742 research outputs found

    Do individuals recognize cascade behavior of others? An Experimental Study

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    In an information cascade experiment participants are confronted with artificial predecessors predicting in line with the BHW model (Bikchandani et al., 1992). Using the BDM (Becker et al., 1964) mechanism we study participants' probability perceptions based on maximum prices for participating in the prediction game. We find increasing maximum prices the more coinciding predictions of predecessors are observed, regardless of whether additional information is revealed by these predictions. Individual price patterns of more than two thirds of the participants indicate that cascade behavior of predecessors is not recognized

    Do individuals recognize cascade behavior of others? An Experimental Study

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    In an information cascade experiment participants are confronted with artificial predecessors predicting in line with the BHW model (Bikchandani et al., 1992). Using the BDM (Becker et al., 1964) mechanism we study participants' probability perceptions based on maximum prices for participating in the prediction game. We find increasing maximum prices the more coinciding predictions of predecessors are observed, regardless of whether additional information is revealed by these predictions. Individual price patterns of more than two thirds of the participants indicate that cascade behavior of predecessors is not recognized.information cascades; Bayes' Rule; decision under risk and uncertainty; experimental economics

    Do Individuals Recognize Cascade Behavior of Others? - An Experimental Study -

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    In an information cascade experiment participants are confronted with artificial predecessors predicting in line with the BHW model (Bikchandani et al., 1992). Using the BDM (Becker et al., 1964) mechanism we study participants' probability perceptions based on maximum prices for participating in the prediction game. We find increasing maximum prices the more coinciding predictions of predecessors are observed, regardless of whether additional information is revealed by these predictions. Individual price patterns of more than two thirds of the participants indicate that cascade behavior of predecessors is not recognized.Information Cascades, Bayes' Rule, Decision Under Risk and Uncertainty, Experimental Economics.

    I want YOU! An experiment studying the selection effect when assigning distributive power

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    We study whether selection affects motivation. In our experiment subjects first answer a personality questionnaire. They then play a 3-person game. One of the three players decides between an outside option assigning him a positive amount, but leaving the two others empty-handed and allowing one of the other two players to distribute a pie. Treatments differ in the procedure by which distributive power is assigned: to a randomly determined or to a knowingly selected partner. Before making her decision the selecting player could consult the personality questionnaire of the other two players. Results show that knowingly selected players keep less for themselves than randomly selected ones and reward the selecting player more generously.

    Los propietarios de los sellos en época Casita: Leyenda-Motivo iconográfico-Color de la piedra ¿Existe un sello típicamente femenino?

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    Aparte de ejemplos de imágenes que presentan sacerdotisas, en general el sexo de los propietarios/as de sellos no puede ser identificado visualmente ni por el diseño, ni el color de la piedra o el tipo de la leyenda, sino principalmente por el antropónimo o el género grammatical. Distinciones entre las leyendas de los sellos de mujeres y hombres no son perceptibles, al contrario de la manera de describir la genealogía. El listado de parientes masculinos como padres o hermanos, también marido y suegro, es un fenómeno de la época kasita, y la incorporación y veneración de sus dioses parece emblemático de un orden social patriarcal. Tanto sacerdotisas como mujeres, dedicadas a patrocinar cultos que se denominan gemé, forman una excepción porque adoran dioses y diosas propias. Tomando en consideración las características visuales de los cilindros, como color, composición y calidad mineralógica de las piedras, debemos tener en cuenta la clasificación de los colores revelado por abnu šikinšu, el manual de amuletos para exorcistas. Por lo menos en la gliptica kassita las piedras rojas no son limitadas para propietarias femeninas o para diosas. Más bien son los distintos y especiales rasgos de las piedras que contraen una simbiosis integrando diseño y leyenda para liberar fuerzas apotropaìcasAlthough there are examples of images representing priestesses on cylinder seals, generally the gender of female seal-owners cannot be identified visually, either from the motif or the colour of the stone or the type of legend. It can only be identified from the anthroponym or the grammatical genus. No differences between the seal inscriptions of women and men are recognizable other than the way of citinggenealogy. Listing the names of male relatives or even of the father-in-law and incorporating their gods seems to be a phenomena of Kassite times and might demonstrate the social order of clan families. The exception are priestesses and women who call themselves “gemé”, which suggests that they are performing ceremonial tasks, who call upon their own gods. Considering the visual characteristics of seal stones, such as colour and pattern, we should point out the classification of colours revealed in “abnu šikinšu”, the amulet-handbook for exorcists. At least in Kassite glyptic red seal stones are not restricted to female owners or to goddesses. Rather the special composition of the stone enters into a symbiosis integrating design and legend to unleash apotropaic force

