6,711 research outputs found

    On the anomalous X-ray afterglows of GRB 970508 and GRB 970828

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    Recently, BeppoSAX and ASCA have reported an unusual resurgence of soft X-ray emission during the afterglows of GRB 970508 and GRB 970828, together with marginal evidence for the existence of Fe-lines in both objects. We consider the implications of the existence of a torus of iron-rich material surrounding the sites of gamma ray bursts as would be expected in the SupraNova model; in particular, we show that the fireball will quickly hit this torus, and bring it to a temperature ~3x10^7 K. Bremsstrahlung emission from the heated up torus will cause a resurgence of the soft X-ray emission with all expected characteristics (flux level, duration and spectral hardening with time) identical to those observed during the reburst. Also, thermal emission from the torus will account for the observed iron line flux. These events are also observable, for instance by new missions such as SWIFT, when beaming away from our line sight makes us miss the main burst, as Fast (soft) X-ray Transients, with durations ~10^3 s, and fluences ~10^-7-10^-4 erg cm^-2. This model provides evidence in favor of the SupraNova model for Gamma Ray Bursts.Comment: To appear in MN Pink pages, MN-LateX, no figure

    Relativistic precession around rotating neutron stars: Effects due to frame-dragging and stellar oblateness

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    General relativity predicts that a rotating body produces a frame-dragging (or Lense-Thirring) effect: the orbital plane of a test particle in a non-equatorial orbit precesses about the body's symmetry axis. In this paper we compute the precession frequencies of circular orbits around rapidly rotating neutron stars for a variety of masses and equations of state. The precession frequencies computed are expressed as numerical functions of the orbital frequency observed at infinity. The post-Newtonian expansion of the exact precession formula is examined to identify the relative magnitudes of the precession caused by the Lense-Thirring effect, the usual Newtonian quadrupole effect and relativistic corrections. The first post-Newtonian correction to the Newtonian quadrupole precession is derived in the limit of slow rotation. We show that the post-Newtonian precession formula is a good approximation to the exact precession close to the neutron star in the slow rotation limit (up to \sim 400 Hz in the present context). The results are applied to recent RXTE observations of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries, which display kHz quasi-periodic oscillations and, within the framework of beat frequency models, allow the measurement of both the neutron star spin frequency and the Keplerian frequency of the innermost ring of matter in the accretion disk around it. For a wide range of realistic equations of state, we find that the predicted precession frequency of this ring is close to one half of the low-frequency (\sim 20 - 35 Hz) quasi-periodic oscillations seen in several Atoll sources.Comment: 35 pages including 10 figures and 6 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The eSS rat, a nonobese model of disordered glucose and lipid metabolism and fatty liver

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>eSS is a rat model of type 2 diabetes characterized by fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia and early hypertriglyceridemia. Diabetic symptoms worsen during the second year of life as insulin release decreases. In 12-month-old males a diffuse hepatic steatosis was detected. We report the disturbances of lipid metabolism of the model with regard to the diabetic syndrome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in eight 12-month-old eSS male rats and seven age/weight matched eumetabolic Wistar rats fed with a complete commercial diet <it>al libitum</it>. Fasting plasmatic glucose, insulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol, low-density and high-density lipoprotein, and nonesterified fatty acids levels were measured. Very low density and intermediate-density lipoproteins were analyzed and hepatic lipase activity was determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>eSS rats developed hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, indicating insulin resistance. Compared with controls, diabetic rats exhibited high plasmatic levels of NEFA, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (Chol) and LDL-Chol while high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol values were reduced. eSS rats also displayed TG-rich VLDL and IDL particles without changes in hepatic lipase activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The nonobese eSS rats develop a syndrome characterized by glucose and lipid disorders and hepatic steatosis that may provide new opportunities for studying the pathogenesis of human type 2 diabetes.</p

    The supergiant fast X-ray transients XTE J1739-302 and IGR J08408-4503 in quiescence with XMM-Newton

