923 research outputs found

    Entscheidungsprozess zur FamiliengrĂŒndung in Partnerschaften

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    "Obwohl der Übergang in die Elternschaft als Ergebnis einer sozialen Interaktion und damit als Ergebnis eines Entscheidungsprozesses zwischen zwei Individuen im Kontext einer Partnerschaft verstanden werden kann, existieren bisher kaum gesicherte Forschungserkenntnisse auf der Paarebene. Dieses betrifft erstens die relative Bedeutsamkeit der KinderwĂŒnsche bzw. Dispositionen beider Partner fĂŒr die generative Entscheidung, zweitens die wechselseitige Beeinflussung beider Partner im Entscheidungsprozess und drittens die Relevanz der biographischen Kontexte beider Partner fĂŒr die eigene Disposition sowie fĂŒr die des Partners. Im Folgenden wird ein nicht-lineares simultanes Probit-Modell vorgestellt, mit dem die relativen Effekte im innerpartnerschaftlichen Entscheidungsprozess zur FamiliengrĂŒndung geschĂ€tzt werden können. Als Datengrundlage dient das Bamberger Ehepaar-Panel. Die Ergebnisse des Modells zeigen einen gleichwertigen Einfluss der Dispositionen beider Partner auf die Entscheidung, jedoch ungleiche Gewichte der Partner im Interaktions- bzw. AnnĂ€herungsprozess." (Autorenreferat)"The transition to parenthood can be viewed as the result of social interaction. It signifies the outcome of a decision-making process of two individuals in a relationship. Nevertheless, little research has, so far, looked into how the interpersonal couple level influences the decision. What needs to be considered here is, firstly, the relative importance of both partners’ desire to have a child, or the partners' disposition towards reproduction. Secondly, the reciprocal influence of both partners on each other within the decision-making process, and thirdly the relevance of both partners' biographical background with regard to their respective decisions and disposition must be assessed. In this article, a nonlinear simultaneous probit model is introduced, with the help of which the relative effects of the decisionmaking process within the relationship can be estimated. The analysis is based on the 'Bamberg Married Couples Panel'. The results of the model show an equal influence of both partners' dispositions on the decision itself. However, they also demonstrate different levels of influence of the partners within the process of interaction and convergence." (author's abstract

    Entwicklung eines Modells zur Analyse von FertilitÀtsentscheidungen in Partnerschaften

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    "Forschungsgegenstand ist die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Analyse komplexer Entscheidungsprozesse. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Modellierung der interaktiven EinflĂŒsse zweier oder mehrerer Akteure auf die Entscheidung. Die Besonderheit des Modells liegt dabei nicht nur in der Ermittlung der unterschiedlich starken relativen EinflĂŒsse der Verhandlungspartner auf das Ergebnis. Es lĂ€sst sich darĂŒber hinaus der soziale Prozess, in dem die Entscheidung getroffen wurde und der zu der Entscheidung beigetragen hat, im Rahmen des Modells berĂŒcksichtigen. So kann mit dem Modell der Verhandlungs- bzw. Entscheidungsprozess zwischen mindestens zwei Akteuren in seiner Dynamik abgebildet werden. Als Basis zur Modellierung von Entscheidungsprozessen dient das von Sobel und Arminger entwickelte nichtlineare simultane Probit-Modell, das in verschiedener Weise verallgemeinert wird, so dass es auf unterschiedliche Entscheidungsprozesse (Multi-Actor-, Multi-Decision-, Multi-Wave-Design) angewandt werden kann. Das formale Modell wird zur Analyse von Entscheidungsprozessen in Partnerschaften - speziell zur Analyse von Entscheidungsprozessen bezĂŒglich der Realisierung des Kinderwunsches - eingesetzt. Untersuchungsgegenstand bilden damit sowohl der FamiliengrĂŒndungs- als auch der Familienerweiterungsprozess im Paarkontext. Die empirischen Forschungsergebnisse machen deutlich, dass neben den individuellen Eigenschaften und Lebenssituationen beider Partner auch partnerschaftsbezogene Merkmale und die jeweiligen Dispositionen beider Partner hinsichtlich der Realisierung des Kinderwunsches zur ErklĂ€rung von Elternschaft beitragen und daher nicht zu vernachlĂ€ssigen sind. Das entwickelte Entscheidungsmodell soll genau diese Aspekte integrieren und damit die adĂ€quate BerĂŒcksichtigung des Grades der Übereinstimmung bzw. NichtĂŒbereinstimmung beider Partner hinsichtlich der Realisierung des Kinderwunsches, die Einbeziehung individueller Effekte sowie die SchĂ€tzung des relativen Einflusses der Partner auf die Entscheidung als auch die wechselseitige Beeinflussung der Partner im Entscheidungsprozess ermöglichen. Die FertilitĂ€tsneigung des Paares wird als Funktion von gewichteten Effekten der Dispositionen beider Partner unter Einbeziehung der biographischen Entwicklung der Partner spezifiziert. Das Modell stĂŒtzt sich dabei auf austausch- und verhandlungstheoretische Überlegungen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Dynamik des Entscheidungsprozesses." (Autorenreferat

    Dynamische Mikrosimulationen in den Sozialwissenschaften – Exemplarische Anwendungsfelder

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    Dynamische Mikrosimulationen kommen in den Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland bislang nur geringfĂŒgig zur Anwendung. Dabei bietet die Methodik enormes Potential zur Analyse komplexer gesellschaftlicher Dynamiken, dies wurde in einer Vielzahl vergangener Mikrosimulationsmodelle bewiesen. In dem Zusammenhang wird dargestellt, was unter einer dynamischen Mikrosimulation zu verstehen ist. Anschließend wird exemplarisch auf die Verwendung der Methodik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingegangen. Es werden ersten aber auch aktuellere Anwendungen im deutschen Raum thematisiert. Anhand von zwei neueren, noch nicht abgeschlossenen Promotionsprojekten der Autor/-innen werden in einem abschließenden Schritt Aufbau und Anwendungspotentiale von dynamischen Mikrosimulationen als Werkzeug fĂŒr die Bearbeitung sozialwissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen weiter vertieft

    Fluid shear stress-induced transcriptional activation of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 gene requires Sp1-dependent DNA binding

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    AbstractHemodynamic forces play a fundamental role in the regulation of endothelial cell survival. As signaling via the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 pathway has been previously demonstrated to impact endothelial cell survival, we hypothesized that laminar shear stress may facilitate survival in part by inducing VEGF receptor-2 expression. This study shows a time- and dose-dependent upregulation of endothelial VEGF receptor-2 expression by fluid shear stress in microvascular and large-vessel derived endothelial cells. A functional analysis of the 5â€Č-regulatory region of the VEGF receptor-2 promoter localized the shear stress-response element to a sequence between bp −60 and −37 that encompasses two adjacent consensus Sp1 transcription factor binding sites. Constitutive and shear stress-inducible Sp1-dependent complexes are bound to this element, indicating that fluid shear stress-induced transcriptional activation of the VEGF receptor-2 gene requires Sp1-dependent DNA binding. Together, these results suggest that biomechanical stimulation may lead to endothelial cell survival by upregulating VEGF receptor-2 expression

    Characterization of the dsDNA prophage sequences in the genome of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and visualization of productive bacteriophage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bioinformatic analysis of the genome sequence of <it>Neisseria gonorrhoeae </it>revealed the presence of nine probable prophage islands. The distribution, conservation and function of many of these sequences, and their ability to produce bacteriophage particles are unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our analysis of the genomic sequence of FA1090 identified five genomic regions (NgoΊ1 – 5) that are related to dsDNA lysogenic phage. The genetic content of the dsDNA prophage sequences were examined in detail and found to contain blocks of genes encoding for proteins homologous to proteins responsible for phage DNA replication, structural proteins and proteins responsible for phage assembly. The DNA sequences from NgoΊ1, NgoΊ2 and NgoΊ3 contain some significant regions of identity. A unique region of NgoΊ2 showed very high similarity with the <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>generalized transducing phage F116. Comparative analysis at the nucleotide and protein levels suggests that the sequences of NgoΊ1 and NgoΊ2 encode functionally active phages, while NgoΊ3, NgoΊ4 and NgoΊ5 encode incomplete genomes. Expression of the NgoΊ1 and NgoΊ2 repressors in <it>Escherichia coli </it>inhibit the growth of <it>E. coli </it>and the propagation of phage λ. The NgoΊ2 repressor was able to inhibit transcription of <it>N. gonorrhoeae </it>genes and <it>Haemophilus influenzae </it>HP1 phage promoters. The holin gene of NgoΊ1 (identical to that encoded by NgoΊ2), when expressed in <it>E. coli</it>, could serve as substitute for the phage λ <it>s </it>gene. We were able to detect the presence of the DNA derived from NgoΊ1 in the cultures of <it>N. gonorrhoeae</it>. Electron microscopy analysis of culture supernatants revealed the presence of multiple forms of bacteriophage particles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that the genes similar to dsDNA lysogenic phage present in the gonococcus are generally conserved in this pathogen and that they are able to regulate the expression of other neisserial genes. Since phage particles were only present in culture supernatants after induction with mitomycin C, it indicates that the gonococcus also regulates the expression of bacteriophage genes.</p

    One‐Shot Active Learning for Globally Optimal Battery Electrolyte Conductivity**

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    Non-aqueous aprotic battery electrolytes need to perform well over a wide range of temperatures in practical applications. Herein we present a one-shot active learning study to find all conductivity optima, confidence bounds, and relating formulation trends in the temperature range from −30 °C to 60 °C. This optimization is enabled by a high-throughput formulation and characterization setup guided by one-shot active learning utilizing robust and heavily regularized polynomial regression. Whilst there is an initially good agreement for intermediate and low temperatures, there is a need for the active learning step to improve the model for high temperatures. Optimized electrolyte formulations likely correspond to the highest physically possible conductivities within this formulation system when compared to literature data. A thorough error propagation analysis yields a fidelity assessment of conductivity measurements and electrolyte formulation

    Association between TAS2R38 gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk

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    Molecular sensing in the lingual mucosa and in the gastro-intestinal tract play a role in the detection of ingested harmful drugs and toxins. Therefore, genetic polymorphisms affecting the capability of initiating these responses may be critical for the subsequent efficiency of avoiding and/or eliminating possible threats to the organism. By using a tagging approach in the region of Taste Receptor 2R38 (TAS2R38) gene, we investigated all the common genetic variation of this gene region in relation to colorectal cancer risk with a case-control study in a German population (709 controls and 602 cases) and in a Czech population (623 controls and 601 cases). We found that there were no significant associations between individual SNPs of the TAS2R38 gene and colorectal cancer in the Czech or in the German population, nor in the joint analysis. However, when we analyzed the diplotypes and the phenotypes we found that the non-taster group had an increased risk of colorectal cancer in comparison to the taster group. This association was borderline significant in the Czech population, (OR = 1.28, 95% CI 0.99-1.67; P(value) = 0.058) and statistically significant in the German population (OR = 1.36, 95% CI 1.06-1.75; P(value) = 0.016) and in the joint analysis (OR = 1.34, 95% CI 1.12-1.61; P(value) = 0.001). In conclusion, we found a suggestive association between the human bitter tasting phenotype and the risk of CRC in two different populations of Caucasian origin

    Changes in hospital staff’ mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: Longitudinal results from the international COPE-CORONA study

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    This longitudinal study aimed to explore anxiety and depressive symptoms, individual resources, and job demands in a multi-country sample of 612 healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two online surveys were distributed to HCWs in seven countries (Germany, Andorra, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Romania, Iran) during the first (May-October 2020, T1) and the second (February-April 2021, T2) phase of the pandemic, assessing sociodemographic characteristics, contact with COVID-19 patients, anxiety and depressive symptoms, self-compassion, sense of coherence, social support, risk perception, and health and safety at the workplace. HCWs reported a significant increase in depressive and anxiety symptoms. HCWs with high depressive or anxiety symptoms at T1 and T2 reported a history of mental illness and lower self-compassion and sense of coherence over time. Risk perception, self-compassion, sense of coherence, and social support were strong independent predictors of depressive and anxiety symptoms at T2, even after controlling for baseline depressive or anxiety symptoms and sociodemographic variables. These findings pointed out that HCWs during the COVID-19 outbreak experienced a high burden of psychological distress. The mental health and resilience of HCWs should be supported during disease outbreaks by instituting workplace interventions for psychological support
