7 research outputs found

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): A forensic SED reconstruction of the cosmic star-formation history and metallicity evolution by galaxy type

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    We apply the spectral energy distribution-fitting code ProSpect to multiwavelength imaging for \sim7,000 galaxies from the GAMA survey at z<0.06z<0.06, in order to extract their star-formation histories. We combine a parametric description of the star formation history with a closed-box evolution of metallicity where the present-day gas-phase metallicity of the galaxy is a free parameter. We show with this approach that we are able to recover the observationally-determined cosmic star formation history (CSFH), an indication that stars are being formed in the correct epoch of the Universe, on average, for the manner in which we are conducting SED fitting. We also show the contribution to the CSFH of galaxies of different present-day visual morphologies, and stellar masses. This analysis suggests that half of the mass in present-day elliptical galaxies was in place 11 Gyr ago, whereas in other morphological types the stellar mass formed later, up to 6 Gyr ago for present-day irregular galaxies. Similarly, the most massive galaxies in our sample were shown to have formed half their stellar mass by 10.5 Gyr ago, whereas the least massive galaxies formed half their stellar mass as late as 4 Gyr ago (the well-known effect of "galaxy downsizing"). Finally, our metallicity approach allows us to follow the average evolution in gas-phase metallicity for populations of galaxies, and extract the evolution of the cosmic metal mass density in stars and in gas, producing results in broad agreement with observations of metal densities in the Universe

    Cold Gas in Massive Galaxies as a Critical Test of Black Hole Feedback Models

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    Black hole feedback has been widely implemented as the key recipe to quench star formation in massive galaxies in modern semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations. As the theoretical details surrounding the accretion and feedback of black holes continue to be refined, various feedback models have been implemented across simulations, with notable differences in their outcomes. Yet, most of these simulations have successfully reproduced some observations, such as stellar mass function and star formation rate density in the local Universe. We use the recent observation on the change of neutral hydrogen gas mass (including both H2{\rm H_2} and HI{\rm HI}) with star formation rate of massive central disc galaxies as a critical constraint of black hole feedback models across several simulations. We find that the predictions of IllustrisTNG agree with the observations much better than the other models tested in this work. This favors IllustrisTNG's treatment of active galactic nuclei - where kinetic winds are driven by black holes at low accretion rates - as more plausible amongst those we test. In turn, this also indirectly supports the idea that the massive central disc galaxy population in the local Universe was likely quenched by AGN feedback

    The distribution and properties of DLAs at z ≤ 2 in the EAGLE simulations

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    Determining the spatial distribution and intrinsic physical properties of neutral hydrogen on cosmological scales is one of the key goals of next-generation radio surveys. We use the EAGLE galaxy formation simulations to assess the properties of damped Lyman α absorbers (DLAs) that are associated with galaxies and their underlying dark matter haloes between 0 ≤ z ≤ 2. We find that the covering fraction of DLAs increases at higher redshift; a significant fraction of neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) resides in the outskirts of galaxies with stellar mass ≥1010 M⊙; and the covering fraction of DLAs in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is enhanced relative to that of the interstellar medium (ISM) with increasing halo mass. Moreover, we find that the mean density of the H I in galaxies increases with increasing stellar mass, while the DLAs in high- and low-halo mass systems have higher column densities than those in galaxies with intermediate halo masses (∼1012 M⊙ at z = 0). These high-impact CGM DLAs in high-stellar mass systems tend to be metal poor, likely tracing smooth accretion. Overall, our results point to the CGM playing an important role in DLA studies at high redshift (z ≥ 1). However, their properties are impacted both by numerical resolution and the detailed feedback prescriptions employed in cosmological simulations, particularly that of active galactic nuclei

    Ammonoid Intraspecific Variability

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    Because ammonoids have never been observed swimming, there is no alternative to seeking indirect indications of the locomotory abilities of ammonoids. This approach is based on actualistic comparisons with the closest relatives of ammonoids, the Coleoidea and the Nautilida, and on the geometrical and physical properties of the shell. Anatomical comparison yields information on the locomotor muscular systems and organs as well as possible modes of propulsion while the shape and physics of ammonoid shells provide information on buoyancy, shell orientation, drag, added mass, cost of transportation and thus on limits of acceleration and swimming speed. On these grounds, we conclude that ammonoid swimming is comparable to that of Recent nautilids and sepiids in terms of speed and energy consumption, although some ammonoids might have been slower swimmers than nautilids