124 research outputs found

    Occupational Stress Management

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    : The problem of occupational stress has been extensively studied mainly due to the negative effects it has on the organization and employees. Some organizations have programs designed to help physical and mental health workers to prevent problems due to stress and to help "make do" with work-related stress. Stress management is an important part of maintaining good physical and emotional health and healthy relationships with others. This article presents some strategies to prevent and reduce stress both at the organizational level as well as individually. With rare exceptions, Romanian stress Management programs have not known a great success, the reasons behind this being related to mentality. The occupational stress problem in Romania is still an open question, waiting to be solved.  Key words: occupational stress, stress managemen

    Equal-Channel-Angular Processing (ECAP) of Materials: Experiment and Theory

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    Equal Channel-Angular Processing (ECAP), as a severe plastic deformation of metals and composites, is analyzed both theoretically - to describe the ECAP macromechanics - and experimentally - to obtain ultrafine-grained materials with new thermo-mechanical properties - with a focus on hexagonal-closed-packed (HCP) structures such as Mg alloys. Due to their obvious similarity to ECAP, the slip-line–field theories developed for orthogonal cutting are applied to the ECAP deformation for predicting the shear-strain spatial heterogeneities. A theoretical model for predicting the plastic-deformation zone in an ECAP-ed billet with a free surface is provided, and is validated experimentally. A shear-strain-mapping procedure was developed by decomposing the large deformation process into fine steps, and, by analyzing the partially-deformed billets, the strain maps captured the spatio-temporal evolutions of the ECAP-induced plastic shear strains. This approach was later generalized for studying the local behavior of different material parameters, such as textures (texture mapping). The mechanical testing of the as-received and ECAP-deformed Mg-alloys (ZK60 and AZ31) was performed in monotonic and cyclic tests, for three loading orientations. The ECAP-ed samples demonstrate: (a) a good grain refinement from 50 - 70 μm down to 2.5 - 7 μm), (b) a superplastic ZK60 alloy, with an elongation to failure of 371 % at 3500C and the strain rate of 10-2 s-1, and (c) a longer fatigue life for the AZ31 alloy, relative to the as-received material. The starting and ECAP-deformed materials were characterized by optical microscopy, Xray diffraction using both soft and hard X-rays, and neutron diffraction. The grain sizes, the textures, the coherent-domain sizes, the elastic microstrains, and the dislocation densities were determined for the samples deformed by rolling, extrusion, and ECAP. The synchrotron radiation measurements allowed monitoring the lattice rotation induced by the ECAP deformation in Mg alloys. The grain-orientation dependent deformation is studied relative to the deformation history, and its influence on the mechanical behavior is analyzed relative to the twinning contribution. The results of the present work constitute a valuable benchmark for the understanding and modeling of the deformation mechanisms, such as the dislocations slip, twinning, recovery, or recrystallization in HCP structures

    Particulaitățile coronarografiei la pacienții cu infarct miocardic acut și diabet zaharat

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    Background. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the leading cause of death in patients with diabetes. It has been estimated that 15-25% of coronary angiography patients are diabetic. The risk of primary IMA is > 20% and that of repeated IMA is > 40%, than in a patient without diabetes. Objective of the study. Determining the particularities of diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction by coronary angiography in patients with diabetes mellitus. Material and Methods. The study was conducted using the databases PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, using the keywords: „coronary angiography”, „acute myocardial infarction”, „diabetes”, „acute coronary heart disease”, „risk”. Results. The most affected artery according to coronary angiography in patients with AMI and DM was LCx (circumflex left artery) -80%, LAD (descending left artery) -75%, RCA (right coronary artery) -50-60% and LM (left branch marginal) - 20%. The damage can be univascular in 80-90% of cases, bivascular in 60%, multivascular in 45-55%. The extent of atherosclerosis, plaque and light narrowing are significantly different between men (B) and women (F), with a ratio of 2:1. Coronary angioplasty is useful for people with AMI and diabetes, improving the results in the short and long term, reducing mortality at one year by 45%. Conclusion. In patients with AMI, studies show that diabetes remains a predictor of damage to the distal portion of the coronary arteries, which causes difficulties in performing stenting treatment. This is useful for the development of future therapeutic strategies in medical practice.Introducere. Infarctul miocardic acut (IMA) este prima cauză de deces a pacienților cu DZ (diabet zaharat). 15-25% dintre pacienții cărora li se efectuează coronarografia sunt diabetici. Riscul de a suferi IMA primar este cu 20 % și a IMA repetat este cu 40% mai mare decât la cei fără DZ. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea particularităților de diagnostic si tratament a infarctului miocardic prin coronarografie la pacienții cu diabet zaharat. Material și Metode. Studiul a fost realizat folosind bazele de date PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, cu utilizarea cuvintelor-cheie: „coronarografie”, „infarct miocardic acut”, „diabet zaharat”, „bolile coronariene acute”, „risc”. Rezultate. Cea mai afectată arteră conform coronarografiei la pacienții cu IMA și DZ a fost LCx (artera stângă circumflexă) – 80%, LAD (artera stângă descendentă) - 75%, RCA (artera dreaptă coronară) – 50-60% și LM (ramura stângă marginală) – 20%. Afectarea poate fi univasculară în 80-90% de cazuri, bivasculară 60%, multivasculară 45-55%. Extinderea aterosclerozei, a plăcilor și îngustarea luminală sunt semnificativ diferite între bărbați (B) și femei (F), raportul fiind 2:1. Angioplastia coronariană este utilă persoanelor cu IMA și DZ îmbunătățind rezultatele pe termen scurt și lung, scăzând mortalitatea la un an cu 45%. Concluzii. La pacienții cu IMA, studiile arată că DZ rămâne a fi predictorul afectării porțiunii distale a arterelor coronariene, care provoacă dificultăți în realizarea tratamentului prin stentare. Aceasta fiind utilă pentru dezvoltarea viitoarelor strategiilor terapeutice în practica medicală


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Infarctul miocardic acut (IMA) este prima cauză de deces a pacienților cu DZ (diabet zaharat). 15-25% dintre pacienții cărora li se efectuează coronarografia sunt diabetici. Riscul de a suferi IMA primar este cu 20 % și a IMA repetat este cu 40% mai mare decât la cei fără DZ. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea particularităților de diagnostic si tratament a infarctului miocardic prin coronarografie la pacienții cu diabet zaharat. Material și Metode. Studiul a fost realizat folosind bazele de date PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, cu utilizarea cuvintelor-cheie: „coronarografie”, „infarct miocardic acut”, „diabet zaharat”, „bolile coronariene acute”, „risc”. Rezultate. Cea mai afectată arteră conform coronarografiei la pacienții cu IMA și DZ a fost LCx (artera stângă circumflexă) – 80%, LAD (artera stângă descendentă) - 75%, RCA (artera dreaptă coronară) – 50-60% și LM (ramura stângă marginală) – 20%. Afectarea poate fi univasculară în 80-90% de cazuri, bivasculară 60%, multivasculară 45-55%. Extinderea aterosclerozei, a plăcilor și îngustarea luminală sunt semnificativ diferite între bărbați (B) și femei (F), raportul fiind 2:1. Angioplastia coronariană este utilă persoanelor cu IMA și DZ îmbunătățind rezultatele pe termen scurt și lung, scăzând mortalitatea la un an cu 45%. Concluzii. La pacienții cu IMA, studiile arată că DZ rămâne a fi predictorul afectării porțiunii distale a arterelor coronariene, care provoacă dificultăți în realizarea tratamentului prin stentare. Aceasta fiind utilă pentru dezvoltarea viitoarelor strategiilor terapeutice în practica medicală.Background. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the leading cause of death in patients with diabetes. It has been estimated that 15-25% of coronary angiography patients are diabetic. The risk of primary IMA is > 20% and that of repeated IMA is > 40%, than in a patient without diabetes. Objective of the study. Determining the particularities of diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction by coronary angiography in patients with diabetes mellitus. Material and Methods. The study was conducted using the databases PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, using the keywords: „coronary angiography”, „acute myocardial infarction”, „diabetes”, „acute coronary heart disease”, „risk”. Results. The most affected artery according to coronary angiography in patients with AMI and DM was LCx (circumflex left artery) -80%, LAD (descending left artery) -75%, RCA (right coronary artery) -50-60% and LM (left branch marginal) - 20%. The damage can be univascular in 80-90% of cases, bivascular in 60%, multivascular in 45-55%. The extent of atherosclerosis, plaque and light narrowing are significantly different between men (B) and women (F), with a ratio of 2:1. Coronary angioplasty is useful for people with AMI and diabetes, improving the results in the short and long term, reducing mortality at one year by 45%. Conclusion. In patients with AMI, studies show that diabetes remains a predictor of damage to the distal portion of the coronary arteries, which causes difficulties in performing stenting treatment. This is useful for the development of future therapeutic strategies in medical practice

    Analyzing domain shift when using additional data for the MICCAI KiTS23 Challenge

