69 research outputs found

    Тенденції розвитку інвестиційного ринку України в умовах економічної нестабільності

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    Introduction. In recent years, Ukraine's economy is in a difficult situation, while maintaining its tendency to deteriorate. That is why investments in the creation of favorable conditions for its development play an important role. The attracted investments are the basis for the development of the Ukrainian economy, ensuring the possibility of its integration into the European socio-economic space, increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, thereby reducing the level of dependence on imports and developing export potential. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Ukrainian investment market, identify key issues that impede the attraction of additional capital investments and the future prospects of investment in the economy of the country in accordance with current economic and political realities. Research results. The article reveals the role of investments in the further development of the Ukrainian economy. The complex analysis of the current state of the investment market of the country is carried out. In carrying out the analysis of the investment market, methods of statistical analysis, system generalization, qualitative and quantitative comparison were used. The main factors that negatively influence on this market are determined, restraining the development of investment activity and reducing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The main directions of increase of investment attractiveness, the realization of which will contribute to the growth of capital investments, are offered. Conclusion. On the basis of the analysis of the Ukrainian investment market, it was found that foreign investors are extremely cautious with the injection of additional flows into the Ukrainian economy. It is proved that this process is due to gaps in the economy and investment market of the country. At the same time, Ukraine belongs to countries with huge potential for attraction of investments due to the rich natural resources, scientific and technical potential, skilled labor, and favorable infrastructure. The key objectives of investment policy should be to implement a comprehensive solution to the country's economic, social and political problems. Effective reforms are needed to improve the situation in the country, which will stimulate business development, increase the living standards of the population and the economy of the country.Проблема. В останні роки економіка України перебуває у складній ситуації, зберігаючи тенденції до погіршення. Саме тому Важливу роль у створенні сприятливих умов для її розвитку відіграють інвестиції.  Залучені інвестиції є основою для розвитку економіки України, забезпечуючи можливість її інтеграції в європейський соціально-економічний простір, підвищуючи конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних підприємств, тим самим знижуючи рівень залежності від імпорту та  розвиваючи експортний потенціал. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є проведення комплексного аналізу поточного стану інвестиційного ринку України, визначення ключових проблем, які стримують залучення додаткових капітальних вкладень та подальших перспектив надходження інвестицій в економіку країни відповідно до сучасних економічних та політичних реалій. Результати. У статті розкрита роль інвестицій у подальшому розвитку економіки України. Проведено комплексний аналіз сучасного стану інвестиційного ринку країни. При проведенні аналізу інвестиційного ринку використовувались методи статистичного аналізу, системного узагальнення, якісного і кількісного порівняння. Визначено основні чинники, які негативно впливають на цей ринок, стримуючи розвиток інвестиційної діяльності та знижуючи конкурентоспроможність економіки України. Запропоновано основні напрями підвищення інвестиційної привабливості, реалізація яких сприятиме зростанню обсягів капітальних вкладень. Висновки. На основі аналізу інвестиційного ринку України виявлено, що іноземні інвестори є вкрай обережними з вливанням додаткових потоків в економіку України. Доведено, що даний процес зумовлений прогалинами в економіці та інвестиційному ринку країни.  Водночас Україна належить до країн, які володіють величезним потенціалом для залучення інвестицій завдяки багатим природним ресурсам, науково-технічному потенціалу, кваліфікованій робочій силі, вигідній інфраструктурі. Ключовими завданнями інвестиційної політики має бути запровадження комплексного вирішення економічних, соціальних та політичних проблем країни. Необхідно проведення дієвих реформ для поліпшення ситуації в країні, що стимулюватиме розвиток бізнесу, підвищення рівня життя населення і економіки країни в цілому

    Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis

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    Import 11/07/2012Tématem této diplomové práce je lineární a diferenciální kryptoanalýza. Práce však obecně pojednává také o kryptologii a kryptoanalýze jako takové. Jsou zde podrobně probrány blokové šifrovací algoritmy DES, AES (symetrické šifrování) a jejich zjednodušené verze, dále jsou zde popsány různé metody kryptoanalýzy, druhy útoků na jednotlivé typy šifrování, a samozřejmě jsou také rozebrány výhody a nevýhody blokových šifrovacích algoritmů. Cílem diplomové práce pak zejména bylo podrobně prozkoumat obor lineární a diferenciální kryptoanalýzy, a navrhnout aplikaci, která by demonstrovala a názorně ukázala jednotlivé metody kryptoanalýzy v praxi, tedy jak je možné realizovat dané druhy útoků či metody kryptoanalýzy.The main topic of this thesis is the Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis. However, work also deals in general with the cryptology and the cryptanalysis as such. In detail are discussed the block encryption algorithms DES, AES (with symmetric encryption) and their simplified versions, then there are described different methods of the cryptanalysis, types of attacks on different types of encryptions, and of course the advantages and disadvantages of the block encryption algorithms are also discussed. The aim of this thesis was to examine particular field of the linear and differential cryptanalysis in detail, and then design and implement an application for demonstration and illustration of various methods of cryptanalysis in practice.460 - Katedra informatikydobř

    Hybrid ASP-based Approach to Pattern Mining

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    Detecting small sets of relevant patterns from a given dataset is a central challenge in data mining. The relevance of a pattern is based on user-provided criteria; typically, all patterns that satisfy certain criteria are considered relevant. Rule-based languages like Answer Set Programming (ASP) seem well-suited for specifying such criteria in a form of constraints. Although progress has been made, on the one hand, on solving individual mining problems and, on the other hand, developing generic mining systems, the existing methods either focus on scalability or on generality. In this paper we make steps towards combining local (frequency, size, cost) and global (various condensed representations like maximal, closed, skyline) constraints in a generic and efficient way. We present a hybrid approach for itemset, sequence and graph mining which exploits dedicated highly optimized mining systems to detect frequent patterns and then filters the results using declarative ASP. To further demonstrate the generic nature of our hybrid framework we apply it to a problem of approximately tiling a database. Experiments on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method and computational gains for itemset, sequence and graph mining, as well as approximate tiling. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Sustainable Development in Sparsely Populated Territories : Case of the Russian Arctic and Far East

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    Extreme environmental conditions, sparsely distributed human populations, and diverse local economies characterize the Russian Arctic and Far East. There is an urgent need for multidisciplinary research into how the Arctic and Far East can be developed sustainably as global changes in the environment and the economic priorities of nations accelerate and globalized societies emerge. Yet, when it comes to sustainability indicators, little consideration has been given thus far to sparsely populated and remote territories. Rather, the majority of indicators have been developed and tested while using empirical research gathered from cities and densely populated rural localities. As a result, there is no scientific technique that can be used to monitor the development of sparsely populated territories and inform the decisions of policymakers who hope to account for local specificity. This article suggests a conceptual model for linking sustainability to the unique characteristics of the sparsely populated regions of the Arctic and Far East. We provide an empirical illustration that is based on regional-level data from the sparsely populated territories of the Russian Federation. We conclude by suggesting indicators that could be best suited to promoting balanced regional development that accounts for the environment, economy, and social needs of sparsely populated territories

    Vehicular Networking Road Weather Information System Tailored for Arctic Winter Conditions

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    In order to conduct successful long-term service and system architecture development, permanent infrastructures and development environment are essential. For this purpose, FMI is operating a vehicle winter testing track with advanced communication capabilities within ITS-G5 and 5G test network, along with accurate road weather data and services supported by road weather stations, IoT road weather sensor network and on-board weather measurements. The track is in Sodankylä, Northern Finland, where the long arctic winter period of more than half year allows road weather services development in (and for) severe weather conditions. This environment provides appropriate conditions for the development of advanced ITS safety services equally for traditional, autonomous and alternate energy vehicles, tailored road weather services for each special use case and accurate estimation of performance. Not forgetting the energy efficiency of traffic and communication infrastructures themselves, which are critical elements in the development of the future ITS. This paper introduces the test track infrastructures, related research ambitions and future plans

    Representation of Natural Codes in the Individual Author’s Style of P.P. Bazhov (Exemplified by the Concept “Zoloto” (“Gold”))

