1,735 research outputs found

    Reduced performance of native infauna following recruitment to a habitat-forming invasive marine alga

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    Despite well-documented negative impacts of invasive species on native biota, evidence for the facilitation of native organisms, particularly by habitat-forming invasive species, is increasing. However, most of these studies are conducted at the population or community level, and we know little about the individual fitness consequences of recruitment to habitat-forming invasive species and, consequently, whether recruitment to these habitats is adaptive. We determined the consequences of recruitment to the invasive green alga Caulerpa taxifolia on the native soft-sediment bivalve Anadara trapezia and nearby unvegetated sediment. Initially, we documented the growth and survivorship of A. trapezia following a natural recruitment event, to which recruitment to C. taxifolia was very high. After 12 months, few clams remained in either habitat, and those that remained showed little growth. Experimental manipulations of recruits demonstrated that all performance measures (survivorship, growth and condition) were significantly reduced in C. taxifolia sediments compared to unvegetated sediments. Exploration of potential mechanisms responsible for the reduced performance in C. taxifolia sediments showed that water flow and water column dissolved oxygen (DO) were significantly reduced under the canopy of C. taxifolia and that sediment anoxia was significantly higher and sediment sulphides greater in C. taxifolia sediments. However, phytoplankton abundance (an indicator of food supply) was significantly higher in C. taxifolia sediments than in unvegetated ones. Our results demonstrate that recruitment of native species to habitat-forming invasive species can reduce growth, condition and survivorship and that studies conducted at the community level may lead to erroneous conclusions about the impacts of invaders and should include studies on life-history traits, particularly juveniles. © 2008 Springer-Verlag

    Preliminary interpretation of Titan plasma interaction as observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons with Voyager 1

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    The Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) instrument observed the plasma environment at Titan during the Cassini orbiter's TA encounter on October 26, 2004. Titan was in Saturn's magnetosphere during the Voyager 1 flyby and also during the TA encounter. CAPS measurements from this encounter are compared with measurements made by the Voyager 1 Plasma Science Instrument (PLS). The comparisons focus on the composition and nature of ambient and pickup ions. They lead to: A) the major ion components of Saturn's magnetosphere in the vicinity of Titan are H+, H-2(+) and O+/CH4+ ions; B) finite gyroradius effects are apparent in ambient O+ ions as the result of their absorption by Titan's extended atmosphere; C) the principal pickup ions are composed of H+, H-2(+), N+/CH2+, CH4+, and N-2(+); D) the pickup ions are in narrow energy ranges; and E) there is clear evidence of the slowing down of background ions due to pickup ion mass loading

    Observations of the lunar plasma wake from the WIND spacecraft on December 27, 1994

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    On December 27, 1994, the WIND spacecraft crossed the lunar wake at a distance of 6.5 lunar radii ( RL ) behind the moon. The observations made were the first employing modem instruments and a high data rate. The SWE plasma instrument on WIND observed new aspects of the interaction between the solar wind and unmagnetized dielectric bodies. The plasma density decreased exponentially from the periphery of the wake towards its center as predicted by simple theory. Behind the moon two distinct cold ion beams were observed refilling the lunar cavity. The ions were accelerated along the direction of the magnetic field by an electric field of the order 2 × 10−4 volts/m. The region of plasma depletion was observed to extend beyond the light shadow, consistent with a rarefaction wave moving out from the wake into the undisturbed solar wind

    Near-simultaneous bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994

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    Near‐simultaneous dawn‐side bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994 are analyzed to determine shock location and shape and to examine the changes in shock structure and the foreshock MHD wave properties with increasing downstream distance. The WIND and IMP 8 crossings took place at sun‐Earth‐spacecraft angles of 64.7° and 115.3°, respectively. The solar wind speed and interplanetary magnetic field magnitude were near their long‐term average values. However, the orientation of the IMF was unusual in that it rotated from an angle of ∼50–60° to the sun‐Earth line at the beginning of the interval of shock crossings to less than 20° just after the final crossings. The ratio of the downstream to upstream components of the magnetic field tangential to the shock decreases from 4.1 at WIND to 3.1 at IMP 8 in general agreement with theory. In addition, the overshoot in the shock magnetic ramp observed at WIND is greatly diminished by the downstream distance of IMP 8. In the foreshock, MHD waves with periods of 10–20 s and amplitudes of 3–6 nT were observed at both spacecraft. However, at WIND they have a strong compressional component which is much weaker farther downstream at IMP 8. Unexpectedly, the radial distance of the shock at both spacecraft is only ∼80–85% of that predicted by recent models. Motivated by this event, we have statistically analyzed a larger data set of bow shock crossings which took place under quasi‐field‐aligned flow conditions. On this basis it is suggested that magnetosheath thickness may decrease by ∼10% as the IMF becomes increasingly flow aligned

    Competition for FcRn-mediated transport gives rise to short half-life of human IgG3 and offers therapeutic potential

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    Human IgG3 displays the strongest effector functions of all IgG subclasses but has a short half-life for unresolved reasons. Here we show that IgG3 binds to IgG-salvage receptor (FcRn), but that FcRn-mediated transport and rescue of IgG3 is inhibited in the presence of IgG1 due to intracellular competition between IgG1 and IgG3. We reveal that this occurs because of a single amino acid difference at position 435, where IgG3 has an arginine instead of the histidine found in all other IgG subclasses. While the presence of R435 in IgG increases binding to FcRn at neutral pH, it decreases binding at acidic pH, affecting the rescue efficiency—but only in the presence of H435–IgG. Importantly, we show that in humans the half-life of the H435-containing IgG3 allotype is comparable to IgG1. H435–IgG3 also gave enhanced protection against a pneumococcal challenge in mice, demonstrating H435–IgG3 to be a candidate for monoclonal antibody therapies

    New MACRO results on atmospheric neutrino oscillations

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    The final results of the MACRO experiment on atmospheric neutrino oscillations are presented and discussed. The data concern different event topologies with average neutrino energies of ~3 and ~50 GeV. Multiple Coulomb Scattering of the high energy muons in absorbers was used to estimate the neutrino energy of each event. The angular distributions, the L/E_nu distribution, the particle ratios and the absolute fluxes all favour nu_mu --> nu_tau oscillations with maximal mixing and Delta m^2 =0.0023 eV^2. A discussion is made on the Monte Carlos used for the atmospheric neutrino flux. Some results on neutrino astrophysics are also briefly discussed.Comment: Invited Paper at the NANP03 Int. Conf., Dubna, 200

    Decreased blood antioxidant capacity and increased lipid peroxidation in young cigarette smokers compared to nonsmokers: Impact of dietary intake

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Blood of cigarette smokers routinely displays decreased antioxidant capacity and increased oxidized lipids compared to nonsmokers. This is thought to be due to both chronic exposure to cigarette smoke in addition to low intake of dietary antioxidants, and is a routine finding in veteran smokers. No study to date has determined the independent and combined impact of dietary intake and cigarette smoking on blood antioxidant capacity and oxidative stress in a sample of young, novice smokers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared resting plasma antioxidant reducing capacity (ARC; expressed in uric acid equivalents), serum trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), whole blood total glutathione, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), and plasma oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) between 15 young (24 ± 4 years), novice smokers (pack-year history: 3 ± 2) and 13 nonsmokers of similar age (24 ± 5 years). Detailed dietary records were maintained during a seven-day period for analysis of total energy, macro- and micronutrient intake.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ARC (0.0676 ± 0.0352 vs. 0.1257 ± 0.0542 mmol·L<sup>-1</sup>; mean ± SD, p = 0.019), TEAC (0.721 ± 0.120 vs. 0.765 ± 0.130 mmol·L<sup>-1</sup>, p = 0.24) and glutathione (835 ± 143 vs. 898 ± 168 μmol·L<sup>-1</sup>, p = 0.28) were lower in smokers compared to nonsmokers, with only the former being statistically significant. MDA (0.919 ± 0.32 vs. 0.647 ± 0.16 μmol·L<sup>-1</sup>, p = 0.05) and oxLDL were both higher in smokers compared to nonsmokers (229 ± 94 vs. 110 ± 62 ng·mL<sup>-1</sup>, p = 0.12), although only the MDA comparison was of statistical significance. Interestingly, these findings existed despite no differences in dietary intake, including antioxidant micronutrient consumption, between both smokers and nonsmokers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data, with specificity to young, novice cigarette smokers, underscore the importance of smoking abstinence. Future studies with larger sample sizes, inclusive of smokers of different ages and smoking histories, are needed to extend these findings.</p