150 research outputs found

    Citizens as Knowledge Producers in Urban Change: Can Participation Change Procedures and Systems

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    The aim of the article is to understand more about the potentials of citizen participation in planning. The research project in focus was conducted in a stigmatised Swedish context and was participatory in approach, including local interaction activities, case-based participant observation and key informant interviews. The project aim was to develop knowledge about the interplay between top-down invitations for dialogue and bottom-up citizen initiatives. Two cases are discussed in relation to previous research on participation. The participatory process was shown to influence how ‘socially responsible public procurement’ of a construction project was carried out, and hence the article concludes that citizen participation in design can influence systems and procedures. The question of how such knowledge and awareness can develop the planning profession ends the article

    The zero option – tenant experiences from an experiment to renovate apartments without increasing rent

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    To avoid “renoviction”, a public housing company in a stigmatized neighbourhood in Sweden (Hammarkullen) decided to renovate its rental apartments suffering from neglected maintenance using a “zero option” with regard to rent increase. The present article is based on content and thematic analysis of tenant interviews, documents and mass media articles. It describes the tenants’ views on this initiative and its consequences for them. The results show that they welcomed the “zero option”, but were dissatisfied with how it was designed. It did not live up to the maintenance responsibility for the entire apartment that, according to established practice, housing companies always have. It also did not solve the basic problems experienced by the tenants. They had their own ideas about how a “zero option” could have been designed to live up to their expectations. With an “action net” or “connective actions” approach, the housing company, in close collaboration with the tenants, could have succeeded in codesigning a “zero option” for renovation, with the potential to deal with environmental as well as social, economic, technical and other aspects

    Planning in Interplace? On Time, Power and Learning in Local Activities Aiming at Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development

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    SUBURBAN METROPOLITAN areas in Sweden built in the sixties and seventies are often considered exposed areas and are consequently involved in interventions aimed at dealing with problems such as unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. This thesis focusses on how urban planning is related to this social problem. The case study comprises an evaluation of an area-based funding programme called the Local Development Agreements. The research question is related to the roles of local employees. What can the field of planning learn from the case study if implementation of the funding programme is considered in relation to national policies as well as citizens opinions? The empirical material was analysed using a critical realist understanding of reality and from the point of view of three theoretical themes: time, power and learning. In short, the analysis revealed that local employees found it difficult to make use of the funding programme for learning: Although the programme brought to light triggers for learning with potential to challenge theories-in-use counterproductive to double-loop learning on themes in focus in the programme, the option to learn was most often not triggered by the employees. The reason was multifaceted and related to the three theoretical themes, however, considering the overall outcome, it was obvious to ask whether existing organizations actually have the potential to make changes with regard to extensive themes such as social inclusion. Then again, it was also revealed that the involved local employees were neither responsible for initiating learning processes nor prepared to handle any conflicting perspectives between prospective learning processes and ordinary procedures. Triggers for learning were revealed in the interplace a third world closely related to the Aristotelian notion of phronesis and with potential to enhance understanding between the two worlds of space and place. Planning based on interplace-divided understanding of the environment, as a complement, may be an option, considering the vision of sustainable development. Such a strategy for sustainable development is not new. What is new is rather the focus on how this could be accomplished taking into consideration the local prerequisites of stigmatized and ethnically segregated suburban metropolitan housing areas

    Media Language Planning During a Pandemic – the Influence of Covid-19 on Language Recommendations to Swedish Media in Finland

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    A global crisis, like the Covid-19 pandemic, can change not only societies but also languages by a great input of new terminology. For speakers of a minority language, media is in a key position to provide them with these new words in their own language. In the case of Finland-Swedish, the Swedish media in Finland is helped by professional language advisers in this language planning task. This study analyses the media language management in Finland-Swedish media, through a content analysis of language recommendations published between February 2020 and April 2021, as well as interviews with media language advisers. The analysis shows that about a quarter of the language recommendations published during these 15 months are coronavirus-related. The topics in the recommendations follow the development of the outbreak in Finland, showing how closely the language advisers work with the news organizations. Contrary to normal situations, the Finland-Swedish media language advisers could not fully rely on the language recommendations from Sweden, due to their different Covid-19 strategies. Instead, the norm authorities were experts in ministries and official institutions, illustrating how language planning is done collectively. The Finland-Swedish journalists rely heavily on the media language recommendations, showing a certain linguistic insecurity, which according to Muhr (2012) is typical for speakers of non-dominant varieties of a pluricentric language.Peer reviewe

