43 research outputs found

    Around Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: progress of dose estimations relevant to the consequences of nuclear tests

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    (A summary of 3 rd Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March, 2005)The paper is an analytical overview of the main results presented at the 3 rd Dosimetry Workshop in Hiroshima (9–11 of March 2005), where different aspects of the dose reconstruction around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS) were discussed and summarized

    Around Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: progress of dose estimations relevant to the consequences of nuclear tests

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    (A summary of 3 rd Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March, 2005)The paper is an analytical overview of the main results presented at the 3 rd Dosimetry Workshop in Hiroshima (9–11 of March 2005), where different aspects of the dose reconstruction around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS) were discussed and summarized


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    Introduction. In the national historiography there is an opinion that the work of A.A. Vasilyev The Goths in the Crimea still remains the most authoritative, if not the only research on this problem. However, the reference to the sources used by him gives grounds to assume that a certain part of the facts given by him is not based on the data of these sources, being a consequence of the logical constructions of the researcher. As a result, the author’s methodology as well as his conclusions need a more critical approach. The purpose of this article is based on an existing source base to determine the significance of the reconstruction of the A. A. Vasilyev history of the Crimean Gothia in the second half of the 10th – beginning of the 11th century in general and its relations with Byzantium and Rus in this period in particular. Methods. The methodological basis of the work is determined by the interdisciplinary approach, which provides, along with historical analysis, the use of methods of analysis of data of narrative sources, prosopography, sphragistics, epigraphy. The sources on the topic are few. This are Povest vremennykh let, History by Leo Diacon, the seals of Byzantine functionaries in the Crimea, the epigraphic and the archaeological sources. There is no special work on the problem of the article. Until now, the conclusions of A.A. Vasilyev were considered to be the ultimate truth and references to them were present in most of the works on the history of the Crimea of the middle Byzantine period. Analysis and results. The scheme of relations between Crimean Gothia, Kievan Rus and Byzantium proposed by A. A. Vasilyev in the second half of the 10th century is purely speculative and does not rely on facts. In fact, he needed to fill a gap in the history of Gothia which he did. At the same time, the Russian historiography of the Soviet period and later the influence of Russia in the Northern Black sea is excessively exaggerated and based on the writings of predecessors for more than very limited information of Russian chronicle

    Аванпроект середньо-магістрального вантажного літака вантажепід’ємністью до 47 тонн

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник роботи: доцент, к.т.н. Закієв Вадим ІсламовичThis bachelor thesis is dedicated to design of the medium range cargo aircraft with payload up to 47 tones, that may be converted into medіcal versіon with medical modules. In the diploma were performed analysis of prototypes and selection of the most advanced technical solutions, evaluation of geometric characteristics, calculation of the center of mass of the aircraft, design of converted aircraft, calculation of the center of mass taking into account the medical module. The results of the work can be used in the aviation industry and in the educational process of aviation specialties.Ця бакалаврська робота присвячена розробці вантажного літака середньої дальності з корисним навантаженням до 47 тонн, який може бути перероблений в медичний варіант з медичними модулями. У дипломі були виконані аналіз літаків-прототипів та вибір найбільш прогресивних технічних рішень, оцінка геометричних характеристик, розрахунок центру мас літака, проектування переобладнаного літака, розрахунок центру мас з урахуванням медичного модуля. Результати роботи можуть бути використані в авіаційній промисловості та в навчальному процесі авіаційних спеціальностей

    Tooth enamel EPR dosimetry: optimization of EPR spectra recording parameters and effect of sample mass on spectral sensitivity

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    conditions were optimized. The uncertainty of dose determination was obtained as the mean square deviation of doses, determined with the use of a spectra deconvolution program, from the nominal doses for ten enamel samples irradiated in the range from 0 to 500 mGy. The spectra were recorded at different microwave powers and accumulation times. It was shown that minimal uncertainty is achieved at the microwave power of about 2 mW for a used spectrometer JEOL JES-FA100. It was found that a limit of the accumulation time exists beyond which uncertainty reduction is ineffective. At an established total time of measurement, reduced uncertainty is obtained by averaging the experimental doses determined from recorded spectra following intermittent sample shaking and sample tube rotation, rather than from one spectrum recorded at longer accumulation time. The effect of sample mass on the spectrometer’s sensitivity was investigated in order to find out how to make appropriate corrections

    Tooth enamel EPR dosimetry: optimization of EPR spectra recording parameters and effect of sample mass on spectral sensitivity

