397 research outputs found

    Machine learning with different digital images classification in laparoscopic surgery

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    The evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic computer diagnostic (ACD) systems developed based on two classifiers – HAAR features cascade and AdaBoost for the laparoscopic diagnostics of appendicitis and ovarian cysts in women with chronic pelvic pain is presented. The training of HAAR features cascade, and AdaBoost classifiers were performed with images/ frames, which have been extracted from video gained in laparoscopic diagnostics. Both gamma-corrected RGB and RGB converted into HSV frames were used for training. Descriptors were extracted from images with the method of Local Binary Pattern (LBP), which includes both data on color characteristics («modified color LBP» - MCLBP) and textural characteristics, which have been used later on for AdaBoost classifier training. Classification of test video images revealed that the highest recall for appendicitis diagnostics was achieved after training of AdaBoost with MCLBP descriptors extracted from RGB images – 0.708, and in the case of ovarian cysts diagnostics – for MCLBP gained from RGB images – 0.886. Developed AdaBoost-based ACD system achieved a 73.6% correct classification rate (accuracy) for appendicitis and 85.4% for ovarian cysts. The accuracy of the HAAR features classifier was highest in the case of ovarian cysts identification and achieved 0.653 (RGB) – 0.708 (HSV) values. It was concluded that the HAAR feature-based cascade classifier turned to be less effective when compared with the AdaBoost classifier trained with MCLBP descriptors. Ovarian cysts were better diagnosed when compared with appendicitis with the developed ACD

    Restaging role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in a patient with a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (MPNST) caused by neurofibromatosis – case report

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    Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (MPNST) are a malignant disease that originates in the cells that cover and protect the peripheral nerves. They are a rare disease, accounting for 6% of soft tissue sarcomas. We present a patient with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor on the left brachium with neurofibromatosis. The patient underwent whole body PET/CT for restaging after total extirpation of a tumor formation originated from n. musculocutaneous in 09.2017, an excision of a recurrent tumor formation in the proximal half of the brachium invading into m. biceps brachii in 12.2017, a performed MRI in 02.2018 - with data for multiple MPSNT in the area between the two previous operations - and subsequent definitive radiotherapy (boost) in the area of the tumor formation and 6 cycles of chemotherapy with Epirubicin. After restaging PET/CT scan of the whole body was performed, progression of the disease was defined - increased in size and activity subpleural lesion in the lower lobe of the right lung

    Monitoring the effect of therapy on a patient with a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas with PET/CT, 68Ga-DOTATATE - case report

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    Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are a rare diagnosis, often without symptoms or mimicking other different symptoms. Тhey are a heterogeneous group of tumors derived from neuroendocrine cells, most commonly of the gastrointestinal tract, but may originate also from other organs including the pancreas, lungs, ovaries, thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands (3). Due to the difficult diagnosis, NET‘s are detected at a late stage in their development, often already locally advanced or metastasized. PET/CT with 68Gallium DOTATATE proved to be an effective imaging method not only for the primary diagnosis of NET and subsequent therapeutic behavior, but also for evaluating the effect of the treatment. (1) We present a case of a positive PET/CT scan, performed with Ga-68 DOTATATE in the topical location of the tail of the pancreas after therapy with Sandostain lar


