119 research outputs found

    Diverse routes to oscillation death in a coupled-oscillator system.

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    We study oscillation death (OD) in a well-known coupled-oscillator system that has been used to model cardiovascular phenomena. We derive exact analytic conditions that allow the prediction of OD through the two known bifurcation routes, in the same model, and for different numbers of coupled oscillators. Our exact analytic results enable us to generalize OD as a multiparameter-sensitive phenomenon. It can be induced, not only by changes in couplings, but also by changes in the oscillator frequencies or amplitudes. We observe synchronization transitions as a function of coupling and confirm the robustness of the phenomena in the presence of noise. Numerical and analogue simulations are in good agreement with the theory


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    In this study, we determined the accuracy Vicam method for the determination of aflatoxin B1 in feed and aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products by applying the method of standard addition. Analytical yield in all causes ranged from 93 to 95%, indicating a high accuracy of the method. The determination was made on aflatoxin B1 in (n = 20) samples of corn and adequately in milk and dairy products taken from animals that were fed the same corn. The samples are taken from small farms Pelagonia region. The results were in the normal range for corn and matches the reference value given approval for accreditation of laboratories in our country. For milk that was not sufficiently investigated field we get results that are in accordance with the Rules of the European Union, the aflatoxin M1 presence to 0.05 ppb. We conclude that the determination of aflatoxin B1 important, their presence in animal feed in order to avoid the presence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products, and it certainly depends on the season when the use of corn in the diet, time, storage temperature, etc

    Exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of migrant populations in Europe: An equity-focused scoping review

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    The pandemic is aggravating health inequalities, particularly mental health inequalities, while revealing the social determinants of these inequalities, including migration as a social determinant that mediates the interaction of social, economic, cultural, institutional, and structural factors with health indicators. Therefore, it is of most relevance to identify the multiple interconnected factors that influence the mental health and well-being of migrant populations. A scoping review was developed to map the research performed in this area and to identify any gaps in knowledge, following the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews. MEDLINE, Scopus, and WHO Global Health research databases on COVID-19 were searched from January 2020 to October 2021. The review followed the inclusion criteria Population/Concept/Context (PCC): Population-Adult International migrants (including refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented migrants); Concept-determinants of (and factors influencing) mental health and well-being; Context-COVID-19 anywhere in the world. Of the sixty-five selected studies, eleven were from European countries and were the focus of this review with special attention to health inequalities experienced by migrants in Europe. The results cover a diversity of themes related to the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of migrants (country-level environmental factors, social determinants of mental health, mental health indicators and outcomes), responses (such as solidarity and resilience), populations, and study methods. The evidence found can inform recommendations and interventions focused on health promotion and mitigation of the inequalities accentuated by the pandemic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detecting the harmonics of oscillations with time-variable frequencies

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    A method is introduced for the spectral analysis of complex noisy signals containing several frequency components. It enables components that are independent to be distinguished from the harmonics of nonsinusoidal oscillatory processes of lower frequency. The method is based on mutual information and surrogate testing combined with the wavelet transform, and it is applicable to relatively short time series containing frequencies that are time variable. Where the fundamental frequency and harmonics of a process can be identified, the characteristic shape of the corresponding oscillation can be determined, enabling adaptive filtering to remove other components and nonoscillatory noise from the signal. Thus the total bandwidth of the signal can be correctly partitioned and the power associated with each component then can be quantified more accurately. The method is first demonstrated on numerical examples. It is then used to identify the higher harmonics of oscillations in human skin blood flow, both spontaneous and associated with periodic iontophoresis of a vasodilatory agent. The method should be equally relevant to all situations where signals of comparable complexity are encountered, including applications in astrophysics, engineering, and electrical circuits, as well as in other areas of physiology and biology

    Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine

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    Citation: Pidlisnyuk, V., Trögl, J., Stefanovska, T., Shapoval, P., & Erickson, L. (2016). Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 15(1), 77-84. doi:10.1515/nbec-2016-0008The semi-field research on using second-generation biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus for restoration of former military site in Kamenetz-Podilsky, Ukraine was carried out during two vegetation seasons. Despite high metal pollution of soil, in particular, by Fe, Mn, Ti, and Zr, no growth inhibition was observed. The concentrations followed pattern soil > roots > stems > leaves. Accumulation of particular metals in roots was different: Fe, Mn and Ti were accumulated rather palpably after the first vegetation season and less tangible after the second one. Cu, Pb and Zn were less accumulative in both vegetation seasons, and for As and Pb the accumulative concentrations were very small. Accumulations in the aboveground parts of the plant in comparison to roots were significantly lower in case of Fe, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr and even statistically comparable to zero in case of As, Pb and Zr. Calculated translocation ratio of metals in the plant's parts preferably indicated lack of metals' hyper accumulation. Generally, no correlations were observed between concentrations of metals in the soil and in the upper plant's parts. The research confirmed the ability of Miscanthus x giganteus to grow on the military soils predominantly contaminated by metals. © by Josef Trögl 2016

