85 research outputs found

    Southern States Realty Co.\u27s Spartanburg Property

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    Map of Southern States Realty Co.\u27s Spartanburg property depicting lots on Beacon Ave., Concord Ave., and Highland Ave.https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/littlejohnmss/1342/thumbnail.jp

    Diagnosis of bladder cancer by immunocytochemical detection of minichromosome maintenance protein-2 in cells retrieved from urine.

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    BACKGROUND: We tested the accuracy of immunocytochemistry (ICC) for minichromosome maintenance protein-2 (MCM-2) in diagnosing bladder cancer, using cells retrieved from urine. METHODS: Adequate samples were obtained from 497 patients, the majority presenting with gross haematuria (GH) or undergoing cystoscopic surveillance (CS) following previous bladder cancer. We performed an initial study of 313 patients, followed by a validation study of 184 patients. In all cases, presence/absence of bladder cancer was established by cystoscopy/biopsy. RESULTS: In the initial study, receiver operator characteristic analysis showed an area under the curve of 0.820 (P<0.0005) for the GH group and 0.821 (P<0.01) for the CS group. Optimal sensitivity/specificity were provided by threshold values of 50+ MCM-2-positive cells in GH samples and 200+ cells in CS samples, based on a minimum total cell number of 5000. Applying these thresholds to the validation data set gave 81.3% sensitivity, 76.0% specificity and 92.7% negative predictive value (NPV) in GH and 63.2% sensitivity, 89.9% specificity and 89.9% NPV in CS. Minichromosome maintenance protein-2 ICC provided clinically relevant improvements over urine cytology, with greater sensitivity in GH and greater specificity in CS (P=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Minichromosome maintenance protein-2 ICC is a reproducible and accurate test that is suitable for both GH and CS patient groups

    Psychological resilience in sport performers: a review of stressors and protective factors

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    Psychological resilience is important in sport because athletes must utilize and optimize a range of mental qualities to withstand the pressures that they experience. In this paper, we discuss psychological resilience in sport performers via a review of the stressors athletes encounter and the protective factors that help them withstand these demands. It is hoped that synthesizing what is known in these areas will help researchers gain a deeper profundity of resilience in sport, and also provide a rigorous and robust foundation for the development of a sport-specific measure of resilience. With these points in mind, we divided the narrative into two main sections. In the first section, we review the different types of stressors encountered by sport performers under three main categories: competitive, organizational, and personal. Based on our recent research examining psychological resilience in Olympics champions (Fletcher & Sarkar, 2012), in the second section we discuss the five main families of psychological factors (viz. positive personality, motivation, confidence, focus, perceived social support) that protect the best athletes from the potential negative effect of stressors. It is anticipated that this review will help sport psychology researchers examine the interplay between stressors and protective factors which will, in turn, focus the analytical lens on the processes underlying psychological resilience in athletes

    Mammalian MCM Loading in Late-G1 Coincides with Rb Hyperphosphorylation and the Transition to Post-Transcriptional Control of Progression into S-Phase

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    BACKGROUND: Control of the onset of DNA synthesis in mammalian cells requires the coordinated assembly and activation of the pre-Replication Complex. In order to understand the regulatory events controlling preRC dynamics, we have investigated how the timing of preRC assembly relates temporally to other biochemical events governing progress into S-phase. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: In murine and Chinese hamster (CHO) cells released from quiescence, the loading of the replicative MCM helicase onto chromatin occurs in the final 3-4 hrs of G(1). Cdc45 and PCNA, both of which are required for G(1)-S transit, bind to chromatin at the G(1)-S transition or even earlier in G(1), when MCMs load. An RNA polymerase II inhibitor (DRB) was added to synchronized murine keratinocytes to show that they are no longer dependent on new mRNA synthesis 3-4 hrs prior to S-phase entry, which is also true for CHO and human cells. Further, CHO cells can progress into S-phase on time, and complete S-phase, under conditions where new mRNA synthesis is significantly compromised, and such mRNA suppression causes no adverse effects on preRC dynamics prior to, or during, S-phase progression. Even more intriguing, hyperphosphorylation of Rb coincides with the start of MCM loading and, paradoxically, with the time in late-G(1) when de novo mRNA synthesis is no longer rate limiting for progression into S-phase. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: MCM, Cdc45, and PCNA loading, and the subsequent transit through G(1)-S, do not depend on concurrent new mRNA synthesis. These results indicate that mammalian cells pass through a distinct transition in late-G(1) at which time Rb becomes hyperphosphorylated and MCM loading commences, but that after this transition the control of MCM, Cdc45, and PCNA loading and the onset of DNA replication are regulated at the post-transcriptional level

    Prediction of human drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in relation to oral doses and blood concentrations

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) cannot be accurately predicted by animal models. In addition, currently available in vitro methods do not allow for the estimation of hepatotoxic doses or the determination of an acceptable daily intake (ADI). To overcome this limitation, an in vitro/in silico method was established that predicts the risk of human DILI in relation to oral doses and blood concentrations. This method can be used to estimate DILI risk if the maximal blood concentration (Cmax) of the test compound is known. Moreover, an ADI can be estimated even for compounds without information on blood concentrations. To systematically optimize the in vitro system, two novel test performance metrics were introduced, the toxicity separation index (TSI) which quantifies how well a test differentiates between hepatotoxic and non-hepatotoxic compounds, and the toxicity estimation index (TEI) which measures how well hepatotoxic blood concentrations in vivo can be estimated. In vitro test performance was optimized for a training set of 28 compounds, based on TSI and TEI, demonstrating that (1) concentrations where cytotoxicity first becomes evident in vitro (EC10) yielded better metrics than higher toxicity thresholds (EC50); (2) compound incubation for 48 h was better than 24 h, with no further improvement of TSI after 7 days incubation; (3) metrics were moderately improved by adding gene expression to the test battery; (4) evaluation of pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated that total blood compound concentrations and the 95%-population-based percentile of Cmax were best suited to estimate human toxicity. With a support vector machine-based classifier, using EC10 and Cmax as variables, the cross-validated sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for hepatotoxicity prediction were 100, 88 and 93%, respectively. Concentrations in the culture medium allowed extrapolation to blood concentrations in vivo that are associated with a specific probability of hepatotoxicity and the corresponding oral doses were obtained by reverse modeling. Application of this in vitro/in silico method to the rat hepatotoxicant pulegone resulted in an ADI that was similar to values previously established based on animal experiments. In conclusion, the proposed method links oral doses and blood concentrations of test compounds to the probability of hepatotoxicity

    Minichromosome maintenance protein 6, a proliferation marker superior to Ki-67 and independent predictor of survival in patients with mantle cell lymphoma

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    Minichromosome maintenance protein 6 (MCM6) is one of six proteins of the MCM family which are involved in the initiation of DNA replication and thus represent a marker of proliferating cells. Since the level of cell proliferation is the most valuable predictor of survival in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), we investigated lymph node biopsy specimens from 70 patients immunohistochemically with a monoclonal antibody against MCM6. The percentage of MCM6 expressing lymphoma cells ranged from 12.0 to 95.6%, with a mean of 61.0%, and was significantly higher than the percentage of Ki-67-positive cells (P<0.0001). Surprisingly, the ratio of MCM6-positive cells to Ki-67-positive cells was higher than in normal stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, indicating a cell early G1-phase arrest in MCL. A high MCM6 expression level of more than 75% positive cells was associated with a significantly shorter overall survival time (16 months) compared to MCL with a low MCM6 expression level of less than 25% (no median reached, P<0.0001). Multivariate analysis revealed MCM6 to be an independent predictor of survival that is superior to the international prognostic factor and the Ki-67 index. Therefore, aside from gene expression profiling, immunohistochemical detection of MCM6 seems to be the most promising marker for predicting the outcome in MCL

    Professional excellence: the necessary convergence of psychological variables

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    O estudo da excelência humana assume essencialmente dois enfoques, um deles acentuando as variáveis psicológicas dos indivíduos e outro enfatizando as aquisições decorrentes da prática ou treino deliberado. Neste artigo procurou-se integrar tais estudos, propondo que o surgimento e a manutenção da excelência pressupõem uma constelação de variáveis psicológicas que vão para além da alta capacidade intelectual. Mais concretamente, descreveu-se um conjunto de variáveis cognitivas, motivacionais e de personalidade, assumidas como relevantes na excelência profissional em diferentes áreas de desempenho e de conhecimento. No seio das variáveis cognitivas e, fazendo uma ponte com as variáveis de personalidade, destaca-se o papel da criatividade para a excelência, reconhecendo a sua particular relevância em algumas áreas de realização profissional.The study of human excellence can be described based on two main approaches focusing either on individuals' psychological variables or on acquisitions by training or deliberate practice. The purpose of this study is to integrate these models based on the assumption that the emergence and maintenance of excellence requires a constellation of fundamental psychological variables that transcend intellectual capacity. More specifically, a set of cognitive, motivational, and personality variables that are considered important for professional excellence in different levels of performance and areas of knowledge were described. Among the cognitive variables and their association with personality variables, it is worth mentioning the significant role of creativity in the pursuit of excellence, recognizing its relevance to specific areas of professional performance.(undefined

    Mutation of the Zebrafish Nucleoporin elys Sensitizes Tissue Progenitors to Replication Stress

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    The recessive lethal mutation flotte lotte (flo) disrupts development of the zebrafish digestive system and other tissues. We show that flo encodes the ortholog of Mel-28/Elys, a highly conserved gene that has been shown to be required for nuclear integrity in worms and nuclear pore complex (NPC) assembly in amphibian and mammalian cells. Maternal elys expression sustains zebrafish flo mutants to larval stages when cells in proliferative tissues that lack nuclear pores undergo cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. p53 mutation rescues apoptosis in the flo retina and optic tectum, but not in the intestine, where the checkpoint kinase Chk2 is activated. Chk2 inhibition and replication stress induced by DNA synthesis inhibitors were lethal to flo larvae. By contrast, flo mutants were not sensitized to agents that cause DNA double strand breaks, thus showing that loss of Elys disrupts responses to selected replication inhibitors. Elys binds Mcm2-7 complexes derived from Xenopus egg extracts. Mutation of elys reduced chromatin binding of Mcm2, but not binding of Mcm3 or Mcm4 in the flo intestine. These in vivo data indicate a role for Elys in Mcm2-chromatin interactions. Furthermore, they support a recently proposed model in which replication origins licensed by excess Mcm2-7 are required for the survival of human cells exposed to replication stress