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    conditions were optimized. The uncertainty of dose determination was obtained as the mean square deviation of doses, determined with the use of a spectra deconvolution program, from the nominal doses for ten enamel samples irradiated in the range from 0 to 500 mGy. The spectra were recorded at different microwave powers and accumulation times. It was shown that minimal uncertainty is achieved at the microwave power of about 2 mW for a used spectrometer JEOL JES-FA100. It was found that a limit of the accumulation time exists beyond which uncertainty reduction is ineffective. At an established total time of measurement, reduced uncertainty is obtained by averaging the experimental doses determined from recorded spectra following intermittent sample shaking and sample tube rotation, rather than from one spectrum recorded at longer accumulation time. The effect of sample mass on the spectrometer’s sensitivity was investigated in order to find out how to make appropriate corrections

    ESR dosimetry study of population in the vicinity of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site

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    A tooth enamel electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry study was carried out with the purpose of obtaining the individual absorbed radiation doses of population from settlements in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan, which was exposed to radioactive fallout traces from nuclear explosions in the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site and Lop Nor test base, China. Most of the settlements are located near the central axis of radioactive fallout trace from the most contaminating surface nuclear test, which was conducted on 29 August 1949, with the maximum detected excess dose being 430 ± 93 mGy. A maximum dose of 268 ± 79 mGy was determined from the settlements located close to radioactive fallout trace resulting from surface nuclear tests on 24 August 1956 (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Znamenka, Shemonaikha, Glubokoe, Tavriya and Gagarino). An accidental dose of 56 ± 42 mGy was found in Kurchatov city residents located close to fallout trace after the nuclear test on 7 August 1962. This method was applied to human tooth enamel to obtain individual absorbed doses of residents of the Makanchi, Urdzhar and Taskesken settlements located near the Kazakhstan–Chinese border due to the influence of nuclear tests (1964–1981) at Lop Nor. The highest dose was 123 ± 32 mGy

    Two Seals of the Strategоs of Asia Minor’s Themes from the North Black Sea

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    The seals of Fers Tsotzikos as anthypatos Patrikios and Strategos of Cappadocia and TornikVarazvatche as protospatharios and strategos of Claudia (?) were found in Cherson and Tamatarkha. Both persons belonged to the aristocracy of Tao-Klardzheti (Georgia) and were sent to Byzantium after the annexation of Tao in the year 1000, both made their careers in the provincial administration in the first quarter of the 11th c.; Both families Tzotzikies and Tchortvaneli belong to the middle strata of Byzantine society. Tzotzikies is known as the strategoi of Paristrion, Mantzikert and Artakh, John Tzurbanel, Constantin Tzurbanel, Chortvanel Abukharb were the strategoi too. Fers took part in the plot against emperor Basil II and was tortured (1022), Tornik Varazvatche later was the strategos of Edessa. The find of the seals of Fers Tsotzikos and Tornik Varazvatche in the north of the Black sea testify to the contacts of the strategoi of Asia Minor’s themes with the strategos of Cherson and byzantine (?) administration of Tamatarkha

    Розробка системи виявлення кібератак на основі кластеризації та формування контрольних відхилень ознак

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    Adaptive system of cyber attack detection, which is based on the improved algorithms for splitting the feature space into clusters, was developed. The procedure of recognition was improved by using the simultaneous clustering and formation of verifying admissible deviations for the attributes of anomalies and cyber attacks.The proposed modifications of the algorithm for splitting the feature space into clusters in the process of implementation of the procedure of recognition of anomalies and cyber attacks, in contrast to the existing ones, allow us to form simultaneously the reference tolerances when processing complex attributes of recognition objects (RO). This provides the possibility, at every step of training an adaptive recognition system, to change the verifying admissible deviations for all attributes of anomalies and cyber attacks simultaneously. The proposed algorithms make it possible to prevent possible cases of absorption of one RO class of basic attributes of anomalies and cyber attacks by another class. Predicate expressions for ASR that is capable of self-learning were obtained.Verification of the proposed algorithms was carried out on the simulation models in MatLab and Simulink. It was proved that the proposed algorithms for the clustering of RO attributes make it possible to receive effective learning matrices for ASR as a part of intelligent systems for cyber attack detection. Разработана адаптивная система обнаружения кибератак, основанная на усовершенствованных алгоритмах разбития пространства признаков на кластеры. Усовершенствована процедура распознавания за счет одновременной кластеризации и формирования проверочных допустимых отклонений для признаков аномалий и кибератак. С помощью имитационных моделей, созданных в MatLAB и Simulink, проверена работоспособность алгоритмов распознавания кибератак в критически важных информационных системахРозроблено адаптивну систему виявлення кібератак, яка базується на удосконалених алгоритмах розбиття простору ознак на кластери. Удосконалена процедура розпізнавання за рахунок одночасної кластеризації та формування перевірочних допустимих відхилень для ознак аномалій та кібернападів. За допомогою імітаційних моделей, створених у MatLAB та Simulink, перевірена працездатність алгоритмів розпізнавання кібератак у критично важливих інформаційних система