182 research outputs found

    Making the Most of Teachable Moments: Livening and Enhancing the Virtual Reference Experience

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    This presentation will address the undeniable presence of instructional opportunities in reference interactions. From small teachable moments to impromptu instruction sessions at the reference desk, reference is instruction and virtual reference is no exception. In virtual reference exchanges, however, these moments can be far more challenging to harness and engage. Due to barriers of time, communication, and technology between librarian and patron, virtual reference interactions frequently must be approached differently than those occurring in person. The overarching challenge of providing visual demonstration during teachable moments of virtual reference interactions will be emphasized. Despite the barriers between librarian and patron in virtual reference, increasingly flexible and free technologies make it easier than ever to employ instructional strategies in reference for users at a distance. This presentation will discuss how to liven and enhance both asynchronous and synchronous virtual reference experiences, while also accommodating a greater number of learning styles, by using on-the-fly screencasting, screen sharing, and web conferencing technologies. The presentation will utilize extensive visuals, demos of select tools, and questions to engage the audience

    A Nursing In-Service for Diabetes Education

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    Nurses play a central role in preparing patients for discharge. Diabetes affects one-third of all hospitalized patients, with readmission rates 20% higher for patients with diabetes. Low health literacy affects patients\u27 ability to understand education provided during a hospitalization, especially in diabetic patients who are required to perform complex self-care activities. The rehabilitation nurses within the practicum site struggled to provide adequate diabetes education, leading to patients\u27 readmissions and frequent calls to the nursing unit post discharge. The purpose of this project was to educate nurses on an inpatient unit about survival skills and teach-back approaches to improve inpatient diabetes education. Orem\u27s self-care nursing deficit theory guided the project. Nursing literature provided current evidence-based practice guidelines on diabetes education for the staff education program. An expert panel was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in improving rehabilitation nurses\u27 knowledge, skills, and ability to administer patient education to diabetic patients using the teach-back method. All 6 expert panel members agreed that the in-service content was relevant to the environment and would improve the nurses\u27 ability to deliver diabetic education on the rehabilitation unit using the teach-back method. Current knowledge of diabetes education practices and strategies to overcome low health literacy can bring positive social change and improve nursing practice by advancing the nurses\u27 ability to provide inpatient diabetes education

    iPad Labs: Ultimate Substitute or Colossal Headache?

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    Purchasing iPads to create a mobile, flexible classroom for any library type presents immediate advantages. Myriad teaching possibilities combined with the minimal physical infrastructure needed and excellent device battery life easily pegs an iPad lab as promising. Still, using an inherently personal device in the traditional library classroom environment does present significant challenges. Attendees will learn about the requirements to set up, administer and maintain a fleet of 30 iPads, potential roadblocks in the one shot classroom user experience, positives of iPads in this environment, and key points for any library looking at this route to consider

    Dopaminerge Stammzellen im rostralen Migrationsstrom der Maus

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    Ursache des idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndroms (IPS) ist ein fortschreitender Verlust dopaminerger Neurone der Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), welcher im Gehirn betroffener Patienten zu einem Dopaminmangel führt. Heutige Therapieoptionen sind rein symptomatisch und zumeist auf den medikamentösen Ersatz des Neurotransmitters Dopamin (DA) beschränkt. Da die medikamentöse Therapie mit zahlreichen Nebenwirkungen assoziiert ist und ihre Wirksamkeit mit der Zeit nachlässt, wird seit Jahren nach alternativen Therapieoptionen gesucht. Unter anderem stellt die Implantation von körpereigenen oder körperfremden dopaminergen Stammzellen einen möglichen kurativen und somit interessanten Therapieansatz dar. Im Gehirn adulter Säugetiere bleiben nur zwei Hirnregionen lebenslang zur Neubildung von Neuronen (Neurogenese) fähig. Dies ist neben der Subgranulärzone (SGZ) des Gyrus dentatus des Hippocampus die Subventrikulärzone (SVZ) der Seitenventrikel des Telencephalons. Die in der SVZ neugebildeten Neurone gehen aus neuralen Stammzellen (NSCs) hervor und wandern entlang des rostralen Migrationsstroms (RMS) in den olfaktorischen Bulbus (BO) ein. Im BO kommt es zur Ausdifferenzierung und Integration der jungen Neurone entweder in die granuläre Zellschicht (GCL) oder periglomeruläre Zellschicht (PGL), wobei circa 40% der neu eingewanderten Neurone der PGL einen dopaminergen Phänotyp annehmen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Identifikation dopaminerger Stammzellen im SVZ-RMS-BO-System, da diese in zukünftigen klinischen Studien zu Transplantationszwecken eingesetzt werden könnten. Zur Klärung dieser Fragestellung diente ein Mausmodell bestehend aus 11 Tieren, bei dem der RMS der Versuchsgruppe mittels einer physikalischen Barriere (PB) mechanisch unterbrochen wurde. Teilungsaktive Vorläuferzellen konnten mit Hilfe einer kontinuierlichen einwöchigen Infusion des Zytostatikums AraC (Cytarabin) aus der SVZ und dem RMS eliminiert werden. Anschließend wurden die durch Regeneration des Systems neugebildete Nervenzellen durch Applikation des Thymidin-Analogons BrdU (Bromodeoxyuridin) markiert. Die Versuchstiere wurden 55 (n=4) beziehungsweise 105 Tage (n=4) nach Beendigung der AraC-Infusion geopfert. Die mitgeführten, nichtbehandelten Tiere der Kontrollgruppe (n=3) erhielten nur BrdU-Applikationen und wurden ebenfalls an Tag 105 geopfert. Post mortem erfolgte die Gehirnentnahme und Gewebeaufarbeitung. Mit Hilfe einer immunhistochemischen BrdU-Färbung konnten die neugebildeten Neurone nachgewiesen werden. Die Funktionstüchtigkeit der PB als Grundlage des Versuchsaufbaus konnte anhand der Untersuchung der SVZ bestätigt werden. Es zeigte sich erwartungsgemäß, dass nach Ablation der Neuroblasten die Neurogenese in der SVZ wieder aufgenommen wurde. Ebenso ließ sich ein vermehrter Rückstau an neugebildeten Neuronen auf der unterbrochenen Seite in die SVZ feststellen, wodurch die gewünschte Funktion der PB gezeigt werden konnte. Anhand der immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen der GCL und PGL des BO ließ sich eine signifikante Reduktion von neugebildeten Neuronen auf der unterbrochenen Seite in der GCL, nicht jedoch in der PGL, feststellen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass diejenigen NSCs, welche Interneurone der GCL hervorbringen, in der SVZ liegen, während NSCs, welche Interneurone (inklusive dopaminerger Interneurone) für die PGL produzieren, im RMS rostral der PB lokalisiert sein müssen. Mit Hilfe einer BrdU/NeuN-Doppelfärbung der PGL konnte sichergestellt werden, dass es sich bei den neugebildeten Zellen tatsächlich um Neurone und nicht etwa um reaktive Gliazellen handelte. Anhand zusätzlicher Färbungen, speziell der dopaminergen Zellen in der PGL, ließ sich eine gleichbleibende Anzahl an dopaminergen Neuronen bestätigen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte somit erstmals mit Hilfe einer mechanischen Unterbrechung des RMS in einem Mausmodell die Lokalisation dopaminerger Stammzellen im RMS nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit denjenigen von verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen überein und stützen die Hypothese, dass es sich beim SVZ-RMS-BO-System um eine komplexe proliferative Zone handelt. Es wird deutlich, dass NSCs eine inhomogene Zellpopulation darstellen und somit abhängig von ihrer Regionalisierung unterschiedliche Typen von Neuronen hervorbringen. Therapeutisch stellt die Stammzelltherapie des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS) einen neuen Ansatz zur Behandlung des IPS sowie anderer neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen dar. Da bisherige Quellen von dopaminergen NSCs unterschiedliche klinische und ethische Einschränkungen aufweisen, stellt die Gewinnung dieser Zellen aus dem RMS einen vielversprechenden neuen Therapieansatz dar, der in Zukunft sowohl am Nagetier als auch am Menschen genauer untersucht werden sollte

