73 research outputs found

    Vulnerability assessments of pesticide leaching to groundwater

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    Pesticides may have adverse environmental effects if they are transported to groundwater and surface waters. The vulnerability of water resources to contamination of pesticides must therefore be evaluated. Different stakeholders, with different objectives and requirements, are interested in such vulnerability assessments. Various assessment methods have been developed in the past. For example, the vulnerability of groundwater to pesticide leaching may be evaluated by indices and overlay-based methods, by statistical analyses of monitoring data, or by using process-based models of pesticide fate. No single tool or methodology is likely to be appropriate for all end-users and stakeholders, since their suitability depends on the available data and the specific goals of the assessment. The overall purpose of this thesis was to develop tools, based on different process-based models of pesticide leaching that may be used in groundwater vulnerability assessments. Four different tools have been developed for end-users with varying goals and interests: (i) a tool based on the attenuation factor implemented in a GIS, where vulnerability maps are generated for the islands of Hawaii (U.S.A.), (ii) a simulation tool based on the MACRO model developed to support decision-makers at local authorities to assess potential risks of leaching of pesticides to groundwater following normal usage in drinking water abstraction districts, (iii) linked models of the soil root zone and groundwater to investigate leaching of the pesticide mecoprop to shallow and deep groundwater in fractured till, and (iv) a meta-model of the pesticide fate model MACRO developed for 'worst-case' groundwater vulnerability assessments in southern Sweden. The strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches are discussed

    Monitoring of biomarkers in heart failure.

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    The role of biomarkers is increasingly recognized in heart failure (HF) management, for diagnosis, prognostication, and screening of high-risk patients. Beyond natriuretic peptides and troponins, the utility of novel, emerging biomarkers is less established. This document reflects the key points of a Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) consensus meeting on biomarker monitoring in HF

    Molecular Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease

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    Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, with increasing prevalence worldwide. Identification of risk markers may enable improved prevention by targeting high-risk individuals, earlier disease diagnosis and treatment, as well as stratification of disease subtypes with different treatment options, thereby minimizing side effects while increasing success rates. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate associations between proteomic and metabolomic biomarkers, and the development of heart failure and ischemic stroke. Specific objectives were to examine potential causal pathways, and the added value in risk prediction of the identified risk markers. In Studies I–II, we performed proximity extension assay based proteomic profiling of ≥80 circulating proteins in the Swedish cohorts Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS n=901, median age 70), and the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM, n=685, median age 77). In Study I, we identified nine proteins involved in apoptosis, inflammation, matrix remodeling, and fibrinolysis associated with incident heart failure, including growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15). In Study II, we identified several proteins associated with incident ischemic stroke, including GDF-15. Both studies revealed potential to improve disease risk prediction by using proteomic data. In Study III, we performed mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling in plasma or serum samples from PIVUS, ULSAM, and TwinGene (total n=3,924). The metabolites urobilin and sphingomyelin (30:1) were associated with incident heart failure. In Study IV, we followed up on the results of Studies I–II, performing Mendelian randomization analyses (a framework for causal analysis using genetic variants) in 1,053,527 individuals, with 88,448 coronary artery disease cases, 70,305 ischemic stroke cases, and 1,420 heart failure cases. This study supports a causal role of genetically elevated GDF-15 levels in heart failure development, but not in coronary artery disease or ischemic stroke. In conclusion, we identified multiple biomarkers associated with incident heart failure and ischemic stroke, potentially involved in early disease development. We also saw potential to improve disease risk prediction for incident heart failure and ischemic stroke using proteomics data. Our findings encourage further large-scale proteomic, metabolomic, and genetic studies to give new insights into heart failure and stroke pathogenesis

    Utformning av en kommunikations- och dataöverföringsarkitektur till IBDn : Utformning av en kommunikations- och dataöverföringsarkitektur som är anpassad till SAAB:s Intelligent Behavior Detector

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    Denna rapport undersöker möjligheten att bryta ner ett stort program till mindre och enkaler moduler och skapa en dataöverförings- och kommunikationsarkitektur mellan dem. Dataöverföringen skall vara dynamisk för att olika moduler skall under exekvering ha möjlighet att byta modul den vill ha data ifrån samt centralisera koden och kommunikationen skall optimera antalet meddelandeöverföringar. Arbetet resulterar i två arkitekturer som uppfyller tidigare satta målen i ett parallellt system, arbetet analyseras sedan analytiskt och styrkor och svagheter undersöks. Arkitekturerna medför att många problem med att utveckla stora system undviks och detta skapar fler möjliga kopplingar, mindre komplexa moduler samt centralisering av funktionalitet i programmet

    Has the school dropped the democrasy? : The role of school in declining turnout - with the magnifier on textbook in business economics

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    Syftet med undersökningen är att få ökad kunskap om skolans roll i det minskade intresset för varje form av ett partipolitiskt engagemang bland ungdomar, manifesterat i ett minskat valdeltagande för förstagångsväljare. Speciellt önskas kunskap om skolan problematiserar samhällsföreteelser i undervisningsstoffet för att stimulera till deltagande i den demokratiska processen.   Den metod som används är en kvantitativ och kvalitativ text- och läroboksanalys med ett läroplansteoretisk perspektiv. Behandlingen av medbestämmandelagen, MBL, i läroböckerna i företagsekonomi, utgivna efter 1993 utgör exempel.   Det resultat som framkom är att MBL behandlas mycket olika. Olika synsätt på undervisnings syfte (konceptioner) framträder. Två läromedel (båda utgivna 1993) problematiserar frågan och redovisar motsättningar gällande MBL, en med ett samhällsperspektiv, den andra ur ett företagarperspektiv. Övriga gör ett konstaterande i ett ekonomiskt rationellt/vetenskapligt angreppssätt. Två aktuella läroböckerna behandlar inte alls frågan. Tendensen eller attityden till MBL är positiv i tre och negativ i fyra av läroböckerna. Textomfånget har minskat från 1 procent eller mer (1993) till mindre än 1/10-dels procent av böckernas textmassa.   Slutsatsen är att moderna läromedlen i företagsekonomi inte utnyttjar stoffets möjligheter till att stimulera till politiskt engagemang genom kritisk granskning av olika företeelser, självständiga ställningstaganden eller genom att påvisa den politiska konflikten bakom lagstiftningen

    Energy efficient buildings, the 2030 Agenda and the Swedish environmental goal system

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    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015. Since then, the Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become a broad framework for sustainable development. In Sweden, the ecological dimension of the 2030 Agenda is represented by the national environmental goal system, which the environmental quality objectives (EQOs) are an integral part of. Currently only one of the EQOs is reached. However, since the 2030 Agenda is experiencing a global momentum, it may be used to increase the pace in the work towards the EQOs.  This study aims to examine how the 2030 Agenda can be used as a tool for working towards the Swedish environmental goal system. This is done through an actor analysis based on literature studies and qualitative interviews, where the work towards the Agenda and the national environmental goals in different sectors is analyzed. In addition to the actor analysis, a case study is conducted to investigate how energy efficient buildings can contribute to reaching SDG 11 and the EQOs Reduced climate impact and A Good Built Environment. The case study concerns the office building Trikåfabriken in Stockholm’s Hammarby Sjöstad district. Trikåfabriken’s energy use is analyzed through the software VIP-Energy, and further energy efficiency measures are evaluated. These include adding more solar panels to the roof, increasing the solar protection on windows and decreasing the activity in the building. The results show that most studied actors work with the 2030 Agenda to some extent, but few outside of the public sector are actively working with the EQOs. There is however a consensus that the Agenda correlates with the EQOs. The case study shows that Trikåfabriken contributes to reaching SDG 11 and the EQOs Reduced climate impact and A Good Built Environment due to its design and embedded technologies. Regarding further energy efficiency measures, the results show that a reduced activity would lead to a higher energy use, whereas the two other measures would reduce it.

    Environmental and health impacts when replacing kerosene lamps with solar lanterns : A study on global warming potential and household air pollution

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    In regions with low energy access kerosene lamps are commonly used, and these emit carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as household air pollutants (HAP). This bachelor thesis examines the possible reduction of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq) emissions and HAP from kerosene lamps by replacing them with off-grid solar powered lanterns. Life cycle assessment, or LCA, is used as a method to assess CO2eq emissions from the solar lanterns. Data on emissions from the different stages in the solar lantern lifecycle, as well as for the kerosene lamps, is gathered through literature studies. Furthermore, possible improvements of health and social aspects as result of replacing kerosene lamps are studied and discussed. The results show that CO2eq emissions could be significantly lower if solar lanterns were used. During a lifetime of 30 years, a simple kerosene lamp emits a total of 15 500 kg CO2eq, a hurricane lantern 7 900 kg CO2eq, whereas a solar lantern emits 66.1 kg CO2eq. However, it is found that the possible harmful effects of HAP are much larger than those of CO2. Finally, possibilities and challenges regarding implementation and usage of off-grid solar powered lanterns are identified and discussed

    Matematikundervisning i socialt samspel : Lärares beskrivningar av undervisning genom problemlösning i årskurs 1–3

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    Elever ges fler möjligheter att förstå matematik om de får samtala och delta i organiserade diskussioner i socialt samspel med andra. Då problemlösningsuppgifter inte har en given lösningsmetod och många gånger kan lösas på flera olika sätt, kan de lämpa sig väl för detta sociala samspel. Problemlösning har dessutom en särställning inom matematik, då det dels är en förmåga som elever genom undervisning ska ges möjlighet att utveckla, dels är en förmåga genom vilka övriga matematiska förmågor kan utvecklas. Trots detta upplevs det ges få eller inga exempel på sådan undervisning, utifrån våra erfarenheter under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Syftet med denna empiriska studie är därför att undersöka hur lärare, som bedriver undervisning inom problemlösning med fokus på lärande i socialt samspel, beskriver framgångsfaktorer och svårigheter i årskurs 1–3 såväl som hur implementering skulle kunna underlättas. Studiens empiri baseras på intervjuer med lärare som bedriver denna typ av undervisning och resultatet analyseras utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet. Ett gott klassrumsklimat, trygghet mellan elever, att samtliga elever aktiveras och får delge sina lösningsstrategier samt att elever som samarbetar är relativt jämna i sina matematikkunskaper är exempel på framgångsfaktorer som är framträdande i resultatet. Med undervisningen följer vissa svårigheter, exempelvis att lyckas gruppera elever så att utvecklande matematiska diskussioner kan uppstå och att de blir självständiga och tar ansvar för sitt arbete. En annan svårighet som framkommer är bristen på utvecklande problemlösningsuppgifter i läromedel, vilket leder till ett tidskrävande planeringsarbete. Resultatet visar att mer utbildning, kollegialt samarbete, att börja implementeringen tidigt och våga låta den ta tid är betydelsefulla faktorer för att underlätta implementering av den typ av undervisning studien undersöker

    Source Split RR Join RR Sink

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    This Master’s thesis, which is written in the fall of 2004 is the concluding part of the Master’