1,650 research outputs found

    Computational implementation of the Kubo formula for the static conductance: application to two-dimensional quantum dots

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    Kubo formula is used to get the d.c conductance of a statistical ensemble of two-dimensional clusters of the square lattice in the presence of standard diagonal disorder, a uniform magnetic field and random magnetic fluxes. Working within a one-band tight-binding approach the calculation is quite general. The shape of the cluster is rectangular with ideal leads attached to opposite corners. Both geometrical characteristics and physical parameters can be easily selected. The output is just the conductance of a system of given parameters or a statistical ensemble of conductances measured for different disorder realizations.Comment: 14 pages, one table, no figures, RevTeX styl

    Systematic review of foodborne burden of disease studies: Quality assessment of data and methodology

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    Burden of disease (BoD) studies aim to identify the public health impact of different health problems and risk factors. To assess BoD, detailed knowledge is needed on epidemiology, disability and mortality in the population under study. This is particularly challenging for foodborne disease, because of the multitude of causative agents and their health effects. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the methodology of foodborne BoD studies. Three key questions were addressed: 1) which data sources and approaches were used to assess mortality, morbidity and disability?, 2) which methodological choices were made to calculate Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY), and 3) were uncertainty analyses performed and if so, how? Studies (1990-June 2012) in international peer-reviewed journals and grey literature were identified with main inclusion criteria being that the study assessed disability adjusted life years related to foodborne disease. Twenty-four studies met our inclusion criteria. To assess incidence or prevalence of foodborne disease in the population, four approaches could be distinguished, each using a different data source as a starting point, namely 1) laboratory-confirmed cases, 2) cohort or cross-sectional data, 3) syndrome surveillance data and 4) exposure data. Considerable variation existed in BoD methodology (e.g. disability weights, discounting, age-weighting). Almost all studies analyzed the effect of uncertainty as a result of possible imprecision in the parameter values. Awareness of epidemiological and methodological rigor between foodborne BoD studies using the DALY approach is a critical priority for advancing burden of disease studies. Harmonization of methodology that is used and of modeling techniques and high quality data can enlarge the detection of real variation in DALY outcomes between pathogens, between populations or over time. This harmonization can be achieved by identifying substantial data gaps and uncertainty and establish which sequelae of foodborne disease agents should be included in BoD calculations

    On higher congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series

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    In this paper we present several finite families of congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series of higher weights at powers of prime ideals. We formulate a conjecture which describes properties of the prime ideals and their relation to the weights. We check the validity of the conjecture on several numerical examples.Comment: 20 page

    Spin splitting and precession in quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling: the role of spatial deformation

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    Extending a previous work on spin precession in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling, we study the role of deformation in the external confinement. Small elliptical deformations are enough to alter the precessional characteristics at low magnetic fields. We obtain approximate expressions for the modified gg factor including weak Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit terms. For more intense couplings numerical calculations are performed. We also study the influence of the magnetic field orientation on the spin splitting and the related anisotropy of the gg factor. Using realistic spin-orbit strengths our model calculations can reproduce the experimental spin-splittings reported by Hanson et al. (cond-mat/0303139) for a one-electron dot. For dots containing more electrons, Coulomb interaction effects are estimated within the local-spin-density approximation, showing that many features of the non-iteracting system are qualitatively preserved.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Statistics of Wave Functions in Coupled Chaotic Systems

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    Using the supersymmetry technique, we calculate the joint distribution of local densities of electron wavefunctions in two coupled disordered or chaotic quantum billiards. We find novel spatial correlations that are absent in a single chaotic system. Our exact result can be interpreted for small coupling in terms of the hybridization of eigenstates of the isolated billiards. We show that the presented picture is universal, independent of microscopic details of the coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; acknowledgements and references adde

    An exploratory study examining the relationship between performance status and systemic inflammation frameworks and cytokine profiles in patients with advanced cancer

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    The role of cytokines in the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) is now well established. This is in keeping with the role of the SIR in tumorigenesis, malignant spread, and the development of cachexia. However, the relationship between performance status/systemic inflammation frameworks and cytokine profiles is not clear. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Eastern cooperative oncology group performance status/modified Glasgow prognostic score (ECOG-PS/mGPS) and cooperative oncology group performance status/neutrophil platelet score (ECOG-PS/NPS) frameworks and their cytokine profile in patients with advanced cancer.This was a retrospective interrogation of data already collected as part of a recent clinical trial (NCT00676936). The relationship between the independent variables (ECOG-PS/mGPS and ECOG-PS/NPS frameworks), and dependent variables (cytokine levels) was examined using independent Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests where appropriate.Of the 40 patients included in final analysis the majority had evidence of an SIR assessed by mGPS (78%) or NPS (53%). All patients died on follow-up and the median survival was 91 days (4-933 days). With increasing ECOG-PS there was a higher median value of Interleukin 6 (IL-6, P = .016) and C-reactive protein (CRP, P < .01) and lower albumin (P < .01) and poorer survival (P < .001). With increasing mGPS there was a higher median value of IL-6 (P = .016), Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF, P = .010), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, P < .01) and poorer survival (P < .01). With increasing NPS there was a higher median value of TGF-β (P < .001) and C-reactive protein (P = .020) and poor survival (P = .001). When those patients with an ECOG-PS 0/1 and mGPS0 were compared with those patients with an ECOG-PS 2 and mGPS2 there was a higher median value of IL-6 (P = .017) and poorer survival (P < .001). When those patients with an ECOG-PS 0/1 and NPS0 were compared with those patients with an ECOG-PS 2 and NPS1/2 there was a higher median value of IL-6 (P = .002), TGF-β (P < .001) and poorer survival (P < .01).In patients with advanced cancer IL-6 was associated with the ECOG-PS/mGPS and ECOG-PS/NPS frameworks and survival in patients with advanced cancer. Therefore, the present work provides supporting evidence that agents targeting IL-6 are worthy of further exploration

    A New Look at Mode Conversion in a Stratified Isothermal Atmosphere

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    Recent numerical investigations of wave propagation near coronal magnetic null points (McLaughlin and Hood: Astron. Astrophys. 459, 641,2006) have indicated how a fast MHD wave partially converts into a slow MHD wave as the disturbance passes from a low-beta plasma to a high-beta plasma. This is a complex process and a clear understanding of the conversion mechanism requires the detailed investigation of a simpler model. An investigation of mode conversion in a stratified, isothermal atmosphere, with a uniform, vertical magnetic field is carried out, both numerically and analytically. In contrast to previous investigations of upward-propagating waves (Zhugzhda and Dzhalilov: Astron. Astrophys. 112, 16, 1982a; Cally: Astrophys. J. 548, 473, 2001), this paper studies the downward propagation of waves from a low-beta to high-beta environment. A simple expression for the amplitude of the transmitted wave is compared with the numerical solution.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Determination of the anomalous dimension of gluonic operators in deep inelastic scattering at O(1/N_f)

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    Using large N_f methods we compute the anomalous dimension of the predominantly gluonic flavour singlet twist-2 composite operator which arises in the operator product expansion used in deep inelastic scattering. We obtain a d-dimensional expression for it which depends on the operator moment n. Its expansion in powers of epsilon = (4-d)/2 agrees with the explicit exact three loop MSbar results available for n less than or equal to 8 and allows us to determine some new information on the explicit n-dependence of the three and higher order coefficients. In particular the n-dependence of the three loop anomalous dimension gamma_{gg}(a) is determined in the C_2(G) sector at O(1/N_f).Comment: 26 latex pages, 7 postscript figure

    Emissions Savings in the Corn-Ethanol Life Cycle from Feeding Coproducts to Livestock

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    Environmental regulations on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from corn (Zea mays L.)-ethanol production require accurate assessment methods to determine emissions savings from coproducts that are fed to livestock. We investigated current use of coproducts in livestock diets and estimated the magnitude and variability in the GHG emissions credit for coproducts in the corn-ethanol life cycle. The coproduct GHG emissions credit varied by more than twofold, from 11.5 to 28.3 g CO2e per MJ of ethanol produced, depending on the fraction of coproducts used without drying, the proportion of coproduct used to feed beef cattle (Bos taurus) vs. dairy or swine (Sus scrofa), and the location of corn production. Regional variability in the GHG intensity of crop production and future livestock feeding trends will determine the magnitude of the coproduct GHG offset against GHG emissions elsewhere in the corn-ethanol life cycle. Expansion of annual U.S. corn-ethanol production to 57 billion liters by 2015, as mandated in current federal law, will require feeding of coproduct at inclusion levels near the biological limit to the entire U.S. feedlot cattle, dairy, and swine herds. Under this future scenario, the coproduct GHG offset will decrease by 8% from current levels due to expanded use by dairy and swine, which are less efficient in use of coproduct than beef feedlot cattle. Because the coproduct GHG credit represents 19 to 38% of total life cycle GHG emissions, accurate estimation of the coproduct credit is important for determining the net impact of corn-ethanol production on atmospheric warming and whether corn-ethanol producers meet state- and national-level GHG emissions regulations
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