23 research outputs found

    Parallelism in Karelian Laments

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    Karelian laments are performed by women during a ritual -- funerals, weddings, and recruiting ceremonies -- and were once commonly used in other contexts of everyday life. Laments are works of a special kind of improvisation. They were created during the performance process in relation to a concrete situation, drawing upon traditional language, stylistic means and traditional themes. Among the main stylistic features of the Karelian lament poetry is an extensive use of different types of parallelism. This paper discusses parallelism in laments as one of the central conventional organizational parameters of the performance. Increased use of parallelism in Karelian laments was meaningful as an indicator of significance and emphasis. It is also possible to use parallelism to address the relationship between verbal art and experienced reality, a form of parallelism that would be connected to understandings of its ritual efficacy.Abstract from website.Eila Stepanova is a Finnish folklorist specializing in Karelian and more broadly in Northern Finnic lament poetry. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Helsinki (Finland) in 2014. Stepanova's key theoretical interests are in Oral-Formulaic Theory and Register Theory. She is recognized as the foremost working expert on Karelian laments and Karelian culture generally

    NÀkymÀtön vÀhemmistö : karjalankielisten karjalaisten nykytila Suomessa

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    Kirja-arvostelu. Arvosteltu teos: Vaietut ja vaiennetut: karjalankieliset karjalaiset Suomessa / Anneli Sarhimaa. - Helsinki : SKS, 2017 (297 s.).Non peer reviewe

    Vertaileva tutkimus kuolinitkuista

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    ElÀmÀ on matka: ElÀmÀnkulun kÀsitteellistÀminen karjalaisessa rituaalirunoudessa

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    In Karelian ritual poetry, birth, death and major transitions to a new life situation are all described through images and motifs of travelling, of making a journey. During major rites of passage, Karelians mainly used two types of oral ritual poetry, laments and incantations. Interestingly, laments were used only during the separation stage of the ritual whereas incantations were used during the incorporation stage. Whereas today the ‘life as a journey’ metaphor tends to be understood as beginning with birth and ending with death, the Karelian model presents life as beginning in the otherworld and the journey into life is conceived in quite literal terms. The transitions of each stage of life, birth, marriage, giving birth, military conscription and death were all conceived in terms of movements between worlds, between the seen world of the living and unseen otherworlds beyond. Death concluded the cycle that had begun with a journey into the world of the living by finally returning to the family, becoming an ancestor. On the journey of life, Karelians were travelling constantly on the threshold of the seen and unseen worlds, making contact with the otherworld at each turning point of the journey. The otherworld was immanent, ever present.ElĂ€mĂ€ rinnastetaan matkantekoon, matkaamiseen monissa kulttuureissa ja kieliympĂ€ristöissĂ€. ElĂ€mĂ€ on matka -metaforaa on kĂ€ytetty ajattelumallina kuvaamaan elĂ€mÀÀ prosessina, jolla on alku (syntymĂ€), keskiosa (elĂ€mĂ€n eri vaiheet) ja loppu (kuolema). Artikkelini keskittyy tarkastelemaan karjalaisessa rituaalirunoudessa (itkuvirsissĂ€ ja loitsuissa) heijastuvaa ja niissĂ€ luotua kĂ€sitystĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ matkana. Karjalaisessa rituaalirunoudessa elĂ€mĂ€ ymmĂ€rretÀÀn hyvin konkreettisena matkaamisena tĂ€mĂ€npuoleisessa ja tuonpuoleisessa sekĂ€ nĂ€iden kahden maailman vĂ€lillĂ€. Tuonpuoleinen ja sen olijat ovat olleet aina tavoitettavissa, nĂ€kyvÀÀn maailmaan kietoutuneina muodostaen yhtenĂ€isen kokonaisuuden. TĂ€mĂ€npuoleiset ja tuonpuoleiset tiet ja matkat risteytyvĂ€t ihmisen elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ ja elĂ€mĂ€n kÀÀnnekohdissa. Risteyskohdissa tulee suorittaa symbolisia, merkityksellisiĂ€ toimia, joilla varmistetaan tuonpuoleisen matkojen, teiden ja rajojen onnistunut ylittĂ€minen. SiirtymĂ€t jokaisessa elĂ€mĂ€nvaiheessa − syntymĂ€ssĂ€, avioitumisessa, synnytyksessĂ€, sotaan lĂ€htiessĂ€ ja kuolemassa − on kĂ€sitetty runoudessa ja rituaalisissa toimissa siirtyminĂ€ maailmojen vĂ€lillĂ€. Siirtyminen oli fyysistĂ€ liikettĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€npuoleisen ja tuonpuoleisen vĂ€lillĂ€. Kuolema pÀÀtti tuonpuoleisessa alkaneen elĂ€mĂ€n kaaren, jolloin ihminen palasi oman suvun vainajien luo ja muuttui esi-isĂ€ksi, syntysiksi

    Kalevalaisuus, kieli-ideologiat ja suomalaisuuden myytit

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