However Candida spp. is the main cause of dental related stomatitis in humans and stomatitis in dogs. Stomatitis treatment implies the use of azoles and polyenes to which yeasts build up resistance. The research is directed to the use of natural compounds such as essential oils. The aim of this paper is to define the antifungal activity of thyme oil on 15 clinical strains of Candida spp., isolated from humans and dogs and to determine if there is a difference in susceptibility between human and dog isolates. Sampling in patients with stomatitis was done by swabbing the denture or oral mucosa swab while sampling in dogs was done by swabbing the oral cavity mucosa after stomatitis has been diagnosed. In order to investigate the antifungal activity of thyme oil in vitro, microdilution method was used. Thyme oil expressed antifungal effects on all investigated strains. Also, our data show that the values of minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) are lower in human strains. Explanation is that in most cases, stomatitis in humans is asymptomatic and thus not treated, so Candida strains have not developed resistance. On the other hand, stomatitis in dogs is followed by a marked clinical picture and treated is by antimicotics (mostly by azoles), therefore resistant Candida strains are more likely to occur.Candida spp. je sastavni deo mikrobioma usne duplje čoveka i psa. Međutim Candida spp. predstavlja glavni uzročnik proteznog stomatitisa kod čoveka i stomatitisa kod psa. Terapija stomatitisa podrazumeva korišćenje azola i poliena na koje poslednjih godina gljivice razvijaju otpornost. Istrživanja se usmeravaju ka primeni prirodnih preparata kao što su etarska ulja. Cilj rada je utvrdi antifungalnu aktivnost ulja timijana na kliničke izolate Candida spp. čoveka i psa, i utvrdi da li postoji razlika u osetljivosti sojeva Candide spp. izolovanih kod čoveka i psa. Uzorkovanje kod pacijenata sa stomatitisom je vršeno brisom proteze ili brisom sluzokože. Kod pasa je uzrokovanje vršeno brisom sluzokože usne duplje kada je dijagnostikovan stomatitis. Zasejani sojevi su in vitro tretirani korišćenjem mikrodilucione metode da bi se utvrdilo da li ulje timijana deluje na kliničke izolate Candida spp. čoveka i psa. Rezultati pokazuju da su vrednosti minimalne fungicidne koncentracije (MFC) i minimalne inhibitorne koncentracije (MIC) manje kod čoveka. Stomatitis je kod ljudi najčešće je asimptomatski, pacijenti se ne podvrgavaju lečenju, pa sojevi Candida spp. nisu razvili rezistenciju na antifungicidne preparate. Kod pasa stomatitis je praćen burnijom kliničkom slikom, leči se antimikoticima (uglavnom azolima) pa je verovatnoća pojave rezistentnih sojeva Candida spp. veća

    Cellular mechanisms involved in morphological changes of temporomandibular joint in rats with induced lateral deviation of mandible

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    мандибуларног зглоба (ТМЗ). Циљеви наше студије су били да утврдимо до каквих макро и микро промена на мандибули и ТМЗ доводи небалансирано оптерећење ТМЗ, као и да испитамо ћелијске механизме који се налазе у основи тих промена на нивоу кондила, масетеричног мишића и синовијалне мембране. Пацови, Вистар соја, мушког пола (60), старости 35 дана су чинили експерименталну групу (30), којима је изазвана латерална девијација мандибуле поставком нагризног гребена на горње секутиће и контролну групу (30). Компјутеризованом томографијом су испитиване морфометријске промене на нивоу мандибуле, а узорци кондила су коришћени за хистолошку анализу и анализу микро-компјутеризованом томографијом. Узорци ткива кондила, масетеричног мишића и синовијалне мембране су анализирани ELISA методом и спектрофотометријом како би се утврдиле концентрације васкуларног фактора раста (VEGF) и неуралне азотмоноксид синтазе (nNOS), као и активност супероксид дизмутазе (SOD). Резултати показују да су мандибуле пацова експерименталне групе биле мање и асиметричне, на њиховим кондилима је дошло до стварања мање количине кости и хрскавице, а већих шупљина коштане сржи. Кост кондила експерименталних животиња је имала смањен волумен, број и дебљину коштаних гредица, као и мање комплексну унутрашњу структуру кости. Код експерименталних животиња утврђена је већа експресија протеина VEGF у кондилу и масетеричном мишићу, већа експресија протеина nNOS и измењена активност SOD у масетеричном мишићу и синовијалној мембрани. Латерална мандибуларна девијација доводи до промена на ћелијском нивоу у ткивима ТМЗ и морфолошких и структурних промена на нивоу мандибуле и кондила, које доводе до настанка скелетне мандибуларне асиметрије.Lateral mandibular deviation is characterized by an unbalanced functional loading of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The aims of our study were to investigate the micro and macro changes on mandible and TMJ caused by unblanaced loading and to investigate the underlying cellular mechanisms in condyle, muscle masseter and synovial. Male, 5-weekold Wistar rats (60) were divided into experimental group (30), which received acrylic resin appliance that shifted mandible to the left during closure, and control group (30). Computed tomography was used to investigate morphometrical changes on mandible, while histomorphometry and microcomputed tomography were used for condyle analysis. Samples of condyle, m. masseter and synovial membrane were analyzed with ELISA and spectrophotometry to determine protein expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Results show that mandibles of experimental rats were smaller and asymmetrical, their condyles had less newly formed bone and cartilage, but larger bone marrow cavities area. Condyles of experimental rats had less bone volume, lower number and lesser thickness of trabecula, as well as less complexed internal structure of the bone. Experimental animals had higher VEGF protein expression in condyle and m. masseter, while higher protein nNOS expression and altered SOD activity were found in m. masseter and synovial membrane. Lateral mandibular deviation leads to cellular changes in TMJ tissues, morphological and structural changes of mandible and condyle, which result in development of skeletal mandibular asymetry

    Cellular mechanisms involved in morphological changes of temporomandibular joint in rats with induced lateral deviation of mandible

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    мандибуларног зглоба (ТМЗ). Циљеви наше студије су били да утврдимо до каквих макро и микро промена на мандибули и ТМЗ доводи небалансирано оптерећење ТМЗ, као и да испитамо ћелијске механизме који се налазе у основи тих промена на нивоу кондила, масетеричног мишића и синовијалне мембране. Пацови, Вистар соја, мушког пола (60), старости 35 дана су чинили експерименталну групу (30), којима је изазвана латерална девијација мандибуле поставком нагризног гребена на горње секутиће и контролну групу (30). Компјутеризованом томографијом су испитиване морфометријске промене на нивоу мандибуле, а узорци кондила су коришћени за хистолошку анализу и анализу микро-компјутеризованом томографијом. Узорци ткива кондила, масетеричног мишића и синовијалне мембране су анализирани ELISA методом и спектрофотометријом како би се утврдиле концентрације васкуларног фактора раста (VEGF) и неуралне азотмоноксид синтазе (nNOS), као и активност супероксид дизмутазе (SOD). Резултати показују да су мандибуле пацова експерименталне групе биле мање и асиметричне, на њиховим кондилима је дошло до стварања мање количине кости и хрскавице, а већих шупљина коштане сржи. Кост кондила експерименталних животиња је имала смањен волумен, број и дебљину коштаних гредица, као и мање комплексну унутрашњу структуру кости. Код експерименталних животиња утврђена је већа експресија протеина VEGF у кондилу и масетеричном мишићу, већа експресија протеина nNOS и измењена активност SOD у масетеричном мишићу и синовијалној мембрани. Латерална мандибуларна девијација доводи до промена на ћелијском нивоу у ткивима ТМЗ и морфолошких и структурних промена на нивоу мандибуле и кондила, које доводе до настанка скелетне мандибуларне асиметрије.Lateral mandibular deviation is characterized by an unbalanced functional loading of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The aims of our study were to investigate the micro and macro changes on mandible and TMJ caused by unblanaced loading and to investigate the underlying cellular mechanisms in condyle, muscle masseter and synovial. Male, 5-weekold Wistar rats (60) were divided into experimental group (30), which received acrylic resin appliance that shifted mandible to the left during closure, and control group (30). Computed tomography was used to investigate morphometrical changes on mandible, while histomorphometry and microcomputed tomography were used for condyle analysis. Samples of condyle, m. masseter and synovial membrane were analyzed with ELISA and spectrophotometry to determine protein expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Results show that mandibles of experimental rats were smaller and asymmetrical, their condyles had less newly formed bone and cartilage, but larger bone marrow cavities area. Condyles of experimental rats had less bone volume, lower number and lesser thickness of trabecula, as well as less complexed internal structure of the bone. Experimental animals had higher VEGF protein expression in condyle and m. masseter, while higher protein nNOS expression and altered SOD activity were found in m. masseter and synovial membrane. Lateral mandibular deviation leads to cellular changes in TMJ tissues, morphological and structural changes of mandible and condyle, which result in development of skeletal mandibular asymetry

    Children and adults rely on different heuristics for estimation of durations

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    Abstract Time is a uniquely human yet culturally ubiquitous concept acquired over childhood and provides an underlying dimension for episodic memory and estimating durations. Because time, unlike distance, lacks a sensory representation, we hypothesized that subjects at different ages attribute different meanings to it when comparing durations; pre-kindergarten children compare the density of events, while adults use the concept of observer-independent absolute time. We asked groups of pre-kindergarteners, school-age children, and adults to compare the durations of an "eventful" and "uneventful" video, both 1-minute long but durations unknown to subjects. In addition, participants were asked to express the durations of both videos non-verbally with simple hand gestures. Statistical analysis has revealed highly polarized temporal biases in each group, where pre-kindergarteners estimated the duration of the eventful video as "longer." In contrast, the school-age group of children and adults claimed the same about the uneventful video. The tendency to represent temporal durations with a horizontal hand gesture was evident among all three groups, with an increasing prevalence with age. These results support the hypothesis that pre-kindergarten-age children use heuristics to estimate time, and they convert from availability to sampling heuristics between pre-kindergarten and school age

    Mandibular lateral deviation induces alteration in vascular endothelial growth factor expression and oxidative stress/nitric oxide generation in rat condyle, synovial membrane and masseter muscle

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    Objective: We aimed to investigate alteration in cellular signaling mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and parameters of oxidative stress/nitric oxide generation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), underlying altered functional mechanical loading of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) during lateral mandibular deviation. Design: Thirty-eight 5-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into experimental group, which received acrylic resin appliance that shifted mandible to the left during closure, and control group. Computed tomography and histomorphometry were used for condyle analyses, while samples of condyle, synovial membrane and m. masseter were analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and spectrophotometry to determine VEGF and nNOS protein concentrations, and SOD activity. Results: Experimental group of rats developed smaller and asymmetrical mandibles. Less of new bone and cartilage formation and larger bone marrow cavities area were found in the experimental group. Higher VEGF expression in condyle and m. masseter as well as higher nNOS expression in m. masseter and synovial membrane were found in the experimental compared to the control group. Alteration of SOD activity was found in m. masseter and synovial membrane in the experimental group. Conclusions: Lateral mandibular deviation induces mandibular and condylar morphological changes as well as significant cellular signaling alterations in condyle, synovial membrane and masticatory muscle. Cellular VEGF protein overexpression and oxidative stress/nitric oxide disbalance could be the mechanisms underlying unbalanced functional TMJ loading due to mandibular deviation


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    Glavobolja je jedno od najčešćih neuroloških stanja što upućuje za veliku potrebu za lijekovima i ostalim metodama liječenja same akutne faze glavobolje, a po potrebi i prevenciju ostalih napada glavobolje. Prema Međunarodnoj klasifi kaciji glavobolja razlikujemo primarne glavobolje (migrena i njeni podtipovi, tenzijska glavobolja i njeni podtipovi, trigeminalne autonomne glavobolje i njeni podtipovi) i sekundarne glavobolje (povezane s infekcijom, traumom glave i vrata, kranijalnim ili cervikalnim vaskularnim poremećajima, nevaskularnim intrakranijalnim poremećajima, prestankom uzimanja određenih tvari, psihijatrijskim poremećajima, poremećajima kranija, vrata, očiju, ušiju, nosa, sinusa, ustiju te drugih facijalnih ili kranijalnih struktura). Najvažnije je prije uvođenja terapije razlučiti radi li se o primarnoj ili sekundarnoj glavobolji, postaviti dijagnozu primarne glavobolje te se odlučiti za liječenje akutne ili preventivne faze. Od analgetika se najčešće primjenjuju nespecifi čni analgetici koji djeluju na široku paletu boli te specifi čni anagetici koji djeluju samo na određenu vrstu glavobolje (npr. triptani kod migrenoznih napada). Osim navedenog, u tekstu su navedene i ostale metode koje se koriste u liječenju glavobolja, a one uključuju promjenu životnog stila, izbjegavanje provocirajućih faktora, akupunktura te primjena botulinum toksina. Smjernice koje smo objavili 2018. godine nadopunili smo novim lijekovima koji su u međuvremenu registrirani za liječenje akutnih napada te profi laksu migrenskog napada (1).Introduction: Headache is one of the most frequent neurological conditions, so a big need for medications for headache treatment and other methods is needed for acute pain relief and chronic prevention of headaches. Aim: Knowing that headache is one of the most frequent conditions we wanted to summarise its treatment. Methods: We explored MEDLINE searches about the treatment of primary headaches. We also explored the Croatian scientifi c base Hrčak. Results: We found articles on both scientifi c bases, but have chosen only the most systemised. Discussion: According to International Headache Classifi cation there are two main types of headaches: primary headaches (migraine and its subtypes, tensiontype headache and its subtypes, trigeminal autonomic cephalgias) and secondary headaches (attributed to infection, head or neck trauma, cranial or cervical vascular disorders, non-vascular intracranial disorders, substance withdrawal, psychiatric conditions, pain attributed to the disorders of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structure). When managing a diagnosis of primary headache, it is important to make a difference between the primary and secondary headache, manage the right diagnosis of primary headache and decide on the right treatment for the acute or preventive phase of headache. The most used medications in headache treatment are nonspecifi c analgetics which can treat headaches, but also other pain disorders. Specifi c headache medication includes medications which can treat only specifi c types of headaches. Except for the above, there are other methods in headache treatment which include a change of lifestyle, avoiding provocative factors, acupuncture and treatment with botulinum toxin. Conclusion: For primary headache treatment it is important to establish the right diagnosis and act fast in the treatment of acute headache attacks. For some patients, it is important to start a prophylactic treatment but also try to prevent a medication overuse headache. When treating a headache of any kind it is also important to take a whole picture of a patient and his/hers comorbidities and think about possible side effects. Changing a lifestyle and some complementary methods can help us in treating chronic headaches. We supplemented the guidelines published in 2018 with new drugs that have since been registered for the treatment of acute attacks and prophylaxis of migraine attacks