    Making school children’s participation in planning processes a routine practice

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    Children’s participation in planning has been investigated to some extent. There are, however, unexplored topics, particularly concerning what is needed for children’s participation to become a regular process. Based on case studies in Sweden, this article draws some conclusions. It is quite possible to organize ordinary processes where children participate in community building, in collaboration with planners, as part of their schoolwork. The key question is how this can be done. Clearly, it needs to occur in close collaboration with teachers and pupils, however it also needs to be implemented in a system-challenging manner. Thus, rather than looking for tools with potential to work in the existing school and planners’ world, it is important to design research that aims to create learning processes that have the potential to change praxis. Hence, it is not the case that tools are not needed, rather that children need to help to develop them

    Är jag osynlig? En litteraturstudie om barns pĂ„verkan av att ha förĂ€ldrar med psykisk sjukdom

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    Problem/Bakgrund: Barn till psykiskt sjuka förÀldrar Àr en grupp, som för nÄgra Är sedan det sÀllan talades om. FörÀldrar blev psykotiska, gjorde sjÀlvmordsförsök, hÀmtades av polis, blev inskrivna och lika fort utskrivna. Barnen fanns dÀr men mÀrktes knappt, ingen frÄgade om deras egna upplevelser eller mÄende. Ingen berÀttade vad som hade hÀnt eller vad som skulle ske. Utvecklingen har gÄtt framÄt barnen har blivit synligare, likvÀl finns det mÄnga barn runt omkring oss som far illa men hur pÄverkas barnen psykiskt och fysiskt? Det Àr nÄgot jag har valt att titta nÀrmare pÄ. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att kartlÀgga vilka konsekvenser barnet kan fÄ med att vÀxa upp med psykiskt sjuka förÀldrar samt vilken inverkan detta har pÄ barnets sjÀlvkÀnsla och sjÀlvbild. UtgÄngspunkter och upplÀggning: Studien baseras genom hermeneutiken dÀr tolkning utgör den centrala grunden. Uppsatsen Àr en litteraturstudie och relevant material har valts ut som berikar syftet och frÄgestÀllningen. Materialet har analyserats och tolkats utifrÄn valda teorier och ger en grundlig förstÄelse i hur barn pÄverkas i relation till förÀldrarnas problematik. Slutsatser/Resultat: Barn som vÀxer upp med psykiskt sjuka förÀldrar pÄverkas destruktivt. Barnen tar pÄ sig rollen att upprÀtthÄlla ansvaret i familjen, pÄ grund utav rÀdslan att bli utstött ifrÄn familjen. Barnet skÀms och kÀnner skam och skuld, barnen upplever sig sjÀlva som vÀrdelösa vilket tenderar i lÄg sjÀlvkÀnsla och sjÀlvbild

    Dilemmas associated with tenant participation in renovation of housing in marginalized areas may lead to system change

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    This article presents the results of an investigation, conducted in Sweden, of how inviting tenants to participate in renovation of large-scale housing in marginalized areas can lead to increased tenant power over renovation. The results show that the “Consultation model for renovation” employed, which was developed by the Union of Tenants, gives more power to tenants than previous models used in Sweden, although certain dilemmas exist that seem to be hard to overcome. The article concludes by discussing the role of “consultation models”. It suggests that it would be very interesting if such models not only aimed to give tenants power over renovation—within the framework housing companies are prepared to offer at the time—but also contributed to challenging practices and played a role in system change

    Timber yield responses and environmental effects following plugging of forest ditches : a case study close to PiteÀlven in the province of Norrbotten, North Sweden

