1,195 research outputs found

    Dynamic Classification of Moisture Stress Using Canopy and Leaf Temperature Responses to a Step Changes of Incident Radiation

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    Environmental conditions affect plant productivity and understanding how plants respond to drought stress can be measured in different ways. This study focused on measuring leaf response time to induced water stress. Leaf response time to a step increase and step decrease in radiation was computed for four species of well-watered and water-stressed plants in a controlled environment. The canopy temperature was measured with an infrared thermometer and a thermal imaging camera. Thermal images were analyzed to determine the average temperature of a selected single, unobstructed leaf at the top of the canopy. Both the canopy response time and the single leaf response time were computed for this study. The response times to a step change of radiation for well-watered plants were generally longer than the response times of water stressed plants. These results show that response time may be used as an indicator of plant water stress

    Dynamic Classification of Moisture Stress Using Canopy and Leaf Temperature Responses to a Step Changes of Incident Radiation

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    Environmental conditions affect plant productivity and understanding how plants respond to drought stress can be measured in different ways. This study focused on measuring leaf response time to induced water stress. Leaf response time to a step increase and step decrease in radiation was computed for four species of well-watered and water-stressed plants in a controlled environment. The canopy temperature was measured with an infrared thermometer and a thermal imaging camera. Thermal images were analyzed to determine the average temperature of a selected single, unobstructed leaf at the top of the canopy. Both the canopy response time and the single leaf response time were computed for this study. The response times to a step change of radiation for well-watered plants were generally longer than the response times of water stressed plants. These results show that response time may be used as an indicator of plant water stress

    A better approach by management in drug testing

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    Discussed here are a number of drug abuse and drug testing issues. This article presents an overview of current developments in the area of drug testing in the workplace. There is an analysis of legislation, federal and state court decisions, and key legal arguments. These decisions and arguments are discussed in the context of employee rights and responsibilities. Also presented are the legal and ethical aspects of drug testing in the workplace. The authors make a case for a rehabilitative rather than a punitive approach to employee drug abuse.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44457/1/10672_2005_Article_BF01385029.pd

    Adverse health effects of nighttime lighting: comments on american medical association policy statement.

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    The American Medical Association House of Delegates in June of 2012 adopted a policy statement on nighttime lighting and human health. This major policy statement summarizes the scientific evidence that nighttime electric light can disrupt circadian rhythms in humans and documents the rapidly advancing understanding from basic science of how disruption of circadian rhythmicity affects aspects of physiology with direct links to human health, such as cell cycle regulation, DNA damage response, and metabolism. The human evidence is also accumulating, with the strongest epidemiologic support for a link of circadian disruption from light at night to breast cancer. There are practical implications of the basic and epidemiologic science in the form of advancing lighting technologies that better accommodate human circadian rhythmicity

    Danube loess stratigraphy - Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model

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    The Danube River drainage basin is the second largest river catchment in Europe and contains a significant and extensive region of thick loess deposits that preserve a record of a wide variety of recent and past environments. Indeed, the Danube River and tributaries may themselves be responsible for the transportation of large volumes of silt that ultimately drive loess formation in the middle and lower reaches of this large catchment. However, this vast loess province lacks a unified stratigraphic scheme. European loess research started in the late 17th century in the Danube Basin with the work of Count Luigi Ferdinand Marsigli. Since that time numerous investigations provided the basis for the pioneering stratigraphic framework proposed initially by Kukla (1970, 1977) in his correlations of loess with deep-sea sediments. Loess-palaeosol sequences in the middle and lower reaches of the Danube River basin were a key part of this framework and contain some of the longest and most complete continental climate records in Europe, covering more than the last million years. However, the very size of the Danube loess belt and the large number of countries it covers presents a major limiting factor in developing a unified approach that enables continental scale analysis of the deposits. Local loess-palaeosol stratigraphic schemes have been defined separately in different countries and the difficulties in correlating such schemes, which often change significantly with advances in age-dating, have limited the number of basin-wide studies. A unified basin-wide stratigraphic model would greatly alleviate these difficulties and facilitate research into the wider significance of these loess records. Therefore we review the existing stratigraphic schemes and define a new Danube Basin wide loess stratigraphy based around a synthetic type section of the Mošorin and Stari Slankamen sites in Serbia. We present a detailed comparison with the sedimentological and palaeoclimatic records preserved in sediments of the Chinese Loess Plateau, with the oxygen isotope records from deep-sea sediments, and with classic European Pleistocene stratigraphic subdivisions. The hierarchy of Danubian stratigraphic units is determined by climatically controlled environmental shifts, in a similar way to the Chinese loess stratigraphic scheme. A new unified Danube loess stratigraphic model has a number of advantages, including preventing confusion resulting from the use of multiple national schemes, a more transparent basis, and the potential to set Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental changes recorded in the Danube catchment area into a global context. The use of a very simple labelling system based on the well-established Chinese loess scheme facilitates interpretation of palaeoenvironmental information reported from the Danube Basin loess sites in a wider more accessible context that can be readily correlated world-wide. This stratigraphic approach also provides, for the first time, an appropriate framework for the development of an integrated, pan-European and potentially pan-Eurasian loess stratigraphic scheme. © 2015 Elsevier B.V

    Quality science from quality measurement: The role of measurement type with respect to replication and effect size magnitude in psychological research

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    Copyright: © 2018 Kornbrot et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The quality of psychological studies is currently a major concern. The Many Labs Project (MLP) and the Open-Science-Collaboration (OSC) have collected key data on replicability and statistical effect sizes. We build on this work by investigating the role played by three measurement types: ratings, proportions and unbounded (measures without conceptual upper limits, e.g. time). Both replicability and effect sizes are dependent on the amount of variability due to extraneous factors. We predicted that the role of such extraneous factors might depend on measurement type, and would be greatest for ratings, intermediate for proportions and least for unbounded. Our results support this conjecture. OSC replication rates for unbounded, 43% and proportion 40% combined are reliably higher than those for ratings at 20% (effect size, w = .20). MLP replication rates for the original studies are: pro- portion = .74, ratings = .40 (effect size w = .33). Original effect sizes (Cohen’s d) are highest for: unbounded OSC cognitive = 1.45, OSC social = .90); next for proportions (OSC cogni- tive = 1.01, OSC social = .84, MLP = .82); and lowest for ratings (OSC social = .64, MLP = .31). These findings are of key importance to scientific methodology and design, even if the reasons for their occurrence are still at the level of conjecture.Peer reviewe

    Migrations and habitat use of the smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) in the Atlantic Ocean

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    The smooth hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena, is a cosmopolitan semipelagic shark captured as bycatch in pelagic oceanic fisheries, especially pelagic longlines targeting swordfish and/or tunas. From 2012 to 2016, eight smooth hammerheads were tagged with Pop-up Satellite Archival Tags in the inter-tropical region of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, with successful transmissions received from seven tags (total of 319 tracking days). Results confirmed the smooth hammerhead is a highly mobile species, as the longest migration ever documented for this species (> 6600 km) was recorded. An absence of a diel vertical movement behavior was noted, with the sharks spending most of their time at surface waters (0-50 m) above 23 degrees C. The operating depth of the pelagic long-line gear was measured with Minilog Temperature and Depth Recorders, and the overlap with the species vertical distribution was calculated. The overlap is taking place mainly during the night and is higher for juveniles (similar to 40% of overlap time). The novel information presented can now be used to contribute to the provision of sustainable management tools and serve as input for Ecological Risk Assessments for smooth hammerheads caught in Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries.Oceanario de Lisboa through Project "SHARK-TAG: Migrations and habitat use of the smooth hammerhead shark in the Atlantic Ocean"; Investigador-FCT from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) [Ref: IF/00253/2014]; EU European Social Fund; Programa Operacional Potencial Human

    KELT-10b: The First Transiting Exoplanet from the KELT-South Survey -- A Hot Sub-Jupiter Transiting a V = 10.7 Early G-Star

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    We report the discovery of KELT-10b, the first transiting exoplanet discovered using the KELT-South telescope. KELT-10b is a highly inflated sub-Jupiter mass planet transiting a relatively bright V=10.7V = 10.7 star (TYC 8378-64-1), with Teff_{eff} = 5948±745948\pm74 K, logg\log{g} = 4.3190.030+0.0204.319_{-0.030}^{+0.020} and [Fe/H] = 0.090.10+0.110.09_{-0.10}^{+0.11}, an inferred mass M_{*} = 1.1120.061+0.0551.112_{-0.061}^{+0.055} M_{\odot} and radius R_{*} = 1.2090.035+0.0471.209_{-0.035}^{+0.047} R_{\odot}. The planet has a radius RP_{P} = 1.3990.049+0.0691.399_{-0.049}^{+0.069} RJ_{J} and mass MP_{P} = 0.6790.038+0.0390.679_{-0.038}^{+0.039} MJ_{J}. The planet has an eccentricity consistent with zero and a semi-major axis aa = 0.052500.00097+0.000860.05250_{-0.00097}^{+0.00086} AU. The best fitting linear ephemeris is T0T_{0} = 2457066.72045±\pm0.00027 BJDTDB_{TDB} and P = 4.1662739±\pm0.0000063 days. This planet joins a group of highly inflated transiting exoplanets with a radius much larger and a mass much less than those of Jupiter. The planet, which boasts deep transits of 1.4%, has a relatively high equilibrium temperature of Teq_{eq} = 137723+281377_{-23}^{+28} K, assuming zero albedo and perfect heat redistribution. KELT-10b receives an estimated insolation of 0.8170.054+0.0680.817_{-0.054}^{+0.068} ×\times 109^9 erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}, which places it far above the insolation threshold above which hot Jupiters exhibit increasing amounts of radius inflation. Evolutionary analysis of the host star suggests that KELT-10b is unlikely to survive beyond the current subgiant phase, due to a concomitant in-spiral of the planet over the next \sim1 Gyr. The planet transits a relatively bright star and exhibits the third largest transit depth of all transiting exoplanets with V << 11 in the southern hemisphere, making it a promising candidate for future atmospheric characterization studies.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA