202 research outputs found

    Refashioning the past, reforming the present: visual culture and civic life in early modern Seville

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    Visual media in Spain during the early modern period drew marked connections between religious devotion and civic allegiance. This project examines the formation and expression of civic devotion and historical memory in sixteenth and seventeenth century Seville. Public ceremonies, architectural renovations, and religious iconography promoted healthy urban societies through the formation of public images which spoke directly to civic life within the city. Public expressions of local history and civil authority lay at the nexus of various debates about civic life during the sixteenth and seventeenth century, such as the promotion of gendered civic hierarchy, anxieties about regional decline, and the close connections drawn between Spanish identity and antiquity. The fundamental goal of this research is to more thoroughly understand the conceptual frameworks which constructed human interaction in urban life during the early modern period

    Forging Imperial Cities: Seville and Formation of Civic Order in the Early Modern Hispanic World

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    In 1503 the Spanish monarchy awarded the city of Seville a monopoly on Spanish-American trade. Serving as the gateway to Spain's lucrative Atlantic Empire for over two centuries, the city fashioned itself as an imperial capital, and natural successor to ancient Rome. Despite never serving as the official capital to the Spanish Habsburgs, civic authorities in Seville nonetheless expressed their city's wealth and nobility through an excess of laudatory histories, artwork, architectural renovations, and regional patron saints. This dissertation first contextualizes Seville's prominence by exploring how Phillip II's refusal to establish a permanent capital in Madrid until 1561 promoted competition between many cities in Castile, all of which saw themselves as potential contenders for the future imperial court. As Spain moved into Atlantic territories, this competition helped fashion the urban organizational strategy for colonial settlement in the New World. As Seville was the most important city in Spain during the early modern period, the city greatly influenced the conceptualization and development of Spanish-American cities between the late sixteenth to the early eighteenth centuries. Colonial capitals such as Mexico City found in Seville a language for expressing their inclusion in the Habsburgs' global empire through lavish ceremonies and architecture which could establish their New World cities as distinctly Spanish and Catholic. By placing Seville at the center of the empire, my research will act as an amendment to contemporary Spanish historiography which has failed to fully recognize the influence of Andalusia in early colonial development

    Reforms of the public sector management in Albania

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    The problems treated and the often calumniated problems about public administration in Albania gave an impulse to our research. In inquiring through the comparative analysis of the tow public and private sector, we tried to certify the hypotheses that the public administration has enough problems, and that the reform in a certain point have positive indications, but there’s place for improvement. We could say that the paths leading to the integration of the large European family are, among others, the effective reforms in the public sector management, too.peer-reviewe

    L'educatore della scuola popolare. Un ponte per costruire alleanze educative tra scuola, territori, persone

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    In a complex society, in which heterogeneous areas bear witness to increasingly stark forms of social, cultural and economic inequality, popular schools represent the context for non-formal education against forms of poverty and oppression. These situations involve a large number of educators and activists, and this work, which is part of a wider research, aims to reflect on and investigate their possible role in the perspective of a genuine synergy between different learning contexts. In particular, in this space, using the studies of social pedagogy, and within the perspective of community education, we want to investigate in depth the profiles, aims, and skills of educators. Ultimately, we advocate the possibility of these subjects acting as a bridge between public/formal school and popular/non-formal school, by virtue of their work in promoting forms of educational alliances in and with the territory.All’interno di una società complessa, in territori plurali che testimoniano forme sempre più urgenti di disuguaglianza sociale, culturale ed economica, le scuole popolari rappresentano contesti di educazione non formale in contrasto a forme di povertà ed oppressione. Tali realtà coinvolgono un numero ampio di educatori ed attivisti, ed il presente lavoro, che si inserisce all’interno di una ricerca più ampia, ha l’obiettivo di riflettere ed indagare sul loro possibile ruolo nella prospettiva di una sinergia reale tra i diversi contesti di apprendimento.In particolare, in questo spazio, avvalendosi degli studi della pedagogia sociale, in una prospettiva di comunità educante, si vogliono approfondire i profili, le finalità, le competenze degli educatori, ragionando sulla possibilità che tali soggetti possano fungere da ponte tra scuola pubblica/formale e scuola popolare/non formale, in virtù del loro lavoro atto a promuovere forme di alleanze educative sul e con il territori


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    “The national economic development is based on the sustainable development of the regions of the country”. Thisconfirmation is visible in the paper presented. The paper is focused on development of the agricultural sector region ofKorca mainly in the traditional farming plants of the region, and the enforcing the food-processing industry. In thepaper, it is presented the present situation of food-processing industry in the region of Korca, and the further, it isgiven the situation in conservation of vegetables, as part of the a food-processing industry. This, because of the factthat Korca has had a good tradition in cultivating traditional vegetables. The papers brings new values some of whichare :• The focus on an important sector of the economic development of the district of Korce such as the agro-elaboratinindustry.• The full treatment of the present situation of this industry in the region of Korce.• The focus on the consumer demands of the region for canned vegetable products.• The picked up conclusions will serve as a firm basement for further research work in this field

