811 research outputs found

    Expression of IGF2R, IGF2, TGFß, and uPAR in a rat model of obesity /

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    Includes vita.We tested the hypothesis that induction of obesity in lean Long Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) and obesity-prone Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) would cause the insulin growth factor 2 receptor (IGF2R) and factors it regulates, including insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2), transforming growth factor beta (TGFB), and urokinaseplasminogen receptor (uPAR) to be changed in expression away from a pro-angiogenic state. This would arise from an increase in IGF2R and TGFB, and a decrease in IGF2 and uPAR. LETO and OLETF rats were raised from age 4 to 32 weeks, with each strain subdivided into a control diet (CON) and high fat diet (HFD) group. We also raised a cohort of OLETF HFD rats which either underwent weight control interventions (exercise training (EX) or calorie restriction (CR)) or did not undergo intervention (sedentary (SED)). Interventions began at age 20 weeks and continued until 32 weeks. We found significant increases in both body weight and body fat percentage, and in decrease in capillarity in both biceps brachii (BB) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle, in comparing non-obese to obese animals (p less than 0.05). When examining diet and strain induction of obesity, we found significant increases in body weight and body fat percentage from control lean animals, but with no significant change in capillarity. We did not observe any significant effects on body weight or body fat percentage in EX or CR relative to SED. We observed multiple significant changes in skeletal and adipose feed arteries with obesity induction on IGF2R, IGF2, TGF, and uPAR. However, most of these changes did not occur in accordance with our hypothesis. Overall, we find LETO and OLETF rats to be a viable model for examining mechanisms driving changes in tissue capillarity in obesity, and that the IGF2R system we proposed does not appear to agree with the data. We propose that the IGF2R system is moderated in a static-toproangiogenic state during obesity, and decreases in overall capillarity are driven by other mechanisms.Dr. Harold Laughlin, Dissertation Supervisor.|Includes vita.Includes bibliographical references

    Using gprMax to Model Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Locate Corn Seed as an Attempt to Measure Planting Depth

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    Planting depth (PD) plays an essential role in crop production by substantially impacting germination rates and yield potential. However, techniques to measure PD nondestructively have not been developed. A two-dimensional gprMax simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects of soil electromagnetic properties on ground-penetrating radar (GPR) waves. The primary objective was to examine the possibility of using GPR as a nondestructive sensor to detect subsurface corn seeds with the goal of measuring PD. A conventional fixed-offset gprMax antenna in contact with the soil surface was used in the simulations. Corn seed models of different materials and sizes were simulated, with properties of natural and synthetic (metal) corn seeds. The seed models were spherical, with radial dimensions of 0.006 and 0.024 m to simulate small and large corn seeds, respectively. Corn seed models were embedded in three homogeneous soil models (sandy loam, loam, and clay), and 1.6 and 2.6 GHz antenna models were used as excitation frequencies. A-scans and B-scans were obtained from the simulations. The A-scans showed that all targets (small natural corn and metal corn models, and large natural corm and metal corn models) successfully provided response amplitudes proportional to their dielectric properties in sandy loam and loam, but not in clay. In high bulk density soils, GPR waves failed to penetrate the soil models, and the targets were not detected. The 2.6 GHz antenna provided better response amplitudes from the targets. In the driest soil models (2.5%, and 5%), no response amplitude signatures were observed. In dry and relatively dry soil models (15%), the simulation times were much shorter to obtain a response amplitude from the targets (with feeble response amplitudes) compared to relatively wetter soils. To validate these models, laboratory experiments were conducted with three treatment factors (soil type, planting depth, and moisture content). In dry soils, corn seeds could be detected using a 2.6 GHz GPR antenna; however, the detection varied substantially within replicates of the same moisture group. Further research is necessary to understand the effects of soil moisture on the detection variability of buried corn seeds

    Pengendalian Kecepatan Putaran Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Menggunakan VFD Dengan Kontrol PLC

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    Kecepatan putaran motor 3 fasa sanggup diubah dengan mengendalikan frekuensinya melalui piranti VFD (Variable Frequency Drive). Ini selaku berguna untuk meraih stabilitas dalam kinerja motor 3 fasa tersebut. Inverter, ataupun yang kerap diucap sebagai Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), merupakan perlengkapan yang digunakan guna mengendalikan kecepatan putaran motor. Dalam studi ini, tipe inverter yang digunakan ialah ATV28HU18M2, serta jenis PLC yang digunakan ialah Mitsubishi Fx0s- 20MR- ES. Pengaturan parameter pada VFD guna mengendalikan kecepatan putaran motor dilakukan dengan mengganti nilai preset speeds sesuai dengan berbagai kecepatan yang diinginkan. Penyesuaian frekuensi pada inverter akan berdampak pada kecepatan putaran motor, semakin besar nilai frekuensinya, semakin cepat putaran motor tersebut. Buat membolehkan komunikasi antara PLC dan VFD, perlu dilakukan konfigurasi pada PLC supaya VFD bisa tersambung langsung lewat komunikasi serial

    Distribution and Status of the Brazilian Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis cynocephala) in Arkansas

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    Investigations of building infestations, mist netting activities, and specimens submitted to the Arkansas Department of Health document the Brazilian free-tailed bat to be found in 14 Arkansas counties. Both overwintering and maternity colonies were examined. Numbers of individuals ranged from one to several thousand

    The Pros and Cons of Prophylactic Central Compartment Lymph Node Dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78140/1/thy.2009.1578.pd

    Calcium channel α2δ1 proteins mediate trigeminal neuropathic pain states associated with aberrant excitatory synaptogenesis.

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    To investigate a potential mechanism underlying trigeminal nerve injury-induced orofacial hypersensitivity, we used a rat model of chronic constriction injury to the infraorbital nerve (CCI-ION) to study whether CCI-ION caused calcium channel α2δ1 (Cavα2δ1) protein dysregulation in trigeminal ganglia and associated spinal subnucleus caudalis and C1/C2 cervical dorsal spinal cord (Vc/C2). Furthermore, we studied whether this neuroplasticity contributed to spinal neuron sensitization and neuropathic pain states. CCI-ION caused orofacial hypersensitivity that correlated with Cavα2δ1 up-regulation in trigeminal ganglion neurons and Vc/C2. Blocking Cavα2δ1 with gabapentin, a ligand for the Cavα2δ1 proteins, or Cavα2δ1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides led to a reversal of orofacial hypersensitivity, supporting an important role of Cavα2δ1 in orofacial pain processing. Importantly, increased Cavα2δ1 in Vc/C2 superficial dorsal horn was associated with increased excitatory synaptogenesis and increased frequency, but not the amplitude, of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents in dorsal horn neurons that could be blocked by gabapentin. Thus, CCI-ION-induced Cavα2δ1 up-regulation may contribute to orofacial neuropathic pain states through abnormal excitatory synapse formation and enhanced presynaptic excitatory neurotransmitter release in Vc/C2

    Expansion of Comprehensive Screening of Male Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic Attendees with \u3cem\u3eMycoplasma genitalium\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eTrichomonas vaginalis\u3c/em\u3e Molecular Assessment: a Retrospective Analysis

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    Of 1,493 encounters of males at a sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic in a community with a high prevalence of STI, Chlamydia trachomatis was detected in 8.7% and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was detected in 6.6%. Additional Trichomonas vaginalis and Mycoplasma genitalium screening found 17.4% and 23.9% of the encounters, respectively, to be positive for STI. STI agents were detected in 13.7% of urine specimens; addition of pharyngeal and rectal collections to the analysis resulted in detection of STI agents in 19.0% and 23.9% of encounters, respectively. A total of 101 (23.8%) encounters of identified STI involved sole detection of M. genitalium. Expansion of the STI analyte panel (including M. genitalium) and additional specimen source sampling within a comprehensive STI screening program increase identification of male STI carriers

    Analysis of vadose zone inhomogeneity toward distinguishing recharge rates: Solving the nonlinear interface problem with Newton method

