361 research outputs found

    AdapterRemoval:easy cleaning of next generation sequencing reads

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    BACKGROUND: With the advent of next-generation sequencing there is an increased demand for tools to pre-process and handle the vast amounts of data generated. One recurring problem is adapter contamination in the reads, i.e. the partial or complete sequencing of adapter sequences. These adapter sequences have to be removed as they can hinder correct mapping of the reads and influence SNP calling and other downstream analyses. FINDINGS: We present a tool called AdapterRemoval which is able to pre-process both single and paired-end data. The program locates and removes adapter residues from the reads, it is able to combine paired reads if they overlap, and it can optionally trim low-quality nucleotides. Furthermore, it can look for adapter sequence in both the 5’ and 3’ ends of the reads. This is a flexible tool that can be tuned to accommodate different experimental settings and sequencing platforms producing FASTQ files. AdapterRemoval is shown to be good at trimming adapters from both single-end and paired-end data. CONCLUSIONS: AdapterRemoval is a comprehensive tool for analyzing next-generation sequencing data. It exhibits good performance both in terms of sensitivity and specificity. AdapterRemoval has already been used in various large projects and it is possible to extend it further to accommodate application-specific biases in the data

    On the molecular biology of telomeres:Lessons from budding yeast

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    SNPest:a probabilistic graphical model for estimating genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: As the use of next-generation sequencing technologies is becoming more widespread, the need for robust software to help with the analysis is growing as well. A key challenge when analyzing sequencing data is the prediction of genotypes from the reads, i.e. correct inference of the underlying DNA sequences that gave rise to the sequenced fragments. For diploid organisms, the genotyper should be able to predict both alleles in the individual. Variations between the individual and the population can then be analyzed by looking for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in order to investigate diseases or phenotypic features. To perform robust and high confidence genotyping and SNP calling, methods are needed that take the technology specific limitations into account and can model different sources of error. As an example, ancient DNA poses special challenges as the data is often shallow and subject to errors induced by post mortem damage. FINDINGS: We present a novel approach to the genotyping problem where a probabilistic framework describing the process from sampling to sequencing is implemented as a graphical model. This makes it possible to model technology specific errors and other sources of variation that can affect the result. The inferred genotype is given a posterior probability to signify the confidence in the result. SNPest has already been used to genotype large scale projects such as the first ancient human genome published in 2010. CONCLUSIONS: We compare the performance of SNPest to a number of other widely used genotypers on both real and simulated data, covering both haploid and diploid genomes. We investigate the effects of read depth, of removing adapters before mapping and genotyping, of using different mapping tools, and of using the correct model in the genotyping process. We show that the performance of SNPest is comparable to existing methods, and we also illustrate cases where SNPest has an advantage over other methods, e.g. when dealing with simulated ancient DNA. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1756-0500-7-698) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Magnetocaloric Materials

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    Above and belowground community strategies respond to different global change drivers

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    Environmental changes alter the diversity and structure of communities. By shifting the range of species traits that will be successful under new conditions, environmental drivers can also dramatically impact ecosystem functioning and resilience. Above and belowground communities jointly regulate whole-ecosystem processes and responses to change, yet they are frequently studied separately. To determine whether these communities respond similarly to environmental changes, we measured taxonomic and trait-based responses of plant and soil microbial communities to four years of experimental warming and nitrogen deposition in a temperate grassland. Plant diversity responded strongly to N addition, whereas soil microbial communities responded primarily to warming, likely via an associated decrease in soil moisture. These above and belowground changes were associated with selection for more resource-conservative plant and microbe growth strategies, which reduced community functional diversity. Functional characteristics of plant and soil microbial communities were weakly correlated (P = 0.07) under control conditions, but not when above or belowground communities were altered by either global change driver. These results highlight the potential for global change drivers operating simultaneously to have asynchronous impacts on above and belowground components of ecosystems. Assessment of a single ecosystem component may therefore greatly underestimate the whole-system impact of global environmental changes

    AdapterRemoval v2:rapid adapter trimming, identification, and read merging

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    BACKGROUND: As high-throughput sequencing platforms produce longer and longer reads, sequences generated from short inserts, such as those obtained from fossil and degraded material, are increasingly expected to contain adapter sequences. Efficient adapter trimming algorithms are also needed to process the growing amount of data generated per sequencing run. FINDINGS: We introduce AdapterRemoval v2, a major revision of AdapterRemoval v1, which introduces (i) striking improvements in throughput, through the use of single instruction, multiple data (SIMD; SSE1 and SSE2) instructions and multi-threading support, (ii) the ability to handle datasets containing reads or read-pairs with different adapters or adapter pairs, (iii) simultaneous demultiplexing and adapter trimming, (iv) the ability to reconstruct adapter sequences from paired-end reads for poorly documented data sets, and (v) native gzip and bzip2 support. CONCLUSIONS: We show that AdapterRemoval v2 compares favorably with existing tools, while offering superior throughput to most alternatives examined here, both for single and multi-threaded operations. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13104-016-1900-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    “We are never allowed to just be ourselves!”

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    For several decades, mainstream media have positioned Muslims as cultural, political, and social outsiders to Denmark. Danish Muslims confront and navigate this exclusionary racial project of hegemonic Danishness in a host of ways, including through online communication and social media practices. This article is a qualitative study of  Danish Muslims who produce discursive interventions on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram in direct and indirect relation to mainstream media discourses on Muslimness. Their social media practices are conceptualized as part of an emerging, online Danish Muslim counterpublic where features that afford interactivity shape the counterpublic to be communal in distinct ways. This digital counterpublic provides direct challenges to hegemonic Danishness’ one-dimensional representation of Muslimness. Particularly when it comes to questions of gender and claims to ordinariness through quotidian posts on life as a Danish person who just happens to be Muslim, these social media practices are racial projects that undercut hegemonic Danishness’ racialization of Muslimness as non-Danish, monolithic, and culturally deficient

    Suppression of cdc13-2-associated senescence by pif1-m2 requires Ku-mediated telomerase recruitment

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, recruitment of telomerase to telomeres requires an interaction between Cdc13, which binds single-stranded telomeric DNA, and the Est1 subunit of telomerase. A second pathway involving an interaction between the yKu complex and telomerase RNA (TLC1) contributes to telomerase recruitment but cannot sufficiently recruit telomerase on its own to prevent replicative senescence when the primary Cdc13-Est1 pathway is abolished—for example, in the cdc13-2 mutant. In this study, we find that mutation of PIF1, which encodes a helicase that inhibits telomerase, suppresses the replicative senescence of cdc13-2 by increasing reliance on the yKu-TLC1 pathway for telomerase recruitment. Our findings reveal new insight into telomerase-mediated telomere maintenance
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