902 research outputs found


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    Considering that English language teaching in public schools requires forming critical citizens (JUCÁ, 2016), this study addresses the work with critical literacy in classrooms. Therefore, my aim is to analyze the process of planning English language classes from the critical literacy perspective (MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011a; 2011b), focusing on racism and social issues. The three classes lead to writing a personal report, using can, considering the social, historical and political barriers people may face depending on their position within specific time and space


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    Languages without Borders (LwB) was created in 2014, replacing English without Borders (BRASIL, 2012), and amplified in 2016. From 2019, the program became Andifes LwB Network. The documents which alter IsF present changes with regard to internationalization orientations. In this context, it is worth reflecting on how practices take place in IsF nuclei within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In this sense, this paper aims to analyze the preparation of an English course for internationalization purposes within IsF in a HEI from the northeast of Brazil. This is a qualitative study characterized as action research (BURNS, 2015; LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999; PAIVA, 2019), which involves the study of field notes, document collection, and teaching logs (FREEMAN, 1998). The results indicate the preparation of a course that works on language social practices in the academic environment. It also seeks for a transdisciplinary approach and a critical concept of internationalization, with emphasis on the reflection of global issues, the role of universities, students, and the language.O programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras (IsF) foi criado em 2014, substituindo o Inglês sem Fronteiras (BRASIL, 2012), e ampliado em 2016. A partir de 2019, o programa tornou-se a Rede Andifes IsF. Os documentos que alteram o IsF apresentam mudanças com relação a suas orientações para internacionalização. Cabe, nesse contexto, refletir sobre como a prática ocorre nos núcleos da rede em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Nesse sentido, este artigo busca analisar a preparação de um curso de inglês para fins de internacionalização no âmbito do IsF em uma IES do Nordeste. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa, caracterizada como pesquisa-ação (BURNS, 2015; LAVILLE; DIONNE, 1999; PAIVA, 2019), que envolve o estudo de notas de campo, compilação de documentos e registro de ensino (FREEMAN, 1998). Os resultados indicam a preparação de um curso que parte de práticas sociais de uso da língua no ambiente acadêmico, além de buscar uma abordagem transdisciplinar e uma concepção crítica de internacionalização, com ênfase na reflexão sobre problemas globais, o papel das universidades e dos próprios alunos, assim como o da língua

    Internationalization in English language courses within Languages without Borders

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    Internationalization has been discussed and considered an important topic to higher education. In Brazil, the lack of English proficiency perceived with the academic mobility program Science without Borders led to the creation of English without Borders, which was later amplified to Languages without Borders. In this paper, we analyze how internationalization is dealt with in LwB decrees and how the principles of the program are put to practice in its English language courses, specifically those offered at the Federal University of Sergipe. We also discuss the contributions of the program to internationalization in Brazilian universities.

    RNA extraction from ten year old formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer samples: a comparison of column purification and magnetic bead-based technologies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development of protocols for RNA extraction from paraffin-embedded samples facilitates gene expression studies on archival samples with known clinical outcome. Older samples are particularly valuable because they are associated with longer clinical follow up. RNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue is problematic due to chemical modifications and continued degradation over time. We compared quantity and quality of RNA extracted by four different protocols from 14 ten year old and 14 recently archived (three to ten months old) FFPE breast cancer tissues. Using three spin column purification-based protocols and one magnetic bead-based protocol, total RNA was extracted in triplicate, generating 336 RNA extraction experiments. RNA fragment size was assayed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the housekeeping gene glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), testing primer sets designed to target RNA fragment sizes of 67 bp, 151 bp, and 242 bp.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Biologically useful RNA (minimum RNA integrity number, RIN, 1.4) was extracted in at least one of three attempts of each protocol in 86–100% of older and 100% of recently archived ("months old") samples. Short RNA fragments up to 151 bp were assayable by RT-PCR for G6PD in all ten year old and months old tissues tested, but none of the ten year old and only 43% of months old samples showed amplification if the targeted fragment was 242 bp.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All protocols extracted RNA from ten year old FFPE samples with a minimum RIN of 1.4. Gene expression of G6PD could be measured in all samples, old and recent, using RT-PCR primers designed for RNA fragments up to 151 bp. RNA quality from ten year old FFPE samples was similar to that extracted from months old samples, but quantity and success rate were generally higher for the months old group. We preferred the magnetic bead-based protocol because of its speed and higher quantity of extracted RNA, although it produced similar quality RNA to other protocols. If a chosen protocol fails to extract biologically useful RNA from a given sample in a first attempt, another attempt and then another protocol should be tried before excluding the case from molecular analysis.</p

    Relatório de atividade clínica

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    A Medicina Dentária é uma área da saúde que previne, diagnostica e trata doenças ao nível da cavidade oral e estruturas anexas. O seu exercício visa a reabilitação estética e funcional do paciente em todas as fases da vida. Este relatório de atividade clínica reporta todos os atos clínicos desenvolvidos no âmbito das diversas áreas disciplinares do 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Centro Regional das Beiras. A amostra em estudo compreende os pacientes atendidos pelo binómio 97 na Clínica Universitária durante o período de 15 de Setembro de 2014 a 29 de Maio de 2015. O principal objetivo deste projeto procura focar-se na descrição, análise, interpretação e reflexão crítica das decisões clínicas na diversa atividade clínica. A metodologia adotada baseia-se numa estatística descritiva dos dados recolhidos, através de uma base de dados criada pelo autor, nas diversas áreas clínicas, classificando segundo diferentes variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas. Os resultados são demonstrados através de apresentação gráfica, permitindo caraterizar a população alvo nas múltiplas áreas médico-dentárias. Assim, foi permitido ao autor adquirir consciencialização do vasto leque de pacientes, as patologias mais prevalentes, a terapêutica medicamentosa, as doenças orais mais comuns na população portuguesa, fomentando a formação teórico-prática e consequentemente, enriquecimento profissional e pessoal. Num aprofundamento do conhecimento, alguns casos clínicos diferenciados são descritos num formato mais pormenorizado, desde anamnese, diagnóstico, protocolos de atuação e plano de tratamento. Em suma, a atividade clínica multidisciplinar permite culminar num conjunto de competências essenciais à prática de Medicina Dentária no mercado de trabalho.The Dentistry is an area of health that prevents, diagnoses, and treats diseases of the oral cavity and adjacent structures. Your exercise aims at rehabilitation aesthetics and the patient's functional at all stages of life. This report of clinical activity reports all acts clinical developed within the framework of the various disciplinary areas of the 5th year of Integrated Master of Dentistry of the Portuguese Catholic University - Beiras Regional Center. The sample under study comprises the patients treated by the binomial 97 in University Clinic during the period of September 15, 2014 the May 29, 2015. The main objective of this project focus on description, analysis, interpretation and critical reflection of clinical decisions in diverse clinical activity. The methodology adopted is based on a descriptive statistical analysis of the data collected by means of a database created by the author, in several clinical areas, sorting according to different qualitative and quantitative variables. The results are shown by means of graphical presentation, allowing characterize the population target in multiple areas medical and dental. Thus, it was allowed to author acquire awareness of the wide range of patients, the most prevalent pathologies, drug therapy, the oral diseases most common in Portuguese population, fostering the theoretical-practical and consequently, enrichment and professional staff. A deepening of knowledge, a few clinical cases differentiated are described in a format more detailed, since anamnesis, diagnosis, protocols of care and treatment plan. In short, the clinical activity multidisciplinary allows culminate in a set of core competencies for the practice of Dentistry in the labor market. Keywords

    Fenótipo gengival : estudo radiográfico e fotográfico das dimensões da unidade dento-gengival : estudo piloto