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    Using additional training data is known to improve the results, especially for medical image 3D segmentation where there is a lack of training material and the model needs to generalize well from few available data. However, the new data could have been acquired using other instruments and preprocessed such its distribution is significantly different from the original training data. Therefore, we study techniques which ameliorate domain shift during training so that the additional data becomes better usable for preprocessing and training together with the original data. Our results show that transforming the additional data using histogram matching has better results than using simple normalization.Comment: This preprint has not undergone peer review or any post-submission improvements or corrections. The Version of Record of this contribution is published in [TODO], and is available online at https://doi.org/[TODO

    The Impact of Dental Hypersensitivity on the Patients Quality of Life. A Questionnaire-Based study

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    Introduction: Dentinal hypersensitivity is a pathological condition with an increased incidence among patients of various ages, affecting their well-being and with a common response for a wide range of treatment strategies. The study aimed to assess the impact of teeth hypersensitivity on the quality of life, daily activities, and on the emotional status of the patients affected by it. Method: We conducted an anonymous survey on a group of 200 patients with ages 20 and 65 years old, using a questionnaire that included 23 questions. The results were collected and statistically analyzed using the chi-square test. Results: Out of all the patients who answered our questionnaires, 51 percent have ages between 20-25 years, 26 percent between 26-35 years, 12 percent between 36-45 years, respectively 11 percent represent patients older than 46 years. 81 percent of patients are female, and 19 percent are male. In 65 percent, the onset of dental hypersensitivity sensations is caused by the consumption of ice cream,  affecting the patients‘ lifestyle negatively. According to the study, 36 percent of patients give up on certain foods/drinks that led to the appearance of dentinal hypersensitivity sensations. Forty-one correspondents felt compelled to give up consuming cold food, and carbonated and sour drinks. Conclusions: Dentin hypersensitivity is represented by the appearance of an uncomfortable sensation due to dentin being exposed to the exterior environment, a sensation that can range from mild irritation to severe pain and can reduce the quality of mastication and oral hygiene

    La production d'éléments fabriqués en béton de poudres réactives

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    La recherche effectuée a porté sur deux problématiques différentes : la fabrication en conditions industrielles du BPR à partir de matériaux locaux, et la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques des BPR ainsi produits en comparant leurs propriétés. Par des études de laboratoire, nous avons d'abord étudié : (1) la compatibilité entre le ciment et le superplastifiant, (2) l'influence de la finesse de mouture du ciment, (3) le choix des matériaux pour fabriquer le BPR, (4) l'optimisation de la composition du BPR. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à la fabrication du BPR par : (1) la réalisation de gâchées en camion-malaxeur, (2) la réalisation de gâchées dans une usine de préfabrication, (3) l'application d'un traitement thermique après la prise du béton, (4) l'application d'une pression de serrage avant et pendant la prise du béton. Cette étude nous a permis de voir le BPR passer le stade du laboratoire. (1) Les matériaux qui ont été utilisés pour fabriquer les BPR tant au laboratoire qu'en usine sont tous des matériaux qui n'ont rien d'exceptionnel et qui sont facilement disponibles commercialement; (2) la microstructure du BPR est le facteur qui influence surtout les performances mécaniques en compression et en flexion; (3) pour augmenter les performances du BPR, il faut lui ajouter des fibres métalliques et/ou lui appliquer une pression de serrage avant et pendant la prise de même qu'il faut soumettre le BPR à un traitement thermique; (4) le confinement du BPR dans des tubes d'acier permet de réduire les coûts associés aux microfibres; (5) enfin, les BPR ont de très bonnes propriétés d'étanchéité et de durabilité, ce qui rend leur utilisation intéressante dans le stockage de déchets industriels et radioactifs

    Inclisiran: a new pharmacological approach to the treatment of hypercolesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia

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    Introducere. Dislipidemia mixta, hipercolesterolemia primară și secundară se caracterizează prin niveluri crescute de colesterol LDL, care în lipsa tratamentului poate duce la complicații premature și deces din cauza dezvoltării accelerate a bolii cardiovasculare aterosclerotice. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea avantajele administrării preparatului Inclisiran cu acțiune la nivel de receptor PCSK9 și rezultatele pe termen lung a acestuia asupra nivelului de LDL-colesterol, la pacienții cu dislipidemie mixtă și hipercolesterolemie familiară. Material și metode. Studiul a fost realizat folosind bazele de date PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, cu utilizarea cuvintelor-cheie: „dislipidemie”, „LDL-colesterol”, „hipercolesterolemie familială”, „mRNA „,” PCSK9”, „risc”, publicate în perioada 2019-2023. Rezultate. Inclisiran este un ARN interferent, care inhibă producția de proprotein convertază subtilizină/kexină tip 9 (PCSK9) în ficat. UE a aprobat în 2020, acest medicament, pentru tratamentul adulților cu hipercolesterolemie primară sau dislipidemie mixtă. Inclisiran se administrează în doua doze, câte 284 mg/1.5 mL (189 mg/mL), la a 3-a și a 6-a lună, subcutanat. Conform studiilor, regimul de Inclisiran cu două doze a produs o scădere a nivelului de LDL-colesterol sub 1,3 mmol/l în ziua 180-a. Reducerile medii ale nivelurilor de colesterol LDL au fost de la 27,9 până la 41,9% după I doză și de la 35,5 până la 52,6% după a II doză. Inclisiran a fost bine tolerat și sigur, fără evenimente adverse severe. Concluzii. Inclisiran - terapia revoluționară pentru pacienții care nu pot atinge nivelurile țintă ale LDL-colesterolului cu doze maxime de statine. La pacienții cu hipercolesterolemie, Inclisiran a scăzut nivelul LDL cu 51% fără efecte adverse semnificative și a fost asociată cu o rată mică a evenimentelor cardiovasculare.Introduction. Mixed dyslipidemia, primary and secondary hypercholesterolemia is characterized by elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, which in the absence of treatment can lead to premature complications and death due to the accelerated development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the work. Determining the advantages of the administration of Inclisiran with action at the PCSK9 receptor level and its long-term results on LDL-cholesterol levels, in patients with mixed dyslipidemia and familiar hypercholesterolemia. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the databases PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, using the Keywords: „dyslipidemia”, „LDL-cholesterol”, „familial hypercholesterolemia”, „mRNA”, „PCSK9”, „ risk”, published in the period 2019-2023. Results. Inclisiran is an interfering RNA that inhibits the production of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) in the liver. The EU approved this drug in 2020 for the treatment of adults with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia. Inclisiran is administered in two doses, each 284 mg/1.5 mL (189 mg/mL), at the 3rd and 6th month, subcutaneously. According to the studies, the two-dose Inclisiran regimen produced a decrease in LDL-cholesterol below 1.3 mmol/l on day 180. Mean reductions in LDL cholesterol levels ranged from 27.9 to 41.9% after the first dose and from 35.5 to 52.6% after the second dose. Inclisiran was well tolerated and safe with no severe adverse events. Conclusions. Inclisiran - breakthrough therapy for patients who cannot reach target LDL-cholesterol levels with maximum doses of statins. In patients with hypercholesterolemia, Inclisiran lowered LDL by 51% without significant adverse effects and was associated with a low rate of cardiovascular events

    A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study Among Dental Residents Based on a Questionnaire

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    Objectives: The aim of our study was to analyse the utility of the CBCT systems among the dental residents form the Dental University of TarguMures. Material and methods: We conducted an anonymous survey using a questionnaire that included 11 questions. All the 55 participants from all dental specialties studied at the Dental University Center Targu-Mures. The completed questionnaires were collected the results were evaluated and statistically analyzed using chi-square test. Results: Most residents have learnt about the CBCT during the university studied by participating at different radio-imagistic courses outside the curriculum. Only 33 (60%) residents recommend daily a CBCT for supporting their diagnosis most of them being oral surgeons and 7 (12.72%) of them occasionally recommend between 1 and 5 CBCTs a month. Conclusions: The CBCT system used as an imagistic evaluation in all dental specialties is essential and the advantages can be found in the accuracy of establishing a correct diagnosis, creating a treatment plan and results evaluation

    Lifestyle Impact on the State of Emotional Balance among Medicine University Students. A Questionnaire Bases Study

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    Objectives: This article analyzes the emotional balance of the student with such an important role in his life as well as the link between lifestyle and the conscious, independent choices that can influence this balance. Our study was conducted among the students who study at the Faculty of General Medicine, UMFST G.E. Palade from Targu Mures, Romania. Material and methods: We conducted an anonymous survey using a questionnaire that included 21 questions. All the 132 participants from all medicine specialties studying at Faculty of General Medicine from Targu-Mures. The completed questionnaires were collected and the results were evaluated and statistically analyzed using chi-square test. Results: Most students have a chaotic lifestyle during their university years. Only 71 (54%) of the students say they have a healthy diet, 46% (61) use to eat fast food once a week, 64% (85) claim to sleep less than 8 hours a day, 30% are smokers and 62% have tried smoking marijuana. On the other side, based on the questions that concerned the emotional balance, most students, 65% consider to be stressed during the university period and only 14% are willing for Monday to come in order to start doing their usual activities. Conclusions: A healthy lifestyle can give us good emotional health, which helps us to effectively manage stress, to improve relationships with those around us, giving us the opportunity to connect better with others, to express our empathy and compassion in the life situations we are exposed to