2,334 research outputs found

    La Scuola di Francoforte

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    La Scuola di Francoforte costituisce, nel panorama filosofico-politico del Novecento, una delle più ricche e interessanti esperienze di declinazione, di riattualizzazione e, per alcuni aspetti, di critica del marxismo. L'articolo presenta una sintetica ricostruzione l’itinerario teorico della prima generazione della Scuola di Francoforte, concentrandosi in particolare sulle opere degli intellettuali più rappresentativi all’interno di essa (Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Herbert Marcuse), con l’obiet- tivo di evidenziare le innovazioni, in chiave di teoria sociale, apportate da questi autori rispetto alla teoria marxiana

    Teorie dello Stato e della democrazia

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    L'articolo presenta una ricostruzione delle principali teorie dello Stato di area marxista: da Ralph Miliband, a Louis Althusser, a Nicos Poulantzas, fino agli approcci di William Domhoff, di Claus Offe e di Juergen Habermas, per finire con la teoria neomarxista di Jacques Bidet

    Tradició i nous reptes en filosofia política

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    Avventure dell’alienazione: da Marx alle rivisitazioni contemporanee

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    Sebbene il concetto di alienazione abbia una storia molto lunga, nella qualele tappe fondamentali sono segnate dal pensiero di filosofi di prima grandezzacome Rousseau, Hegel e Feuerbach, in queste pagine ci limiteremo a riprendere laquestione a partireda Marx, tralasciando di riflettere sul rapporto che lo lega aisuoi grandi predecessori; partiremo da Marx perché il paragone con il suo pensieroci servirà a collocare meglio il lavoro di alcuni studiosi contemporanei che hannocercato di conferire al concetto di alienazione una nuova vitalità, e penso inparticolare a Rahel Jaeggi e Harmut Rosa. L’alienazione di cui ci parlano (in modidiversi l’uno dall’altra) questi autori, ha ancora qualche rapporto con quellamarxiana? Comporta una critica delle tesi del pensatore di Treviri o anche, per altriversi, uno sviluppo di esse

    Sulle tracce dell’ineguaglianza

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    The article reconstructs and discusses some aspects of the interpretation of Rousseau’s thought developed by Francesco Toto in his book L’origine e la storia. In particular, the themes touched upon are the following: the role of instinct and rational faculties in governing the behaviour of individuals in the state of nature; the law of nature and the question of morality; Rousseau’s condemnation of amour propre and the question of recognition; the value and meaning of the unequal pact

    Riconoscimento, eticità e moralità

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    The article analyzes the theory of recognition proposed by Lucio Cortella in the volume L'ethos del riconoscimento, which is examined above all in his relations with the theories of Hegel, Apel and Habermas. Regarding Cortella’s theory, the article raises two issues in particular: firstly, Petrucciani proposes a greater appreciation of Apel’s perspective, which is criticized by Cortella. Secondly, Petrucciani proposes to think differently the relationship between Sittlichkeit and morality, avoiding to confer a strong primacy to the first ter

    Neoadjuvant treatment in pancreatic cance. Evidence-based medicine? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Neoadjuvant treatment in non-metastatic pancreatic cancer (PaC) has the theoretical advantages of downstaging the tumor, sterilizing any present systemic undetectable disease, selecting patients for surgery and administering therapy to each patient. The aim of this systematic review is to analyze the state of the art on neoadjuvant protocols for non-metastatic PaC. A literature search over the last 10 years was conducted, and papers had to be focused on resectable, borderline resectable (BLR) or locally advanced (LA) histo- or cytologically proven PaC; to be prospective studies or prospectively collected databases; to report percentage of protocol achievement and survival data at least in an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. Twelve studies were eligible for systematic review. Studies included a total of 624 patients: 248 resectable, 268 BLR, 71 LA and 37 non-specified. All studies were included for meta-analysis. ITT overall survival (OS) was 16.7 months (95% CI 15.16-18.26 months); for resected patients OS was 22.78 months (95% CI 20.42-25.16), and for eventually non-resected patients it was 9.89 months (95% CI 8.84-10.96). Neoadjuvant approaches for resectable, BLR and LA PaC are spreading. Outcomes tend to be better outside an RCT context, but strong evidences are lacking. Actually such treatments should be performed only in a randomized clinical trial setting

    The Role of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and its burden is destined to increase. Multimodal treatment is crucial to achieve a cure, but standardization is far to come. Borderline resectable disease is the most challenging situation to face. An anatomically resectable disease may hide a biologically aggressive or undiagnosed systemic disease. Whether the patient has to undergo surgery first or after locoregional or systemic therapy is still unknown. Decision-making stands on low-quality evidences since RCTs are lacking. Neoadjuvant treatment may downstage the tumor and treat an early systemic disease, selecting patients for surgery in order to achieve a margin-free resection and avoid early recurrences and useless pancreatectomies. Resectable patients without other worrisome features may benefit from a surgery-first approach, while all other nonmetastatic patients should be enrolled in trials to rule out the outcomes of neoadjuvant treatments