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A aparência do sorriso tem um grande impacto na vida social e profissional dos indivíduos. A unidade dento-gengival é um fator-chave na determinação da estética do sector anterior. No entanto, para que isso se verifique é necessário que o espaço biológico, compreendido nessa unidade, seja preservado. Durante o planeamento dos tratamentos é essencial ter em consideração o fenótipo gengival e a forma como o mesmo poderá influenciar os resultados. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o fenótipo gengival de alunos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, através da análise de radiografias e fotografias digitais. METODOLOGIA: Recolha padronizada de 50 fotografias e 50 radiografias digitais, em 50 indivíduos (13 homens e 37 mulheres), com uma média de 23 anos de idade. Nas fotografias foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: (1) Forma da Coroa; (2) Altura da Gengiva Queratinizada; (3) Altura da Papila; (4) Ângulo Gengival. Nas radiografias foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: (A) Espessura da Gengiva Livre (G1 e G2); (B) Espessura da Gengiva na Inserção Supracrestal (G3, G4 e G5); (C) Espessura da Gengiva Aderida (G6); (D) Espessura do Osso Alveolar; (E) Distância da Linha Amelo-Cementária à Crista Alveolar (Distância AC-CA); (F) Distância da Linha Amelo-Cementária à Margem Gengival Livre (Distância AC-MG). Como tratamento estatístico, executou-se uma análise estatística descritiva e, para cada uma das variáveis o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, para verificar se a distribuição era normal. Estudou-se a correlação entre variáveis, utilizando a correlação de Pearson. Para a comparação das distribuições nas variáveis de acordo com o género foi utilizado o t test de Student. RESULTADOS: Para (p-value < 0,01), a correlação entre Altura da Papila e Ângulo Gengival é das mais fortes (r=-0,734), obtendo-se, na Altura da Papila, maiores valores para os homens e, para o Ângulo Gengival, nas mulheres. A correlação entre a Forma da Coroa e a Espessura da Gengiva Aderida (G6), não apresenta valores com significado estatístico (r=-0,065). CONCLUSÃO: As correlações mais significantes estatisticamente são: (1) Altura da Papila e Ângulo Gengival; (2) Espessura da Gengiva Livre (G1) e Espessura da Gengiva Livre (G2); (3) Altura da Papila e Distância AC-MG. Mediante o género, existe uma forte associação entre: (A) Espessura da Gengiva Aderida e o género masculino; (B) Espessura do Osso Alveolar e o género masculino.INTRODUCTION: The attractiveness of the smile has a big impact on social and professional life of individuals. The dento-gingival unit is a key factor to determine the aesthetic of the anterior sector. However, for this to occur, it is necessary to preserve the biological space included in this unit. During the treatment planning, it is essential to consider the gingival phenotype and how it may influence the results. PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to characterize the gingival phenotype of a sample students from Portuguese Catholic University, through the analysis of digital radiographs and photographs. METHODS: 50 standardized photographs and radiographs were taken in 50 patients (13 men and 37 women) with an average of 23 years old. The photographs were assessed: (1) Crown Form; (2) Height of Keratinized Gingiva; (3) Papilla Height; (4) Gingival Angle. Through radiographs was possible to analyze: (A) Thickness of Free Gingiva (G1 and G2); (B) Thickness of Gingiva in the Supracrestal Attachment (G3, G4 and G5); (C) Thickness of Attached Gingiva (G6); (D) Thickness of Alveolar Bone; (E) Distance from Amelo-Cementum line to the Alveolar Crest (AC-CA Distance); (F) Distance from Amelo-Cementum line to the Free Gingival Margin (AC-MG Distance). Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to check if the distribution was normal, Student t test, to compare variables distributions according to gender and Pearson's correlation, to study the correlation between variables. RESULTS For p-value < 0,01, the correlation between Papilla Height and Gingival Angle is one of the strongest (r=-0,734), obtaining, for Papilla Height, higher values for men and for Gingival Angle, higher values for women. The correlation between Crown Form and Thickness of Attached Gingiva (G6), shows no values with statistical significance (r=-0,815). CONCLUSION: The most statistically significant correlations are: (1) Papilla Height and Gingival Angle; (2) Thickness of Free Gingiva (G1) and Thickness of Free Gingiva (G2); (3) Papilla Height and AC-MG distance. By gender, there is a strong association between: (A) Thickness of Attached Gingiva and male gender; (B) Thickness of Alveolar Bone and male gender