    Power, Pleasure, and Privilege: defining DePauw’s hookup culture and its mental health implications

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    Hookup culture is not primarily about sex, pleasure, connection, or freedom. Hookup culture is about power—how power is used, distributed, and desired. Previous work in hookup culture discusses a discourse of desire; however, the root and nature of this desire are unclear. I posit that hookup culture, as it currently exists, is strongly related to rape culture. In this thesis, I will explicate my anecdotal, qualitative, and quantitative evidence supporting this hypothesis

    Power, Pleasure, and Privilege: defining DePauw’s hookup culture and its mental health implications

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    Hookup culture is not primarily about sex, pleasure, connection, or freedom. Hookup culture is about power—how power is used, distributed, and desired. Previous work in hookup culture discusses a discourse of desire; however, the root and nature of this desire are unclear. I posit that hookup culture, as it currently exists, is strongly related to rape culture. In this thesis, I will explicate my anecdotal, qualitative, and quantitative evidence supporting this hypothesis. This thesis provides an overview of what hookup culture is at a broad level. It then focuses more specifically on defining it at DePauw and considering the impact it is currently having on students\u27 mental health

    Bär und Baum - Oso y Madroño. Kulturhistorische Betrachtung einer Motivtypengruppe im Alten Orient und in der Spanischen Heraldik

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    This paper investigates the typology and role of the brown bear, Ursus arctos, in the iconography of the Ancient Near East and Europe, with the aim of illuminating the special combination of the images “bear and tree” thematically. Though it focuses on the natural behaviours of the bears this motif only emerges sporadically in ancient oriental, sasanid and late Roman art. However, the topos bear and vegetation or bear as constellation also appear in medieval islamic miniatures. Within the European heraldry, it forms the coat of arms for the city of Madrid “oso y madroño”, where there is an additional astronomical dimension because of the 7 stars. There does not seem to be any direct tradition of this motif deriving from the ancient oriental analogies, but there are close parallels to examples from late Roman mosaic art. The theme itself contains multilayer significance which might be impacted by different denotationsEste artículo investiga la tipología y el papel que juega el oso pardo (Ursus arctos), representado en la iconografía del Próximo Oriente antiguo y Europa, con la intención de iluminar temáticamente la combinacion visual de las imágenes de “el oso/osa y el árbol”. Aunque la constante del motivo se funda en la observación de la naturaleza, es sorprendentemente raro que sólo aparezca esporádicamente en el arte del antiguo Oriente y de la Roma tardía. Además, hay diferentes complejos niveles de significación en cada ejemplo. Se ha tomado en consideración las miniaturas islamicas en tiempos mediavales que ponen el oso en diversas escenas. En la heráldica europea, el motivo de “el Oso y el Madroño” forma parte del escudo de la villa de Madrid, donde se percibe en sus 7 estrellas una dimensión astronómica, haciendo alusión a las constelaciones de la Osa Mayor o de la Osa Menor. Las analogías orientales no nos dan pruebas de la tradición histórica del motivo, pero hay un estrecho paralelo con mosáicos romanos tardíos que, posiblemente, puedan haber inspirado el diseño del escudo de Madri

    Das Rollsiegel BM 89091 und seine stellung innerhalb der kassitischen ikonographie

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    The kassite cylinder seal BM 89091 consists of a finely executed engraving of an ibex motif combined with an extraordinary inscription. The text is one of the few examples referring to the goddess Zarpanitum and her husband Marduk. The author offers an interpretation of the scene, which is still enigmatic to us. The significance of the rampant ibex flanking a tree may have varied according to the accompanying figures and their attributes. With regards to structural peculiarities the red jasper cylinder is to be attached as a transitional seal between the first and second kassite group. For the dating of the cylinder on the basis of design and style, the most distinctive feature is the representation of the human figure. An iconographical parallel comes from a Nippur seal impression which may serve for its chronological setting in the reign of Sagarakti-SuriasEl cilindro cassita BM 89091 tiene un grabado fino representando al ibex rampante combinado con una leyenda excepcional. El texto, a tres columnas verticales, es uno de los pocos que son dirigidos a la diosa Zarpanitum y a su esposo Marduk. El significado del motivo central es todavia enigmático, por lo cual la autora se permite hacer algunas especulaciones al respecto, ofreciendo una interpretación. Sobre esto, establece conexiones entre el color del material, el tema figurativo y el tipo de texto. En relación con La posición iconográfica dentro de la glíptica cassita, se trata de un cilindro con un motivo en transición entre los grupos primero y segundo. La clasificación cronológica depende de otras composiciones análogas halladas en Nippur que fechan del tiempo de Sagarakti-Surias