115 research outputs found


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    Cisplatin is the first heavy metal compound that has been found to possess antineoplastic activity. It is effective in treating testicular, ovarian, head and neck, bladder, cervical, esophageal tumors, and small cell lung carcinoma. Approximately 1% of cisplatin that enters the cell interacts with DNA, forming DNA-cisplatin bonds. Both apoptosis and necrosis can be found in the same population of cells exposed to cisplatin, and the mode of cell death depends on the cisplatin concentration and metabolic state of the target cell. In the bloodstream, the platinum component of cisplatin binds to the blood's proteins (hemoglobin, albumin and transferrin), and other significant portion binds to the glutathione and other cysteine-rich biomolecules. Cisplatin impairs the mitochondrial and cell antioxidant defense system (decreases GSH, NADPH levels, GCH/GSSG ratio, and increases GSSG levels) leading to oxidative stress. There are three main mechanisms of cell resistance to cisplatin: (1) enhanced repair of cisplatin-induced DNA lesions, (2) decrease in uptake and/or increase in efflux and (3) inactivation of cisplatin intracellularly. The usage of cisplatin is limited due to its toxicity and side effects, which include neurotoxicity (numbness and tingling, paresthesia, reduced deep tendon reflexes), nephrotoxicity (renal insufficiency, hypomagnesemia), ototoxicity (tinnitus and bilateral high-frequency hearing loss), cardiotoxicity (changes in electric heart activity, congestive heart failure), gastrotoxicity (nausea, vomiting, and dyspepsia), etc.  So far, there  has been no effective, clinically administered, therapy for cisplatin-induced toxicity


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    Newspaper photographs, visual text that speaks more powerfully than written text, have been unfairly neglected in theory and practice by media scholars and professionals. The author’s starting point is the assumption that the image itself is a powerful medium in which people openly and naively believe under the slogan ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Its role in Serbian printed media is regulated by the decrees of the Journalism Code of Ethics in Serbia. Although the instructions are clear, they have been routinely violated in practice. The modern, digital age has brought the opportunity for photographs to be easily downloaded from the internet, while the programs for image manipulation have become more powerful, more accessible and easier to use. These opportunities represent a threat to the status that news, documentary photography has. The ethics of news photography is particularly important because the visual elements represent something the audience notices first and are therefore crucial for whether and how the written word is going to be adopted. Therefore, the participant of the study is the ethics of photography in print media in Serbia. In the analysis of three daily newspapers (Politika, Blic, Kurir), from May 12 to 14, 2014, without add-ons and program guides, the semiotic method was used, as well as the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of all the published photographs, except advertising. The authors evaluated the ethics of photography in comparison to the Journalism Code of Ethics in Serbia. The aim was to determine to what extent there is a violation of any of the decrees relating photography. The hypotheses on which the study is based on: ethical violations can be found in all the papers, mostly in the tabloids, the least in the serious press. The most common violations are failing to emphasize the nature or the author of the illustrative photograph. There are more serious violations such as disrespect for the presumption of innocence and the right to privacy. Nonetheless, there are more ethical violations on the front page than within the newspaper.Key words:   Newspaper photograph/photography, print media, manipulation, ethics, The Journalist's Code of Serbia

    Effects of Acute Administration of D,L-Homocysteine Thiolactone on the Antioxidative Status of Rat Intestine and Liver

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    Oxidative stress appears to play a role in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases. Increased homocysteine levels may play a role in the pathogenesis of Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of homocysteine on the antioxidant status of rat intestine and liver. The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), activity of catalase (CAT) and total antioxidant status (TAS) were investigated in the isolated gut and liver of young male rats in the control group (8 rats) and after 3-hour incubation in high doses of D, L-homocysteine thionolactone (Hcy) (10 mu mol/L) (8 rats). Samples of duodenum, ileum, colon and liver were homogenized in sodium phosphate buffer (1: 10). Homogenates were centrifuged at 10000 for 10 min at 4 degrees C and the supernatant was taken for biochemical assays. Our results showed that high D, L-homocysteine thionolactone concentration reduced enzymatic catalase activity in homogenates of the isolated segments of duodenum (27.04%) p LT 0.01; ileum (37.27%), colon (34.17%) and liver (67.46%) p LT 0.001. Exposition to high D, L-homocysteine thiolactone concentration significantly increased TBARS levels in the duodenum (106.05%), ileum (47.24%), colon (112.75%) and liver (32.07%) (p LT 0.01). Homocysteine also modified the total antioxidant status of homogenates from the duodenum, ileum, colon and liver, increasing by 20.68% (duodenum), 24.74% (ileum), 14.88% (colon) and 19.35% (liver) (p LT 0.001). Homocysteine induced a consistent oxidative stress in rats intestine and liver (reduced activity of catalase and increased level of TBARS), but the elevated activity of TAS in our experiments could be explained as an adaptive response to the generated free radicals which indicates the failure of the total antioxidant defense mechanism to protect the tissues from damage caused by homocysteine

    Nivo policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u gasnoj i čestičnoj fazi u školama na različitim lokacijama u Srbiji

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    This study investigated seasonal variation of PAHs and their partition between gas and particulate-bounded phases in indoor and outdoor air in 4 schools In Serbia located at different locations. The sampling campaigns were conducted during one workweek at each school successively. Campaigns were conducted in schools during heating and non-heating seasons in December 2011 and June 2012. Seasonal variations of gas and particle-bounded PAHs concentrations were observed with higher levels during heating season. The highest total PAH values were associated with the gas phase in both sampling periods. The total PAHs concentration at indoor and at the outdoor sites, during heating season, ranged from 88.45 to 447.72 ng/m(3) and 201.69 to 1017.15 ng/m(3), respectively. During non-heating season, the total PAHs concentration ranged from 36.91 to 271.57 ng/m(3) in Indoor environment and 27.00 to 132.32 ng/m(3) in outdoor environment. Most of the I/O ratios were less than 1, which indicated that the indoor PAHs were mostly from outdoor sources. The use of diagnostic ratio showed that traffic emission and coal combustion are the major sources of PAHs. Only the diagnostic ratios for the school located near the industrial area showed significant deviation compared to other schools.U ovom radu su istraživane sezonske promene PAH i njihova raspodela, u gasnoj fazi i respirabilnim česticama u vazduhu unutrašnjeg prostora i spoljašnje sredine u 4 škole u Srbiji koje se nalaze na različitim lokacijama. Kampanja uzorkovanja je sprovedena tokom jedne radne nedelje u toku grejnog i negrejnog perioda (od decembra 2011. do juna 2012.) u svakoj školi. Uočene su sezonske promene nivoa PAH u gasnoj fazi i česticama, sa višim koncentracijama tokom grejnog perioda. Izmerena je veća vrednost zbira ukupnih PAH tokom oba perioda u gasnoj fazi nego PAH u česticama. Ukupna koncentracija PAH tokom grejnog perioda u unutrašnjem prostoru se kretala u opsegu od 88,45 do 447,72 ng/m3, a u spoljašnjoj sredini od 201,69 do 1017,15 ng/m3. Tokom negrejnog perioda, ukupna koncentracija PAH-ova je bila 36,91-271,57 ng/m3 u unutrašnjem prostoru, dok je u spoljašnjoj sredini bila 27,00-132,32 ng/m3. Većina I/O odnosa je bila manja od 1, što ukazuje da PAH u unutrašnjem prostoru uglavnom potiču iz spoljašnjeg vazduha. Na osnovu dijagnostičkih odnosa zaključeno je da su saobraćaj i sagorevanje uglja glavni izvori PAH. Jedino dijagnostički odnosi za školu koja se nalazi u blizini industrijske zone pokazuju značajno odstupanje u poređenju sa drugim školama

    Koncentracija suspendovanih čestica (PM10 I PM2.5) i njihov odnos unutra/spolja u odabranim obrazovnim ustanovama u Nišu

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    Mass concentrations of particulate matter (PM) fractions were measured in educational buildings in the city of Nis, Serbia. Two sampling campaigns were conducted in winter periods. The first campaign was in the period from 21 February to 15 April 2010 at the Faculty of Occupational Safety (FOS) and the second campaign was from 20 March to 4 April 2013 at the primary school Void Karadorde (VK). PM measurements were carried out with low volume samplers Sven/Leckel LVS3. The average daily PM10 concentration inside the FOS (47.0 +/- 21.8 mu g/m(3)) was lower than PM10 concentration in outdoor air (50.7 +/- 28.1 mu g/m(3)). The average daily PM10 concentration inside the VK (54.6 +/- 17.6 mu g/m(3)) was higher than in outdoor air (47.9 +/- 22.8 mu g/m(3)). The 24-hours, average PM10 concentrations at FOS exceeded the EU limit value (50 mu g/m(3)) during 34% of days outdoors and 39% of days indoors. The 24-hours average PM10 concentrations at VK exceeded the limit value during 35% of days outdoors and 53% of days indoors. The 24-hours average PM2.5 concentrations at VK exceeded the WHO daily mean guideline value (25 mu g/m(3)) during 71% of days outdoors and 88% of days indoors. The average PM10 I/O ratio at VK was 1.57 during teaching hours, and 1.00 during no teaching hours. Similarly, average PM2.5 I/O ratio at VK was 1.11 during teaching hours and 0.90 during no teaching hours. Average daily PM2.5/PM10 ratio in the ambient air at VK was 0.87 and 0.82 at FOS. Very strong correlations between the indoor and outdoor PM concentrations were observed at VK during no teaching hours (r gt 0.8). Moderate to strong negative correlations were found between the wind speed and PM at both schools. High outdoor PM concentrations and resuspension of particles are possible reasons for the elevated indoor PM concentrations found in the study.U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja suspendovanih čestica frakcija PM10 i PM2.5 u dve izabrane obrazovne ustanove u Nišu. Kampanje merenja sprovedene su u zimskom periodu. Prva u periodu od 21.02. do 15.04.2010. na Fakultetu zaštite na radu (FOS), a druga u periodu od 20.03. do 04.04.2013. u osnovnoj školi Vožd Karađorđe (VK). Uzorkovanje suspendovanih čestica vršeno je uzorkivačima Sven/Leckel LVS3, simultano, unutar i izvan odabranih ustanova. Prosečna dnevna koncentracija čestica PM10 unutar objekta FOS (47,0±21,8 μg/m3) bila je niža u odnosu na prosečnu dnevnu koncentraciju PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu (50,7±28,1 μg/m3). Prosečna dnevna koncentracija čestica PM10 unutar objekta VK (54.6±17.6 μg/m3) bila je viša u odnosu na prosečnu dnevnu koncentraciju PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu (47.9±22.8 μg/m3). Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene na lokaciji FOS u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost (50 ìg/m3) tokom 34% dana trajanja kampanje merenja. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene unutar objekta FOS prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost tokom 39% dana trajanja kampanje merenja. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene na lokaciji VK u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost tokom 35% dana trajanja kampanje merenja, odnosno tokom 53% dana trajanja kampanje u unutrašnjosti objekta VK. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM2,5 izmerene na lokaciji VK u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost (25 ìg/m3) tokom 71% dana trajanja kampanje, odnosno tokom 88% dana u unutrašnjosti objekta VK. Prosečan dnevni odnos unutra/spolja čestica frakcije PM10 na lokaciji VK iznosio je 1,57 u vreme nastave, odnosno 1,00 kada nije bilo nastave. Prosečan dnevni odnos unutra/spolja čestica frakcije PM2,5 na lokaciji VK iznosio je 1.11 u vreme nastave, odnosno 0.90 kada nije bilo nastave. Prosečan dnevni odnos PM2,5/PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu na lokaciji VK bio je 0,87, odnosno 0,82 na lokaciji FOS. Detektovana je veoma jaka korelacija između koncentracija suspendovanih čestica unutar i izvan objekta VK u periodu kada nije bilo nastave (r gt 0.8). Umerena do jaka korelacija detektovana je između brzine vetra i koncentracija suspendovanih čestica na obe lokacije (FOS i VK). Visoke koncentracije suspendovanih čestica u ambijentalnom vazduhu i resuspenzija čestica najverovatniji su razlog koji utiče na povećane koncentracije suspendovanih čestica u unutrašnjem prostoru posmatranih obrazovnih ustanova

    Određivanje sadržaja mikro i makro elemenata u lekovitoj biljci Seseli pallasii Besser