    Phase synchronization from noisy univariate signals

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    We present methods for detecting phase synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled, self-sustained noisy oscillators from a signal of the driven oscillator alone. One method detects soft, another hard phase locking. Both are applied to the problem of detecting phase synchronization in von Karman vortex flow meters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fluctuations in a coupled-oscillator model of the cardiovascular system

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    We present a model of the cardiovascular system (CVS) based on a system of coupled oscillators. Using this approach we can describe several complex physiological phenomena that can have a range of applications. For instance, heart rate variability (HRV), can have a new deterministic explanation. The intrinsic dynamics of the HRV is controlled by deterministic couplings between the physiological oscillators in our model and without the need to introduce external noise as is commonly done. This new result provides potential applications not only for physiological systems but also for the design of very precise electronic generators where the frequency stability is crucial. Another important phenomenon is that of oscillation death. We show that in our CVS model the mechanism leading to the quenching of the oscillations can be controlled, not only by the coupling parameter, but by a more general scheme. In fact, we propose that a change in the relative current state of the cardiovascular oscillators can lead to a cease of the oscillations without actually changing the strength of the coupling among them. We performed real experiments using electronic oscillators and show them to match the theoretical and numerical predictions. We discuss the relevance of the studied phenomena to real cardiovascular systems regimes, including the explanation of certain pathologies, and the possible applications in medical practice

    Laser Doppler flowmetry signals: pointwise Hölder exponents of experimental signals from young healthy subjects and numerically simulated data

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    We analyze the complexity of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) signals which give a peripheral view of the cardiovascular system. For this purpose, experimental and numerically simulated LDF signals are processed. The experimental signals are recorded in young healthy subjects. The numerically simulated LDF data are computed from a model containing six nonlinear coupled oscillators reflecting six almost periodic rhythmic activities present in experimental LDF signals. In the model, the oscillators are coupled with both linear and parametric couplings in order to represent cardiovascular system behaviors. To our knowledge this modeling has never been proposed yet. The complexity of all the experimental and simulated signals is studied by the computation of pointwise Hölder exponents. The latter identify the possible multifractal characteristics of data. The pointwise Hölder exponents are determined with a parametric generalized quadratic variation based estimation method first calibrated from white noise measures. The results of our signal processing analysis show that experimental LDF signals are weakly multifractal for young healthy subjects at rest. Furthermore, our findings together with another recent work of our group show that pointwise Hölder exponents of the simulated data do not describe the ones of the young healthy subjects but are closer to the ones of elderly healthy people. This paper provides useful information to go deeper into the modeling of LDF data, that could bring enlightenment for a better understanding of the peripheral cardiovascular system


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    The aim of this study is to determine the predictive capacity of BAFC measurements in the prediction of IVF outcome with regard to both ovarian response and pregnancy rates. Methods. Transvaginal ultrasound was performed on day 2–3 of the stimulation cycle, after ovarian down-regulation and before beginning treatment with gonadotropins. All ovarian follicles measuring 2 mm to 10 mm on both ovaries were counted by a single investigator. Patients were examined vaginally with an ATL transvaginal transducer (HDI 5000 diagnostic ultrasound system; Bothell, WA; USA). In total, 85 patients aged 24–42 years who underwent IVF/ICSI cycles were included in this prospective study. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 patients who had basal antral follicle count 10 and group 2 patients who had basal antral follicles >10. Results. Basal antral follicle count correlated directly with number of follicles, number of mature oocytes, number of embryos and peak E2 levels. We failed to show any significant effect of basal antral follicle count on pregnancy rates. Furthemore, basal antral follicle count correlated inversely with ampoules of gonadotropin used, days of stimulation, patient age, and day 3 FSH levels. Nevertheless, transvaginal ultrasound ovarian measurements can predict poor response, thereby allowing physicians to inform patients that they are at an increased risk for poor stimulation and cycle cancellation. Physicians can then potentially optimize stimulation protocols. Conclusion. Based on the results of this study, we suggest using a higher starting dose of gonadotropin in women with an antral follicle count of 10 and a -lower starting dose of gonadotropin in women with an antral follicle count of >10.SAŽETAK. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti valjanost mjerenja bazalnih antralnih folikula u pretkazivanju ishoda IVF glede odgovora ovarija i stopa trudnoća. Metode. Transvaginalni ultrazvuk je rađen 2.–3. dana stimuliranoga ciklusa, nakon ovarijalne »down-regulation« i prije početka terapije gonadotropinima. Isti pretraživač je u oba jajnika izbrojio sve folikule veličine 2–10 mm. Pacijentice su pregledavane vaginalno pomoću ATL aparata (HDI 5000 diagnostic ultrasound system; Bothell, WA; USA). Ukupno je 85 pacijentica dobi 24–42 godine bilo podvrgnuto IVF/ICSI postupku. Pacijentice su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: 1. skupina s 10 antralnih bazalnih folikula; i 2. skupina s >10 antralnih folikula. Rezultati. Broj bazalnih antralnih folikula je direktno korelirao s brojem folikula, brojem zrelih oocita, brojem postignutih embrija i vrškom E2. Nismo mogli pokazati znakovit efekt broja bazalnih antralnih folikula na stopu trudnoća. Nadalje, broj bazalnih antralnih folikula je bio obrnuto proporcionalan s brojem uporabljenih ampula gonadotropina, danima trajanja stimulacije, dobi pacijentica i razinom FSH-a trećeg dana. Štoviše, transvaginalno ultrazvučno mjerenje jajnika može pretkazati loš odgovor, što omogućuje liječniku da informira pacijenticu o mogućnosti nedovoljne stimulacije te da odgodi taj ciklus. Liječnik tada može optimalno primijeniti protokol stimulacije. Zaključak. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja, preporučujemo uporabu više početne doze gonadotropina u žena s brojem antralnih folikula 10 i nižu početnu dozu gonadotropina u žena s brojem antralnih folikula >10


