32 research outputs found

    Criteria affecting the cost of a cruise company: An AHP approach

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    This paper investigates the factors that affect and influence the cost of a cruise company and attempts to reveal any variations of these factors attributed to different size of the cruise companies and different programs offered. For the purposes of the specific research, a small deluxe cruise company and a larger mass cruise company were selected for a comparison study. The methodology applied is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is a flexible multi-criteria method for decision making and priorities ranking. The identification of factors that influence the cost levels and categories of cruise companies was achieved by a brainstorming used to identify the broad area of factors that may play an important role in the final cost formation. This process was performed with major stakeholders of the Greek cruise industry (mainly cruise companies and maritime agents) who were asked to confirm or to eliminate the factors who consider as relevant or irrelevant to total cost, from a number of listed items. The list of the key factors includes 6 major criteria categories each of which can be further broke down into sub-criteria. According to experts’ opinion, the goal of the factors that shape up Cruise Company’s total cost, can be reached through the synthesis of the following criteria evaluation: 1) Voyage cost, 2) Cost of Food & beverage provision, 3) Cost of Supplies, 4) Administration cost, 5) Financial cost, 6)Technical upgrading and lay up cost. Respectively, each Criterion in the AHP method is shaped by the significance of its sub-criteria. Results of the study revealed that, cost criteria are indeed differentiated in the various levels and categories between the companies of different size, regarding their ranking as well as their significance, and even more differences exist in the sub-criteria in forming the total cost of a cruise company

    Study of the Mg-Nd alloy obtained by electrolysis in molten oxifluoride media

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    Mg-Nd alloys have been produced by electrolysis of the molten mixture LiF-NdF3-MgF2 using Nd2(CO3)3 and MgF2 as raw materials. An electrolysis cell was designed having the anode made of super dense graphite and the cathode made of molybdenum metal. The quasi-binary system (NdF3-LiF)eutectic-MgF2 was investigated and the liquidus line was determined using thermo-differential analysis. The solubility of Nd2(CO3)3 in the LiF-NdF3-MgF2 system was investigated by the carbothermal technique

    Liberalization assessment: The Greek cruise market

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    More than thirty years, after the metamorphosis of the cruise industry from an expensive type of vacation for the elite to an affordable alternative for the mass market, cruise shipping records high rates of growth. The Greek cruise market has been liberalized since 1999, when the Regulation of the European Commission 3577/92 came into force, allowing cruise ships flying European flags to operate in Greek waters and to use national ports as homeports. Restrictions were in force only for the non EU flagged cruise ships until 2010, when the Greek Government voted the National Law 3872/2010, which liberalized the market. Until the 1990s Greek companies were pioneers and very active in the international market. However, lately the shrinking of the Greek market is observed. Today, there is only one Greek Cypriot company with just two vessels under the Greek flag. At the same time Greece, according to the European Cruise Council (ECC, 2011) data, is among the top three most popular European destinations. The paradox is that only a slight percentage of cruise companies select Greek ports for home porting. The paper gives an overview of the Greek cruise industry, the cruise cabotage reform, focusing especially on the process and the different opinions expressed by the stakeholders. In addition, the process of deregulation and its potential impacts is evaluated from stakeholders’ viewpoint, particularly the effect on retaining and attracting cruise vessels under the Greek flag in the context of a national cruise policy

    Το παραδοσιακό γλέντι και το σύγχρονο πανηγύρι της Πάρου: Μία εθνογραφική προσέγγιση