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    Glavobolja je jedno od najčešćih neuroloških stanja što upućuje za veliku potrebu za lijekovima i ostalim metodama liječenja same akutne faze glavobolje, a po potrebi i prevenciju ostalih napada glavobolje. Prema Međunarodnoj klasifi kaciji glavobolja razlikujemo primarne glavobolje (migrena i njeni podtipovi, tenzijska glavobolja i njeni podtipovi, trigeminalne autonomne glavobolje i njeni podtipovi) i sekundarne glavobolje (povezane s infekcijom, traumom glave i vrata, kranijalnim ili cervikalnim vaskularnim poremećajima, nevaskularnim intrakranijalnim poremećajima, prestankom uzimanja određenih tvari, psihijatrijskim poremećajima, poremećajima kranija, vrata, očiju, ušiju, nosa, sinusa, ustiju te drugih facijalnih ili kranijalnih struktura). Najvažnije je prije uvođenja terapije razlučiti radi li se o primarnoj ili sekundarnoj glavobolji, postaviti dijagnozu primarne glavobolje te se odlučiti za liječenje akutne ili preventivne faze. Od analgetika se najčešće primjenjuju nespecifi čni analgetici koji djeluju na široku paletu boli te specifi čni anagetici koji djeluju samo na određenu vrstu glavobolje (npr. triptani kod migrenoznih napada). Osim navedenog, u tekstu su navedene i ostale metode koje se koriste u liječenju glavobolja, a one uključuju promjenu životnog stila, izbjegavanje provocirajućih faktora, akupunktura te primjena botulinum toksina. Smjernice koje smo objavili 2018. godine nadopunili smo novim lijekovima koji su u međuvremenu registrirani za liječenje akutnih napada te profi laksu migrenskog napada (1).Introduction: Headache is one of the most frequent neurological conditions, so a big need for medications for headache treatment and other methods is needed for acute pain relief and chronic prevention of headaches. Aim: Knowing that headache is one of the most frequent conditions we wanted to summarise its treatment. Methods: We explored MEDLINE searches about the treatment of primary headaches. We also explored the Croatian scientifi c base Hrčak. Results: We found articles on both scientifi c bases, but have chosen only the most systemised. Discussion: According to International Headache Classifi cation there are two main types of headaches: primary headaches (migraine and its subtypes, tensiontype headache and its subtypes, trigeminal autonomic cephalgias) and secondary headaches (attributed to infection, head or neck trauma, cranial or cervical vascular disorders, non-vascular intracranial disorders, substance withdrawal, psychiatric conditions, pain attributed to the disorders of cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other facial or cervical structure). When managing a diagnosis of primary headache, it is important to make a difference between the primary and secondary headache, manage the right diagnosis of primary headache and decide on the right treatment for the acute or preventive phase of headache. The most used medications in headache treatment are nonspecifi c analgetics which can treat headaches, but also other pain disorders. Specifi c headache medication includes medications which can treat only specifi c types of headaches. Except for the above, there are other methods in headache treatment which include a change of lifestyle, avoiding provocative factors, acupuncture and treatment with botulinum toxin. Conclusion: For primary headache treatment it is important to establish the right diagnosis and act fast in the treatment of acute headache attacks. For some patients, it is important to start a prophylactic treatment but also try to prevent a medication overuse headache. When treating a headache of any kind it is also important to take a whole picture of a patient and his/hers comorbidities and think about possible side effects. Changing a lifestyle and some complementary methods can help us in treating chronic headaches. We supplemented the guidelines published in 2018 with new drugs that have since been registered for the treatment of acute attacks and prophylaxis of migraine attacks