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    De skogliga vĂ„tmarkerna kring mellersta och nedre delen av PiteĂ€lven Ă€r starkt pĂ„verkade av markavvattning i form av skogsdikning. I skogliga vĂ„tmarker anrikas Ă€mnen som kol, kvĂ€ve och olika metaller. VĂ„tmarker Ă€r Ă€ven rika pĂ„ organiska syror och vĂ€tejoner. Om vĂ„tmarken dikas kan urlakning av anrikade Ă€mnen ske, detta kan leda till negativa effekter pĂ„ intilliggan-de mark och vattendrag. WWF och Sveaskog i södra Norrbotten arbetar med en idĂ© om att lĂ€gga igen gamla skogsdiken för att gynna vĂ„tmarksföredragande flora och fauna samt för-bĂ€ttra vattenmiljön kring PiteĂ€lven. Under sommaren 2004 inventerades ett 100 ha stort omrĂ„de (66°N 20°Ö). Inom omrĂ„det loka-liserades 46 diken. Genom inventeringen utvĂ€rderades dikenas status vad gĂ€llde vattenled-ningsförmĂ„ga och vilken inverkan de idag har pĂ„ skogsproduktionen i omrĂ„det. Potentiella naturvĂ€rden och den av dikena pĂ„verkade skogens status kontrollerades. Inventeringen utför-des efter ett fĂ€ltprotokoll som utformats av Sveaskog och WWF. Dikenas djup och bredd samt vattendjup mĂ€ttes. NĂ€rmiljön kring dikena kontrollerades genom att pĂ„ cirkelformade prov-ytor, med radien 5,64 m, mĂ€ta trĂ€dens diameter, höjd och Ă„lder. PĂ„ varje provyta togs grund-yta och antalet stammar rĂ€knades. Markvegetation samt jordtyp kontrollerades. Om sĂ€rskilda naturvĂ€rden upptĂ€cktes kring diket noterades dessa. Avgörande faktorer vid beslutstagande om diket skulle lĂ€ggas igen eller inte var naturvĂ„rdsnytta kontra skogsproduktion. Dikets nyt-ta för skogsproduktionen, baserad pĂ„ dikets vattendrĂ€nerande förmĂ„ga och dess placering i omrĂ„det, vĂ€gdes mot den naturvĂ„rdsnytta, baserad pĂ„ hur nĂ€rmiljön skulle pĂ„verkas av en höjning av grundvattennivĂ„n vid en igenlĂ€ggning av diket. De omrĂ„den som kan fĂ„ störst naturvĂ„rdsnytta av en igenlĂ€ggning var omrĂ„den med Ă€ldre granskog, stort lövinslag, öppen myr eller dĂ€r diken mynnade ut i naturliga vattendrag. Igen-lĂ€ggning rekommenderades inte dĂ€r den kunde befaras skada vĂ€gar eller ha starkt negativa konsekvenser för skogsbruket. Totalt förslogs 15 diken för igenlĂ€ggning. IgenlĂ€ggningen utföres enklast med skotare i samband med andra skogsskötselingrepp i nĂ€r-heten, alternativt kan en mindre grĂ€vmaskin anvĂ€ndas. Men p.g.a markens dĂ„liga bĂ€righet i omrĂ„det bör dikena lĂ€ggas igen manuellt. Med en dikespropp tillverkad av sĂ€mre massaved och organiskt material tĂ€pper man till diket pĂ„ en eller flera punkter. RestaureringsĂ„tgĂ€rderna som föreslagits för omrĂ„det kommer totalt att kosta ca 20 000 kr. Efter igenlĂ€ggning av före-slagna diken kommer grundvattennivĂ„erna inom delomrĂ„den att stiga. Detta gynnar vissa ty-per av vĂ„tmarksberoende flora och fauna. Även vattendrag i nĂ€rheten kan pĂ„verkas positivt dĂ„ den urlakning av Ă€mnen frĂ„n vĂ„tmarken som fortfarande pĂ„gĂ„r kommer att avta.Peat-covered wetlands around the mid and low parts of the river PiteĂ€lven in northern Sweden are strongly influenced by forest drainage. These wetlands contain enriched levels of different chemical substances such as carbon, nitrogen and various metals. They are also rich in organic acids and negatively charged hydrogen ions. Forest drainage can cause the enriched substances to leach out and harm the nearby environment. WWF and the forestry company Sveaskog cooperate in a project that aims at improving the affected environment around PiteĂ€lven, and at re-establishing natural water and forest conditions in the area. An attempt to plug up old forest ditches has therefore started. During the summer 2004 a wetland area of about 100 hectares (60°N 22°E) was inventoried. 46 ditches were located in the area. The drainage status of the ditches, and their relevance for forest production, was evaluated and the potential of developing a stand with high biological values were examined, as well as the vitality of the forests. A specially designed sheet was used in the field inventory. The water depth in each ditch was measured and registered and so were parameters concerning the condition of the forest and the environment close by. When deciding whether a ditch was to be plugged or not the collected information on biological and ecological values were compared to the assumed loss in tree growth following a raising ground water table. Plugged ditches were most advantageous to mires dominated by old Norway spruce, (Picea abies), as well as to areas characterized by deciduous forests and where ditches are lead out directly in natural streams. Restoration by ditch plugging was not recommended where roads could be harmed or where clearly negative effects on forest management could be predicted. In total15 ditches were recommended for restoration. The plugging of the ditches can be done with a loader in connection with other forest management operations nearby. A smaller digger can also be used. In this specific site however, all ditches should be plugged manually due to the poor ground conditions in the area. The plug should be made of organic matter from the surroundings and pulpwood of lower quality. The time required per plug is 2 hours if made manually. The recommended number of plugs per ditch are two or three. The total cost of the suggested restoration is approximately 20 000 SEK. After the restoration the groundwater levels in some areas will rise. This will favour various wetland loving species, both in the flora and in the fauna. Also natural streams can benefit from the restoration due to reduced leaching of substances from the wetland

