22 research outputs found

    A Discussion of the Limitations of Standardized Testing in a Pediatric Patient with Neuronal Migration Disorder: A Case Report

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    Background: Standardized, norm-referenced tests, such as The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd edition (BOT-2) and the Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) are commonly used examination measures to assess progress of gross motor skills in pediatric patients. However, there is limited evidence to support the use of these measures in patients with chronic neurological conditions. Case Description: The patient is an 8-year-old girl. She has a medical diagnosis of Unilateral (left) Perisylvian Syndrome, a variant of neuronal migration disorder. The malformation of the left hemisphere has contributed to the following impairments: cognitive, motor, sensory and the gastrointestinal system, as well as occurrences of petit mal and atonic drop seizures. The patient has demonstrated minimal progressions, as well as regressions, of certain gross motor skills based on standardized testing. Outcome Measures: The main outcome measures utilized to determine patient progress were the BOT-2 and the PBS. A parent reported outcome measure, the Pediatrics Quality of Life Inventory Short Form (PedsQL 4.0 SF15) and parent interviews were also used to determine quality of life and participation levels of the patient. Discussion & Outcome Considerations: The purpose of this case report is to consider the discrepancies of standardized testing of pediatric patients with neurological disorders when compared to observed goal attainment in physical therapy, as well as parent reported participation and quality of life measures

    Manajemen Kelas Daring Pada Masa Covid-19 Di Sekolah Dasar Maitreyawira Palembang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between fluency and teacher creativity, the relationship between flexibility and teacher creativity, the relationship between originality and teacher creativity, and the relationship between elaboration and teacher creativity in managing online classes during the COVID-19 period. This research uses quantitative methods. The sample taken in the study was 29 students using a random sampling technique. This study used a questionnaire distributed to 29 students. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research data analysis showed that the regression value of 0.898 showed a significant relationship between fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration on teacher creativity. These results shows the effect that the higher the fluency of elementary school teachers, the better the creativity of teachers and vice versa, so Maitreyawira  Elementary School Palembang in increasing teacher creativity needs to also increase fluency. The flexibility variable does not show a significant effect on teacher creativity, where the lower the flexibility of the HR teacher, the worse the teacher's creativity. The originality variable has a significant influence where the higher the originality of the elementary school teacher, the better the teacher's creativity. The elaboration variable shows that there is no significant effect between teacher elaboration and creativity, where the lower the teacher's elaboration, the better the teacher's creativity. Keywords: Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration, Teacher Creativity   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan fluency terhadap kreativitas guru, hubungan flexibility terhadap kretivitas guru, hubungan originality terhadap kreativitas guru dan hubungan elaboration terhadap kreativitas guru dalam mengelola kelas daring pada masa covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian sebanyak 29 siswa menggunakan teknik random sampling.  Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada 29 Siswa. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai regresi sebesar 0,898 menunjukkan terjadi hubungan yang siginifikan antara fluency, flexibility, originality dan elaboration terhadap kreativitas guru. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukan pengaruh apabila semakin menaiknya fluency guru SD maka semakin baiknya kreaivitas guru dan sebaliknya, sehingga SD Maitreyawira Palembang dalam meningkatkan kreativitas guru perlu juga meningkatkan fluency. Variabel flexibility tidak menunjukan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kreativitas guru, dimana semakin menurunya flexibility guru SDM maka semakin berakibat buruknya kreativitas guru. Variable originality memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dimana semakin naiknya originality guru SD maka semakin baiknya kreativitas guru. Variable elaboration menunjukan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan anatara elaboration dan kreativitas guru, dimana semakin turunnya elaboration guru maka berakibat semakin baiknya kreativitas guru . Kata kunci:  Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration, Kreativitas Gur

    Correlation between Quality of Life and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease characterized by the rise of stomach acid into the esophagus which leads to heartburn and regurgitation. The prevalence of adult GERD cases worldwide is 11-38.8%. This study aimed to determine the correlation between GERD and quality of life among patients affected by this disease. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 92 GERD patients in Atma Jaya Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia from April 2018 to June 2018. Two questionnaires, GERD-Q and GERD-HRQL were used in this study. A validation of the Indonesian version of the GERD-HRQL questionnaire was performed prior to this study. The Mann Whitney test was used to identify the correlation between GERD and the quality of life in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms. This study indicated that the GERD-HRQL questionnaire showed good validity and reliability. Results showed that there was a correlation between GERD and quality of life (p = 0.005) in patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms. In conclusion, GERD affects the quality of life of patients affected by this disease. Korelasi antara Kualitas Hidup dan Penyakit Refluks GastroesofagusGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) atau penyakit refluks gastroesofagus adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan naiknya asam lambung ke kerongkongan yang menyebabkan sensasi terbakar di dada dan regurgitasi. Prevalensi kasus GERD di seluruh dunia pada orang dewasa adalah 11–38,8%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi antara GERD dan kualitas hidup di antara pasien yang terkena penyakit ini. Penelitian dilakukan pada 92 pasien GERD di Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia dari April 2018 hingga Juni 2018. Dua kuesioner, GERD-Q dan GERD-HRQL digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Validasi kuesioner GERD-HRQL versi bahasa Indonesia dilakukan sebelum penelitian ini. Analisis uji Mann Whitney digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi korelasi antara GERD dan kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan gejala gastrointestinal bagian atas. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kuesioner GERD-HRQL memperlihatkan validitas dan reliabilitas yang baik. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan erdapat korelasi antara GERD dan kualitas hidup (p=0,005) pada pasien dengan gejala gastrointestinal atas. Simpulan, GERD mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien yang terkena penyakit ini

    Positive Correlation Between Degree of Liver Cirrhosis and N Terminal–Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-pro-BNP)

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    Background: Liver cirrhosis (LC) is a chronic disease characterized by damage of liver parenchyme with wide fibrosis and nodules formation. One of LC complications is cirrhotic cardiomyopathy (CC). CC is diagnosed when there are more than one of the following signs: diastolic dysfunction (DD), systolic dysfunction (SD), enlargement of the cardiac chamber, electrophysiology dysfunction, and increasing of natriuretic peptide such as N Terminal–Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP). The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between degree of liver cirrhosis and increasing of the NT-proBNP.Method: Cross-sectional analytic study was performed with 72 LC patients from May 2014 to May 2015 in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar. Degree of liver cirrhosis was determined by child turcotte pugh (CTP) criteria and NT-proBNP was examined by electro chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) method. LC patients with other disorders which can cause the increase of NT-proBNP were excluded. Statistical analysis used was Spearman's correlation test. Results: Of 72 LC patients, 79.2% were male. Patients with CTP A were 9 (12,5%), CTP B 19 (26,4%) and CTP C 44 (61,19%). Median of NT-proBNP in CTP A was 112 pg/mL, CTP B 130 pg/mL, and CTP C 315 pg/ml. There was a strong possitive correlation between degree of liver cirrhosis and NT-proBNP (r = 0.686; p = 0.000). In this study, there was also significant comparison between NT-proBNP and CTP A,B, and C (p = 0,000) and there was no significant relation between NT-proBNP and those cofounding variables (p > 0.05).Conclusion: there was a strong possitive correlation between degree of LC and NT-proBNP

    Produk Eneste Skincare Dalam Fotografi Komersial

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    Pertumbuhan pesat pada industri perawatan kulit atau skincare telah mengubah pasar serta meningkatkan permintaan konsumen terhadap produk-produk yang berkualitas. Dalam upaya untuk memenangkan persaingan di pasar yang tergolong kompetitif, brand dari tiap industri skincare perlu mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam strategi pemasaran adalah memvisualkan produk yang menarik untuk disajikan kepada para konsumen. ENESTE Skincare sebagai salah satu brand yang baru saja dikenal di pasar ingin terus meningkatkan citranya dan meningkatkan kesadaran konsumen tentang produknya melalui fotografi komersial. Tujuan penciptaan karya fotografi ini adalah menciptakan serangkaian foto produk ENESTE Skincare yang memiliki kualitas estetika dan teknis yang tinggi untuk promo berbagai produk yang ditawarkan. Metode dalam penciptaan karya ini adalah studi pustaka, observasi data perusahaan ENESTE, serta bereksperimentasi dalam perwujudannya. Hasil akhir penciptaan karya fotografi ini adalah visual produk-produk dari ENESTE Skincare yang nantinya digunakan sebagai iklan di media sosial. Simpulan dalam penciptaan karya fotografi ini adalah eksperimentasi konsep berdasarkan data yang kemudian diterapkan pada eksplorasi pemanfaatan property, arah cahaya serta komposisi dapat berpengaruh terhadap hasil akhir visualnya. Selain itu, penggabungan antara manfaat produk serta segmentasi pasar yang dituju oleh brand dapat mewujudkan visual yang sesuai dengan apa yang telah dirancang

    Diagnosis and Management Pancolitis in Patient with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that usually affects the rectum and part of the colon, which spreads continuously with no skip area. Pancolitis occurs in 20% of patients with UC. Patients with chronic UC, especially pancolitis, have a higher risk of colon cancer. In patients with pancolitis, the risk of cancer increases by 0.5-1% per year after having 8-10 years of disease. A 72-year-old man came with complaint of bloody-mucus diarrhea associated with abdominal cramps. The colonoscopic appearance of colitis was observed in whole lumen throughout colon. Histopathological analysis demonstrated dense infiltrates of granulocytes and macrophages formed by severe inflammation. Normal appearances were observed in the remaining epithelial cells. No parasites, specific process, or Malignancy were found. Moreover, no acid-resistant bacteria were found. However, atypical cells were found in one of the biopsy specimens. The patient was diagnosed with extensive type of severe UC. The initial management of treatment included improvement of his general condition along with antibacterial therapy of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin. Specific treatment of sulphasalazine and prednisone were given after pancolitis appearance was revealed, which has similar clinical manifestations in accordance with UC


