61 research outputs found

    Development of the system of pronoun adverbs in the Serbian literary language Развитие системы местоименных наречий в сербском литературном языке

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    Овај рад бави се развојем система заменичких прилога у развоју српског књижевног језика. С обзиром на то да је утврђено да се систем заменичких прилога није у семантичкој организацији разликовао у својој суштини, одлучили смо се да акценат у раду ставимо на прагматичну вредност заменичких прилога, уз напомене о синтагматским односима. На тај начин утврђено је којим средствима су исказивана значења заменичкоприлошке локализације и квантификације у српскословенском и славеносрпском језику, док су остале епохе у развоју српског књижевног језика биле заступљене у оној мери у којој је приметан њихов утицај на језик славеносрпских писаца...This paper analyses the development of the system of pronoun adverbs throughout the development of the Serbian literary language. Taking into account that it has been determined that the system of pronoun adverbs is not essentially different in its semantic organisation, we have decided to focus on the pragmatic value of pronoun adverbs, with additional notes on the syntagmatic relations. In this way, it has been determined which means have been used to express the meanings of pronoun-adverb localisation and quantification in the Serbian-Slavonic and Slavonic-Serbian languages, while the other epochs in the development of the Serbian literary language have been present to the extent to which their influence on the language of Slavonic-Serbian writers can be observed..

    Problematic use of social networking sites among adolescents in the Czech Republic versus offline risk behaviour and parental control

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    The Problematic Use (PU) of Social Networking Sites (SNS) is a diagnostic and preventive as well as educational challenge. Problematic Use of new media is currently a phenomenon discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and media educators in the field of diagnosing the scale of the phenomenon, as well as protective factors and risks related to this phenomenon. This text is part of the debate on the scale of SNS among young people, as well as on the role of parents in reducing this phenomenon. The text also juxtaposes issues related to the prediction of PU SNS and risk behaviours in the offline space. The study employed a triangulation of quantitative tools in the form of: frequency of SNS use, parental control online, and scale of psychoactive substance use. Based on the data collected among a group of adolescents in the Czech Republic (N = 531 individuals aged 13-19 years, study year 2018/2019), it was noted that: 1) Almost 75% of adolescents systematically use SNS before bedtime; 2) Every fifth adolescent consumes dinner daily or almost daily accompanied by SNS; 3) Less than a third of respondents use SNS almost continuously; 4) SNS UI indicators are mutually related; however, the relationship is not always strong; 5) Girls have a slightly higher level of PU SNS than boys; 6) Systematic alcohol consumption is a predictor of PU SNS; 7) Parental restriction of Internet use time leads to a reduction in PU SNS among adolescents


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    Esters of angelic, senecioic and tiglic acids with various saturated/unsaturated/aromatic alcohols contribute to the aroma of many essential oils. However, mass spectrometry with electron-impact ionization sometimes fails to distinguish these regio-/geometric isomers and this was the case with the minor constituent of Helichrysum italicum (immortelle) essential oil that was tentatively identified as the ester of 2-phenyl-1-ethanol with one of the mentioned acids. Our efforts to identify this phenethyl ester were also hampered by the inconsistency or by the lack of appropriate RI data in the literature. Therefore, we prepared and fully spectrally characterized (1D- and 2D-NMR, IR, MS) synthetic samples of all three isomeric esters. Subsequent GC analyses of immortelle oil samples with spiked synthetic phenethyl esters unambiguously confirmed that the compound in question was phenethyl angelate. This rare plant secondary metabolite has been previously reported only twice as a constituent of samples of natural origin. However, the outcomes of our study strongly imply that this molecule was misidentified in these earlier studies with the corresponding senecioate/tiglate. Thus, the existing libraries of RI/MS data for tiglates and angelates have to be upgraded with appropriate data for senecioates to avoid these kinds of errors in the future

    Numerical modelling of concrete-filled steel tubular short columns under axial compression

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    The paper presents three-dimensional numerical models of short concrete-filled steel tubular circular columns that can successfully describe the column behaviour under axial compression. Several of the most commonly used material models for the steel part and a concrete portion of the column are evaluated in the models. In addition, the paper presents a new proposal for the extension of the Eurocode 2 stress-strain relation to make it suitable for describing the complex behaviour of concrete inside the steel tube. This model overcomes the current limitations of the Eurocode 2 design guide, referring to the limitation for the concrete curve in compression to 3.5‰ strain. The ultimate axial column strength obtained by the proposed model is compared to the ultimate column capacity calculated by a simplified method provided in Eurocode 4. All presented numerical models are validated on a set of experiments from the literature and demonstrate good agreement. The comments about the accuracy of each model are provided, along with the identified limitations

    Copper tolerance of trichoderma species

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    Some Trichoderma strains can persist in ecosystems with high concentrations of heavy metals. The aim of this research was to examine the variability of Trichoderma strains isolated from different ecosystems, based on their morphological properties and restriction analysis of ITS fragments. The fungal growth was tested on potato dextrose agar, amended with Cu(II) concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 10 mmol/l, in order to identify copper-resistant strains. The results indicate that some isolated strains of Trichoderma sp. show tolerance to higher copper concentrations. Further research to examine the ability of copper bioaccumulation by tolerant Trichoderma strains is needed