25 research outputs found

    Cortex and White Matter of the Cerebral Hemispheres: Anatomical Correlations and Age-Related Changes Measured with Fractal Analysis

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    Aim. The aim of the present study was to determine the fractal dimension (FD) values of the cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres using fractal analysis of two-dimensional magnetic resonance images, explore the anatomical correlations of the cortex and white matter FD, and study age-associated changes in the cortex and white matter. Methods. Two-dimensional brain magnetic resonance images of 100 apparently healthy individuals of both genders (44 males and 56 females) aged 18-86 years were studied. Five sections of each participant’s brain were selected (4 coronal and 1 axial). After image segmentation, the FD values and sectional areas of the cortex and white matter were determined. Fractal analysis was conducted using a two-dimensional variant of the box-counting method. Results. The FD values of the cortex and white matter varied across the five brain sections analyzed. Specifically, the cortex exhibited a decrease in the FD, whereas the white matter showed an increase in the FD in the coronal sections along the rostro-caudal direction. The FD values obtained from different sections displayed weak to moderate correlations. Additionally, no significant differences were observed in the FD values of the cortex and white matter between males and females. However, the sectional area values of the cortex and white matter were slightly higher in males as compared to females. Furthermore, a negative correlation was identified between the FD values of the cortex and white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, while sectional areas did not exhibit significant correlations. The cortex FD positively correlated with the gyrification index, whereas the white matter FD showed a negative correlation with this parameter. Additionally, both the FD and sectional area values of the cortex displayed strong and moderate negative correlations with age, respectively. In contrast, the FD and sectional area values of the white matter demonstrated weak negative correlations with age. Males showed stronger correlations of the studied parameters with age across the majority of the analyzed sections compared to females, although these differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions. In this study, a negative correlation was found between the cortex and white matter FD values, influenced by anatomical factors such as the degree of gyrification. While the cortex FD values significantly decreased with age, age-related changes in the white matter FD values were relatively weak

    Spatial complexity of the cerebral cortex pial surface: quantitative assessment by two-dimensional fractal analysis of MRI brain scans

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    The objective of the current study was to evaluate the spatial complexity of the cerebral pial surface through two-dimensional fractal analysis of the external linear contour of cerebral hemispheres and to investigate the correlation between the parameters determined using Euclidean and fractal geometries. Magnetic resonance brain images were obtained from 100 individuals (44 males and 56 females, aged 18–86 years). Five magnetic resonance images were selected from the MRI dataset of each brain, comprising four tomographic sections in the coronal plane and one section in the axial plane. Fractal dimension values of the linear contour of the pial surface of cerebral hemispheres were measured using the two-dimensional box counting method. Morphometric parameters based on Euclidean geometry were also determined (perimeter, area and their derivative values). In this study, the obtained fractal dimension values were shown to be sensitive to the tortuosity of the linear contour of cerebral hemispheres, which depends on the number of gyri and sulci and the complexity of their shape. Therefore, the fractal dimension can be considered as an objective quantitative parameter characterizing the spatial complexity of the pial surface of cerebral hemispheres. The present study revealed that the Euclidean geometry-based morphometric parameters most strongly associated with the fractal dimension of the cerebral linear contour were the perimeter and the parameters calculated from perimeter values, including the perimeter-to-area ratio, shape factor, and two-dimensional gyrification index. Fractal dimension values did not exhibit strong correlations with age. The data obtained in this study can be utilized for anatomical and anthropological studies. Furthermore, they hold practical applications in clinical contexts for diagnostic purposes, such as the diagnosis of congenital cerebral malformations and postnatal cerebral maldevelopment


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    Purpose: In the center of work is the philosophy of history of Russia for the last hundred years of its existence through a prism real and due. Proceeding from a recognized thesis that it is natural to eat development of society - historical process authors focused the attention on modeling social development. Methodology: Methods of our analysis of the Soviet and Post-Soviet society will be based on documents of a political character, and, first of all, on the attestations of eyewitnesses reflecting daily occurrence language as in it the life of the person and society affects more adequately. Result: In the early nineties the last century the project of Post-Soviet Russia as a synonym of "the highway of a human civilization" began to be embodied. However, over time and it appeared under criticism fire as did not consider the identity of Russia. There was a requirement of the embodiment new due where the dialectics of the general, special and single is the leader. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Russia in the Focus of the Existence and the DUE is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Comparison analysis of the correlation between emotional stability and mental health parameters in athletes of various skill levels