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    The antioxidant effect of the exogenous polyamine Diethylentriamine (DETA) on the oxidative changes in young maize plants treated with different As concentrations was studied. The plants were grown in a climatic box in a Hogland-Arnon nutrient solution. Arsenic was applied as Na3As04 in concentrations 0, 2 and 5 mg dm-3 (pH 5.5). The polyamine DETA (concentration 10-4 М) was added to the nutrient environment of some of the plants 24 hours prior to the As treatment. Five days later the lipid peroxidation level, the peroxidase activity, the growth and leaf gasexchange, and the protein and plastid pigments content were studied. The physiological analyses proved that DETA had positive effect on the As-treated maize plants by increasing the leaf gas-exchange, the plastid pigments content and soluble protein. The exogenous polyamine DETA, applied 24 hours prior to the As treatment, decreased considerably the lipid peroxidation level and the peroxidase itself in maize plants. DETA had protective effect on the As-induced oxidative stress, but in order to clarify its role as an antioxidant, more detailed and profound studies should be made.Проучен беше aнтиоксидантният ефект на екзогенния полиамин Диетилентриамин (ДЕТА) върху оксидативните промени в млади царевични растения, третирани с различни концентрации арсен. Растенията бяха отгледани в климатичен бокс в хранителна среда на Хогланд-Арнон. Арсенът (As) беше приложен като Na3As04 в концентрации 0, 2 и 5 mg dm-3 (pH 5.5). Полиаминът ДЕТА (концентрация 10-4 М), беше прибавен към хранителната среда на част от растенията 24 h преди третирането с Аs. След пет дни беше отчетено нивото на липидната пероксидация, активността на ензима пероксидаза, растежът и листният газообмен, и съдържанието на белтък и пластидни пигменти. Физиологичните анализи показаха, че полиаминът Дета оказва положителен ефект върху третираните с арсен царевични растения, като повишава листния газообмен, съдържанието на пластидни пигменти и разтворим белтък. Екзогенният полиамин Дета, приложен 24 преди третирането с As намалява съществено нивото на липидната пероксидация и ензима пероксидаза в царевичните растения. Изследванията показват, че ДЕТА изпълнява протекторен ефект срещу As-индуцирания оксидативен стрес, но за изясняване на неговата роля като антиоксидант са необходими по-детайлни и задълбочени изследвания

    Development of holographic optical elements for use in wound monitoring

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    Wounds that fail to heal impact the quality of life of 2.5 % of the total population. The costs of chronic wound care will reach $15–22 billion by 2024. These alarming statistics reveal the financial strain for both the medical industry and society. A solution can be found in compact and accessible sensors that offer real-time analysis of the wound site, facilitating continuous monitoring and immediate treatment, if required. Benefits of these sensors include reduction of cost and can extend the reach of healthcare to remote areas. The progression of a wound site can be closely monitored with holographic optical elements (HOEs) by real-time quantification of wound healing biomarkers, such as oxygen, temperature, pH and lactate. Fabrication of such wound monitoring sensors requires biocompatible, water-resistant photosensitive materials suitable for specific functionalisation with respect to wound analytes


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    The relevance of the chosen direction is due to the gowing role of distance learning technologies in the teaching of medical disciplines. The aim of the work is to assess the prospects for the use of distance learning technologies in the teaching of pediatric disciplines, including in conditions of quarantine restrictions. The study was conducted by bibliometric and content analysis of information sources obtained from electronic databases OVID, PubMed, Embase, as well as official sources of national ministries of education of developed countries and CIS countries. Search depth – 3 years. The obtained data are organized and analyzed with the selection of the main trends in the application and development of distance learning in the teaching of pediatric disciplines. In addition, a survey of 50 students of Odesa National Medical University and 20 teachers from departments that teach pediatric disciplines. Statistical processing was performed by analysis of variance using MS Excel software (Microsoft Inc., USA). In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 406 of March 16, 2020 in medical universities of the country students switched to distance learning. For many teachers and students, this form of education has proved difficult. Along with purely technical problems (instability of the Internet connection, non compliance of equipment with software requirements, low level of computer literacy of elderly teachers) respondents noted the inconvenience of the interface, the difficulty of maintaining proper attention when working online, lack of practical skills. Among the main problems, teachers mentioned the difficulty of identifying users participating in the conference. In the conditions of quarantine restrictions application of remote technologies allows to carry out educational process at rather high level. Zoom and Microsoft Teams platforms are the most suitable for distance learning needs. Only half of the respondents were satisfied with the quality of distance learning during quarantine restrictions. This indicates a lack of preparation of both teachers and students for this format of the educational process.Актуальність обраного напрямку обумовлена зростанням ролі технологій дистанційного навчання у викладанні медичних дисциплін. Метою роботи є оцінка перспектив застосування технологій дистанційного навчання при викладанні педіатричних дисциплін, у тому числі в умовах карантинних обмежень. Дослідження проведене шляхом бібліометричного та контент-аналізу інформаційних джерел, одержаних з електронних баз даних OVID, PubMed, Embase, а також офіційних джерел національних міністерств освіти розвинутих країн світу та країн СНД. Глибина пошуку – 3 роки. Одержані дані упорядковані та проаналізовані із виділенням основних тенденцій у застосуванні та розвитку дистанційного навчання при викладанні педіатричних дисциплін. Додатково проведено анкетування 50 студентів Одеського національного медичного університету та 20 викладачів з кафедр, які викладають педіатричні дисципліни. Статистична обробка проведена методом дисперсійного аналізу з використанням програмного забезпечення MS Excel (Microsoft Inc., США). Відповідно до наказу МОН України від 16.03.2020 р. № 406, у медичних ВНЗ країни студенти перейшли на дистанційну форму навчання. Для багатьох викладачів та студентів така форма навчання виявилася складною. Поряд із суто технічними проблемами (нестійкість інтернет-з’єднання, невідповідність обладнання вимогам до програмного забезпечення, низький рівень комп’ютерної грамотності літніх викладачів) респонденти зазначали незручність інтерфейсу, складнощі підтримання належного рівня уваги при роботі он-лайн, недостатність набутття практичних навичок. Серед основних проблем викладачі називали складності ідентифікації користувачів, що беруть участь у конференції. В умовах карантинних обмежень застосування дистанційних технологій дозволяє проводити освітній процес на достатньо високому рівні. Найбільш придатними для потреб дистанційного навчання є платформи Zoom та Microsoft Teams. Лише половина респондентів була задоволена якістю дистанційного навчання під час карантинних обмежень. Це свідчить про недостатню підготовленість як викладачів, так і студентів до такого формату освітнього процесу

    Effect of arsenic-phosphorus interaction on arsenic-induced oxidative stress in chickpea plants

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    Arsenic-induced oxidative stress in chickpea was investigated under glasshouse conditions in response to application of arsenic and phosphorus. Three levels of arsenic (0, 30 and 60 mg kg−1) and four levels of P (50, 100, 200, and 400 mg kg−1) were applied to soil-grown plants. Increasing levels of both arsenic and P significantly increased arsenic concentrations in the plants. Shoot growth was reduced with increased arsenic supply regardless of applied P levels. Applied arsenic induced oxidative stress in the plants, and the concentrations of H2O2 and lipid peroxidation were increased. Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants decreased in these plants, but activities of catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were significantly increased under arsenic phytotoxicity. Increased supply of P decreased activities of CAT and APX, and decreased concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants, but the high-P plants had lowered lipid peroxidation. It can be concluded that P increased uptake of arsenic from the soil, probably by making it more available, but although plant growth was inhibited by arsenic the P may have partially protected the membranes from arsenic-induced oxidative stress

    Frame Theory for Signal Processing in Psychoacoustics

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    This review chapter aims to strengthen the link between frame theory and signal processing tasks in psychoacoustics. On the one side, the basic concepts of frame theory are presented and some proofs are provided to explain those concepts in some detail. The goal is to reveal to hearing scientists how this mathematical theory could be relevant for their research. In particular, we focus on frame theory in a filter bank approach, which is probably the most relevant view-point for audio signal processing. On the other side, basic psychoacoustic concepts are presented to stimulate mathematicians to apply their knowledge in this field

    Optimization of early diagnostics of functional gastrointestinal disorders in children using eff ective segmentation method

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    Цель исследования – оптимизация диагностики функциональных гастроинтестинальных расстройств (ФГИР) у детей с помощью метода эффективной сегментации. В основу работы положены данные из историй болезней 401 ребенка с болевым абдоминальным синдромом. Для достижения поставленной цели применен метод деревьев решений, с помощью которого выделены наиболее информативные критерии диагностики ФГИР, а именно: интенсивность, локализация и эпизоды болевого синдрома в анамнезе, метеоризм, диарея, пузырные симптомы, лихорадка, нарушение сна, изменения в гемограмме. Полученные результаты позволяют использовать предложенный алгоритм для повышения эффективности ранней диагностики ФГИР на первичном звене медицинской помощи и выбора наиболее оптимального маршрута пациента.The aim of the study is optimization of diagnostics of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) in children, using the effective segmentation method. The work is based on the data from the case histories of 401 children with abdominal pain syndrome. To achieve the main goal, the "decision trees" method was used. The most informative criteria were identifed, using the effective segmentation method for diagnosing FGID, namely the intensity, localization and episodes of the pain syndrome in the anamnesis, flatulence, diarrhea, cystic symptoms, fever, sleep disorders, changes in the hemogram. The obtained results let to use the proposed algorithm to improve the efciency of early diagnostics of FGID on the primary link of medical care and to choose the most optimal route for the patient