530 research outputs found

    The approach to a superconductor-to-Bose-insulator transition in disordered films

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    Through a detailed study of scaling near the magnetic field-tuned superconductor-to-insulator transition in strongly disordered films, we find that results for a variety of materials can be collapsed onto a single phase diagram. The data display two clear branches, one with weak disorder and an intervening metallic phase, the other with strong disorder. Along the strongly disordered branch, the resistance at the critical point approaches RQ=h/4e2R_Q = h/4e^2 and the scaling of the resistance is consistent with quantum percolation, and therefore with the predictions of the dirty boson model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of site-specific vegetation activity in Alaskan wet and dry tundra as related to climate and soil state

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    We present discrete (2-h resolution) multi-year (2008–2017) in situ measurements of seasonal vegetation growth and soil biophysical properties from two sites on Alaska\u27s North Slope, USA, representing dry and wet sedge tundra. We examine measurements of vertical active soil layer temperature and soil moisture profiles (freeze/thaw status), woody shrub vegetation physiological activity, and meteorological site data to assess interrelationships within (and between) these two study sites. Vegetation phenophases (cold de-hardening start, physiological function start, stem growth start, stem growth end, physiological function end, cold hardening completion) were found to have greater interannual day of year (DOY) occurrence variability at the dry site compared with the wet site. At the dry site, vegetation activity begins on average ~7 days earlier and ends ~11 days earlier. The mean active stem growth window lasts ~54 days for the dry site and ~51 days for the wet site. Vegetation, in both tundra environments, began cold de-hardening functions (warm season prep) prior to atmospheric temperatures warming above 0°C. Similar results were found related to the critical soil freeze/thaw/transition dates; the dry site had a DOY phenophase occurrence range that was 8 days larger than that of the wet site. A longer continuous summer thaw period was captured at the wet site by ~26 days throughout the active layer. In addition, the dry site was measured to have longer spring and fall soil isothermal conditions than the wet site by ~9 and 5 days throughout the active layer. These results show that the dry site\u27s willow shrub vegetation physiology and soil condition phenology is more variable than the wet site. Alongside the in situ data, a remote sensing product from NASA\u27s MEaSUREs program was utilized; our research indicates that the AMSR-derived satellite product is more precise over the wet tundra site with critical date alignment between remote sensing observations and in situ measurements ranging from ~4 to 11 days. Furthermore, the AMSR product was shown to preemptively estimate land surface condition change during the spring transition for both tundra types while lagging during the fall transition and freeze-up periods

    Cryo-EM structure of native human thyroglobulin

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    The thyroglobulin (TG) protein is essential to thyroid hormone synthesis, plays a vital role in the regulation of metabolism, development and growth and serves as intraglandular iodine storage. Its architecture is conserved among vertebrates. Synthesis of triiodothyronine (T; 3; ) and thyroxine (T; 4; ) hormones depends on the conformation, iodination and post-translational modification of TG. Although structural information is available on recombinant and deglycosylated endogenous human thyroglobulin (hTG) from patients with goiters, the structure of native, fully glycosylated hTG remained unknown. Here, we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of native and fully glycosylated hTG from healthy thyroid glands to 3.2 Å resolution. The structure provides detailed information on hormonogenic and glycosylation sites. We employ liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to validate these findings as well as other post-translational modifications and proteolytic cleavage sites. Our results offer insights into thyroid hormonogenesis of native hTG and provide a fundamental understanding of clinically relevant mutations

    Paleomagnetism of Jurassic Rocks in the Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt and its Bearing on the Structural Evolution of the Sierra Nevada Block

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    The western metamorphic belt of the Sierra Nevada consists of two eugeosynclinal terranes separated by the Melones and Sonora faults. Subvertical, bedded Mesozoic volcanic rocks metamorphosed to low greenschist facies predominate to the west, whereas Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of higher grade and greater structural complexity predominate to the east. In order to study the structural development of the faults, 121 samples of basalt and diabase were collected for paleomagnetic analysis from three Jurassic formations, the Logtown Ridge and Penon Blanco formations west of the Melones fault and the Sonora dike swarm to the east of the Sonora fault. A northwesterly, downward directed magnetization occurs in each unit. Three fold tests and a conglomerate test on the two formations west of the faults show that the magnetization is secondary, postdating Nevadan (Late Jurassic) folding and is probably coeval with peak metamorphism. An average of five paleomagnetic poles from the Sierra Nevada, three derived from the secondary magnetizations given herein and two previously published, all of probable Kimmeridgian age, yields λ′=67.2°N, ϕ′=161.2°E, and α95 =6.5°. Southeasterly magnetizations also occur in the Logtown Ridge Formation and Sonora dike swarm. Directions from the Sonora dikes are approximately antipodal to the secondary directions and are reversed; magnetizations from the Logtown Ridge Formation yield similar results only if corrected for the tilt of bedding. The Logtown Ridge magnetizations (tilt-corrected) yield a pole position near to that expected for North America. The data from the Sonora dikes require a tilt correction of 25°-30° toward the south-southwest about a horizontal axis parallel to the regional structure in order to yield a North American pole position. We conclude that the eastern wall rocks of the Melones and Sonora faults have been rotated 25°-30° in response to Nevadan deformation in contrast to the western wall rocks, which have been rotated about 90°

    The p110α and p110β Isoforms of Class I Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Are Involved in Toll-Like Receptor 5 Signaling in Epithelial Cells

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    Background. Bacterial flagellin triggers inflammation in mammalian cells via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 5. Release of the chemokine IL-8 in response to flagellin involves NF-κB, p38 MAP kinase, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). However, PI3K has been reported to be either pro- or anti-inflammatory in different model systems. We hypothesized that this could be due to different activities of the p110α and β isoforms of PI3K. Results. PI3K and Akt were rapidly activated in Caco-2 colon carcinoma cells by flagellin. Using a plasmid-based shRNA delivery system and novel p110 isoform-specific inhibitors, we found that flagellin-induced IL-8 production was dependent on both p110α and p110β. However in the mouse, inhibition of p110β but not p110α reduced the increase of serum IL-6 levels induced by intraperitoneal injection of flagellin. Conclusions. These data demonstrate that the p110α and β isoforms of class IA PI3K are both required for the proinflammatory response to flagellin

    Strategies and methods to study sex differences in cardiovascular structure and function: a guide for basic scientists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular disease remains the primary cause of death worldwide. In the US, deaths due to cardiovascular disease for women exceed those of men. While cultural and psychosocial factors such as education, economic status, marital status and access to healthcare contribute to sex differences in adverse outcomes, physiological and molecular bases of differences between women and men that contribute to development of cardiovascular disease and response to therapy remain underexplored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This article describes concepts, methods and procedures to assist in the design of animal and tissue/cell based studies of sex differences in cardiovascular structure, function and models of disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address knowledge gaps, study designs must incorporate appropriate experimental material including species/strain characteristics, sex and hormonal status. Determining whether a sex difference exists in a trait must take into account the reproductive status and history of the animal including those used for tissue (cell) harvest, such as the presence of gonadal steroids at the time of testing, during development or number of pregnancies. When selecting the type of experimental animal, additional consideration should be given to diet requirements (soy or plant based influencing consumption of phytoestrogen), lifespan, frequency of estrous cycle in females, and ability to investigate developmental or environmental components of disease modulation. Stress imposed by disruption of sleep/wake cycles, patterns of social interaction (or degree of social isolation), or handling may influence adrenal hormones that interact with pathways activated by the sex steroid hormones. Care must be given to selection of hormonal treatment and route of administration.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Accounting for sex in the design and interpretation of studies including pharmacological effects of drugs is essential to increase the foundation of basic knowledge upon which to build translational approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases in humans.</p