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    Jumlah penduduk di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dengan persentase laju pertumbuhan sebesar 1,25% dari total 237,63 juta jiwa pada tahun 2010 menjadi 270,20 juta jiwa pada tahun 2020. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan akan infrastruktur, sarana dan prasarana pun meningkat. Kegiatan konstruksi dilaksanakan untuk mewujudkan seluruh kebutuhan tersebut. Namun, penyelenggaraan konstruksi memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan dengan menyumbang Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) dalam jumlah yang besar. Salah satu tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah kerusakan lingkungan adalah implementasi green building, khususnya di Indonesia. Penerapan green building juga harus didukung dengan suatu instrumen manajemen, yaitu Green Building Rating System (GBRS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan implementasi rating tools material konstruksi pada proyek green building menggunakan Greenship versi 1.2 dan Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE) versi 3.0. Greenship dan EDGE merupakan GBRS yang umum digunakan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan tiga level analisis perbandingan, yaitu level satu (general comparison), level dua (criteria comparison) dan level tiga (criteria comparison). Kategori penilaian yang digunakan adalah kategori Material Resources and Cycle (MRC) pada Greenship versi 1.2 dan kategori material pada EDGE versi 3.0. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, Greenship versi 1.2 menggunakan metode pembobotan nilai pada setiap kriteria dan EDGE versi 3.0 menggunakan metode skor persentase pada setiap kategori. Hasil evaluasi material menunjukkan bahwa proyek green building yang diteliti memperoleh 9 poin MRC dengan persentase 8,91% berdasarkan Greenship versi 1.2 dan total skor persentase efisiensi material sebesar 19,54% berdasarkan EDGE versi 3.0

    The Addition Effects of Glucose as a Co-substrate on Xylitol Production by Candida guilliermondii

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    High cost production is one of the constraints of the commercial xylitol production due to high energy needed and pure raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the xylitol production eficiently with lower production cost by using microorganisms. The research objectives were to determine the optimum xylitol production from xylose by metabolism of C. guilliermondii and effect of glucose as a co-substrate in fermentation medium. The ratio of glucose : xylose (g/L) was 1:25, 1:12, 1:5 and 1:2.5 respectively. The xylitol concentration was measured by spectrophotometer method (D-sorbytol/D-xylitol kit). The result showed that the exponential phase of Candida guilliermondii was 12 h to 36 of incubation and optimum of incubation time to produce the highest xylitol was 72 h. The best ratio- of glucose : xylose to produce xylitol was 9 g/L glucose : 45 g/L xylose (1 : 5). The xylitol concentration produced from medium with the addition of glucose was 2.85 g/L. This concentration increased five times compared to that in the medium without addition of glucose that only reached 2.85 g/L. According to this study, the addition of glucose as a co-substrate could increase the xylitol production

    Current Developments of Smoking and Vaping, Is Vaping Safer?

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    Vape fans claim that vaping is the solution to smoking cessation, but this is still debatable. Even if vape is still considered new, numerous studies show that vaping is associated with lung injury (EVALI). Despite this, the trend of vaping is still increasing. This study aimed to review the current understanding of conventional smoking and vaping and compare both. Is vaping safer than smoking? Smoking has health risks for lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, and others, while vaping has been linked with EVALI. Local perfusions were decreased in tobacco smokers after exposure. However, perfusion increased in vaping after exposure. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in vape users showed an increase of vitamin E acetate, possibly causing impairment in lung structure and functionality of surfactant. This is the potential mechanism of EVALI in vape users. Smoking uses the Brinkman Index to determine the severity of smoking, but there is no index for vaping because it depends not on how many sticks but on how many e-liquids were used. It seems that vape is “safer” than smoking, but smoking and vaping both have their own health risks, and it is safe to assume that neither is safe for use. “Vape is the solution for smoking cessation” needs further research because it takes years to understand conventional smoking in relation to other diseases. Prospective follow-up studies to determine the risk of vaping on other diseases are needed in the future

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Untuk Mendukung Pelajaran Bahasa Mandarin Dasar Berbasis Android

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    Recent developments in mobile technology increasingly enables it to support mobile learning. Mobile technology also offers new opportunities to integrate spontaneous learning in a more formal learning scenarios. Based on interviews and observations, learning Mandarin at the Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Palembang still using conventional methods and the lack of use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) although it has been supported by several other media. It also appears constraints when teachers are unable to attend, or there are important activities that require leave teaching. In this study, discussed the Mobile Learning as an alternative model of learning basic Mandarin language using Adobe Flash CS6 as a program tool and Actionscript 3.0 as the programming language. The learning application uses SAVI approach (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) and Waterfall Model is used to model the software development process. The results of this study in the form of Design Application of Learning Support of Mandarin basic Lessons Based on Android with SAVI approach at Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya Palembang