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    Metals, whether from natural and anthropogenic sources, can migrate between different parts of the environment and accumulate in flora and fauna, and in this way can finally reach people through the food chain. The possibility of contamination of plants by metals limits their use both in the pharmaceutical and food industry, because the increased concentration of some metals can have a negative impact on the health of humans and animals. The medicinal herbaceous species Seseli pallasii Besser is used in traditional medicine, but also as a spice in nutrition, so the assessment of the presence of metals is essential to ensure its safe application. For the estimation of the contents of the micro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) and macroelenates (Ca, K, Mg and Na) in vegetative parts of plant species Seseli pallasii Besser (root, leaf, flower and fruit) from Southeast Serbia the method of induced coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ISP-OES) was applied. The content of micro and macroelements in the studed medicinal plant species is below the recommended limits, which confirms that Seseli pallasii Besser can be safely used in traditional medicine and nutrition.Metali, bilo da su iz prirodnih i antropogenih izvora, mogu da migriraju između različitih delova životne sredine i akumuliraju se u floru i faunu, i na taj način konačno mogu dospeti do ljudi putem lanca ishrane. Mogućnost kontaminacije biljaka metalima ograničava njihovu upotrebu kako u farmaceutskoj tako i u prehrambenoj industriji, jer povećana koncentracija nekih metala može imati negativan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Lekovita biljna vrsta Seseli pallasii Besser koristi se u tradicionalnoj medicini, ali i kao začin u ishrani, pa je procena prisustva metala od suštinske važnosti kako bi se osigurala njena bezbedna primena. Za procenu sadržaja mikro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) i makroelenenata (Ca, K, Mg i Na) u delovima biljke S. pallasii Besser (koren, list, cvet i plod) iz jugoistočne Srbije korišćena je metoda indukovano spregnute plazme sa optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom (ISP-OES). Sadržaj mikro i makroelemenata u proučavanoj lekovitoj biljnoj vrsti je ispod preporučenih granica, što potvrđuje da se S. pallasii Besser može sigurno koristiti u tradicionalnoj medicini i ishrani

    Branding of protected areas and National Parks: A case study of Montenegro.

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    Protected areas with their beauty, richness and diversity represent the core value and one of the most important natural values of every country. Protected areas represent not only important instruments for preserving biodiversity, but they also contain enormous potential for social and economic development. However, these potentials are not yet sufficiently recognized. Nowadays, the key issue in managing protected natural areas is to define and choose the most favorable natural resource management strategy that will at the same time satisfy all development criteria. In that sense, the marketing issue is one of the most crucial ones, having in mind the fact that protected areas represent very specific tourist destinations that have to be adequately preserved, protected, valorized and promoted. This paper focuses on the results of the research that was carried out in Montenegro in order to improve the process in the branding of national parks and protected areas in Montenegro and to promote and valorize them in an appropriate manner based on the critically important principles of sustainable development. Any sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices should also be applicable to all forms of tourism and in a wide variety of destinations, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism segments. Sustainability is critical as it denotes the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural facets of tourism development, and thus it is vital that a suitable balance must be established amongst its various dimensions so as to assure its enduring sustainability. This implies that optimum use be made of environmental resources that constitute a significant components in tourism development, and which preserve indispensable ecological processes which support the conservation of natural heritage and wide range of biodiversity

    Galectin-3 Deficiency Facilitates TNF-α-Dependent Hepatocyte Death and Liver Inflammation in MCMV Infection

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    Galectin-3 (Gal-3) has a role in multiple inflammatory pathways. Various, opposite roles of Gal-3 in liver diseases have been described but there are no data about the role of Gal-3 in development of hepatitis induced with cytomegalovirus infection. In this study we aimed to clarify the role of Gal-3 in murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV)-induced hepatitis by using Gal-3-deficient (Gal-3 KO) mice. Here we provide the evidence that Gal-3 has the protective role in MCMV-induced hepatitis. Enhanced hepatitis manifested by more inflammatory and necrotic foci and serum level of ALT, enhanced apoptosis and necroptosis of hepatocytes and enhanced viral replication were detected in MCMV-infected Gal-3 deficient mice. NK cells does not contribute to more severe liver damage in MCMV-infected Gal-3 KO mice. Enhanced expression of TNF-α in the hepatocytes of Gal-3 KO mice after MCMV infection, abrogated hepatocyte death, and attenuated inflammation in the livers of Gal-3 KO mice after TNF-α blockade suggest that TNF-α plays the role in enhanced disease in Gal-3 deficient animals. Treatment with recombinant Gal-3 reduces inflammation and especially necrosis of hepatocytes in the livers of MCMV-infected Gal-3 KO mice. Our data highlight the protective role of Gal-3 in MCMV-induced hepatitis by attenuation of TNF-α-mediated death of hepatocytes