237 research outputs found

    Pädagogische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit als Beitrag zu einem Kompetenzprofil für Lehrpersonen

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    Seit 2004 führt das Institut für internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildungsfragen (IZB) das Spezialisierungsstudium Pädagogische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (SPPE) in der Ausbildung der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zentralschweiz (PHZ) durch. In diesem Beitrag werden die Lern- und Kompetenzfelder, die sich aus dem SPPE für den Lehrberuf ableiten lassen, näher beleuchtet. Evaluationen einzelner SPPE-Module, studentische Berichte zu ihren Projekteinsätzen in Entwicklungs- und Transitionsländern sowie der Austausch mit Partnerorganisationen und -schulen der besuchten Bildungsprojekte zeigen hauptsächlich vier zentrale Lern- und Kompetenzfelder des SPPE auf, die für das Kompetenzprofil von Lehrpersonen nützlich sein können: (1) Fachliche Vertiefung (Wissenserweiterung) in pädagogischer Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, (2) Perspektivenwechsel einüben, (3) interkulturelle Kompetenzen erweitern und (4) Rollenbewusstsein entwickeln.Since 2004, the Institute for International Cooperation in Education (IZB) has been offering a specialisation course in International Cooperation in Education (SPPE) for students at the University of Teacher Education Central Switzerland (PHZ). This article focuses on the fields of learning and competence of this course which contribute to the teacher competency profile. The evaluation of its modules, students’ reports and reflections on their project assignments in developing and transition countries as well as the exchange with partner organisations and schools of the education projects visited emphasise in particular four of its crucial fields of learning and competence, which could be useful for the teacher competency profile: (1) an in-depth knowledge of international cooperation in education, (2) an increase in cross-cultural competences, (3) a change of perspective, and (4) a development of role awareness

    Reliable confidence intervals in quantitative genetics: narrow-sense heritability

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    Many quantitative genetic statistics are functions of variance components, for which a large number of replicates is needed for precise estimates and reliable measures of uncertainty, on which sound interpretation depends. Moreover, in large experiments the deaths of some individuals can occur, so methods for analysing such data need to be robust to missing values. We show how confidence intervals for narrow-sense heritability can be calculated in a nested full-sib/half-sib breeding design (males crossed with several females) in the presence of missing values. Simulations indicate that the method provides accurate results, and that estimator uncertainty is lowest for sampling designs with many males relative to the number of females per male, and with more females per male than progenies per female. Missing data generally had little influence on estimator accuracy, thus suggesting that the overall number of observations should be increased even if this results in unbalanced data. We also suggest the use of parametrically simulated data for prior investigation of the accuracy of planned experiments. Together with the proposed confidence intervals an informed decision on the optimal sampling design is possible, which allows efficient allocation of resource

    PestiRed: A Swiss on-farm approach to reduce pesticide use in arable crops

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    Das Konzept des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes (IPM) hat sich erfolgreich bewährt. Allerdings ist es immer noch eine Herausforderung IPM Strategien erfolgreich umzusetzen. Darüber hinaus fehlen umfassende Untersuchungen zu Effekten und Wechselwirkungen kombinierter Verfahren im Verlauf gesamter Fruchtfolgen. Im Rahmen der Bemühungen den Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft zu reduzieren, wird der integrierte Pflanzenschutz im Ackerbau in einem mehrjährigen on-farm Projekt weiterentwickelt. Projektbeginn ist Herbst 2019. Ziel ist es, den PSM Einsatz um 75 % zu reduzieren, bei einem maximalen Ertragsverlust von 10 %. Es werden vorbeugende und alternative Maßnahmen umgesetzt, die vor allem natürliche Regulationsmechanismen von Schadorganismen (Pathogene, Schädlinge, Unkräuter) ausnutzen. Maßnahmen wie Zwischenfrüchte, Mischkulturen, Blühstreifen und biologische Bekämpfungsmittel werden in unterschiedlichen 6-jährigen Fruchtfolgen in einem Netzwerk von 75 landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben untersucht und umgesetzt. Es handelt sich um einen co-innovativen Ansatz, an dem Wissenschaftler, Landwirte und landwirtschaftliche Beratungsdienste in unterschiedlichen Regionen der Schweiz beteiligt sind. Die Wirksamkeit der Methoden auf Unkräuter, Krankheiten, Schädlinge und Nützlinge wird über alle Fruchtfolgen beobachtet und beurteilt.The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) has proven successful, however challenges in implementing IPM strategies remain. Furthermore, detailed investigations are needed to elucidate the performance and trade-offs of combined practices along entire crop rotations. In the framework of efforts to reduce the use of pesticides in Swiss agriculture, IPM in arable crops will be further developed in an on-farm project starting in autumn 2019. The overall aim of the project is to reduce pesticide use by 75% with a maximum yield loss of 10%. Preventive and alternative practices supporting natural control of noxious organisms (pathogens, pests, weeds) such as cover crops, intercropping, flower strips and biological control agents will be implemented and investigated in different 6-year crop rotations in a network involving 75 farms. The project involves scientists, farmers and extension services in a co-innovation process in five regions of the Swiss plateau. Effectiveness of the practices on weeds, diseases, pests and beneficials will be closely monitored and evaluated along the entire crop rotation

    Anwendung der Bekämpfungsschwellen und Warndienste in der Schweiz

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    Gemäss Direktzahlungsverordnung sind die Schweizer Landwirte verpflichtet, bei direkten Pflanzenschutzmassnahmen Schadschwellen sowie Empfehlungen von Prognose- und Warndiensten zu berücksichtigen. Um abschätzen zu können, wie gut diese Vorgabe im Feldbau noch befolgt wird, wurde 2013-2014 eine anonyme Umfrage bei Landwirten und Lohnunternehmern durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden 477 Fragebogen zurückgeschickt, 456 konnten für die Auswertung berücksichtigt werden. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die Bekämpfungsschwellen bei Unkräutern und Ungräsern nur noch sehr bedingt angewendet werden. Als Gründe wurden die fehlende Zeit und eine bekannte Verunkrautung angegeben. Insgesamt deutlich besser sieht die Situation bei den Krankheiten aus. Am häufigsten wird die Bekämpfungsschwelle bei den Blattflecken in Zuckerrüben angewendet. 81% der Landwirte gaben an, die Bekämpfungsschwelle immer oder häufig anzuwenden. Am wenigsten Beachtung findet die Bekämpfungsschwelle von Rhizoctonia bei Kartoffeln. 47% der Befragten wenden die Schwelle nie oder selten an. Bei den Schädlingen wird die Bekämpfungsschwelle am häufigsten angewendet, insbesondere bei Schädlingen, welche ein hohes Schadenspotenzial haben und die Bekämpfungsschwelle einfach und präzis mit wenig Zeitaufwand erhoben werden kann. Dies ist zum Bespiel beim Rapsglanzkäfer der Fall. 92,6% der Antwortenden gaben an, die Schwelle immer oder häufig anzuwenden. Die vorhandenen Prognosesysteme Phytopre und Fusaprog sind vielen Landwirten nicht bekannt und werden wenig genutzt. Warndienste werden dagegen von sehr vielen Landwirten genutzt. 87% gaben an, dass sie die Warndienste in der Fachpresse immer oder häufig nutzen. Auch die kantonalen Beratungsdienste werden als Informationsquelle geschätzt. Die Studie zeigt auf, in welchen Bereichen zusätzliches Potenzial zur Verminderung von Risiken beim Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln besteht

    Nutrients, arbuscular mycorrhizas and competition interact to influence seed production and germination success in Achillea millefolium

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    1. Environmental variables that positively affect one aspect of plant fitness, may have no effect, or even negatively affect some other component of fitness. 2. Using individuals of Achillea millefolium grown under field conditions in Michigan, USA, the hypothesis was tested that seed number was determined largely by plant biomass, while seed germination success depends on tissue nutrient concentrations. The impact was assessed of four biotic and abiotic factors on seed number and germination success: root competition, shoot competition, fertilizer, and removal of fungi by fungicide application. 3. Using a path analysis, it was found that total plant biomass positively affected both seed number and germination success, while inclusion of other variables did not greatly affect the amount of variation the model was able to explain. Fertilizer and fungicide increased, while root and shoot competition decreased both seed number and germination. 4. Fungicide applied to the maternal plant increased biomass but decreased tissue phosphorus concentrations. In species where germination responds to nutrient concentrations, the potential exists for opposing impacts of environmental treatments on different components of fitness. 5. This study suggests that environmental impacts on seed number will outweigh impacts on germination success under field conditions, and that biomass is an adequate surrogate for fitness in herbaceous plants.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71905/1/j.1365-2435.2002.00675.x.pd