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    Citation: Steward, D. R. (2016). Analysis of vadose zone inhomogeneity toward distinguishing recharge rates: Solving the nonlinear interface problem with Newton method. Water Resources Research, 52(11), 8756-8774. doi:10.1002/2016wr019222Recharge from surface to groundwater is an important component of the hydrological cycle, yet its rate is difficult to quantify. Percolation through two-dimensional circular inhomogeneities in the vadose zone is studied where one soil type is embedded within a uniform background, and nonlinear interface conditions in the quasilinear formulation are solved using Newton's method with the Analytic Element Method. This numerical laboratory identifies detectable variations in pathline and pressure head distributions that manifest due to a shift in recharge rate through in a heterogeneous media. Pathlines either diverge about or converge through coarser and finer grained materials with inverse patterns forming across lower and upper elevations; however, pathline geometry is not significantly altered by recharge. Analysis of pressure head in lower regions near groundwater identifies a new phenomenon: its distribution is not significantly impacted by an inhomogeneity soil type, nor by its placement nor by recharge rate. Another revelation is that pressure head for coarser grained inhomogeneities in upper regions is completely controlled by geometry and conductivity contrasts; a shift in recharge generates a difference Dp that becomes an additive constant with the same value throughout this region. In contrast, shifts in recharge for finer grained inhomogeneities reveal patterns with abrupt variations across their interfaces. Consequently, measurements aimed at detecting shifts in recharge in a heterogeneous vadose zone by deciphering the corresponding patterns of change in pressure head should focus on finer grained inclusions well above a groundwater table


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    Desarrollado dentro de la línea de investigación Herramientas de Representación y Análisis Arquitectónico, este artículo sintetiza, de forma gráfica, el modo en que operan las relaciones inter-patronales descritas en el libro A Pattern Language (Alexander et al., 1977). En ese sentido, esta investigación revalúa la supuesta “variedad infinita de combinaciones” o relaciones, atribuida por los propios autores del libro a la totalidad de los 253 patrones por ellos propuestos, mediante su representación gráfica y posterior aplicación en un escenario construido. Lo anterior está dado bajo la hipótesis de que la presunta infinidad de variaciones o combinaciones patronales solo es posible dentro de un marco lógico de relaciones. Así pues, en términos tipológicos, sería equivalente a sugerir la invariabilidad de una estructura profunda (Martí Aris, 1993, p. 12). Para explorar esta presunción, este artículo tiene como objeto de estudio la Plaza Santander de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a mitad de un día soleado en la época previa a la Covid. Aquí, la actividad es el eje transversal del análisis porque: [1] Dada su condición de campus universitario, le es atribuible una alta complejidad de posibles relaciones patronales; [2] El horario meridiano en un momento anterior a la pandemia es consecuente con la multiplicidad de esas relaciones; y [3] La actividad como variable cualitativa hace posible el discernimiento de lo múltiple, a la vez que potencia el enfoque hacia el modo en que el espacio es asumido por quienes lo habitan y así define el alcance de la investigación. Palabras clave: Lenguaje de patrones, Alexander, Dotplots, actividad, análisis arquitectónico, Bogotá. AbstractDeveloped within the line of research on architectural representation and analysis tools, this article graphically synthesizes the way in which the inter-employer relationships described in the book A Pattern Language (Alexander et al., 1977) operate. In this sense, this research reassesses the supposed "infinite variety of combinations" or relationships attributed by the authors of the book to all of the 253 patterns they proposed through their graphic representation and subsequent application in a real scenario. The previous premise is given under the hypothesis that the presumed infinity of employer variations or combinations is only possible within a logical framework of relationships. Thus, in typological terms, it would be equivalent to suggesting the invariability of a deep structure (Martí Aris, 1993, p. 12). To explore this presumption, this article has as its object of study the Plaza Santander of the National University of Colombia, in the middle of a pre-Covid sunny day. Here, activity is the transversal axis of analysis because: [1] Given its condition as a university campus, a high complexity of possible employer relationships is attributable; [2] the meridian time in a moment before the pandemic is consistent with the multiplicity of these relationships; and [3] the activity as a qualitative variable makes it possible to discern the multiple at the same time that it enhances the focus on the way in which the space is  assumed by those who inhabit it, thus defining the scope of the investigation.Keywords: A pattern language, Alexander, dot plots, activity, architectural analysis, Bogotá

    Bat Fauna of Southeast Arkansas

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    A systematic survey of the mammalian fauna of Southwest Arkansas has resulted in the accumulation of more than 200 records of bats from the 21 counties comprising the study area. The records reveal distributional patterns for 12 species of bats and represent a total of 68 new county records for this area of Arkansas