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between emotional stability and the following mental health parameters: personal anxiety, self-regulation, neuroticism, and life purpose in athletes of various levels of qualification. Research methods: the study used standardized valid methods including standard questionnaires, r-Pearson correlation analysis, and Student’s t-test to determine significant differences. Results. The research was based on the idea of athletes as self-organization and self-development subjects. As athletes’ sports qualifications increased, there was a statistically significant decrease in personal anxiety, neuroticism, and an improvement in self-regulation as predictors of emotional stability (р<.05; р<.01). Diverse life goals (.233; р<.05) and belief in their implementation (.437; р<.01) were vital for athletes’ dischargers.  athletes of the highest level were well aware (.501; р<.01) of the need for diversity (.382; р<.05) and harmony (.434; р<.05) of life purposes. Conclusions. The connection between respondents’ emotional stability and mental health was experimentally proven. Emotional stability has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on the development of respondents’ sports qualifications. The level of awareness of athletes’ life purposes – complex dynamic formations that reflect the nature of knowing their own life situation determined their psychological well-being

    Estados mentales dominantes de los militares: parámetros, estructura, interdependencia de los factores

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    El objetivo del artículo es fundamentar teóricamente y estudiar empíricamente los estados mentales dominantes de los militares que sirven en el ejército, algunos de los cuales participaron en operaciones militares; determinar los parámetros, estudiar la estructura y la interdependencia de los factores. Se utilizó las herramientas de psicodiagnóstico que reflejaron de manera relevante el sujeto y el objeto de la investigación. Se interpretó cualitativamente los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, se aclaró el número óptimo de factores de la investigación y se describió las características semánticas psicológicas del fenómeno estudiado. El análisis factorial ANOVA permitió determinar la estructura de los estados mentales dominantes de los encuestados, que combina siete estados actuales (F1-F7), lo que constituye el 71.651% de la dispersión. El más importante de la estructura factorial es F4 “La Dominación pragmática”, que tiene más interrelaciones (n = 4) y la conexión más estable con F1 (rs=.333; p≤.01). Se argumentó que los parámetros psicológicos, la estructura y la interdependencia de factores son componentes clave para resolver las tareas de actividad táctica, de servicio, de fuego y de combate. Es conveniente poner en práctica los resultados del estudio durante la formación profesional y el entrenamiento táctico de los militares

    Moderating the Neuropsychological Impact of Online Learning on Psychology Students

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    The purpose of the study was to identify what neuropsychological effect online learning had on psychology students and how it could be moderated. The study was descriptive and combined qualitative and quantitative methods to address the research questions. The study relied on three phases such as baseline study, experiment, and reporting. The experiment utilised neuropsychology tests adopted from the NeurOn platform. It was found that the Psychology students’ perceptions of e-learning and their emotional reaction to them were found not to be appreciative. The practices in breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga were proved to be able to moderate the impact of online learning on the experimental group students’ attentional capacities, memory processes, and cognition abilities. The above findings were supported by the results obtained for the neuropsychology tests and the experimental group students’ self-reflections yielded from the use of the MovisensXS App. The students confirmed that breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga reduced study stress and burnout caused by e-learning and improved their academic performance. The focus group online discussion also showed that integration of breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga helped the experimental group students keep emotional balance, concentrate on their studies easier, remember more information, and meet deadlines in completing assignments. The education scientists are suggested to study how the e-learning curriculum could be reshaped so that it used relaxation practices on regular basis

    Interrelationship of Psychotherapy, Psychocorrection and Psychoconsultation

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    Modern neurorehabilitation is focused primarily on the restoration of speech and cognitive mental processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as a task of psychotherapy. The article shows that a gentle attitude, a change in "body image" and neurotic experiences, characteristic of most patients with organic brain lesions, significantly affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation focuses on the restoration of speech and cognitive processes, considering the rehabilitation of the individual as an object of psychotherapy. On the basis of clinical cases, it has been shown that the weakened attitude, body image changes, and neurotic experiences characteristic of most patients with idiophrenic disease affect the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation. The article examines the theoretical and methodological principles and defines the main concepts of the topic. The relevance of the article is determined by the new innovative social needs in solving problems of a psychological nature, taking into account the neurological features of human thinking. Scientific intelligence in the field of neurorehabilitation provides grounds for determining the most effective methods of psychocorrection. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between psychotherapy, psychocorrection and psycho-counseling based on neurorehabilitation. After studying the data, it was determined that the ischemic attack of the brain was unspecified, it was suggested that the observed neurological symptoms (disorders of speech, movements, emotional sphere) are related to residual (residual) symptoms after a transient ischemic attack, which requires a detailed study.</p

    Формування кристалічної структури і електрофізичних властивостей плівкових матеріалів на основі багатошарових металевих наносистем

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    Об’єкт досліджень – розмірні явища в електрофізичних властивостях (термічний коефіцієнт опору і коефіцієнти тензочутливості) двошарових плівкових систем на основі Cu, Ni, Co, Sc, Ti і Cr. Мета роботи – апробація раніше запропонованої напівкласичної моделі на основі модифікованої теорії Маядаса і Шатцкеса для ТКО на прикладі двошарових плівок Cu/Cr, Sc/Cu, Cr/Co i Ni/Co та розробка аналогічної моделі для коефіцієнтів поздовжньої та поперечної тензочутливості; дослідження електрофізичних властивостей двошарових плівок із різним структурно-фазовим станом: сплав у вигляді т.р. (Cu, Co) з елементами гранульованого стану; т.р. (Ni, Ti) з інтерметалевими фазами та невпорядковані т.р. (Ti, Cu). Методи дослідження – вакуумна пошарова конденсація, метод температурної резистометрії, електронна мікроскопія і електронографія, аналітичний метод на основі модифікованої теорії Маядаса і Шатцкеса. Здійснена апробація напівкласичної моделі для ТКО на прикладі двошарових плівок Cu/Cr, Sc/Cu, Cr/Co i Ni/Co; отримано, що відповідність розрахункових і експериментальних результатів складає від 0,9% (система Cr/Co) до 38,4% (Cu/Cr). Вивчені електрофізичні властивості плівкових матеріалів на основі Cu, Ni, Co і Ti з різним структурно-фазовим станом. Розроблена напівкласична модель для КТ двошарових плівкових систем. Результати НДР можуть бути використані у різних галузях нано- і мікроелектроніки, фізики тонких плівок і мікроприладобудування. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/619

    Формування кристалічної структури і електрофізичних властивостей плівкових матеріалів на основі багатошарових металевих наносистем

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    Об’єкти досліджень – структурно-фазовий стан і електрофізичні властивості двошарових плівок Cu/Co, Fe/Cr, Ni/V, Тi/Cu та Co/Ti. Мета роботи – вивчення умов формування твердих розчинів (Co, Cu), (Fe, Cr), (Ni, V) та (Ti, Cu) із заданими електрофізичними властивостями; експериментальне дослідження впливу опромінення високоенергетичними іонами на величину ГМО у мультишарах Fe/Cr; розробка напівкласичної і напівфеноменологічної моделі для ТКО багатошарових плівкових систем; вивчення методом ВІМС та ОЕС дифузійних процесів у двошарових плівкових системах; розмірні явища в електрофізичних властивостях плівкових систем на основі Cu, Ni, Co, Sc, Ti і Cr. Методи дослідження – вакуумна конденсація, метод вимірювання ГМО і ТКО, методи ВІМС і ОЕС, електронографія і електронна мікроскопія, аналітичний метод та комп’ютерне моделювання. Проведений аналіз літературних даних про газоутворення, електрофізичні та магніто резистивні властивості нанокристалічних плівкових систем. Досліджені умови формування твердих розчинів (Co, Cu), (Fe, Cr), (Ni, V) та (Ti, Cu) та їх електрофізичні властивості. Здійснено порівняння експериментальних і розрахункових даних для ТКО двошарових плівкових систем. Здійснена робота напівкласичної і напівфеноменологічної моделі для ТКО мультишарів і багатошарових плівкових систем. Здійснена апробація напівкласичної моделі для ТКО на прикладі двошарових плівок Cu/Cr, Sc/Cu, Cr/Co і Ni/Co; отримано, що відповідність розрахункових і експериментальних результатів складає від 0,9 % (система Cr/Co) до 38,4 % (Cu/Cr). Вивчені тензочутливість і дифузійні процеси у плівкових системах на основі Cr, Cu, Sc та Fe. Результати НДР можуть бути використані у різних галузях мікро- і наноелектроніки, фізики твердого тіла і мікроприладобудування. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/619