348 research outputs found

    Neonatal arterial iliac thrombosis in type-I protein C deficiency: a case report

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    A male infant born by caesarean section at 38 weeks of gestational age (B.W. 4055 g; Apgar 9-10), in the first two hours of life his right leg became hypovascularizated

    O mineiro de todos os bastidores: Aparecido de Oliveira na gênese do Prêmio Camões, IILP e CPLP

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    O presente artigo visa reconstituir a trajetória do Primeiro-Ministro da Cultura brasileiro, José Aparecido de Oliveira. No bojo do processo de redemocratização brasileira, entre 1985 e 1994, o político mineiro teve atuação destacada na criação de instituições culturais e diplomáticas como: Prêmio Camões, Instituo Internacional de Língua Portuguesa (IILP) e Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). Normalmente estudados de pontos de vista mais institucionalistas e como parte da história das relações internacionais, tanto o papel desempenhado por Aparecido quanto a gênese dessas novas instituições transnacionais foram pouco tematizadas do ponto de vista de sua gênese social. Portanto, é a análise da sociogênese da posição social ocupada por José Aparecido de Oliveira e seu papel central na emergência do Prêmio Camões, do IILP e da CPLP, que este artigo visa. Considero aqui a política como um campo de disputas sociais específico, com seu capital específico e relativamente autônomo em relação a outras esferas sociais. Além disso, procuro entender os políticos para além de definições do senso comum, como profissionais de produção e criação de formas de percepção e de expressão politicamente legítimas. Neste passo o trabalho mostra que as instituições culturais e diplomáticas criadas por Aparecido de Oliveira foram, pelo menos em parte, produtos de estratégias de cristalização de suas fontes de capital social, cultural e político, garantindo a ele e seu grupo político posições mais estáveis, consolidadas e perenes no interior da classe dirigente.Palavras-Chave: José Aparecido de Oliveira; Prêmio Camões; Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa; CPLP; IILP

    O Último Estado do Campo: uma análise de correspondências múltiplas (ACM) de escritores brasileiros no pós-redemocratização

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    Este artigo busca através da pesquisa de trajetórias pessoais e profissionais de autore(a)s brasileiro(a)s contemporâneo(a)s, estreantes em prosa ficcional (conto, crônica e romance) entre 1988 e 2015, compreender as dinâmicas e lógicas do polo de circulação restrita do campo literário brasileiro na virada do século XX para o século XXI. A partir do caminho percorrido pela pesquisa proponho que tal polo do campo literário encontra-se fortemente influenciado por lógicas econômicas advindas do polo mais comercial da literatura. Promovendo em seu interior o surgimento de posições duplas de autore(a)s e editoras, em outras palavras, autore(a)s e editoras são constantemente levados a se utilizar de estratégias mais comerciais para se promover mesmo entre seus pares mais eruditos, não podendo prescindir delas à revelia muitas vezes de seus interesses

    Principio della protezione equivalente fra UE e CEDU e mutuo riconoscimento delle decisioni tra Stati membri: la sentenza della Corte EDU nel caso Avotins c. Lettonia

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    As procedural systems of some Member States allow the claimant to obtain default judgments without examination of the merits (and, therefore, without reasoning) against non-appearing defendants, the principle of mutual recognition may entail a breach of Article 6 ECHR. In Avotins c. Latvia, the Strasbourg Court tackles with the issue in the light of the so-called Bosphorus presumption, which informs the relationship between the EU legal order and the ECHR

    Contributo alla conoscenza dei bruchidi dell’Europa (Coleoptera Bruchidae)

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     CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF SEED BEETLES OF EUROPE (COLEOPTERA BRUCHIDAE) Observations carried out on the species collected in Europe are reported. An interesting result is the new record of 28 species in Europe. The presence of Bruchus affinis Frölich in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary extends its distribution area eastwards. The new record about the distribution of Bruchidius varipictus Motsch. in Albania, Croatia, Romania and Ukraine does extend its known distribution towards Oriental Europe. An interesting result is the first record about the distribution of Bruchidius canus (Germar) and Bruchidius picipes (Germar), whose systematic position have been modified recently. Key Words: distribution, faunistic records, host plants. Vengono riportati i risultati di uno studio che gli autori hanno effettuato su esemplari di Bruchidi raccolti in Europa. Di un certo interesse è il dato che 28 specie risultano nuove per alcune regioni incluse nell’area oggetto di studio. Il ritrovamento di Bruchus affinis Frölich in Bosnia Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Ungheria amplia notevolmente il suo areale verso est. Bruchidius varipictus Motsch. risulta nuovo per Albania, Croazia, Romania, Ucraina, facendo estendere il suo areale noto alla regione dell’Europa orientale. Inoltre, vengono riportati i primi dati sulla distribuzione delle specie Bruchidius canus (Germar) e Bruchidius picipes (Germar) le cui posizioni sistematiche sono state modificate recentemente. Parole chiave: distribuzione, dati faunistici, piante ospiti

