555 research outputs found

    Dialogue and transformation in Holocaust education? Reweaving the tapestry of experience, research and practice

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    This article draws upon Habermas\u27s three human interests to discuss different goals in Holocaust education research, namely the technical/instrumental interest in changing others\u27 racist views, the communicative interest in understanding how such views make sense to others from their own perspective through dialogue, and the emancipatory interest in self-knowledge through which the researcher can uncover both implicit values about how things should be and implicit, and perhaps even subconscious theories of how things work. Achieving greater clarity about these implicit normative and empirical foundations of researchers\u27 design decisions and interpretations has several positive outcomes: first, it enhances subjectivity, positionality and transparency in a field that is often highly personal for its participants; second, it enables the field to deliberate about the ethical dimensions of the work, while making theories about how things work explicit opens them up for critical examination; third, it has heuristic value, sharing ways of thinking, meaningful narratives and metaphors that may enhance Habermas\u27s second, communicative interest in understanding. In practice, Habermas\u27s three interests are not cleanly differentiated in Holocaust education research and practice, but are interconnected. This article focuses upon the emancipatory interest by exploring the interrelationships between experience and inquiry, or more specifically, how the author\u27s encounter with tragedy shaped an evolving research agenda in Holocaust education. It revealed a set of implicit theories and commitments that, once unearthed and made explicit, are available for reflection and critique. It also clarified the ethical and empirical grounds for certain theories and commitments. (DIPF/Orig.)Der Autor rückt in seinem Beitrag ein methodologisches Grundproblem empirischer Forschung in den Fokus seiner Auseinandersetzung. Er fragt nach den impliziten normativen Prämissen, die seiner ethnographischen Forschung zur "Holocaust Education" in Estland unterlegt waren. Im Rückgriff auf die drei Erkenntnisinteressen von Jürgen Habermas, die ihm als Reflexionsfolie dienen, legt der Autor seine Verstrickung in den normativen Diskurs einer "Holocaust Education" frei. Er verdeutlicht dies an der Differenzerfahrung zwischen seiner Haltung zur "Holocaust Education" und jenen Haltungen, die ihm in Estland als einem Land begegneten, in der nicht nur die Erfahrung des Holocaust, sondern auch die des Stalinismus prägend gewesen sind. Der Beitrag weist im Sinne des "Befremdens der eigenen Kultur" auf ein Desiderat der international-vergleichenden Forschung zur "Holocaust Education" hin: die methodologische Reflexion der engen Verwobenheit von normativen und empirisch-deskriptiven Zugängen, die das Forschungsfeld der "Holocaust Education" in besonderer Weise prägt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Second Language Acquisition As A Clash Of Consciousness

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98334/1/j.1467-1770.1976.tb00282.x.pd

    Functional Plasticity in Oyster Gut Microbiomes along a Eutrophication Gradient in an Urbanized Estuary

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    Background Oysters in coastal environments are subject to fluctuating environmental conditions that may impact the ecosystem services they provide. Oyster-associated microbiomes are responsible for some of these services, particularly nutrient cycling in benthic habitats. The effects of climate change on host-associated microbiome composition are well-known, but functional changes and how they may impact host physiology and ecosystem functioning are poorly characterized. We investigated how environmental parameters affect oyster-associated microbial community structure and function along a trophic gradient in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Adult eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, gut and seawater samples were collected at 5 sites along this estuarine nutrient gradient in August 2017. Samples were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing to characterize bacterial community structures and metatranscriptomes were sequenced to determine oyster gut microbiome responses to local environments. Results There were significant differences in bacterial community structure between the eastern oyster gut and water samples, suggesting selection of certain taxa by the oyster host. Increasing salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen, and decreasing nitrate, nitrite and phosphate concentrations were observed along the North to South gradient. Transcriptionally active bacterial taxa were similar for the different sites, but expression of oyster-associated microbial genes involved in nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) cycling varied throughout the Bay, reflecting the local nutrient regimes and prevailing environmental conditions. Conclusions The observed shifts in microbial community composition and function inform how estuarine conditions affect host-associated microbiomes and their ecosystem services. As the effects of estuarine acidification are expected to increase due to the combined effects of eutrophication, coastal pollution, and climate change, it is important to determine relationships between host health, microbial community structure, and environmental conditions in benthic communities

    Population ecology of North Atlantic humpback whales

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    From Non-Compliance to Columbine: Capturing Student Perspectives to Understand Non-Compliance and Violence in High Schools

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    Accepted manuscript, post print versionThe paper reviews a number of ethnographic studies of students in U.S. secondary schools to help understand the causes of a range of student behaviors from minor non-compliance to lethal violence. Based on these studies, as well personal experience, the authors suggest that educators and educational researchers approach and understand student perspectives on school life. Such perspectives often reveal the logic of non-compliance, and show that aspects of school structure and practice can exacerbate or contribute to violence. Student non-compliance and alienation can escalate into violence if the student view is not regularly consulted in schools

    Behavioural effects of exposure to underwater explosions in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae

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    Abstract: Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) entrapment in nets is a common phenomenon in Newfoundland. In 1991, unusually high entrapment rates were recorded in Trinity Bay on the northeast coast of Newfoundland. The majority of cases occurred in the southern portion of the bay close to Mosquito Cove, a site associated with construction operations (including explosions and drilling) that presumably modified the underwater acoustic environment of lower Trinity Bay. This study reports the findings of the resulting assessment conducted in June 1992 on the impact of the industrial activity on humpback whales foraging in the area. Although explosions were characterized by high-energy signatures with principal energies under 1 kHz, humpback whales showed little behavioural reaction to the detonations in terms of decreased residency, overall movements, or general behaviour. However, it appears that the increased entrapment rate may have been influenced by the long-term effects of exposure to deleterious levels of sound. Resume: L'enchevetrement de Rorquals 11 bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae) dans des filets de peche est un phenomene frequent 11 Terre-Neuve. En 1991-1992, un nombre particulierement eleve de cas d'enchevetrements ont ete rapportes 11 Trinity Bay, sur la cote nord-est de Terre-Neuve, et la plupart ont ete enregistres dans la portion sud de la baie, au voisinage de Mosquito Cove, un site de manoeuvres de construction (explosions, forage) qui ont probablement pour effet de modifier l'environnement acoustique sous-marin dans la partie basse de la baie. Les resultats que nous presentons ici sont ceux d'une etude effectuee en juin 1992 sur les effets de l'activite industrielle sur les rorquals qui se nourrissent dans ces eaux. Les explosions etaient caracterisees par une energie tres forte (energies principales de moins de 1 kHz), mais les rorquals ont reagi tres peu aux detonations et nous n'avons pas observe de diminution des individus residants, ni d'emigrations massives ou de modifications du comportement general. Toutefois, l'augmentation du nombre d'enchevetrements peut avoir ete influencee par les effets 11 long terme d'une exposition 11 des phenomenes acoustiques dangereux. [Traduit par la Redaction
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