19,294 research outputs found

    Soft gamma repeaters outside the Local group

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    We propose that the best sites to search for SGRs outside the Local group are galaxies with active massive star formation. Different possibilities to observe SGR activity from these sites are discussed. In particular we searched for giant flares from nearby galaxies (2\sim 2 -- 4 Mpc) M82, M83, NGC 253, and NGC 4945 in the BATSE data. No candidates alike giant SGR flares were found. The absence of such detections implies that the rate of giant flares with energy release in the initial spike above 0.510440.5 \cdot 10^{44} erg is less then 1/25 yr1^{-1} in our Galaxy. However, hyperflares similar to the one of 27 December 2004 can be observed from larger distances. Nevertheless, we do not see any significant excess of short GRBs from the Virgo galaxy cluster and from galaxies Arp 299 and NGC 3256 with extremely high star formation rate. This implies that the galactic rate of hyperflares with energy release 1046\sim 10^{46} erg is less than 103\sim 10^{-3} yr1^{-1}. With this constraint the fraction of possible extragalactic SGR hyperflares among BATSE short GRBs should not exceed few percents. We present a list of short GRBs coincident with galaxies mentioned above, and discuss the possibility that some of them are SGR giant flares. We propose that the best target for observations of extragalactic SGR flares by {\it Swift} is the Virgo cluster.Comment: 14 pages with 3 figures; accepted to MNRAS (final version

    A systems approach to device-circuit interaction in electrical power processing Annual status report, 1 Jun. 1967 - 31 May 1968

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    Initial research on switched and modulated networks, tunable and bandwith-adjustable filter and FET current density for device circuit interaction in power processin

    IR Kuiper Belt Constraints

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    We compute the temperature and IR signal of particles of radius aa and albedo α\alpha at heliocentric distance RR, taking into account the emissivity effect, and give an interpolating formula for the result. We compare with analyses of COBE DIRBE data by others (including recent detection of the cosmic IR background) for various values of heliocentric distance, RR, particle radius, aa, and particle albedo, α\alpha. We then apply these results to a recently-developed picture of the Kuiper belt as a two-sector disk with a nearby, low-density sector (40<R<50-90 AU) and a more distant sector with a higher density. We consider the case in which passage through a molecular cloud essentially cleans the Solar System of dust. We apply a simple model of dust production by comet collisions and removal by the Poynting-Robertson effect to find limits on total and dust masses in the near and far sectors as a function of time since such a passage. Finally we compare Kuiper belt IR spectra for various parameter values.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, uses aasms4.sty, 11 PostScript figures not embedded. A number of substantive comments by a particularly thoughtful referee have been addresse

    The ‘oldest dated document of the Cairo Genizah’ (Halper 331): The Seleucid era and sectarian Jewish calendars

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    Halper 331 is the fragment of a codex that has been styled the ‘oldest dated document of the Cairo Genizah’. It preserves the opening of a Jewish legal document dated to the year 1182 (Seleucid era), which appears to have been copied into this codex, probably as a formulary, not long after this date, in the late 9th century. In this article, the text of this fragment, in Aramaic and Hebrew, is edited, and its identification as the beginning of a marriage contract (ketubbah) is evaluated. Its Egyptian provenance is questioned, partly because the earliest evidence for the introduction of the Seleucid era by Jews in Egypt dates from the mid-10th century. The article surveys the history of Jewish dating methods in early medieval Egypt and the Near East, in an attempt to clarify this question. The specific date of the document deviates from the rabbinic calendar, but agrees with that of the contemporary Jewish Near Eastern sectarian groups of Abū ʿImrān al-Tiflīsī and Ismāʿīl al-ʿUkbarī; this document could thus uniquely attest one of these sectarian Jewish calendars

    Which Way Was I Going? Contextual Retrieval Supports the Disambiguation of Well Learned Overlapping Navigational Routes

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    Groundbreaking research in animals has demonstrated that the hippocampus contains neurons that distinguish betweenoverlapping navigational trajectories. These hippocampal neurons respond selectively to the context of specific episodes despite interference from overlapping memory representations. The present study used functional magnetic resonanceimaging in humans to examine the role of the hippocampus and related structures when participants need to retrievecontextual information to navigate well learned spatial sequences that share common elements. Participants were trained outside the scanner to navigate through 12 virtual mazes from a ground-level first-person perspective. Six of the 12 mazes shared overlapping components. Overlapping mazes began and ended at distinct locations, but converged in the middle to share some hallways with another maze. Non-overlapping mazes did not share any hallways with any other maze. Successful navigation through the overlapping hallways required the retrieval of contextual information relevant to thecurrent navigational episode. Results revealed greater activation during the successful navigation of the overlapping mazes compared with the non-overlapping mazes in regions typically associated with spatial and episodic memory, including thehippocampus, parahippocampal cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex. When combined with previous research, the current findings suggest that an anatomically integrated system including the hippocampus, parahippocampal cortex, and orbitofrontal cortexis critical for the contextually dependent retrieval of well learned overlapping navigational routes

    Monopole and Dyon Bound States in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories

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    We study the existence of monopole bound states saturating the BPS bound in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. We describe how the existence of such bound states relates to the topology of index bundles over the moduli space of BPS solutions. Using an L2L^2 index theorem, we prove the existence of certain BPS states predicted by Seiberg and Witten based on their study of the vacuum structure of N=2 Yang-Mills theories.Comment: 34 pages, harvma