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    Context. Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a subclass of high mass X-ray binaries that host a neutron star accreting mass from the wind of its OB supergiant companion. They are characterized by an extremely pronounced and rapid variability in X-rays, which still lacks an unambiguous interpretation. A number of deep pointed observations with XMM-Newton have been carried out to study the quiescent emission of these sources and gain insight into the mechanism that causes their X-ray variability. Aims. We continued this study by using three XMM-Newton observations of the two supergiant fast X-ray transient prototypes XTEJ1739-302 and IGR J08408-4503 in quiescence. Methods. An in-depth timing and spectral analysis of these data have been carried out. Results. We found that the quiescent emission of these sources is characterized by both complex timing and spectral variability, with multiple small flares occurring sporadically after periods of lower X-ray emission. Some evidence is found in the XMM-Newton spectra of a soft component below ~2 keV, similar to that observed in the two supergiant fast X-ray transients AXJ1845.0-0433 and IGRJ16207-5129 and in many other high mass X-ray binaries. Conclusions.We suggest some possible interpretations of the timing and spectral properties of the quiescent emission of XTEJ1739- 302 and IGR J08408-4503 in the context of the different theoretical models proposed to interpret the behavior of the supergiant fast X-ray transients.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. V2: Corrected few typo

    La distancia que separa las concepciones didácticas de lo que se hace en clase : el caso de los trabajos de laboratorio en biología

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    En este artículo se analizan las concepciones sobre los trabajos de laboratorio en biología de un grupo de alumnos de 4º año de la escuela secundaria. A través de un cuestionario verbal abierto y una tarea de selección de tarjetas, se indagó qué tipo de trabajos experimentales los alumnos llevan a cabo en sus clases, qué se aprende de ellos y qué posibilidades encuentran en otras modalidades de trabajos experimentales propuestas por los especialistas en didáctica. Los resultados señalan una brecha entre lo que los alumnos refieren que se realiza en sus clases y las propuestas de los especialistas. En la escuela, predominan las tareas escasamente reflexivas (actividades de carácter descriptivo para verificar e ilustrar temas estudiados), que no ayudan a desarrollar habilidades vinculadas con la investigación, ya que exigen seguir una serie de pasos estipulados en vez de alentar el planteamiento de problemas, la formulación de hipótesis, la búsqueda de respuestas y la interpretación de lo observado.Sixteen-year-old students' ideas about Biological laboratory work done in their classes are revealed through an open questionnaire. They were also validated through a selection task in which students were presented four different instructional situations involving practical work and had to decide which was more frequent in their classes, what can be learned through them, and their personal preferences about the way they would like to be taught. The results show a wide gap between what students say they do in their classes and what experts in the field say that should be done. In schools they are taught through non reflective tasks (with only descriptive demands), which rarely help them develop inquiry skills. They are expected to follow the instructions of their teachers instead of posing problems, thinking of hypotheses, trying to find answers and analyzing what they observe

    A scale-free network hidden in the collapsing polymer

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    We show that the collapsed globular phase of a polymer accommodates a scale-free incompatibility graph of its contacts. The degree distribution of this network is found to decay with the exponent γ=1/(2c)\gamma = 1/(2-c) up to a cut-off degree dcL2cd_c \propto L^{2-c}, where cc is the loop exponent for dense polymers (c=11/8c=11/8 in two dimensions) and LL is the length of the polymer. Our results exemplify how a scale-free network (SFN) can emerge from standard criticality.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, address correcte

    Nonequilibrium Generalised Langevin Equation for the calculation of heat transport properties in model 1D atomic chains coupled to two 3D thermal baths

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    We use a Generalised Langevin Equation (GLE) scheme to study the thermal transport of low dimensional systems. In this approach, the central classical region is connected to two realistic thermal baths kept at two different temperatures [H. Ness et al., Phys. Rev. B {\bf 93}, 174303 (2016)]. We consider model Al systems, i.e. one-dimensional atomic chains connected to three-dimensional baths. The thermal transport properties are studied as a function of the chain length NN and the temperature difference ΔT\Delta T between the baths. We calculate the transport properties both in the linear response regime and in the non-linear regime. Two different laws are obtained for the linear conductance versus the length of the chains. For large temperatures (T500T \gtrsim 500 K) and temperature differences (ΔT500\Delta T \gtrsim 500 K), the chains, with N>18N > 18 atoms, present a diffusive transport regime with the presence of a temperature gradient across the system. For lower temperatures(T500T \lesssim 500 K) and temperature differences (ΔT400\Delta T \lesssim 400 K), a regime similar to the ballistic regime is observed. Such a ballistic-like regime is also obtained for shorter chains (N15N \le 15 ). Our detailed analysis suggests that the behaviour at higher temperatures and temperature differences is mainly due to anharmonic effects within the long chains.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Integrating Superconductive and Optical Circuits

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    We have integrated on oxidized silicon wafers superconductive films and Josephson junctions along with sol-gel optical channel waveguides. The fabrication process is carried out in two steps that result to be solid and non-invasive. It is demonstrated that 660 nm light, coupled from an optical fibre into the channel sol-gel waveguide, can be directed toward superconducting tunnel junctions whose current-voltage characteristics are affected by the presence of the radiation. The dependence of the change in the superconducting energy gap under optical pumping is discussed in terms of a non-equilibrium superconductivity model.Comment: Document composed of 7 pages of text and 3 figure

    "Hiccup" accretion in the swinging pulsar IGR J18245-2452

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    IGR J18245-2452 is the fifteenth discovered accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar and the first source of this class showing direct evidence for transition between accretion and rotational powered emission states. These swing provided the strongest confirmation of the pulsar recycling scenario available so far. During the two XMM-Newton observations that were carried out while the source was in outburst in April 2013, IGR J18245-2452 displayed a unique and peculiar variability of its X-ray emission. In this work, we report on a detailed analysis of the XMM- Newton data and focus in particular on the timing and spectral variability of the source. IGR J18245-2452 continuously switches between lower and higher intensity states, with typical variations in flux up to a factor of about 500 in time scales as short as few seconds. These variations in the source intensity are sometimes associated to a dramatic spectral hardening, during which the power-law photon index of the source changes from Gamma=1.7 to Gamma=0.9. The pulse profiles extracted at different count rates and energies show a complex variability. These phenomena are not usually observed in accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars, at least not on such a short time scale. Fast variability was also found in the ATCA radio observations carried out for about 6 hours during the outburst at a frequency of 5.5 and 9 GHz. We interpret the variability observed from IGR J18245-2452 in terms of a "hiccup" accretion phase, during which the accretion of material from the inner boundary of the Keplerian disk is reduced by the onset of centrifugal inhibition of accretion, possibly causing the launch of strong outflows. Changes across accretion and propeller regimes have been long predicted and reproduced by MHD simulations of accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars but never observed to produce an extreme variability as that shown by IGR J18245-2452.Comment: A&A in press. Revised versio

    The transitional millisecond pulsar IGR J18245-2452 during its 2013 outburst at X-rays and soft gamma-rays

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    IGR~J18245--2452/PSR J1824--2452I is one of the rare transitional accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars, showing direct evidence of switches between states of rotation powered radio pulsations and accretion powered X-ray pulsations, dubbed transitional pulsars. IGR~J18245--2452 is the only transitional pulsar so far to have shown a full accretion episode, reaching an X-ray luminosity of 1037\sim10^{37}~erg~s1^{-1} permitting its discovery with INTEGRAL in 2013. In this paper, we report on a detailed analysis of the data collected with the IBIS/ISGRI and the two JEM-X monitors on-board INTEGRAL at the time of the 2013 outburst. We make use of some complementary data obtained with the instruments on-board XMM-Newton and Swift in order to perform the averaged broad-band spectral analysis of the source in the energy range 0.4 -- 250~keV. We have found that this spectrum is the hardest among the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars. We improved the ephemeris, now valid across its full outburst, and report the detection of pulsed emission up to 60\sim60 keV in both the ISGRI (10.9σ10.9 \sigma) and Fermi/GBM (5.9σ5.9 \sigma) bandpass. The alignment of the ISGRI and Fermi GBM 20 -- 60 keV pulse profiles are consistent at a $\sim25\ \mu$s level. We compared the pulse profiles obtained at soft X-rays with \xmm\ with the soft \gr-ray ones, and derived the pulsed fractions of the fundamental and first harmonic, as well as the time lag of the fundamental harmonic, up to 150 μ150\ \mus, as a function of energy. We report on a thermonuclear X-ray burst detected with \Integ, and using the properties of the previously type-I X-ray burst, we show that all these events are powered primarily by helium ignited at a depth of yign2.7×108y_{\rm ign} \approx 2.7\times10^8 g cm2{}^{-2}. For such a helium burst the estimated recurrence time of Δtrec5.6\Delta t_{\rm rec}\approx5.6 d is in agreement with the observations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Figures, 3 Tables Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal, accepted for publication on the 13th of April 201