25 research outputs found

    Rayleigh scattering temperature measurements in a swirl stabilized burner

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    Rayleigh scattering temperature measurements were obtained in a turbulent reactive swirling coaxial jet discharged from a swirl-stabilized burner along the jet-flame centerline. They are reported up to 10 fuel nozzle diameters downstream of the burner exit at a Reynolds number of 29000. The effect of swirl numbers (S=0.3, 0.58, 1.07) on the temperature fields, the power spectral density of temperature fluctuations and on the probability density functions of the temperature fluctuations was determined

    Experimental Assessment of ‘subgrid’ scale Probability Density Function Models for Large Eddy Simulation

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    Filtered density functions (FDFs) of mixture fraction are quantified by analyzing experimental data obtained from two-dimensional planar laser-induced fluorescence scalar measurements in the isothermal swirling flow of a combustor operating at a Reynolds number of 28,662 for three different swirl numbers (0.3, 0.58 and 1.07). Two-dimensional filtering using a box filter was performed on the measured scalar to obtain the filtered variables used for presumed FDF for Large Eddy Simulations (LES). A dependant variable from the measured scalar, which was a pre-computed temperature, was integrated over the experimentally obtained FDF as well as over the presumed beta or top-hat FDFs and a relative error in temperature prediction was calculated. The experimentally measured FDFs depended on swirl numbers and axial and radial positions in the flow. The FDFs were unimodal in the regions of low variance and bimodal in the regions of high variance. The influence of the filter spatial dimension on the measured FDF was evaluated and consequences for subgrid modeling for LES discussed

    Experimental assessment of presumed filtered density function models

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    Measured filtered density functions (FDFs) as well as assumed beta distribution model of mixture fraction and “subgrid” scale (SGS) scalar variance, used typically in large eddy simulations, were studied by analysing experimental data, obtained from two-dimensional planar, laser induced fluorescence measurements in isothermal swirling turbulent flows at a constant Reynolds number of 29 000 for different swirl numbers (0.3, 0.58, and 1.07)

    Experimental Study of flow and Scalar Mixing in Swirl-stabilised burners

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    Instantaneous measurements of scalar, velocity and temperature in a swirl stabilized burner are presented. The scalar mixing is discussed in terms of mixture fraction distribution as well as the rate of scalar dissipation. The later quantity, occurring at the micro-scale of turbulent flow, characterizes the level of mixing between a fuel and an oxidizer. This quantity is regarded as one of the most important parameters that affect the combustion process. The scalar dissipation rate was computed from the measured mixture fraction, which was measured by laser-induced fluorescence of acetone. The measurements have been made in a turbulent non-reactive swirling coaxial jet discharged from a swirl-stabilized burner along the jet centerline at different downstream distances from the burner exit. They are reported up to 7 fuel nozzle diameters downstream of the burner exit at a Reynolds number of 29000 for three swirl numbers, namely 0.3, 0.58 and 1.07. The influence of the swirl number on the scalar mixing, unconditional and conditional scalar dissipation statistics was investigated. The purpose of obtaining these measurements is to assess experimentally the validity of the scalar variance models and the associated so-called 'filter density functions' that are being developed in the context of Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Instantaneous (as well as mean) temperature measurements were also obtained in the same swirl-stabilized burner under the same operating conditions with reaction. Temperature was measured by Rayleigh thermometry. Careful selection of the fuel allowed nearly constant Rayleigh scattering cross section across the flame and led to temperature measurements with typical accuracy of around 5%. The temperature measurements quantify the effect of different degrees of swirl on flame stability and on the mechanism of flame stabilization. The temperature statistics, temperature power spectra and thermal dissipation rates are presented. Finally, flow velocity measurements were obtained in the non-reacting and reacting cases by employing particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The purpose was to review the occurrence of the processing vortex core (PVC) and its role on flame stabilization. The effect of swirl number on a processing vortex core and a recirculation zone is shown and discussed in association with observations for the scalar measurements

    Scalar dissipation rate statistics in turbulent swirling jets

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    The scalar dissipation rate statistics were measured in an isothermal flow formed by discharging a central jet in an annular stream of swirling air flow. This is a typical geometry used in swirl-stabilised burners, where the central jet is the fuel. The flow Reynolds number was 29 000, based on the area-averaged velocity of 8.46 m/s at the exit and the diameter of 50.8 mm. The scalar dissipation rate and its statistics were computed from two-dimensional imaging of the mixture fraction fields obtained with planar laser induced fluorescence of acetone. Three swirl numbers, S, of 0.3, 0.58, and 1.07 of the annular swirling stream were considered. The influence of the swirl number on scalar mixing, unconditional, and conditional scalar dissipation rate statistics were quantified. A procedure, based on a Wiener filter approach, was used to de-noise the raw mixture fraction images. The filtering errors on the scalar dissipation rate measurements were up to 15%, depending on downstream positions from the burner exit. The maximum of instantaneous scalar dissipation rate was found to be up to 35 s−1, while the mean dissipation rate was 10 times smaller. The probability density functions of the logarithm of the scalar dissipation rate fluctuations were found to be slightly negatively skewed at low swirl numbers and almost symmetrical when the swirl number increased. The assumption of statistical independence between the scalar and its dissipation rate was valid for higher swirl numbers at locations with low scalar fluctuations and less valid for low swirl numbers. The deviations from the assumption of statistical independence were quantified. The conditional mean of the scalar dissipation rate, the standard deviation of the scalar dissipation rate fluctuations, the weighted probability of occurrence of the mean conditional scalar dissipation rate, and the conditional probability are reported


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    Background. The article describes the computer desktop program for automation of accounting of patiet and statistical periodic reporting «Accounting of patient of the department of neurology». Materials and methods. SQL Server format relational local database and main components of Microsoft SQL Server architecture. Results. Desktop computer program designed to optimize the process of patient registration. Conclusions. An effective tool has been developed in the form of a computer program that ensures the processing of medical records of patients and the creation of statistical reports in order to improve the level of quality and accuracy of treatment by a neurologist.В статье описана компьютерная десктопная программа для автоматизации ведения учета пациентов и статистической периодичной отчетности «Учет пациентов отделения неврологии», разработанная для оптимизации процесса регистрации пациентов.У статті описана комп’ютерна десктопна програма для автоматизації ведення обліку пацієнтів і статистичної періодичної звітності «Облік пацієнтів відділення неврології», розроблена для оптимізації процесу реєстрації пацієнтів


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    Background. The computer desktop program is described to automate and simplify the process of recording and registering patients with hereditary metabolic disorders. Materials and methods. SQL Server format relational local database and main components of Microsoft SQL Server architecture. Results. The program «Register of hereditary metabolic disorders» is designed for employees of the laboratory of medical genetics. Conclusions. Creation of a computer desktop program «Register of hereditary metabolic disorders» to account for patients with hereditary metabolic disorders with the functions of medical workflow, reporting and statistics.Описана компьютерная настольная программа для автоматизации и упрощения процессов ведения учета и регистрации пациентов с наследственными нарушениями метаболизма «Реестр наследственных нарушений метаболизма». Программа разработана для работников лаборатории медицинской генетики.Описано комп'ютерну настільну програму для автоматизації та спрощення процесів ведення обліку та реєстрації пацієнтів зі спадковими порушеннями метаболізму «Реєстр спадкових порушень метаболізму». Програму розроблено для працівників лабораторії медичної генетики


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    The article describes the computer desktop program for automation of accounting of chemical vessels and reagents and reporting of admission and cancellation «Accounting of materials and reagents of the medical laboratory», developed to optimize the registration and write-off process of laboratory consumables and regents.Описаны компьютерную десктопную программу для автоматизации ведения учета химической посуды, реагентов и отчетности об их поступлении и списании «Учет материалов и реагентов медицинской лаборатории». Представленное программное обеспечение позволяет оптимизировать работу врачей-лаборантов и персонала медицинского лаборатории, а также обеспечивает процесс регистрации, учета и списания лабораторного расходного материала и регентов.Описано комп'ютерну десктопну програму для автоматизації ведення обліку хімічного посуду, реагентів і звітності про їх надходження та списання «Облік матеріалів та реагентів медичної лабораторії». Представлене програмне забезпечення дозволяє оптимізувати роботу лікарів-лаборантів і персоналу медичної лабораторії, а також забезпечує процес реєстрації, обліку та списання лабораторного витратного матеріалу та регентів


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    Informatization in medicine offers a lot of opportunities to enhance quality of medical support, accuracy of diagnosis and provides the use of accumulated experience. Modern program systems are utilized now as additional tools to get appropriate advice. This article offers the way to provide help for neurology department doctor of NCSH «OKHMATDYT» during diagnosis determining. It was decided to design the program system for this purpose based on differential diagnostic model. The key problems in differential diagnosis are symptoms similarity between each other in one disease group and the absence of key symptom. Therefore the differential diagnostic model is needed. It is constructed using the potential function method in characteristics space. This characteristics space is formed by 100-200 points - patients with their symptoms. The main feature of this method here is that the decision function is building during recognition step united with learning that became possible with the help of modern powerful computers.В статье предложен способ помощи врачу неврологического отделения НДСБ «ОХМАТДЕТ» при постановке диагноза в условиях отсутствия ключевого симптома. Программное обеспечение этого комплекса состоит из одного блока, направленного на распознавание неизвестного заболевания и помощь-консультацию врачу. Описаны инструменты и методы, использованные при создании программного комплекса.В статті запропоновано спосіб допомоги лікарю неврологічного відділення НДСЛ «ОХМАТДИТ» при постановці діагнозу в умовах відсутності ключового симптому. Програмне забезпечення цього комплексу складається з одного блоку, який націлений на розпізнавання невідомої хвороби та допомоги-консультації лікарю. Описано методи та інструменти, що були використані при створенні програмного комплексу


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    Informatization in medicine offers many opportunities to enhance quality of medical support, accuracy of diagnosis and provides usage of accumulated experience. Modern program systems are represented as additional tools to get appropriate advice. This article offers the way to provide help for neurology department doctor of NCSH "OKHMATDYT" during diagnosis determining. Decision has been made to design the program system for this purpose based on differential diagnostic model. The key problems in differential diagnosis are symptoms similarity between each other in one disease group and the absence of key symptom. Thus, we need the differential diagnostic model. It is built using the potential function method in characteristics space. Such space of characteristics is formed by 26 points - patients with their symptoms. The main feature of this method is decision function, building during recognition step united with learning, which became possible with modern powerful computers.В статье рассмотрен вопрос компьютеризации медицины и его основные достоинства. Описан способ помощи врачу неврологического отделения НДСБ «ОХМАТДЕТ» при установлении диагноза в условиях отсутствия ключевого симптома. Программное обеспечение этого комплекса состоит из одного блока, направленного на дифференциацию заболевания у нового пациента отделения к одному из заболеваний группы. Описаны инструменты и методы, использованные при создании программного комплекса. Показан пример работы программы на тестовых данных.В статті розглянуто питання комп'ютеризації медицини та її основні переваги. Описано спосіб допомоги лікарю неврологічного відділення НДСЛ «ОХМАТДИТ» при встановленні діагнозу в умовах відсутності ключового симптому. Програмне забезпечення цього комплексу складається з одного блоку, що націлений на диференціювання захворювання у нового пацієнта відділення до одного із захворювань групи. Описано методи та інструменти, що були використані при створенні програмного комплексу. Показано приклад роботи програми на тестових даних