    Cellular adaptive immune response against porcine circovirus type 2 in subclinically infected pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a dominant causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), a multifactorial disease complex with putative immunosuppressive characteristics. Little is known about adaptive PCV2-specific immune responses in infected pigs. Therefore, the T and B cell responses following PCV2 infection in 3-week old SPF piglets infected with PCV2 or PCV2 plus porcine parvovirus (PPV) were studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All animals were asymptomatically infected. At 7 days post infection (d p.i.), B lymphocyte and T lymphocyte numbers decreased in the dual infected, but not in the single infected piglets. At this time point a transient PCV2 viraemia was noted in the PCV2 infected groups. Antibodies against the infecting virus were detectable at day 24-28 p.i. for anti-PCV2 antibodies and at day 10 p.i. for anti-PPV antibodies, with no apparent influence of PCV2 on the early PPV antibody development. In the animals infected with PPV alone, IFN-γ secreting cells (SC) that were not specific for PCV2 were detected by ELISPOT assay at day 7 p.i. Interestingly, this response was absent in the PCV2/PPV dual infected animals. PCV2-specific IFN-γ SC were observed in the PCV2/PPV infected group at 7 d p.i. and in the PCV2 single infected group at 21 d p.i. A reduction in the numbers of IFN-γ SC was observed following anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 antibody treatment, suggesting roles for both CD4<sup>+ </sup>and CD8<sup>+ </sup>T cells in the response against PCV2 infection. This was supported by an observed increase in the percentage of IFN-γ positive CD8<sup>hi </sup>cytotoxic T cells as well as IFN-γ positive CD8<sup>-/low </sup>helper T cells after PCV2 <it>in vitro </it>re-stimulation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Infection of weaned SPF piglets with PCV2 alone or combined with PPV does not induce disease and in both cases a relatively slow anti-PCV2 antibody response and weak T lymphocyte responses were found. Knowledge on such immunological characteristics is important for both PCV2 pathogenesis and vaccination.</p

    Reaching Faculty During the Summer: Taking Inspiration from the Blogosphere

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    Librarians at Western Carolina University have performed scholarship-focused summer outreach to the teaching faculty for many years, primarily via in-person workshops. Since faculty often focus on scholarship rather than instruction during summers, our emphasis on research and publication was timely and appropriate. However, the in-person research workshops were poorly attended, as faculty who do not teach summer courses often do not come to campus

    Entropy and bispectral index for assessment of sedation, analgesia and the effects of unpleasant stimuli in critically ill patients: an observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: Sedative and analgesic drugs are frequently used in critically ill patients. Their overuse may prolong mechanical ventilation and length of stay in the intensive care unit. Guidelines recommend use of sedation protocols that include sedation scores and trials of sedation cessation to minimize drug use. We evaluated processed electroencephalography (response and state entropy and bispectral index) as an adjunct to monitoring effects of commonly used sedative and analgesic drugs and intratracheal suctioning. METHODS: Electrodes for monitoring bispectral index and entropy were placed on the foreheads of 44 critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation and who previously had no brain dysfunction. Sedation was targeted individually using the Ramsay Sedation Scale, recorded every 2 hours or more frequently. Use of and indications for sedative and analgesic drugs and intratracheal suctioning were recorded manually and using a camera. At the end of the study, processed electroencephalographical and haemodynamic variables collected before and after each drug application and tracheal suctioning were analyzed. Ramsay score was used for comparison with processed electroencephalography when assessed within 15 minutes of an intervention. RESULTS: The indications for boli of sedative drugs exhibited statistically significant, albeit clinically irrelevant, differences in terms of their association with processed electroencephalographical parameters. Electroencephalographical variables decreased significantly after bolus, but a specific pattern in electroencephalographical variables before drug administration was not identified. The same was true for opiate administration. At both 30 minutes and 2 minutes before intratracheal suctioning, there was no difference in electroencephalographical or clinical signs in patients who had or had not received drugs 10 minutes before suctioning. Among patients who received drugs, electroencephalographical parameters returned to baseline more rapidly. In those cases in which Ramsay score was assessed before the event, processed electroencephalography exhibited high variation. CONCLUSIONS: Unpleasant or painful stimuli and sedative and analgesic drugs are associated with significant changes in processed electroencephalographical parameters. However, clinical indications for drug administration were not reflected by these electroencephalographical parameters, and barely by sedation level before drug administration or tracheal suction. This precludes incorporation of entropy and bispectral index as target variables for sedation and analgesia protocols in critically ill patients

    Psychological and Genetic Predictors of Pain Tolerance

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    Previous studies have shown associations between genetic polymorphisms and pain tolerance, but psychological evaluations are seldom measured. The objective of this study was to determine the independent effects of demographic, psychological, and genetic predictors of cold noxious pain tolerance. Healthy subjects (n = 89) completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and Fear of Pain Questionnaire (FPQ-III), underwent genotyping for candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and completed a cold-pressor test in a 1-2 degrees C water bath for a maximum of 3 minutes. The primary outcome measure was pain tolerance, defined as the maximum duration of time subjects left their nondominant hand in the cold-water bath. Cox proportional hazards regression indicated that female sex, Asian race, and increasing PCS and FPQ-III scores were associated with lower pain tolerance. No candidate SNP was significantly associated with pain tolerance. Future genetic studies should include demographic and psychological variables as confounders in experimental pain models.Open access journal.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Transformative education - one way to sustainability?

