1,679 research outputs found

    XCS Classifier System with Experience Replay

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    XCS constitutes the most deeply investigated classifier system today. It bears strong potentials and comes with inherent capabilities for mastering a variety of different learning tasks. Besides outstanding successes in various classification and regression tasks, XCS also proved very effective in certain multi-step environments from the domain of reinforcement learning. Especially in the latter domain, recent advances have been mainly driven by algorithms which model their policies based on deep neural networks -- among which the Deep-Q-Network (DQN) is a prominent representative. Experience Replay (ER) constitutes one of the crucial factors for the DQN's successes, since it facilitates stabilized training of the neural network-based Q-function approximators. Surprisingly, XCS barely takes advantage of similar mechanisms that leverage stored raw experiences encountered so far. To bridge this gap, this paper investigates the benefits of extending XCS with ER. On the one hand, we demonstrate that for single-step tasks ER bears massive potential for improvements in terms of sample efficiency. On the shady side, however, we reveal that the use of ER might further aggravate well-studied issues not yet solved for XCS when applied to sequential decision problems demanding for long-action-chains

    Effect of calcination temperature and time on properties of steam exploded pellets

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    Carbon anodes play an essential role in the production of primary aluminium. Currently fossil carbon is used for producing carbon anodes. Reducing the carbon utilization and replacing the fossil carbon are the main routes to reduce carbon footprint and increase sustainability of the aluminium production industry. Carbon anodes for aluminium production are baked in anode baking furnaces where they are surrounded and covered by packing coke from fossil sources (calcined petroleum or metallurgical coke) at high temperature for a period of up to 1-2 weeks. To reduce utilization of fossil-based coke, there is a need to identify, test and develop new packing material for use in the anode baking furnace. In this work, pellets produced from steam exploded and further pelletized stem wood were studied as a potential covering material for carbon anode production. The steam exploded pellets were calcinated at temperatures relevant to the industrial anode baking process (i.e., 1000, 1100 and 1300 ºC). The critical properties of raw and calcinated steam exploded pellets as covering material were characterized and assessed, including weight loss, volatile matter content, mechanical durability and strength. Additionally, the microstructure and ash chemistry of the pellets calcinated at different conditions were investigated by using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX). Results showed that both volatile matter content and mechanical strength of the steam exploded pellets decrease upon increase of calcination temperature and residence time. SEM analysis revealed that untreated pellets have dense and compact structure with rather smooth and intact surface. Calcination caused formation of cracks and openings on the surface of treated pellets, partially explaining the decrease of mechanical strength of the pellets. In addition, visible migration and agglomeration of ash on calcinated pellets surfaces was observed. With increasing calcination strength, inorganic elements sinter and form a compact layer with Ca as the main element.publishedVersio

    Estimating the fate of oxygen ion outflow from the high-altitude cusp

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    We have investigated the oxygen escape-to-capture ratio from the high-altitude cusp regions for various geomagnetic activity levels by combining EDI and CODIF measurements from the Cluster spacecraft. Using a magnetic field model, we traced the observed oxygen ions to one of three regions: plasma sheet, solar wind beyond a distant X-line or dayside magnetosheath. Our results indicate that 69 % of high-altitude oxygen escapes the magnetosphere, from which most escapes beyond the distant X-line (50 % of total oxygen flux). Convection of oxygen to the plasma sheet shows a strong dependence on geomagnetic activity. We used the Dst index as a proxy for geomagnetic storms and separated data into quiet conditions (Dst>0 nT), moderate conditions (0>Dst>−20 nT), and active conditions (Dst<−20 nT). For quiet magnetospheric conditions we found increased escape due to low convection. For active magnetospheric conditions we found an increase in both parallel velocities and convection velocities, but the increase in convection velocities is higher, and thus most of the oxygen gets convected into the plasma sheet (73 %). The convected oxygen ions reach the plasma sheet in the distant tail, mostly beyond 50 RE.publishedVersio

    SMAuC -- The Scientific Multi-Authorship Corpus

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    With an ever-growing number of new publications each day, scientific writing poses an interesting domain for authorship analysis of both single-author and multi-author documents. Unfortunately, most existing corpora lack either material from the science domain or the required metadata. Hence, we present SMAuC, a new metadata-rich corpus designed specifically for authorship analysis in scientific writing. With more than three million publications from various scientific disciplines, SMAuC is the largest openly available corpus for authorship analysis to date. It combines a wide and diverse range of scientific texts from the humanities and natural sciences with rich and curated metadata, including unique and carefully disambiguated author IDs. We hope SMAuC will contribute significantly to advancing the field of authorship analysis in the science domain

    Integration of ADAS algorithm in a Vehicle Prototype

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    International audienceFor several years, INRIA and Toyota Europe have been working together in the development of algorithms directed to ADAS. This paper will describe the main results of this successful joint project, applied to a prototype vehicle equipped with several sensors. This work will detail the framework, steps taken and motivation behind the developed technologies, as well as address the requirements needed for the automobile industry

    The Archive Query Log: Mining Millions of Search Result Pages of Hundreds of Search Engines from 25 Years of Web Archives

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    The Archive Query Log (AQL) is a previously unused, comprehensive query log collected at the Internet Archive over the last 25 years. Its first version includes 356 million queries, 166 million search result pages, and 1.7 billion search results across 550 search providers. Although many query logs have been studied in the literature, the search providers that own them generally do not publish their logs to protect user privacy and vital business data. Of the few query logs publicly available, none combines size, scope, and diversity. The AQL is the first to do so, enabling research on new retrieval models and (diachronic) search engine analyses. Provided in a privacy-preserving manner, it promotes open research as well as more transparency and accountability in the search industry.Comment: SIGIR 2023 resource paper, 13 page


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Harga terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada PT. Marga Tirta Kencana (Survei Pada Perumahan Permata Buah Batu 1 Bandung). Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tanggapan konsumen mengenai kualitas produk yang ditawarkan, bagaimana tanggapan konsumen mengenai harga yang ditawarkan, bagaimana kepuasan konsumen, dan seberapa besar pengaruh kualitas produk dan harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen di PT. Marga Tirta Kencana Bandung secara simultan dan parsial. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data dengan interview (wawancara), kuesioner (angket) dan observasi (pengamatan). Adapun ukuran populasinya 619 orang dengan sampel 87 orang. Sedangkan tehnik sampling yang digunakan untuk menghitung besarnya ukuran sampel dalam non-probability sampling. Sesuai dengan perhitungan statistik, Kualitas Produk berada dalam kategori baik dan Harga berada dalam kategori baik terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada PT. Marga Tirta Kencana yang berada dalam kategori puas. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Produk, Harga, Kepuasan Konsume
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