    Blev det som det skulle? En innehÄllsanalys av om mÄlen för Radio Extrem uppfylls i det som gÄr ut i etern

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.I och med radioreformen vid Rundradion hösten 1997 uppstod tvĂ„ nya finlandssvenska radiokanaler: Radio Vega och Radio Extrem. Det hĂ€r Ă€r en undersökning av om mĂ„len för Radio Extrem, som riktar sig till ungdomar och unga vuxna, uppfylls dels ett halvt Ă„r och dels tvĂ„ och ett halvt Ă„r efter starten. I en beskrivande och jĂ€mförande innehĂ„llsanalys sĂ€tts planerna, programmen och lyssnarsiffrorna i förhĂ„llande till varandra. En innehĂ„llsanalys görs vĂ„ren 1998 och en ny vĂ„ren 2000. Dessutom anvĂ€nds Rundradions lyssnarundersökningar och en sekundĂ€r analys görs utgĂ„ende frĂ„n materialet till en av dem. ProgrammĂ€ssigt har kanalen lyckats uppfylla mĂ„len vĂ€l. En del program har inte hittat sin stil och brister i fokusering, men de största problemen gĂ€ller kanalen som helhet. Radio Extrem vĂ€nder sig mycket mera till manliga Ă€n till kvinnliga lyssnare. Manliga studiovĂ€rdar fyller dubbelt mera programtid Ă€n kvinnliga och det samma gĂ€ller för andelen manliga respektive kvinnliga sĂ„ngare i lĂ„tarna som spelas. Speciellt kvĂ€llstid Ă€r en stor del av musiken som spelas rock eller hĂ„rdrock, vilket musiksmaksundersökningar visar att inte tilltalar kvinnor. Musiken pĂ„ prime time motsvarar inte heller resultaten frĂ„n musikundersökningar, som visar att genren ballader Ă€r den mest populĂ€ra. Endast ca 27 procent av lĂ„tarna pĂ„ prime time i Radio Extrem Ă€r ballader. Analysen vĂ„ren 2000 visar att andelen svenska lĂ„tar som spelas har sjunkit drastiskt sedan vĂ„ren 1998, med hela 9 procentenheter. Av lyssnarsiffrorna att döma har radioreformen lyckats, eftersom FSR har mycket mera lyssnare efter reformen. Radio Extrem lyckas nĂ„ en stor del av sin mĂ„lgrupp. VĂ„ren 1998 ansĂ„gs Ă€ldre kvinnliga lyssnare vara den svĂ„raste gruppen att nĂ„. VĂ„ren 2000 Ă€r det de allra yngsta kanalen satsar pĂ„. GenomgĂ„ende Ă€r det svĂ„rast att vinna terrĂ€ng i huvudstadsregionen, eftersom konkurrensen Ă€r störst dĂ€r. Det tog tvĂ„ och ett halvt Ă„r att förverkliga alla planer som stĂ€lldes upp för Radio Extrem. 1 maj 2000 inleddes sĂ€ndningar frĂ„n Åbo och med det Ă€r alla större mĂ„l uppfyllda. Kanalen Ă€r synlig i Svenskfinland pĂ„ olika festivaler och jippon, den finns pĂ„ internet och framför allt har den lyckats locka unga lyssnare till Rundradion

    Svenskan stark i de ungas vardag : glÀdjande stor anvÀndning av svensksprÄkiga medier

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    Analys av frÄgorna gÀllande mediebruk och sprÄk i den svensksprÄkiga ungdomsbarometern 2020.Non peer reviewe