    Long-term improvement of quality of life in patients with breast cancer: supporting patient-physician communication by an electronic tool for inpatient and outpatient care

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    Purpose The effectiveness of a pathway with quality of life (QoL) diagnosis and therapy has been already demonstrated in an earlier randomized trial (RCT) in patients with breast cancer. We refined the pathway by developing and evaluating an electronic tool for QoL assessment in routine inpatient and outpatient care. Methods In a single-arm study, patients with breast cancer with surgical treatment in two German hospitals were enrolled. QoL (EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-BR23) was measured with an electronic tool after surgery and during aftercare in outpatient medical practices (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months) so that results (QoL-profile) were available immediately. Feedback by patients and physicians was analyzed to evaluate feasibility and impact on patient-physician communication. Results Between May 2016 and July 2018, 56 patients were enrolled. Physicians evaluated the QoL pathway as feasible. Patients whose physician regularly discussed QoL-profiles with them reported significantly more often that their specific needs were cared for (p < .001) and that their physician had found the right treatment strategy for these needs (p < .001) compared with patients whose doctor never/rarely discussed QoL-profiles. The latter significantly more often had no benefit from QoL assessments (p < .001). Conclusion The QoL pathway with electronic QoL assessments is feasible for inpatient and outpatient care. QoL results should be discussed directly with the patient. Clinical trial information NCT04334096, date of registration 06.04.202

    Implementing a system of quality-of-life diagnosis and therapy for breast cancer patients: results of an exploratory trial as a prerequisite for a subsequent RCT

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    A system for quality-of-life diagnosis and therapy (QoL system) was implemented for breast cancer patients. The system fulfilled the criteria for complex interventions (Medical Research Council). Following theory and modeling, this study contains the exploratory trial as a next step before the randomised clinical trial (RCT) answering three questions: (1) Are there differences between implementation sample and general population? (2) Which amount and type of disagreement exist between patient and coordinating practitioners (CPs) in assessed global QoL? (3) Are there empirical reasons for a cutoff of 50 points discriminating between healthy and diseased QoL? Implementation was successful: 74% of CPs worked along the care pathway. However, CPs showed preferences for selecting patients with lower age and UICC prognostic staging. Patients and CPs disagreed considerably in values of global QoL, despite education in QoL assessment by outreach visits, opinion leaders and CME: Zero values of QoL were only expressed by patients. Finally, the cutoff of 50 points was supported by the relationship between QoL in single items and global QoL: no patients with values above 50 dropped global QoL below 50, but values below 50 and especially at 0 points in single items, induced a dramatic fall of global QoL down to below 50. The exploratory trial was important for defining the complex intervention in the definitive RCT: control for age and prognostic stage grading, support for a QoL unit combining patient's and CP's assessment of QoL and support for the 50-point cutoff criterion between healthy and diseased QoL

    Leveraging research partnerships to achieve the 2030 agenda : experiences from North-South cooperation

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    Transnational research partnerships are considered fundamental for supporting research and creating shared knowledge for sustainable development. They enable the acquisition and global sharing of high-quality information and create shared knowledge and capacity. This paper aimed to identify the enabling factors of such partnerships. In a survey carried out by the authors of this article, partnerships were perceived most beneficial when they provided access to new key features such as funding, technology and training. Compliance with research partnership principles, combined with funds and shared interests, was seen to further enhance the longevity of partnerships. Upon consulting the recent peer-reviewed literature, it became clear that research was lacking with regard to optimising the framework and performance of research partnerships, despite galloping technological progress in other areas of sustainable development. We believe that technological opportunities could be better harnessed to enable the concept of partnership to evolve and move towards transformative research for the advancement of sustainable development
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