159 research outputs found

    Engaging the history of religions – from an Islamic studies perspective

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    The future and relevance of the history of religions discipline in the Swedish context has been discussed lately. This article is a response to this debate from an Islamic studies perspective. The authors argue that the history of religions discipline may become more relevant if a more self-critical approach is adopted, an interdisciplinary attitude upheld, and if there is an openness to learn from other disciplines studying religion such as Islamic studies. Moreover, a reflection on ‘history’ in the history of religions is necessary if elitism and a too narrow definition of the discipline are to be avoided. Furthermore, the article addresses the question as to whether or not scholarly engagement in disseminating findings in public should be an intellectual and moral requirement

    Biological control of strawberry diseases by Aureobasidium pullulans and sugar beet extract under field conditions

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    Grey mould (caused by Botrytis cinerea) is the most important pathogen underlying high fungicide dependence in strawberry fields. Reliable biocontrol agents (BCAs) with improved efficiency are needed to replace fungicides. The yeast-like beneficial fungus Aureobasidium pullulans (AP-SLU6) has previously exhibited great potential to combat grey mould in greenhouse environments. Here we report results from a two-year full-factorial field trial in a conventional strawberry field, in which we tested two different concentrations of A. pullulans (10(7) CFU/ml and 10(6) CFU/ml) and sugar beet extract (SBE). The results showed that all the field treatments reduced grey mould severity postharvest and increased shelf life of the harvested fruit in both years. The best effect was achieved using the highest conidial concentration of A. pullulans, which also resulted in 53% higher fruit production compared to the control treatment at the end of the season, indicating a plant-growth promoting effect of the BCA. These results reveal that spray applications of these novel BCAs contribute to reliable biocontrol of grey mould, leading to improvement of the shelf life of strawberry sales boxes. These findings suggest that A. pullulans and SBE can contribute to a shift from chemical fungicides to sustainable methods without compromising cropping security

    Measurements of Gas Concentrations in a Fluidized Bed Combustor Using Laser-Induced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Zirconia Cell Probes

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    The dynamic combustion behavior of a circulating, fluidized bed boiler (CFB) was studied using two high-speed gas analysis systems during the combustion of coal, pear, and wood chips. Time-resolved concentrations of SO2 and NO were measured by laser-induced photoacoustic spectroscopy (LIPS). A zirconia-cell based probe (lambda-probe), synchronized with the LIPS probe, measured fluctuations between reducing and oxidizing conditions. The two probes were positioned in the same measurement volume on the centerline of the CFB combustion chamber. The purpose of the work was to investigate the behavior of the LIPS in a combustion chamber containing reacting gases in order to extend the previous h-probe measurements to other gas components. Correlations between oxidizing and reducing conditions and gas species concentrations in three locations in the combustion chamber are presented. The best correlations were found in the upper part of the CFB combustion chamber. In some cases the correlation between reducing conditions and the LIPS signal was caused by unburnt hydrocarbons. Average values of [NO] and [SO2] obtained by the LIPS system were compared with the results from a sampling probe connected to on-line analyzers. The measurements of [NO] and [SO2] were disturbed by interfering gases during reducing conditions. During a sufficiently long time of oxidizing conditions, however, reasonable agreement was obtained between LIPS measurements of [NO] and [SO2] and those of the on-line analyzers. On some occasions (low SO2 concentration) the concentration of the OH radical was also measured

    Vector magnetometry using silicon vacancies in 4H-SiC at ambient conditions

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    Point defects in solids promise precise measurements of various quantities. Especially magnetic field sensing using the spin of point defects has been of great interest recently. When optical readout of spin states is used, point defects achieve optical magnetic imaging with high spatial resolution at ambient conditions. Here, we demonstrate that genuine optical vector magnetometry can be realized using the silicon vacancy in SiC, which has an uncommon S=3/2 spin. To this end, we develop and experimentally test sensing protocols based on a reference field approach combined with multi frequency spin excitation. Our works suggest that the silicon vacancy in an industry-friendly platform, SiC, has potential for various magnetometry applications at ambient conditions

    Survey of Design Methods and Material Characteristics in Rubber Engineering

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    The unique properties of elastomeric materials are taken advantage of in many engineering applications. Elastomeric units are used as couplings or mountings between stiff structures. Examples of these are shock absorbers, vibration insulators, flexible joints, seals and suspensions.The development of computers and of analysis programs in this area has given engineers a new tool for the design of elastomeric components. Computer simulation by finite element analysis has become increasingly important, allowing the mechanical behavior of products with for complex geometries, as well as loading cases of different kinds to be evaluated. Computer simulations enable both static and dynamic aspects to be analyzed. These matters have been recognized by the manufacturers of rubber products and by their customers. The benefits are shorter time for product development and also quality improvements.However, the possibilities available for finding less complicated technical solutions at lower cost with the use of elastomers, has not been fully utilized. Rubber components could be employed more frequently in design if engineers were more familiar with materials of this sort.Part of the problem lies in education and in the dissemination of information. Engineers working in the design area tend to not be very familiar with elastomeric materials and their properties. The offerings of courses on the mechanics of polymers at schools and universities are very limited. Skillful engineers in this field have usually acquired their knowledge through many years of experience and not formal education.Moreover, the complicated nature of the material behavior involved makes it difficult to devise general design rules and design tools. Only recently have computers and analysis programs become powerful enough for the analysis of nonlinear elastic problems involving large strains.It is essential, if one is to become competitive in high-tech applications, to possess a thorough knowledge of computer methods, material models and test methods available.There has likewise been a lack of relevant data for the computer analysis of elastomeric materials. The design tools employed rely on the material models available and on the test data required for the calibration of these models. In many cases, the only information available for analysis is a value for the hardness of the rubber in question. The wide variety of rubber compounds is also a problem. The characterization of different materials is costly and time-consuming. There is thus a need for simple and reliable methods to characterize the different vulcanizates

    Tubuloglomerular feedback and interstitial pressure in obstructive nephropathy

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    Tubuloglomerular feedback and interstitial pressure in obstructive nephropathy. The possible role of the tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) mechanism in the altered glomerular hemodynamics and tubular reabsorption which occur with prolonged (24-hr) ureteral obstruction and the changes in renal interstitial hydrostatic and oncotic pressure which may modulate TGF sensitivity were examined. The proximal tubule stop-flow pressure (PSF) response to increased distal tubular flow rates (TGF activity) was determined in rats with sham operation, 24-hr unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), or 24-hr bilateral ureteral obstruction (BUO), both before and for 2 hr after relief of obstruction. Subcapsular hydrostatic pressure, lymph flow and oncotic pressure, clearance and excretory data were measured in the second series of animals. During and after release of UUO, TGF sensitivity was increased, as indicated by the marked decrease in the loop perfusion rate at which 50% of the maximum decrease in PSF occurred (the turning point of TGF activation). Interstitial oncotic pressure but not hydrostatic pressure was significantly increased in UUO kidneys. In BUO rats, the turning point for TGF activation was slightly higher than the controls and the change in PSF with maximum loop perfusion rates was reduced, indicating a blunting of the TGF response before and particularly during postobstructive diuresis after release of BUO. Interstitial hydrostatic and oncotic pressures were both slightly increased resulting in no changes in net interstitial Starling forces. We conclude that enhanced TGF sensitivity after release of prolonged UUO, associated with increased interstitial oncotic pressure, may play a role in preventing postobstructive diuresis, while the blunting of TGF sensitivity after BUO may contribute to this phenomenon.Rétrocontrôle glomérulo-tubulaire et pression interstitielle au cours de la néphropathie obstructive. Le rôle possible du mécanisme de rétrocontrôle glomérulo-tubulaire (TGF) dans l'altération de l'hémadynamique glomérulaire et la réabsorption tubulaire qui se produisent lors d'une obstruction urétérale prolongée (24 heures) et les modifications des pressions hydrostatiques et oncotiques interstitielles rénales qui pourraient moduler la sensibilité TGF ont été étudiés. La réponse de pression en flux interrompu (PSF) du tubule proximal à une augmentation des débits tubulaires distaux a été déterminée chez des rats ayant subi un simulacre d'intervention, lors d'une obstruction urétérale unilatérale de 24 heures (UUO) ou lors d'une obstruction urétérale bilatérale de 24 heures (BUO), avant et 2 heures après la levée de l'obstruction. La pression hydrostatique sous-capsulaire, le flux et la pression oncotique lymphatiques, les paramètres de clearance et d'excrétion ont été mesurés chez une deuxième série d'animaux. Pendant et après levée de l'UUO, la sensibilité TGF a augmenté, comme le montrait la diminution marquée du débit de perfusion de l'anse pour lequel 50% de la chute maximale de PSF se produisait (le point d'inflexion de l'activation TGF). La pression oncotique mais non la pression hydrostatique interstitielle était significativement accrue dans les reins UUO. Chez les rats BUO, le point d'inflexion de l'activation TGF était légèrement plus élevé que chez les contrôles, et la modification de PSF aux débits de perfusion de l'anse maxima était diminuée, indiquant une altération de la réponse TGF avant et surtout pendant la diurèse post-obstructive, après levée de la BUO. Les pressions interstitielles hydrostatiques et oncotiques légèrement augmentées, d'où l'absence de modification des forces de Starling interstitielles nettes. Nous concluons que l'augmentation de la sensibilité TGF après levée d'une UUO prolongée associée à une élévation de la pression oncotique interstitielle, pourrait jouer un rôle pour prévenir la diurèse post-obstructive, alors que l'altération de la sensibilité TGF après BUO pourrait contribuer à ce phénomène

    Effect of dietary replacement of fish meal with insect meal on in vitro bacterial and viral induced gene response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) head kidney leukocytes

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    Abstract With the fast growth of today's aquaculture industry, the demand for aquafeeds is expanding dramatically. Insects, which are part of the natural diet of salmonids, could represent a sustainable ingredient for aquaculture feed. The aim of the current study was to test how a partial or total replacement of dietary fishmeal with insect meal affect gene responses involved in inflammation, the eicosanoid pathway and stress response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in isolated head kidney leukocytes after exposure to bacterial or viral mimic. Insect meal (IM) was produced from black soldier fly (BSF, Hermetia illucens) larvae. Seawater Atlantic salmon were fed three different diets for 8 weeks; a control diet (IM0, protein from fishmeal and plant based ingredients (25:75) and lipid from fish oil and vegetable oil (33:66); and two insect-meal containing diets, IM66 and IM100, where 66 and 100% of the fishmeal protein was replaced with IM, respectively. Leukocytes were isolated from the head kidney of fish (n = 6) from each of the three dietary groups. Isolated leukocytes were seeded into culture wells and added either a bacterial mimic (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) or a viral mimic (polyinosinic acid: polycytidylic acid, poly I: C) to induce an inflammatory response. Controls (Ctl) without LPS and poly I: C were included. The transcription of interleukins IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-α were elevated in LPS treated leukocytes isolated from salmon fed the three dietary groups (IM0, IM66 and IM100). The inflammatory-related gene expression in head kidney cells were, however, not affected by the pre-fed substitution of fish meal with IM in the diet of salmon. Gene transcriptions of PTGDS and PTGES were neither affected by LPS, poly I: C or the experimental diets fed prior to cell isolation, while salmon fed with IM showed a lower expression of LOX5. The gene expression of TLR22 and C/EBP-β were down-regulated by the LPS treatment in the cells isolated from salmon fed insect-based diets (IM66 and IM100) compared to fish fed the IM0. Similarly, the leukocytes challenged with LPS and isolated from fish fed with IM66 and IM100 down-regulated the expression of Mn-SOD, GPx1, HSP27 and HSP70 compared to salmon fed IM0. In general, these results suggested that replacement of fishmeal with IM in the diets of Atlantic salmon had no effect on the transcription of pro-inflammatory genes in the head kidney cells. There was, however, an effect of dietary IM on the transcription of antioxidant and stress related genes in the leukocytes

    'Resistance Mixtures' Reduce Insect Herbivory in Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Plantations

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    The transition toward more sustainable plant protection with reduced pesticide use is difficult, because there is no "silver bullet " available among nonchemical tools. Integrating several plant protection approaches may thus be needed for efficient pest management. Recently, increasing the genetic diversity of plantations via cultivar mixing has been proposed as a possible method to reduce pest damage. However, previous studies have not addressed either the relative efficiency of exploiting cultivar mixing and intrinsic plant herbivore resistance or the potential utility of combining these approaches to increase cropping security. Here, using a full factorial experiment with 60 woodland strawberry plots, we tested for the relative and combined effect of cultivar mixing and intrinsic plant resistance on herbivore damage and yield. The experiment comprised two levels of diversity ( "high " with 10 varieties and "low " with two varieties) and three levels of resistance ( "resistant " comprising only varieties intrinsically resistant against strawberry leaf beetle Galerucella tenella; "susceptible " with susceptible varieties only; and "resistance mixtures " with 50:50 mixtures of resistant and susceptible varieties). The experiment was carried out over two growing seasons. Use of resistant varieties either alone or intermixed with susceptible varieties in "resistance mixtures " reduced insect herbivory. Interestingly, resistant varieties not only reduced the mean damage in "resistance mixtures " by themselves being less damaged, but also protected intermixed susceptible varieties via associational resistance. The effect of higher genetic diversity was less evident, reducing herbivory only at the highest level of herbivore damage. In general, herbivory was lowest in plots with high diversity that included at least some resistant varieties and highest in low diversity plots consisting only of susceptible varieties. Despite this, no significant difference in yield (fruit biomass) was found, indicating that strawberry may be relatively tolerant. Our results demonstrate that combined use of high genetic diversity and resistant varieties can help reduce pest damage and provide a useful tool for sustainable food production. "Resistance mixtures " may be particularly useful for sensitive food crops where susceptible varieties are high yielding that could not be completely replaced by resistant ones.</p