    the notion of field from a transnational perspective: the theory of social differentiation under the prism of global history

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    Referência para o artigo original: Sapiro, Gisèle. Le champ est-il national ? La théorie de la différenciation sociale au prisme de l’histoire globale. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, (N°200), p. 70-85, 2013/5. DOI 10.3917/arss.200.007

    The Human EST Ontology Explorer: a tissue-oriented visualization system for ontologies distribution in human EST collections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The NCBI dbEST currently contains more than eight million human Expressed Sequenced Tags (ESTs). This wide collection represents an important source of information for gene expression studies, provided it can be inspected according to biologically relevant criteria. EST data can be browsed using different dedicated web resources, which allow to investigate library specific gene expression levels and to make comparisons among libraries, highlighting significant differences in gene expression. Nonetheless, no tool is available to examine distributions of quantitative EST collections in Gene Ontology (GO) categories, nor to retrieve information concerning library-dependent EST involvement in metabolic pathways. In this work we present the Human EST Ontology Explorer (HEOE) <url>http://www.itb.cnr.it/ptp/human_est_explorer</url>, a web facility for comparison of expression levels among libraries from several healthy and diseased tissues.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The HEOE provides library-dependent statistics on the distribution of sequences in the GO Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) that can be browsed at each GO hierarchical level. The tool is based on large-scale BLAST annotation of EST sequences. Due to the huge number of input sequences, this BLAST analysis was performed with the aid of grid computing technology, which is particularly suitable to address data parallel task. Relying on the achieved annotation, library-specific distributions of ESTs in the GO Graph were inferred. A pathway-based search interface was also implemented, for a quick evaluation of the representation of libraries in metabolic pathways. EST processing steps were integrated in a semi-automatic procedure that relies on Perl scripts and stores results in a MySQL database. A PHP-based web interface offers the possibility to simultaneously visualize, retrieve and compare data from the different libraries. Statistically significant differences in GO categories among user selected libraries can also be computed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The HEOE provides an alternative and complementary way to inspect EST expression levels with respect to approaches currently offered by other resources. Furthermore, BLAST computation on the whole human EST dataset was a suitable test of grid scalability in the context of large-scale bioinformatics analysis. The HEOE currently comprises sequence analysis from 70 non-normalized libraries, representing a comprehensive overview on healthy and unhealthy tissues. As the analysis procedure can be easily applied to other libraries, the number of represented tissues is intended to increase.</p

    Depressive Symptoms in Fathers during the First Postpartum Year: The Influence of Severity of Preterm Birth, Parenting Stress and Partners' Depression

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    Although preterm birth constitutes a risk factor for postpartum depressive symptomatology, perinatal depression (PND) has not been investigated extensively in fathers of very low (VLBW) and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. This study explored paternal depression levels at 3, 9, and 12 months of infant corrected age, investigating also the predictive role played by the severity of prematurity, maternal and paternal PND levels, and parenting stress. We recruited 153 fathers of 33 ELBW, 42 VLBW, and 78 full-term (FT) infants, respectively. Depression was investigated by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and distress by the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form-PSI-SF (Total and subscales: Parental Distress, Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction, and Difficult Child). ELBW fathers showed a significant decrease (improvement) in EPDS, total PSI-SF, and Parental Distress mean scores after 3 months. Paternal EPDS scores at 12 months were significantly predicted by VLBW and FT infants' birth weight categories, fathers' EPDS scores at 3 and 9 months, Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction subscale at 3 months, and Difficult Child subscale at 9 months. This study strengthens the relevance of including early routine screening and parenting support for fathers in perinatal health services, with particular attention to fathers who might be more vulnerable to mental health difficulties due to severely preterm birth

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