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    "Transformation" (auch "social change" oder "global cultural change") bezeichnet eine Umgestaltung des Bestehenden im Sinne eines tiefgreifenden kulturellen und strukturellen Wandels. Was kann pädagogisches Handeln für den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, für die Transformation in eine nachhaltige Weltgesellschaft leisten? Und welches Veränderungspotenzial haben Lernen und Bildung für den einzelnen Menschen? Diese Fragen stehen hinter den Begriffen "Transformative Bildung" oder "Transformatives Lernen", die auf Jack Mezirow zurückgehen, über dessen Lerntheorie aus den 1970er Jahren aber hinausgehen. Beide Begriffe werden oft als Zauberformeln für gesellschaftliche Transformation missverstanden. Tatsächlich implizieren sie aber kritische Fragen. Zum Beispiel: Wie kann sich Pädagogik im Spannungsfeld zwischen normativen gesellschaftlichen Zielen und dem Ziel der Autonomie der Lernenden bewegen? Ein Ansatz wäre, statt normativer Vorgaben für einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil die Menschen aufzufordern, sich mit ihren konkreten Lebensbedingungen und deren Auswirkungen auseinanderzusetzen. Auch Pädagog*innen und Erwachsenenbildner*innen müssen sich selbst immer wieder kritisch hinterfragen und in Kontakt und Austausch mit politischen Bewegungen treten, die an sozial-ökologischer Transformation arbeiten. Ansatzpunkte, wie dies gelingen kann, finden sich in den Traditionen des Globalen Lernens und von Global Citizenship Education, in der Entwicklungspädagogik und in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE). (DIPF/Orig.)"Transformation" (also "social change" or "global cultural change") refers to a reorganization of what currently exists in the sense of far-reaching cultural and structural change. What can educational action accomplish for societal change, for the transformation to a sustainable global society? And what potential for change do learning and education offer the individual? These questions are associated with the terms "transformative education" or "transformative learning, which date back to Jack Mezirow but go beyond his theory of learning from the 1970s. The two concepts are often misunderstood as a magic formula for societal transformation. In fact, they imply critical questions. For example: How can pedagogy change given the conflict between the priorities of normative societal goals and the goal of learner autonomy? One approach would be to demand that people examine their specific living conditions and their impacts instead of providing normative guidelines for a sustainable lifestyle. Educators and adult educators must also critically analyse themselves and come into contact and exchange with political movements working on socio-ecological transformation. Points of departure for how this can be achieved are found in the traditions of global learning and global citizenship education, in developmental education and in education for sustainable development (ESD). (DIPF/Orig.

    Rethinking interhemispheric imbalance as a target for stroke neurorehabilitation

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    © 2019 American Neurological Association Objective: Patients with chronic stroke have been shown to have failure to release interhemispheric inhibition (IHI) from the intact to the damaged hemisphere before movement execution (premovement IHI). This inhibitory imbalance was found to correlate with poor motor performance in the chronic stage after stroke and has since become a target for therapeutic interventions. The logic of this approach, however, implies that abnormal premovement IHI is causal to poor behavioral outcome and should therefore be present early after stroke when motor impairment is at its worst. To test this idea, in a longitudinal study, we investigated interhemispheric interactions by tracking patients’ premovement IHI for one year following stroke. Methods: We assessed premovement IHI and motor behavior five times over a 1-year period after ischemic stroke in 22 patients and 11 healthy participants. Results: We found that premovement IHI was normal during the acute/subacute period and only became abnormal at the chronic stage; specifically, release of IHI in movement preparation worsened as motor behavior improved. In addition, premovement IHI did not correlate with behavioral measures cross-sectionally, whereas the longitudinal emergence of abnormal premovement IHI from the acute to the chronic stage was inversely correlated with recovery of finger individuation. Interpretation: These results suggest that interhemispheric imbalance is not a cause of poor motor recovery, but instead might be the consequence of underlying recovery processes. These findings call into question the rehabilitation strategy of attempting to rebalance interhemispheric interactions in order to improve motor recovery after stroke. Ann Neurol 2019;85:502–513