304 research outputs found

    Suburban Slang in the Contemporary Theater (Exemplified in Plays by M. Azama and X. Durringer)

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    The suburban slang is characterized by usage of code words and words borrowed from various linguistic communities, generation of new meanings for existing words. It is increasingly used in the contemporary drama, becomes an essential component of individual style of the playwright: slang items acquire metaphorical senses, contribute to the rhythmic organization of the theatre play.L’argot de la banlieue se caractérise par l’utilisation de mots codés, l’abondance d’emprunts à diverses communautés linguistiques, les emplois récents et branchés des mots existants. Il est de plus en plus employé dans les textes dramatiques, devient un composant essentiel du style individuel de l’auteur : les termes argotiques acquièrent des sens métaphoriques, contribuent à l’organisation de la structure rythmique de la pièce.Publication financée par la Faculté de Philologie de l’Université de Lodz


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    The article is devoted to the problem of the educational transfer tothe new education standards in Russia. The authors think that the most importantthing in the educational process is the psychological development of students. Thatmeans that the role of the psychologist in the educational process grows up

    Women, sources, and rhetoric in George Pettie’s A petite pallace of Pettie his pleasure

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département d'études anglaises]Ce mémoire, Women, Sources, and Rhetoric in George Pettie’s A Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure, étudie la collection de romans courts de l’anglais moderne intitulée A Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure (1576) et l’identifie comme une collection pour les femmes et comme un précurseur du style euphuistique. Le mémoire est constitué de trois chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, j’analyse la position des femmes au début de l’Angleterre moderne, alors que A Petite Pallace est dédié aux femmes. Le deuxième chapitre traite des éléments structuraux de chaque histoire comprise dans la collection. Je relève également les modifications faites par l’auteur à des histoires d’origine afin de les adapter à ses lecteurs et afin d’attirer davantage d’attention. Le dernier chapitre porte principalement sur les figures de style utilisées par Pettie pour éblouir ses lecteurs et démontrer toute la richesse de la langue anglaiseThis thesis, Women, Sources, and Rhetoric in George Pettie’s A Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure, studies the early modern English collection of novellas A Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure (1576) and indentifies it as a collection for women and a forerunner of the euphuistic style. The thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter I consider women’s position in early modern England, as A Petite Pallace is dedicated to ladies. The second chapter deals with structural elements of each story included in the collection. I also trace modifications made by the author to his source stories in order to adapt them for his readers and to attract more attention. The last chapter focuses on linguistic devices used by Pettie to dazzle his audience and to demonstrate the possibilities of the English language

    About Youth Love in the Fictional Suburbs

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    The youth language located in the suburbs since the ’90s finds its place in the contemporary novel. The authors chosen for analysis focus on sentiment constraints that adolescents confront in the suburbs with its codes and rites. The research in gender studies reveals a tension between the adolescent’s feeling of love that is difficult to confess and the sexual act associated with a taboo transgression for the girls and manifestations of masculinity for the boys. The boys tend to engage in sexually aggressive behavior, and hide or dominate their feelings seen as a weakness. The girls feel ashamed and guilty about their sexuality because of men’s dominant position and the violence against them. In order to get freedom and respect, the girls become as virile as the boys. The theme of love is relatively new in the representation of suburbs that are no longer considered only as a place of violence, insecurity, and conflict but also as a complex universe of relationships.Le parler des jeunes qui se développe intensément dans les banlieues depuis les années 90 trouve sa place dans le roman contemporain. Les auteurs analysés se focalisent sur les contraintes sentimentales que les adolescents rencontrent dans les banlieues avec leurs codes et leurs rites. La recherche, qui s’inscrit dans les études de genre, révèle la tension entre le sentiment d’amour que l’adolescent a du mal à verbaliser et l’acte sexuel associé à la transgression d’un tabou côté filles et à l’affirmation de la masculinité côté garçons. Les garçons adoptent un comportement sexuel agressif, cachent ou dominent les sentiments perçus comme un signe de faiblesse. Chez les filles la sexualité provoque un sentiment de culpabilité en raison d’une domination masculine abusive, de la violence sexiste et sexuelle envers elles. Pour gagner en liberté et en respect elles deviennent aussi viriles que les garçons. L’amour est un thème relativement nouveau dans la représentation de la banlieue qui n’est plus uniquement considérée comme un lieu de violence, de conflit mais aussi comme un univers relationnel complexe

    Complex support of the vocational education of persons with disabilities: main features and variants of institutionalization

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    The author presents the results of the research of the theoretical and organizational approaches to the creation of services of complex support of professional education of persons with disabilities in institutions of primary and secondary professional education. This service provides creation of necessary conditions for highquality professional education and prevention of social and personal debts of students with physical and sensory impairments, persistent educational difficulties due to social or organic causes. The article considers the main features and options for the institutionalization of services of complex support, identifies the conditions of its successful work

    The Images of the Energy of Nature in the Mythological Representations of the Northern Selkups

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    Introduction. The author considers the study of the traditional energy regimes of the Selkups according to mythology as the first priority. Methods and materials. Materials for studying the topic were taken from archival sources, scientific literature collected by the author during ethnographic expeditions. The methods used in the study include the analysis and use of the theory of myth. Analysis. The mythology of the Selkups describes energy figuratively. The main source of energy – heat and light – is the sun. It is drawn in the image of the old woman-ancestor who grants and takes people’s lives / souls. The old woman, her huge gut, embodies the otherness, where, at the hour of birth, human souls come to the earthly world, and where they return after death. The images of the mythical old women embodying fire, moon, cold and night, are the incarnations of the mother sun. In these images, the energy of fire is classified into kind and terrible fire, the fire that gives life and brings death, into heat and cold, light and darkness. In addition to the energy of fire, Selkup mythology distinguishes the energy of water, land and forests. Its source and embodiment are also mythical old women-ancestors. This energy is described as food sent to men by the divine nature. Results. According to the Selkup mythology, the Selkups from ancient times recognized energy as the basis of human vitality and were well acquainted with all types and sources of natural energy used by humanity before the beginning of the era of technical inventions

    Boreal (Eemian) Transgression in the Northeastern White Sea Region: Multiproxy Evidence from Bychye-2 Section

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    Reconstructing interglacial marine environments helps us understand the climate change mechanisms of the past. To contribute to this body of knowledge, we studied a high-resolution 455 cm-thick sediment sequence of the Boreal (Eemian) marine beds directly overlying Moscovian (Saalian) moraine in the Bychye-2 section on the Pyoza River. We analyzed lithological and microfossil (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen, aquatic palynomorphs) variations at the studied site. Stratigraphical zonation is based on the local and well-established regional pollen zones, correlated with the western European pollen zones. The studied marine beds accumulated from the end of the Moscovian glacial (&gt;131 ka) until ca. 119.5 ka. We distinguished three successive phases: a seasonally sea-ice-covered, relatively deep, freshened basin in the initial rapid flooding stage (&gt;131–130.5 ka); a deep basin in the maximum flooding phase with less extensive sea ice cover (130.5–130.25 ka); and a shallow basin with reduced sea ice cover (130.25–119.5 ka). According to a pollen zone comparison with other sites, the regional glacioisostatic rebound started ca. 130 ka. The diverse warm-water assemblages of benthic foraminifers and ostracods containing typical Baltic Sea species occurred during the regression, mainly 128–124 ka, thus giving evidence for a relatively long-lasting connection between the White and Baltic Seas.</jats:p