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    Η παρούσα εργασία εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο της ανθρωπολογίας οίκοι και είναι μία προσπάθεια μουσικής εθνογραφικής έρευνας, πεδίο της οποίας αποτελεί το νησί της Πάρου. Το αντικείμενο της έρευνας αφορά την παραδοσιακή νησιώτικη μουσική όπως αυτή εκφράζεται μέσα από τα παριανά συλλογικά και συμμετοχικά γλέντια σε δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό επίπεδο. Η έρευνα επικεντρώνεται γύρω από τις παριανές μουσικές παραδόσεις του 20ου αιώνα καθώς και τις σύγχρονες μουσικές πρακτικές της Πάρου κατά τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια, μέχρι και την εποχή της πανδημίας του σήμερα. Τα επιμέρους ζητήματα στρέφονται γύρω την φυσιογνωμία και την δραστηριότητα των ντόπιων και φιλοξενούμενων μουσικών, τα μουσικά όργανα της παλαιάς και νέας γενιάς, την εξέλιξη και επιρροή του ρεπερτορίου, τις πρακτικές και παραδόσεις των τοπικών πανηγυριών του κύκλου των θρησκευτικών εορτών, τα ιδιωτικά συμμετοχικά γλέντια καθώς και τα έθιμα και τα τραγούδια του γάμου. Στο επίκεντρο του ερευνητικού ενδιαφέροντος βρίσκονται οι ντόπιοι μουσικοί νέας γενιάς και η μουσική τους δραστηριότητα στα τοπικά γλέντια και πανηγύρια. Μέσω της παρατήρησης των σύγχρονων μουσικών παραδόσεων πραγματοποιείται μία συστηματική και συγκριτική μελέτη της παλαιάς και σύγχρονης μουσικής παράδοσης κατά τον 20ο και 21ο αιώνα. Η σύγκριση αυτή περιστρέφεται γύρω από τα ζητήματα της εξέλιξης, της επιβίωσης και της αναβίωσης των εθίμων, των πρακτικών και των τοπικών τραγουδιών, ζητήματα που αφορούν την παρακμή και τον μετασχηματισμό των γλεντικών και μουσικοχορευτικών πρακτικών της Πάρου, καθώς και τους λόγους μη επιβίωσής τους στο πέρασμα των χρόνων.The present work is part of the indigenous anthropology and is an attempt of ethnographic musical research, the field of which is the island of Paros. The object of the research concerns traditional island music as it is expressed through Parian collective and participatory feasts at public and private level. The research focuses on the Parian musical traditions of the 20th century as well as the contemporary musical practices of Paros during the last twenty years, up to the pandemic era of today. The individual issues revolve around the physiognomy and activity of local and guest musicians, the musical instruments of the old and new generations, the evolution and influence of the repertoire, the practices and traditions of local festivals of the cycle of religious holidays, private participatory feasts as well as the customs and songs of marriage. The focus of research interest is on the local musicians of the new generation and their musical activity at local festivals and fairs. Through the observation of contemporary musical traditions, a systematic and comparative study of early and contemporary musical traditions in the 20th and 21st centuries is carried out. This comparison revolves around the issues of the evolution, survival and revival of customs, practices and local songs, issues concerning the decline and transformation of the festive and music and dance practices of Paros, as well as the reasons for their non-survival over the years

    The ESPON 2013 programme : the development of the islands – European islands and cohesion policy (EUROISLANDS)

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    The report was accepted by the ESPON Monitoring Committee as it demonstrates interesting outputs and observations on the situation and development of the European islands. The report raises awareness of the specificities and diversity of this specific type of territories and takes into consideration the current policy debate related to European Cohesion Policy. The revised version of the Final Report has been considered meeting the minimum demands in contractual terms. However, some case studies raised comments from individual stakeholders involved. Some improvements requested were not implemented to their entire satisfaction as part of the revision of the Final Report. It was felt that the case studies could have been better used and integrated in the analysis, making the report richer, more precise and evidence based, enhancing its narrative.peer-reviewe

    Cruise passenger impacts on mobility within a port area: case of the Port of Barcelona

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Ros Chaos S, Pino Roca D, Saurí Marchán S, Sánchez‐Arcilla Conejo A. Cruise passenger impacts on mobility within a port area: Case of the Port of Barcelona. Int J Tourism Res. 2018;20:147–157. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2165], which has been published in final f orm at https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2165.This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Cruise tourism has grown rapidly worldwide over the past 30 years. This increase in cruise passengers has brought a set of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts. In a port context, it is reflected in mobility problems with long waiting times and queues. To assess cruise passenger impacts, a mobility analysis was performed. The results of this analysis demonstrate the importance of the disembarkation operation. Passengers have to be moved in short periods of time. It is vital to organize mobility and to have sufficient transport modes to move passengers to their inland destinations quickly, safely, and efficiently.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft