1,046 research outputs found

    On a Steffensen-Hermite type method for approximating the solutions of nonlinear equations

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    It is well known that the Steffensen and Aitken-Steffensen type methods are obtained from the chord method, using controlled nodes. The chord method is an interpolatory method, with two distinct nodes. Using this remark, the Steffensen and Aitken-Steffensen methods have been generalized using interpolatory methods obtained from the inverse interpolation polynomial of Lagrange or Hermite type. In this paper we study the convergence and efficiency of some Steffensen type methods which are obtained from the inverse interpolatory polynomial of Hermite type with two controlled nodes

    Hvordan kan sykepleiere begrense bruken av unødig tvang overfor sykehjemspasienter med demens?

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    Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Er populÌr matematikundervisning uambitiøs - og derfor nem?

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    Kommentar til Tom Steffensen og Helle Østerby: “Hvorfor er matematik så populært i 7.a?”, MONA 2018‑1 &nbsp

    The roads more or less traveled - A sequence analysis of family formation and parenthood for a cohort of Danish women born in the 1970s

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    Relatively low fertility and an increased age at first birth, along with the development of assisted reproduction technologies have increased attention to when and how many times Danish women give birth. While some argue that family formation has become increasingly plural and differentiated, others maintain that the nuclear family remains the ideal family for the majority of women. In this article, I investigate family formation trajectories for a random sample of 1,500 women born in 1973 and 1974. For this sample, I perform sequence analysis of longitudinal registry data on civil status, fertility, education and income through the ages 22 to 37. Focusing on timing, order and duration in the sequences studied, I identify seven distinct clusters (i.e. typologies) of family formations in Denmark. The majority (68 percent) of the women’s trajectories represent varieties of the nuclear family. For all clusters, my results confirm the event of the first child as a constituting factor of the nuclear family, which often precedes marriage. However, the identified clusters also show great variation when it comes to age at birth of first child, socio-economic status and overall turbulence in their trajectories

    The problematic art of illustrating 'Moxon's Tennyson'

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    Decentralisation in Uganda : exploring the constraints for poverty reduction

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    It is often claimed that decentralisation is effective for the reduction of poverty due to inherent opportunities for higher popular participation and increased efficiency in public service delivery. This paper is a qualitative assessment of the potential of the Ugandan decentralisation reform for poverty alleviation. The Ugandan government initiated an ambitious decentralisation reform in 1992, which represents an example of full-fledged devolution with the transfer of far-reaching responsibilities to local governments. However, several shortcomings, such as low levels of accountability, insufficient human and financial resources, corruption, patronage, and central resistance to decentralisation, constrain the proper implementation of the reform, putting improvements in participation and efficiency at risk and ultimately jeopardising the intended impact on poverty.Es wird oft behauptet, dass Dezentralisierung durch die ihr inhärenten Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Partizipation der Bevölkerung an öffentlichen Entscheidungsprozessen sowie zur Erhöhung der Effizienz in der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen effektiv zur Reduktion von Armut beitragen kann. Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende qualitative Studie am Fall der Dezentralisierung in Uganda nach. Die ugandische Regierung leitete im Jahr 1992 eine ehrgeizige Dezentralisierungsreform ein, die ein Beispiel für konsequente Devolution mit der Übertragung weitgehender Rechte, Aufgaben und Finanzen an lokale Regierungen darstellt. Die Umsetzung dieser Reform leidet jedoch unter verschiedenen Restriktionen, so etwa niedriger Accountability, ungenügender Human- und finanzieller Ressourcen, Korruption, Patronage sowie anhaltender zentraler Einflussnahme auf die lokale Politik. Diese Defizite gefährden ernsthaft die Erhöhung von Partizipation und Effizienz und damit letztendlich auch eine Reduktion der Armut

    A Refinement of Jensen's Discrete Inequality for Differentiable Convex Functions

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    A refinement of Jensen’s discrete inequality and applications for the celebrated Arithmetic Mean – Geometric Mean – Harmonc Mean inequality and Cauchy-Schwartz-Bunikowski inequality are pointed out

    Aitken-Steffensen type methods for nonsmooth functions (III)

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    We provide sufficient conditions for the convergence of the Steffensen method for solving the scalar equation f(x)=0f(x)=0, without assuming differentiability of ff at other points than the solution x∗x^\ast. We analyze the cases when the Steffensen method generates two sequences which approximate bilaterally the solution
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