447 research outputs found
Bagi kebanyakan penderita HIV/AIDS, pengobatan biomedis dengan jangka waktu yang panjang dimediasi melalui hubungan mereka dengan dokter yang menangani permasalahannya. Oleh karena itu, kualitas hubungan dokter dengan pasien perlu mendapat perhatian terlebih perkembangan penyakit epidemik HIV/AIDS juga diikuti oleh perkembangan stigma terhadap penyakit kronis tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis komunikasi terapeutik dokter pada pasien HIV/AIDS, teknik komunikasi terapeutik dokter pada pasien HIV/AIDS, dan model komunikasi terapeutik dokter di Puskesmas Seberang Padang dalam membantu pasien HIV/AIDS menghadapi stigma sosial . Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk penelitian melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Informan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah dokter yang bertanggung jawab di klinik khusus IMS Puskesmas Seberang Padang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa komunikasi terapeutik yang diterapkan oleh dokter dalam proses konsultasi dengan pasien membantu pasien untuk dapat menghadapi stigma sosial khususnya pada komponen kehilangan status dan diskriminasi. Komunikasi terapeutik dinilai mencapai tujuan namun belum sempurna karena masih kurangnya informasi terkait stigma sosial yang diberikan oleh dokter. Adanya yayasan yang turut membantu pasien dalam penanganan masalah stigma sosial mampu melengkapi informasi yang dibuthkan pasien HIV/AIDS.
Kata kunci: komunikasi terapeutik, dokter, pasien, HIV/AIDS, model komunikasi, stigma sosial
For most people with HIV / AIDS, long-term biomedical treatment is mediated through their relationship with the doctor who handles the problem. Therefore, the quality of the doctor's relationship with the patient needs to get attention first, especially the development of the HIV / AIDS epidemic, also followed by the development of stigma against these chronic diseases. This study aims to describe the types of doctors' therapeutic communication in HIV / AIDS patients, the therapeutic communication techniques of doctors in HIV / AIDS patients, and the therapeutic communication model of doctors at the Seberang Padang Health Center in helping HIV / AIDS patients deal with social stigma. Research uses a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Data collection methods used for research through interviews, observation, documentation studies, and literature studies. The main informant in this study was the doctor who was in charge of the special clinic IMS at Seberang Padang Health Center. The results of this study indicate that therapeutic communication applied by doctors in the consultation process with patients helps patients to be able to deal with social stigma, especially in the component of loss of status and discrimination. Therapeutic communication is considered to reach the goal but not perfect because there is still a lack of information related to social stigma given by doctors. The existence of a foundation that helps patients in handling social stigma problems is able to complete the information needed by HIV / AIDS patients.
Keywords: therapeutic communication , doctor, patients, HIV/AIDS, communication model , social stigm
The Broad Autism Phenotype in Parents of Children with Autism
The Broad Autism Phenotype (BAP) is a set of personality traits and linguistic characteristics that are seen in individuals related to those who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and can be measured using the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ). 30 parents were give this questionnaire looking at three areas, aloof personality, ridged personality and pragmatic language deficits. Each parent would assess themselves, asses their co-parent and then an overall score would be give. The results found that the scores of the parents of children with ASD were higher than those of the control group, as the parents of the children with ASD did test positively in each area. These scores allow us to have a better view into ASD
Translation strategy is one of the aspects that a translator should master in order to produce an acceptable and a natural translation. This research discusses the translation strategies in translating terms in English version of Twitter into its Indonesian version. The aims of the research are to find out kinds of translation strategy that the translator uses and to find out the most dominant type of translation strategy. This research is analyzed by using theory of translation strategy by Chesterman and any other relevant theories. The result showed that the translation strategies found in terms in English version of Twitter and its translation are literal, calque, loan, paraphrase, naturalization, and unit shift. The most dominant strategy is literal translation with 33 data and its precentage are 44 percent. Keywords: Translation, Strategy, Term
Pengaruh Pesan Konten Kampanye Keselamatan Pengguna di Instagram GoPay Indonesia terhadap Brand Loyalty yang Dimediasi oleh Brand Trust
Pemilihan strategi pesan yang tepat yang digunakan oleh GoPay dapat menjadi elemen kunci dalam mengembangkan konten-konten rangkaian kampanye keselamatan pengguna yang terdiri dari #AmanBersamaGoPay dan #SemuaJadiAman di akun Instagram @gopayindonesia yang sukses untuk meningkatkan brand trust dan brand loyalty pengguna GoPay. Metode penelitian ini survei bersifat cross-sectional dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada pengikut akun Instagram @gopayindonesia yang ditarik menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel purposive sampling. Keempat hipotesis teoritis diuji menggunakan teknik analisis data regresi linear sederhana dan analisis jalur model mediasi melalui variabel mediator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung Pesan Konten Media Sosial terhadap Brand Loyalty yang dimediasi oleh Brand Trust sebesar 0.179 dengan tipe mediasi parsial atau `complementary (partial mediation)'; terdapat pengaruh Pesan Konten Media Sosial yang signifikan sebesar 49.8% terhadap Brand Trust; terdapat pengaruh Pesan Konten Media Sosial yang signifikan sebesar 29% terhadap Brand Loyalty; terdapat pengaruh Brand Trust yang signifikan sebesar 25.7% terhadap Brand Loyalty. Dengan demikian, Pesan Konten Media Sosial sebagai variabel eksogen dapat mempengaruhi Brand Loyalty sebagai variabel endogen, baik dimediasi maupun tanpa dimediasi oleh Brand Trust sebagai variabel mediator
Peran Search Engine Optimization Specialist dalam Membangun Online Presence
Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah perilaku konsumen yang menggunakan internet untuk mencari informasi, bahkan membeli produk atau layanan. Sebuah bisnis akan membutuhkan penerapan digital marketing untuk memasarkan produk atau layanannya secara efektif agar berhasil beradaptasi dengan perubahan ini. Penulis memperoleh kesempatan berposisi sebagai Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist Intern di Dreambox Branding Consultant, konsultan pemasaran yang berspesialisasi dalam branding dan digital activation. Tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai oleh penulis, yakni menambah knowledge seputar digital marketing, khususnya SEO dan content marketing, menambah hard skill dalam penggunaan tools yang mendukung SEO, dan menambah soft skill bekerja sama dalam tim dan mengingatkan disiplin diri ketika mengerjakan pekerjaan. Selama pelaksanaan praktik kerja magang di Dreambox, penulis memiliki kewajiban seputar SEO on page, khususnya mengoptimalkan konten artikel di halaman situs web agar SEO friendly, sehingga klien dapat mengungguli online presence kompetitor. Selain SEO, penulis juga memiliki kewajiban seputar social media marketing dengan membuat konten video yang diunggah ke platform media sosial. Pengalaman berharga ini membantu penulis mencapai tujuan utama sekaligus mempersiapkan diri memasuki dunia kerja ke depannya
Models and Algorithms for Ultra-Wideband Localization in Single- and Multi-Robot Systems
Location is a piece of information that empowers almost any type of application. In contrast to the outdoors, where global navigation satellite systems provide geo-spatial positioning, there are still millions of square meters of indoor space that are unaccounted for by location sensing technology. Moreover, predictions show that people’s activities are likely to shift more and more towards urban and indoor environments– the United Nations predict that by 2020, over 80% of the world’s population will live in cities. Meanwhile, indoor localization is a problem that is not simply solved: people, indoor furnishings, walls and building structures—in the eyes of a positioning sensor, these are all obstacles that create a very challenging environment. Many sensory modalities have difficulty in overcoming such harsh conditions when used alone. For this reason, and also because we aim for a portable, miniaturizable, cost-effective solution, with centimeter-level accuracy, we choose to solve the indoor localization problem with a hybrid approach that consists of two complementary components: ultra-wideband localization, and collaborative localization. In pursuit of the final, hybrid product, our research leads us to ask what benefits collaborative localization can provide to ultra-wideband localization—and vice versa. The road down this path includes diving into these orthogonal sub-domains of indoor localization to produce two independent localization solutions, before finally combining them to conclude our work. As for all systems that can be quantitatively examined, we recognize that the quality of our final product is defined by the rigor of our evaluation process. Thus, a core element of our work is the experimental setup, which we design in a modular fashion, and which we complexify incrementally according to the various stages of our studies. With the goal of implementing an evaluation system that is systematic, repeatable, and controllable, our approach is centered around the mobile robot. We harness this platform to emulate mobile targets, and track it in real-time with a highly reliable ground truth positioning system. Furthermore, we take advantage of the miniature size of our mobile platform, and include multiple entities to form a multi-robot system. This augmented setup then allows us to use the same experimental rigor to evaluate our collaborative localization strategies. Finally, we exploit the consistency of our experiments to perform cross-comparisons of the various results throughout the presented work. Ultra-wideband counts among the most interesting technologies for absolute indoor localization known to date. Owing to its fine delay resolution and its ability to penetrate through various materials, ultra-wideband provides a potentially high ranging accuracy, even in cluttered, non-line-of-sight environments. However, despite its desirable traits, the resolution of non-line-of-sight signals remains a hard problem. In other words, if a non-line-of-sight signal is not recognized as such, it leads to significant errors in the position estimate. Our work improves upon state-of-the-art by addressing the peculiarities of ultra-wideband signal propagation with models that capture the spatiality as well as the multimodal nature of the error statistics. Simultaneously, we take care to develop an underlying error model that is compact and that can be calibrated by means of efficient algorithms. In order to facilitate the usage of our multimodal error model, we use a localization algorithm that is based on particle filters. Our collaborative localization strategy distinguishes itself from prior work by emphasizing cost-efficiency, full decentralization, and scalability. The localization method is based on relative positioning and uses two quantities: relative range and relative bearing. We develop a relative robot detection model that integrates these measurements, and is embedded in our particle filter based localization framework. In addition to the robot detection model, we consider an algorithmic component, namely a reciprocal particle sampling routine, which is designed to facilitate the convergence of a robot’s position estimate. Finally, in order to reduce the complexity of our collaborative localization algorithm, and in order to reduce the amount of positioning data to be communicated between the robots, we develop a particle clustering method, which is used in conjunction with our robot detection model. The final stage of our research investigates the combined roles of collaborative localization and ultra-wideband localization. Numerous experiments are able to validate our overall localization strategy, and show that the performance can be significantly improved when using two complementary sensory modalities. Since the fusion of ultra-wideband positioning sensors with exteroceptive sensors has hardly been considered so far, our studies present pioneering work in this domain. Several insights indicate that collaboration—even if through noisy sensors—is a useful tool to reduce localization errors. In particular, we show that our collaboration strategy can provide the means to minimize the localization error, given that the collaborative design parameters are optimally tuned. Our final results show median localization errors below 10 cm in cluttered environments
Airport infrastructures: forms of ownership and the relationship with efficiency
Air transport has been characterized for being one of the fastest growing sectors. This significant growth is a challenge for airport infrastructures in terms of capacity and management. The shift to commercialization and privatization of airports has followed the same path of the deregulation and privatization of airlines, but with certain delayed. One of the common reasons for these new processes is the improvement in efficiency levels in order to face a highly competitive industry. This reflection paper focuses on a generalized idea that considers the form of a firm ownership and its management model is positively associated to high levels of productivity. Studies addressed in the present paper are limited to those papers considering DEA as the technique of efficiency analysis for being one of the most accepted in the academic literature.El transporte aĂ©reo es un sector caracterizado por ser uno de los de más rápido crecimiento en la economĂa mundial. Este aumento explosivo constituye un desafĂo para los aeropuertos en tĂ©rminos de desarrollo de la capacidad y la gestiĂłn. La conversiĂłn hacia la comercializaciĂłn y privatizaciĂłn de la infraestructura aeroportuaria ha seguido los procesos de desregulaciĂłn y privatizaciĂłn de las aerolĂneas, aunque con un importante retraso. Entre los motivos que han conducido a estos procesos se encuentra la necesidad de mejorar su eficiencia para enfrentar una industria aeronáutica altamente competitiva. Este artĂculo de reflexiĂłn tiene como punto de partida la idea, generalmente aceptada, de que la privatizaciĂłn como modelo de propiedad o gestiĂłn está asociada con una mayor productividad. Los trabajos de referencia abordados hacen menciĂłn a aquellos cuyo análisis de la eficiencia es hecho a travĂ©s de la tĂ©cnica DEA por ser una de las más consolidadas y aceptadas en la literatura
Can We Develop Our Daily Vocabularies By Following Native English Speakers On Twitter?
Twitter as a microblogging site is used by many people in the world for many functions. One of them, we can see people making conversation in their own language and “following” native English speakers (L1). The problem is: can follow L1 help us improve our English skill? The aim of this research is to know whether following L1 on Twitter can improve English daily vocabularies or not. We use qualitative research method to collect data. By dividing people into three groups: (1) people who are following mostly L1, (2) people who are following few L1 and (3) people who are not following L1 at all. We ask some questions related to English daily vocabularies which are some of the most often used in conversation. To conduct this research, we also use Tweepi.com to prove that the participants are truly following L1. In this end of research, we are going to know whether following L1 give Twitter users improvement in English daily vocabularies or not
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