51 research outputs found

    DNA damage-induced transcription stress : a focus on RNA polymerase II

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    The integrity of DNA is continuously challenged by genotoxic insults from both endogenous and exogenous origin. Damaged DNA disrupts essential cellular functions such as replication and transcription, and can lead to mutagenesis, senescence, and apoptosis. If unrepaired, these DNA lesion may ultimately contribute to aging, or cause mutations that may give rise to cancer. To counteract these deleterious consequences, cells are equipped with an intricate network of highly regulated processes that orchestrate the recognition and dedicated repair of DNA lesions and the activation of DNA damage-induced cell signaling pathways. In this thesis we investigated the cellular consequences of DNA-damage induced transcription stress, with a special focus on the regulation of RNA polymerase II function after UV irradiation

    Traveling Rocky Roads: The Consequences of Transcription-Blocking DNA Lesions on RNA Polymerase II

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    AbstractThe faithful transcription of eukaryotic genes by RNA polymerase II (RNAP2) is crucial for proper cell function and tissue homeostasis. However, transcription-blocking DNA lesions of both endogenous and environmental origin continuously challenge the progression of elongating RNAP2. The stalling of RNAP2 on a transcription-blocking lesion triggers a series of highly regulated events, including RNAP2 processing to make the lesion accessible for DNA repair, R-loop-mediated DNA damage signaling, and the initiation of transcription-coupled DNA repair. The correct execution and coordination of these processes is vital for resuming transcription following the successful repair of transcription-blocking lesions. Here, we outline recent insights into the molecular consequences of RNAP2 stalling on transcription-blocking DNA lesions and how these lesions are resolved to restore mRNA synthesis

    Motivational training improves self-efficacy but not short-term adherence with asthma self-management: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Adherence to self-management in asthma is poor. Aim: To investigate the effect of disease-unspecific motivational training on self-management adherence in addition to asthma-specific patient education. Methods: We randomized patients with partly controlled asthma to asthma education, with or without the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM) training. Main elements of the ZRM training are development of action-oriented personal goals and activation of resources to achieve and practice them in daily life. The primary outcome was adherence to self-monitoring and to a written personal action plan during three months. Secondary outcomes included patient-reported self-efficacy. Results: As control patients (n=30) were younger, mostly male and had better asthma control compared with the intervention group (n=30), we adjusted the analyses for these imbalances. Both groups showed excellent adherence to self-monitoring over three months [27 patients (90.0%) in intervention and 25 patients (83.3%) in control group, adjusted odds ratio: 1.28 (0.24-6.78), P=0.78)]. Patients in the ZRM group tended to adjust their medication more often [median 36% days with action (IQR 11-62%)] than control patients [9% (0-43), P=0.18]. In both groups, actions were rarely in accordance with the action plan [median 20% of actions appropriate (IQR 0-37) in intervention and 11% (IQR 0-56) in control group, P=0.92]. After three months, self-efficacy was significantly better with ZRM (adjusted difference on self-efficacy scale 2.31, 95% CI 0.31-4.31, P=0.02). Conclusion: Unspecific self-management training had no short-term effect on self-management adherence in asthma patients. Self-efficacy improved, but it is uncertain whether this translates into better long-term outcome

    Molecular control of endurance training adaptation in male mouse skeletal muscle

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    Skeletal muscle has an enormous plastic potential to adapt to various external and internal perturbations. Although morphological changes in endurance-trained muscles are well described, the molecular underpinnings of training adaptation are poorly understood. We therefore aimed to elucidate the molecular signature of muscles of trained male mice and unravel the training status-dependent responses to an acute bout of exercise. Our results reveal that, even though at baseline an unexpectedly low number of genes define the trained muscle, training status substantially affects the transcriptional response to an acute challenge, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in part associated with epigenetic modifications. Finally, transiently activated factors such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α are indispensable for normal training adaptation. Together, these results provide a molecular framework of the temporal and training status-dependent exercise response that underpins muscle plasticity in training

    Visceral Leishmaniasis in a New York Foxhound Kennel

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    Although endemic throughout much of the world, autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis has been reported on only 3 previous occasions in North America. After diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis in 4 foxhounds from a kennel in Dutchess County, New York (index kennel), serum and ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-anticoagulated blood were collected from the remaining 108 American or cross-bred foxhounds in the index kennel and from 30 Beagles and Basset Hounds that were periodically housed in the index kennel. Samples were analyzed for antibodies to or DNA of tickborne disease pathogens and Leishmania spp. Most dogs had antibodies to Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp., or some combination of these pathogens but not to Bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffi). However, DNA of rickettsial, ehrlichial, or babesial agents was detected in only 9 dogs. Visceral leishmaniasis was diagnosed in 46 of 112 (41%) foxhounds from the index kennel but was not diagnosed in any of the Beagles and Basset Hounds. A positive Leishmania status was defined by 1 or more of the following criteria: a Leishmania antibody titeror = 1:64, positive Leishmania polymerase chain reaction (PCR), positive Leishmania culture, or identification of Leishmania amastigotes by cytology or histopathology. The species and zymodeme of Leishmania that infected the foxhounds was determined to be Leishmania infantum MON-1 by isoenzyme electrophoresis. Foxhounds that were18 months of age or that had traveled to the southeastern United States were more likely to be diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis. Transmission of Leishmania spp. in kennel outbreaks may involve exposure to an insect vector, direct transmission, or vertical transmission

    C8-glycosphingolipids preferentially insert into tumor cell membranes and promote chemotherapeutic drug uptake

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    AbstractInsufficient drug delivery into tumor cells limits the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy. Co-delivery of liposome-encapsulated drug and synthetic short-chain glycosphingolipids (SC-GSLs) significantly improved drug bioavailability by enhancing intracellular drug uptake. Investigating the mechanisms underlying this SC-GSL-mediated drug uptake enhancement is the aim of this study. Fluorescence microscopy was used to visualize the cell membrane lipid transfer intracellular fate of fluorescently labeled C6-NBD-GalCer incorporated in liposomes in tumor and non-tumor cells. Additionally click chemistry was applied to image and quantify native SC-GSLs in tumor and non-tumor cell membranes. SC-GSL-mediated flip-flop was investigated in model membranes to confirm membrane-incorporation of SC-GSL and its effect on membrane remodeling. SC-GSL enriched liposomes containing doxorubicin (Dox) were incubated at 4°C and 37°C and intracellular drug uptake was studied in comparison to standard liposomes and free Dox.SC-GSL transfer to the cell membrane was independent of liposomal uptake and the majority of the transferred lipid remained in the plasma membrane. The transfer of SC-GSL was tumor cell-specific and induced membrane rearrangement as evidenced by a transbilayer flip-flop of pyrene-SM. However, pore formation was measured, as leakage of hydrophilic fluorescent probes was not observed. Moreover, drug uptake appeared to be mediated by SC-GSLs. SC-GSLs enhanced the interaction of doxorubicin (Dox) with the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of tumor cells at 4°C. Our results demonstrate that SC-GSLs preferentially insert into tumor cell plasma membranes enhancing cell intrinsic capacity to translocate amphiphilic drugs such as Dox across the membrane via a biophysical process

    Fluorescently-labelled CPD and 6-4PP photolyases: new tools for live-cell DNA damage quantification and laser-assisted repair

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    UV light induces cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts (6-4PPs), which can result in carcinogenesis and aging, if not properly repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER). Assays to determine DNA damage load and repair rates are invaluable tools for fundamental and clinical NER research. However, most current assays to quantify DNA damage and repair cannot be performed in real time. To overcome this limitation, we made use of the damage recognition characteristics of CPD and 6-4PP photolyases (PLs). Fluorescently-tagged PLs efficiently recognize UVinduced DNA damage without blocking NER activity, and therefore can be used as sensitive live-cell damage sensors. Importantly, FRAP-based assays showed that PLs bind to damaged DNA in a highly sensitive and dose-dependent manner, and can be used to quantify DNA damage load and to determine repair kinetics in real time. Additionally, PLs can instantly reverse DNA damage by 405 nm laserassisted photo-reactivation during live-cell imaging, opening new possibilities to study lesion-specific NER dynamics and cellular responses to damage removal. Our results show that fluorescently-tagged PLs can be used as a versatile tool to sense, quantify and repair DNA damage, and to study NER kinetics and UV-induced DNA damage response in living cells

    Role of blood cells dynamism on hemostatic complications in low-risk patients with essential thrombocythemia

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    Patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) aged less than 60 years, who have not suffered a previous vascular event (low-risk patients), may develop thrombotic or hemorrhagic events. So far, it has not been possible to identify useful markers capable of predicting which of these patients are more likely to develop an event and therefore who needs to be treated. In the present study, we analysed the relationship between vascular complications and longitudinal blood counts of 136 low-risk ET patients taken over a sustained period of time (blood cells dynamism). After a median follow-up of 60 months, 45 out of 136 patients (33%) suffered 40 major thrombotic and 5 severe hemorrhagic complications. A total number of 5,781 blood counts were collected longitudinally. Thrombotic and hemorrhagic events were studied together (primary endpoint) but also separately (thrombotic alone = secondary endpoint; hemorrhagic alone = tertiary endpoint). The primary endpoint showed no significant association between platelet and WBC count at diagnosis and risk of any event (platelet, p = 0.797; WBC, p = 0.178), while Hb at baseline did show an association (p = 0.024). In the dynamic analysis with Cox regression model, where the blood count values were studied by time of follow-up, we observed that the risk for Hb was 1.49 (95% CI 1.13-1.97) for every increase of 1 g/dL, and that this risk then marginally decreased during follow-up. WBC was associated with an increased risk at baseline for every increase of 1 7 10(9)/L (hazard ratio (HR) 1.07, 95% CI 1.01-1.13, p = 0.034), the risk was stable during follow-up (HR 0.95, p = 0.187 at 60 months). Also, for each increment at baseline of 100 7 10(9) platelets/L, HR was increased by 1.08 (95% CI 0.97-1.22, p = 0.159) and decreases during follow-up. In conclusion, this study is the first to evaluate in ET low-risk patients, the risk of developing a thrombotic/hemorrhagic event considering blood counts over time. Overall our study shows that the risk changes over time. For example, the risk associated with WCC is not linear as previously reported. An interesting new finding is that PLT and even Hb contribute to the risk of developing vascular events. Future treatments should take into consideration these findings and aim to control all parameters over time. We believe this early study may help develop a dynamic analysis model to predict thrombosis in the single patient. Further studies are now warranted to further validate our findings