    Educare alla cittadinanza in prospettiva interculturale. Riflessioni e proposte per la società odierna

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    This paper aims to provide an in-depth discussion of citizenship in a variety of contexts, using an intercultural approach which allows us to understand the diversity of our complex society, and promote encounter and par-ticipation between people. Reflecting on citizenship, not only from a pedagogical perspective but also from a cultural and political one, is crucial for this discussion; it already forms part of the educational policies of some European countries, in which interculture and citizenship education interact. I will examine in depth the issue of promoting forms of citizenship suitable for our current world, where individuals, peoples, and cultures are increasingly more connected. This analysis is based on the research of several intellectuals and on a previous study by the author on intercultural education and integration in Europe.Il presente contributo mira a discutere e approfondire il tema della cittadinanza all’interno dei contesti eterogenei assumendo uno sguardo interculturale in grado di cogliere la pluralità, che caratterizza la società complessa in cui viviamo, e di promuovere forme di incontro e partecipazione. Un percorso che impone una riflessione sul tema della cittadinanza dal punto di vista non solo pedagogico, ma anche culturale e politico, e che sembra essere un aspetto già presente nelle scelte di politica educativa di alcuni paesi europei, in cui intercultura ed educazione alla cittadinanza si integrano. A tal fine, partendo dalle prospettive di diversi intellettuali e da uno studio di ricerca comparata sulle politiche di educazione interculturale ed integrazione in Europa, si approfondirà la questione di come promuovere forme di cittadinanza necessarie ad abitare il mondo attuale, composto da reti e connessioni sempre più strette tra persone, popoli, culture

    ASME AG-1 HEPA Filters; A Comparison of Configurations -11604

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    ABSTRACT HEPA filters utilized in United States nuclear industry are those that meet and are qualified in accordance with the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) AG-1 Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment section FC. Although filters that meet these requirements are largely considered equivalent, there are substantial difference in construction allowed within this code section. The most notable differences are the configuration of the filter pack, the frame material and the gasket material utilized in the construction of a qualified filter. Additionally, a new ASME AG-1 code section is under development that defines HEPA filters that exceed the strength capabilities of current HEPA filters

    Safety of human papillomavirus vaccines: A review

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    Introduction: Between 2006 and 2009, two different human papillomavirus virus (HPV) vaccines were licensed for use: a quadrivalent (qHPVv) and a bivalent (bHPVv) vaccine. Since 2008, HPV vaccination programmes have been implemented in the majority of the industrialized countries. Since 2013, HPV vaccination has been part of the national programs of 66 countries including almost all countries in North America and Western Europe. Despite all the efforts made by individual countries, coverage rates are lower than expected. Vaccine safety represents one of the main concerns associated with the lack of acceptance of HPV vaccination both in the European Union/European Economic Area and elsewhere.Areas covered: Safety data published on bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines, both in pre-licensure and post-licensure phase, are reviewed.Expert opinion: Based on the latest scientific evidence, both HPV vaccines seem to be safe. Nevertheless, public concern and rumors about adverse events (AE) represent an important barrier to overcome in order to increase vaccine coverage. Passive surveillance of AEs is an important tool for detecting safety signals, but it should be complemented by activities aimed at assessing the real cause of all suspect AEs. Improved vaccine safety surveillance is the first step for effective communication based on scientific evidence

    Racial Disparities in Access to Municipal Drinking Water: Lead Exposure Risk and a Risk Communication Intervention

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    A growing body of research has documented millions of Americans living in peri-urban areas lacking access to municipal water service. Many affected communities are majority-minority and were historically zoned out of municipal boundaries through a process known as “racial underbounding.” Residents rely on unregulated private wells, even though their communities are typically encircled by municipal water lines. Little is known about chemical contaminants, such as lead, in drinking water in these communities, in part due to a lack of water quality monitoring. The overall hypotheses of this thesis are that the risk of exposure to lead in drinking water in underbounded communities is higher than in areas with public water service; that risk awareness is low; and that awareness can be increased through evidence-based risk communication. These hypotheses are explored through a field study to characterize water quality in underbounded areas of Wake County, NC; a population survey of these communities; and a randomized-controlled trial of a risk communication intervention. This research is the first to study lead in kitchen tap water in underbounded communities. In addition, it is the first to examine risk awareness and factors driving decisions to test water quality. Finally, it is the first randomized-controlled trial of a health risk communication in these communities and one of the first targeted at private well owners in any context. This dissertation provides evidence to support the three hypotheses. The average lead concentrations in the study households was nearly three times as high as in households served by the Raleigh municipal water supply, and lead in water exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s water-lead action level in 24% of households. Risk awareness was low: only 5.5% of study participants answered “yes” to “My well water may be contaminated with lead.” More than half of respondents had not tested their water for at least five years. Participants who recalled seeing the risk communication developed in this dissertation had significantly increased odds of testing their water (OR = 258, p = 0.001). Overall, these results suggest the need for interventions to raise risk awareness and improve water quality in underbounded communities.Doctor of Public Healt