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    The aim of this study is to determine the predictive capacity of BAFC measurements in the prediction of IVF outcome with regard to both ovarian response and pregnancy rates. Methods. Transvaginal ultrasound was performed on day 2–3 of the stimulation cycle, after ovarian down-regulation and before beginning treatment with gonadotropins. All ovarian follicles measuring 2 mm to 10 mm on both ovaries were counted by a single investigator. Patients were examined vaginally with an ATL transvaginal transducer (HDI 5000 diagnostic ultrasound system; Bothell, WA; USA). In total, 85 patients aged 24–42 years who underwent IVF/ICSI cycles were included in this prospective study. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 patients who had basal antral follicle count 10 and group 2 patients who had basal antral follicles >10. Results. Basal antral follicle count correlated directly with number of follicles, number of mature oocytes, number of embryos and peak E2 levels. We failed to show any significant effect of basal antral follicle count on pregnancy rates. Furthemore, basal antral follicle count correlated inversely with ampoules of gonadotropin used, days of stimulation, patient age, and day 3 FSH levels. Nevertheless, transvaginal ultrasound ovarian measurements can predict poor response, thereby allowing physicians to inform patients that they are at an increased risk for poor stimulation and cycle cancellation. Physicians can then potentially optimize stimulation protocols. Conclusion. Based on the results of this study, we suggest using a higher starting dose of gonadotropin in women with an antral follicle count of 10 and a -lower starting dose of gonadotropin in women with an antral follicle count of >10.SAŽETAK. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti valjanost mjerenja bazalnih antralnih folikula u pretkazivanju ishoda IVF glede odgovora ovarija i stopa trudnoća. Metode. Transvaginalni ultrazvuk je rađen 2.–3. dana stimuliranoga ciklusa, nakon ovarijalne »down-regulation« i prije početka terapije gonadotropinima. Isti pretraživač je u oba jajnika izbrojio sve folikule veličine 2–10 mm. Pacijentice su pregledavane vaginalno pomoću ATL aparata (HDI 5000 diagnostic ultrasound system; Bothell, WA; USA). Ukupno je 85 pacijentica dobi 24–42 godine bilo podvrgnuto IVF/ICSI postupku. Pacijentice su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: 1. skupina s 10 antralnih bazalnih folikula; i 2. skupina s >10 antralnih folikula. Rezultati. Broj bazalnih antralnih folikula je direktno korelirao s brojem folikula, brojem zrelih oocita, brojem postignutih embrija i vrškom E2. Nismo mogli pokazati znakovit efekt broja bazalnih antralnih folikula na stopu trudnoća. Nadalje, broj bazalnih antralnih folikula je bio obrnuto proporcionalan s brojem uporabljenih ampula gonadotropina, danima trajanja stimulacije, dobi pacijentica i razinom FSH-a trećeg dana. Štoviše, transvaginalno ultrazvučno mjerenje jajnika može pretkazati loš odgovor, što omogućuje liječniku da informira pacijenticu o mogućnosti nedovoljne stimulacije te da odgodi taj ciklus. Liječnik tada može optimalno primijeniti protokol stimulacije. Zaključak. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja, preporučujemo uporabu više početne doze gonadotropina u žena s brojem antralnih folikula 10 i nižu početnu dozu gonadotropina u žena s brojem antralnih folikula >10