607 research outputs found

    AMP!: A Cross-site Analysis of the Effects of a Theater-based Intervention on Adolescent Awareness, Attitudes, and Knowledge about HIV

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    AMP! (Arts-based, Multiple component, Peer-education) is an HIV intervention developed for high school adolescents. AMP! uses interactive theater-based scenarios developed by trained college undergraduates to deliver messages addressing HIV/STI prevention strategies, healthy relationships, and stigma reduction towards people living with HIV/AIDS. We used a pre-test/post-test, control group study design to simultaneously assess intervention effect on ninth grade students in an urban county in California (N = 159) and a suburban county in North Carolina (N = 317). In each location, the control group received standard health education curricula delivered by teachers; the intervention group received AMP! in addition to standard health education curricula. Structural equation modeling was used to determine intervention effects. The post-test sample was 46% male, 90% self-identified as heterosexual, 32% reported receiving free or reduced lunch, and 49% White. Structural models indicated that participation in AMP! predicted higher scores on HIV knowledge (p = .05), HIV awareness (p = .01), and HIV attitudes (p = .05) at the post-test. Latent means comparison analyses revealed post-test scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores on HIV knowledge (p = .001), HIV awareness (p = .001), and HIV attitudes (p = .001). Further analyses indicated that scores rose for both groups, but the post-test scores of intervention participants were significantly higher than controls (HIV knowledge (p = .01), HIV awareness (p = .01), and HIV attitudes (p = .05)). Thus, AMP!’s theater-based approach shows promise for addressing multiple adolescent risk factors and attitudes concerning HIV in school settings

    Assessment of Hunger and Appetite and Their Relationship to Food Intake in Persons With HIV

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    Assessments of hunger and/or appetite are common methods of screening for development of illnessrelated anorexia. There are limited data to determine whether these methods predict actual food intake in persons with HIV disease. Therefore, the authors examined the relationship between self-reported food intake and subjective ratings of hunger and appetite in 31 adults with HIV infection. Participants also indicated presence of additional factors that can decrease amount of food eaten. Subjective ratings of appetite and hunger correlated with each other but not with food intake. Twenty-four additional factors that can affect food intake were reported to be present. The most common were illness-related and factors such as eating with friends or family. These results indicate that measures of hunger and appetite are not sufficient to screen for decreased food intake. Additional factors that can affect food intake should also be included in a comprehensive assessment of adults with HIV infection.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/69210/1/Assessment of Hunger and Appetite and Their Relationship to Food Intake in Persons with HIV Infections.pd

    CHANG-ES IV: Radio continuum emission of 35 edge-on galaxies observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in D-configuration, Data Release 1

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    We present the first part of the observations made for the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies, an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) project. The aim of the CHANG-ES project is to study and characterize the nature of radio halos, their prevalence as well as their magnetic fields, and the cosmic rays illuminating these fields. This paper reports observations with the compact D configuration of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) for the sample of 35 nearby edge-on galaxies of CHANG-ES. With the new wide bandwidth capabilities of the VLA, an unprecedented sensitivity was achieved for all polarization products. The beam resolution is an average of 9.6" and 36" with noise levels reaching approximately 6 and 30 microJy per beam for C- and L-bands, respectively (robust weighting). We present intensity maps in these two frequency bands (C and L), with different weightings, as well as spectral index maps, polarization maps, and new measurements of star formation rates (SFRs). The data products described herein are available to the public in the CHANG-ES data release available at www.queensu.ca/changes. We also present evidence of a trend among galaxies with larger halos having higher SFR surface density, and we show, for the first time, a radio continuum image of the median galaxy, taking advantage of the collective signal-to-noise ratio of 30 of our galaxies. This image shows clearly that a typical spiral galaxy is surrounded by a halo of magnetic fields and cosmic rays.Comment: 70 pages, of which 35 pages present the data of each galax

    Constitutional Analogies in the International Legal System

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    This Article explores issues at the frontier of international law and constitutional law. It considers five key structural and systemic challenges that the international legal system now faces: (1) decentralization and disaggregation; (2) normative and institutional hierarchies; (3) compliance and enforcement; (4) exit and escape; and (5) democracy and legitimacy. Each of these issues raises questions of governance, institutional design, and allocation of authority paralleling the questions that domestic legal systems have answered in constitutional terms. For each of these issues, I survey the international legal landscape and consider the salience of potential analogies to domestic constitutions, drawing upon and extending the writings of international legal scholars and international relations theorists. I also offer some preliminary thoughts about why some treaties and institutions, but not others, more readily lend themselves to analysis in constitutional terms. And I distinguish those legal and political issues that may generate useful insights for scholars studying the growing intersections of international and constitutional law from other areas that may be more resistant to constitutional analogies

    CHANG-ES XI: Circular Polarization in the Cores of Nearby Galaxies

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    We detect 5 galaxies in the CHANG-ES (Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey) sample that show circular polarization (CP) at L-band in our high resolution data sets. Two of the galaxies (NGC~4388 and NGC~4845) show strong Stokes V/ImC2V/I\,\equiv\,m_C\,\sim\,2\%, two (NGC~660 and NGC~3628) have values of mC0.3m_C\sim \,0.3\%, and NGC~3079 is a marginal detection at mC0.2m_C\sim \,0.2\%. The two strongest mCm_C galaxies also have the most luminous X-ray cores and the strongest internal absorption in X-rays. We have expanded on our previous Faraday conversion interpretation and analysis and provide analytical expressions for the expected VV signal for a general case in which the cosmic ray electron energy spectral index can take on any value. We provide examples as to how such expressions could be used to estimate magnetic field strengths and the lower energy cutoff for CR electrons. Four out of our detections are {\it resolved}, showing unique structures, including a {\it jet} in NGC~4388 and a CP `conversion disk' in NGC~4845. The conversion disk is inclined to the galactic disk but is perpendicular to a possible outflow direction. Such CP structures have never before been seen in any galaxy to our knowledge. None of the galaxy cores show linear polarization at L-band. Thus CP may provide a unique probe of physical conditions deep into radio AGNs.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRA