381 research outputs found

    Quantum criticality in the cubic heavy-fermion system CeIn_{3-x}Sn_x

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    We report a comprehensive study of CeIn3−x_{3-x}Snx_x (0.55≤x≤0.8)(0.55 \leq x \leq 0.8) single crystals close to the antiferromagnetic (AF) quantum critical point (QCP) at xc≈0.67x_c\approx 0.67 by means of the low-temperature thermal expansion and Gr\"uneisen parameter. This system represents the first example for a {\it cubic} heavy fermion (HF) in which TNT_{\rm N} can be suppressed {\it continuously} down to T=0. A characteristic sign change of the Gr\"uneisen parameter between the AF and paramagnetic state indicates the accumulation of entropy close to the QCP. The observed quantum critical behavior is compatible with the predictions of the itinerant theory for three-dimensional critical spinfluctuations. This has important implications for the role of the dimensionality in HF QCPs.Comment: Physical Review Letters, to be publishe

    Thermopower and thermal conductivity in the Weyl semimetal NbP

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    The Weyl semimetal NbP exhibits an extremely large magnetoresistance (MR) and an ultra-high mobility. The large MR originates from a combination of the nearly perfect compensation between electron- and hole-type charge carriers and the high mobility, which is relevant to the topological band structure. In this work we report on temperature- and field-dependent thermopower and thermal conductivity experiments on NbP. Additionally, we carried out complementary heat capacity, magnetization, and electrical resistivity measurements. We found a giant adiabatic magnetothermopower with a maximum of 800 μ\muV/K at 50 K in a field of 9 T. Such large effects have been observed rarely in bulk materials. We suggest that the origin of this effect might be related to the high charge-carrier mobility. We further observe pronounced quantum oscillations in both thermal conductivity and thermopower. The obtained frequencies compare well with our heat capacity and magnetization data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Interplay of disorder and spin fluctuations in the resistivity near a quantum critical point

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    The resistivity in metals near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (QCP) is strongly affected by small amounts of disorder. In a quasi-classical treatment, we show that an interplay of strongly anisotropic scattering due to spin fluctuations and isotropic impurity scattering leads to a large regime where the resistivity varies as T^alpha, with an anomalous exponent, alpha, 1 <= alpha <= 1.5, depending on the amount of disorder. I argue that this mechanism explains in some detail the anomalous temperature dependence of the resistivity observed in CePd_2Si_2, CeNi_2Ge_2 and CeIn_3 near the QCP.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, published version, only small change

    Quantum Criticality in doped CePd_1-xRh_x Ferromagnet

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    CePd_1-xRh_x alloys exhibit a continuous evolution from ferromagnetism (T_C= 6.5 K) at x = 0 to a mixed valence (MV) state at x = 1. We have performed a detailed investigation on the suppression of the ferromagnetic (F) phase in this alloy using dc-(\chi_dc) and ac-susceptibility (\chi_ac), specific heat (C_m), resistivity (\rho) and thermal expansion (\beta) techniques. Our results show a continuous decrease of T_C (x) with negative curvature down to T_C = 3K at x*= 0.65, where a positive curvature takes over. Beyond x*, a cusp in cac is traced down to T_C* = 25 mK at x = 0.87, locating the critical concentration between x = 0.87 and 0.90. The quantum criticality of this region is recognized by the -log(T/T_0) dependence of C_m/T, which transforms into a T^-q (~0.5) one at x = 0.87. At high temperature, this system shows the onset of valence instability revealed by a deviation from Vegard's law (at x_V~0.75) and increasing hybridization effects on high temperature \chi_dc and \rho. Coincidentally, a Fermi liquid contribution to the specific heat arises from the MV component, which becomes dominant at the CeRh limit. In contrast to antiferromagnetic systems, no C_m/T flattening is observed for x > x_cr rather the mentioned power law divergence, which coincides with a change of sign of \beta. The coexistence of F and MV components and the sudden changes in the T dependencies are discussed in the context of randomly distributed magnetic and Kondo couplings.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Magnetism and superconductivity driven by identical 4ff states in a heavy-fermion metal

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    The apparently inimical relationship between magnetism and superconductivity has come under increasing scrutiny in a wide range of material classes, where the free energy landscape conspires to bring them in close proximity to each other. This is particularly the case when these phases microscopically interpenetrate, though the manner in which this can be accomplished remains to be fully comprehended. Here, we present combined measurements of elastic neutron scattering, magnetotransport, and heat capacity on a prototypical heavy fermion system, in which antiferromagnetism and superconductivity are observed. Monitoring the response of these states to the presence of the other, as well as to external thermal and magnetic perturbations, points to the possibility that they emerge from different parts of the Fermi surface. This enables a single 4ff state to be both localized and itinerant, thus accounting for the coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivity in Ce- and U-based "122" heavy-fermion compounds

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    This review discusses the heavy-fermion superconductivity in Ce- and U-based compounds crystallizing in the body-centered tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure. Special attention will be paid to the theoretical background of these systems which are located close to a magnetic instability.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Invited topical review (special issue on "Recent Developments in Superconductivity") Metadata and references update

    Long range order and two-fluid behavior in heavy electron materials

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    The heavy electron Kondo liquid is an emergent state of condensed matter that displays universal behavior independent of material details. Properties of the heavy electron liquid are best probed by NMR Knight shift measurements, which provide a direct measure of the behavior of the heavy electron liquid that emerges below the Kondo lattice coherence temperature as the lattice of local moments hybridizes with the background conduction electrons. Because the transfer of spectral weight between the localized and itinerant electronic degrees of freedom is gradual, the Kondo liquid typically coexists with the local moment component until the material orders at low temperatures. The two-fluid formula captures this behavior in a broad range of materials in the paramagnetic state. In order to investigate two-fluid behavior and the onset and physical origin of different long range ordered ground states in heavy electron materials, we have extended Knight shift measurements to URu2_2Si2_2, CeIrIn5_5 and CeRhIn5_5. In CeRhIn5_5 we find that the antiferromagnetic order is preceded by a relocalization of the Kondo liquid, providing independent evidence for a local moment origin of antiferromagnetism. In URu2_2Si2_2 the hidden order is shown to emerge directly from the Kondo liquid and so is not associated with local moment physics. Our results imply that the nature of the ground state is strongly coupled with the hybridization in the Kondo lattice in agreement with phase diagram proposed by Yang and Pines.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Using network analysis to examine links between individual depressive symptoms, inflammatory markers, and covariates

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    Background   Studies investigating the link between depressive symptoms and inflammation have yielded inconsistent results, which may be due to two factors. First, studies differed regarding the specific inflammatory markers studied and covariates accounted for. Second, specific depressive symptoms may be differentially related to inflammation. We address both challenges using network psychometrics.   Methods   We estimated seven regularized Mixed Graphical Models in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA) data (N = 2321) to explore shared variances among (1) depression severity, modeled via depression sum-score, nine DSM-5 symptoms, or 28 individual depressive symptoms; (2) inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α); (3) before and after adjusting for sex, age, body mass index (BMI), exercise, smoking, alcohol, and chronic diseases.   Results   The depression sum-score was related to both IL-6 and CRP before, and only to IL-6 after covariate adjustment. When modeling the DSM-5 symptoms and CRP in a conceptual replication of Jokela et al., CRP was associated with ‘sleep problems’, ‘energy level’, and ‘weight/appetite changes’; only the first two links survived covariate adjustment. In a conservative model with all 38 variables, symptoms and markers were unrelated. Following recent psychometric work, we re-estimated the full model without regularization: the depressive symptoms ‘insomnia’, ‘hypersomnia’, and ‘aches and pain’ showed unique positive relations to all inflammatory markers.   Conclusions   We found evidence for differential relations between markers, depressive symptoms, and covariates. Associations between symptoms and markers were attenuated after covariate adjustment; BMI and sex consistently showed strong relations with inflammatory markers

    Interplay between unconventional superconductivity and heavy-fermion quantum criticality: CeCu2_2Si2_2 versus YbRh2_2Si2_2

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    In this paper the low-temperature properties of two isostructural canonical heavy-fermion compounds are contrasted with regards to the interplay between antiferromagnetic (AF) quantum criticality and superconductivity. For CeCu2_2Si2_2, fully-gapped d-wave superconductivity forms in the vicinity of an itinerant three-dimensional heavy-fermion spin-density-wave (SDW) quantum critical point (QCP). Inelastic neutron scattering results highlight that both quantum critical SDW fluctuations as well as Mott-type fluctuations of local magnetic moments contribute to the formation of Cooper pairs in CeCu2_2Si2_2. In YbRh2_2Si2_2, superconductivity appears to be suppressed at T≳ 10T\gtrsim~10 mK by AF order (TNT_N = 70 mK). Ultra-low temperature measurements reveal a hybrid order between nuclear and 4f-electronic spins, which is dominated by the Yb-derived nuclear spins, to develop at TAT_A slightly above 2 mK. The hybrid order turns out to strongly compete with the primary 4f-electronic order and to push the material towards its QCP. Apparently, this paves the way for heavy-fermion superconductivity to form at TcT_c = 2 mK. Like the pressure - induced QCP in CeRhIn5_5, the magnetic field - induced one in YbRh2_2Si2_2 is of the local Kondo-destroying variety which corresponds to a Mott-type transition at zero temperature. Therefore, these materials form the link between the large family of about fifty low-TT unconventional heavy - fermion superconductors and other families of unconventional superconductors with higher TcT_cs, notably the doped Mott insulators of the cuprates, organic charge-transfer salts and some of the Fe-based superconductors. Our study suggests that heavy-fermion superconductivity near an AF QCP is a robust phenomenon.Comment: 30 pages, 7 Figures, Accepted for publication in Philosophical Magazin
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