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    The article states the investigation results and highlights the peculiarities of natural codes representation in the tales (skazy) by P.P. Bazhov through the analysis of concept "zoloto" ("gold") and the associated concepts in contrast with the data from lexicographic sources of modern Russian literary language. The tales (skazy) by the Ural writer were used as the research material. As a result of the analysis, the features of the etymological, basic, associative levels of the concept "zoloto" ("gold") were revealed in the individual author's discourse of P. Bazhov. It has been found out that etymological level of the studied concept is represented by the meaning "precious metal of yellow colour" both in the Russian literary language and in the individual author's discourse of the Ural writer. Some denotative meanings recorded in the Russian literary language are revealed not to actualize in Bazhov's discourse. The differences in the associative level of the concept reflected in the writer's tales and in the minds of the speakers of the Russian literary language are determined. The appearance of additional regionally marked meanings is caused by natural, cultural, professional activities of the inhabitants of the Urals tightly connected with the extraction and processing of precious stones and metals, as well as the regional mythology. The practical significance of the research lies in the development of a system of theoretical knowledge about the concept structure, and the identification of regionally marked meanings of the conceptual sphere of P. Bazhov's individual author's discourse

    Satellite-based estimates of nitrogen oxide and methane emissions from gas flaring and oil production activities in Sakha Republic, Russia

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    Crude oil production activities and associated petroleum gas (APG) flaring are responsible for significant air polluting and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and have negative effects on the environment and climate. In Russia, one of the world's major oil producers, APG flaring remains a routine practice despite regulatory policies. We present the first analysis of nitrogen oxide and methane emissions over Tas-Yuryakh and Talakan oil fields in Sakha Republic (Eastern Siberia, Russia) using multi-satellite observations.Peer reviewe

    Computational modelling of angiogenesis: The importance of cell rearrangements during vascular growth

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    Angiogenesis is the process wherein endothelial cells (ECs) form sprouts that elongate from the pre-existing vasculature to create new vascular networks. In addition to its essential role in normal development, angiogenesis plays a vital role in pathologies such as cancer, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Mathematical and computational modelling has contributed to unravelling its complexity. Many existing theoretical models of angiogenic sprouting are based on the 'snail-trail' hypothesis. This framework assumes that leading ECs positioned at sprout tips migrate towards low-oxygen regions while other ECs in the sprout passively follow the leaders' trails and proliferate to maintain sprout integrity. However, experimental results indicate that, contrary to the snail-trail assumption, ECs exchange positions within developing vessels, and the elongation of sprouts is primarily driven by directed migration of ECs. The functional role of cell rearrangements remains unclear. This review of the theoretical modelling of angiogenesis is the first to focus on the phenomenon of cell mixing during early sprouting. We start by describing the biological processes that occur during early angiogenesis, such as phenotype specification, cell rearrangements and cell interactions with the microenvironment. Next, we provide an overview of various theoretical approaches that have been employed to model angiogenesis, with particular emphasis on recent in silico models that account for the phenomenon of cell mixing. Finally, we discuss when cell mixing should be incorporated into theoretical models and what essential modelling components such models should include in order to investigate its functional role.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Submitted for publication to WIREs Mechanisms of Diseas

    Tutorial: Knowledge-infused Learning for Autonomous Driving (KL4AD)

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    Autonomous Driving (AD) is considered as a testbed for tackling many hard AI problems. Despite the recent advancements in the field, AD is still far from achieving full autonomy due to core technical problems inherent in AD. The emerging field of neuro-symbolic AI and the methods for knowledge-infused learning are showing exciting ways of leveraging external knowledge within machine/deep learning solutions, with the potential benefits for interpretability, explainability, robustness, and transferability. In this tutorial, we will examine the use of knowledge-infused learning for three core state-of-the-art technical achievements within the AD domain. With a collaborative team from both academia and industry, we will demonstrate recent innovations using real-world datasets

    Combining Inductive and Deductive Reasoning for Query Answering over Incomplete Knowledge Graphs

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    Current methods for embedding-based query answering over incomplete Knowledge Graphs (KGs) only focus on inductive reasoning, i.e., predicting answers by learning patterns from the data, and lack the complementary ability to do deductive reasoning, which requires the application of domain knowledge to infer further information. To address this shortcoming, we investigate the problem of incorporating ontologies into embedding-based query answering models by defining the task of embedding-based ontology-mediated query answering. We propose various integration strategies into prominent representatives of embedding models that involve (1) different ontology-driven data augmentation techniques and (2) adaptation of the loss function to enforce the ontology axioms. We design novel benchmarks for the considered task based on the LUBM and the NELL KGs and evaluate our methods on them. The achieved improvements in the setting that requires both inductive and deductive reasoning are from 20% to 55% in HITS@3