Technological Educational Institute of Epirus

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    524 research outputs found

    Summary and outline of the simple new insights towards the future physics of classical fieldmatter or 2nd and deeper physical material reality.

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    This is an outline of the online book “For a new form of indirect solar energy. The new universal attraction and new electromagnetism. ”

    Επιλύοντας τα προβλήματα του πολιτισμού του παρελθόντος, στο παρόν και οραματιζόμενοι το μέλλον αλλάζοντας το σύστημα των "πιστεύω" μας.

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    Δημοσίευση σε ΣυνέδριοBeliefs do not only shape our experiences, do not only shape our thoughts and emotions, do not only shape the state of our immune system and physical health but also shape our social decisions and how we create our society and civilization's evolution. In this article the suggested progressive beliefs are assumed as standards of an advanced and powerful civilization. There is no guarantee that the earthly civilization, in the coming centuries will fulfill these standards. But even it will not fulfill them, it is good to have a good perspective towards them. If they are not fulfilled sooner or later in sufficient degree of spiritual and consciousness standards, the fate of this planetary humanity will be to become subordinate to external and internal indirect tyranny

    The new millennium digital methematics

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    This project is under the next philosophical principles 1) Consciousness has the experience of the infinite. 2) But the physical material world is finite. 3) Therefore mathematical models in their ontology should contain only finite entities and should not involve the infinite. The next papers are part of larger project which is creating again the basic of mathematics and its ontology with new axioms that do not involve the infinite at all. Our perception and experience of the reality, depends on the system of beliefs that we have. In mathematics, the system of spiritual beliefs is nothing else than the axioms of the axiomatic systems that we accept. The rest is the work of reasoning and acting. We present the digital but continuous Euclidean geometry and an outline of the digital differential and integral calculu

    The new digital mathematics of the millennium

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    This project is under the next philosophical principles 1) Consciousness has the experience of the infinite. 2) But the physical material world is finite. 3) Therefore mathematical models in their ontology should contain only finite entities and should not involve the infinite at all which is a phenomenological abstraction. In digital mathematics we may have the concepts of seemingly infinite sets (or seemingly infinitesimal numbers) but they are essentially finite sets or numbers with finite decimal representation. These principles allow for an alternative and more realistic universe of mathematics, directly usable in artificial intelligence of computers. The development of digital mathematics is somehow more elaborate in the definitions but radically easier in the proofs compared to classical mathematics. It is certainly not equivalent to the classical mathematics. But here we give emphasis only to the theorems that are very similar and very familiar with corresponding to classical mathematics. The previous principles require a rewriting of the classical axiomatic systems to those of 1) the natural digital numbers, 2) the digital 1st and 2nd order formal logic, 3) the digital set theory, 4) the digital real numbers, 5) the digital differential and integral calculus, 6) the digital Euclidean axiomatic continuous geometry etc. In the next two papers we present the digital real numbers with the digital differential and integral calculus and the digital axiomatic continuous Euclidean geometry, where all sets of points (visible or invisible) or numbers are finite sets of points and numbers with finite decimal representation. Our perception and experience of the reality, depends on the system of beliefs that we have. In mathematics, the system of spiritual beliefs is nothing else than the axioms of the axiomatic systems that we accept. The rest is the work of reasoning and acting. For each of the two papers we give at its end a fictional philosophical or epistemological dialogue with the celebrated immortals of the classical mathematics (like Euclid, Pythagoras, Hilbert, Cantor, Gödel, Newton, Leibniz etc) where the reader can grasp in non-technical terns the main differences and the main advantages (or disadvantages) of the digital mathematics where all are finite compared to the classical mathematics which are based on the phenomenological abstraction of the infinite The 2nd of the two papers on the digital but continuous axiomatic Euclidean geometry has already been published in the World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR)ISSN:2455-3956, Volume-5, Issue-4, October 2017 Pages 31-4


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    1) Έρευνα ικανοποίησης χρηστών Βιβλιοθήκης 2018, σελ. 1. 2) Εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις στη Βιβλιοθήκη, σελ. 3. 3) Πρόσβαση στο JSTOR μέσω ιδρυματικού λογαριασμού, σελ. 5. 4) Ενεργοποίηση δοκιμαστικής χρήσης σε ηλεκτρονικά βιβλία του Springer, σελ. 5


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    Τεύχος 11) Πρωτόκολλα συνεργασίας της Βιβλιοθήκης με το ΑΤΕΙ Θεσσαλονίκης και το Δήμο Ηγουμενίτσας, σελ. 1. 2) Συμμετοχή της Βιβλιοθήκης στη Διεθνή Έκθεση Βιβλίου Θεσσαλονίκης, σελ. 2. 3) Συμμετοχή της Βιβλιοθήκης στο 2ο Συνέδριο Μουσικών Βιβλιοθηκών και Αρχείων, σελ. 3. 4) Έκθεση παιδικού βιβλίου στη Βιβλιοθήκη, σελ. 4. 5) Εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις στη Βιβλιοθήκη, σελ. 5. 6) Παρουσίαση: Ενιαία μηχανή αναζήτησης ηλεκτρονικών πηγών HEAL-Link, σελ. 5

    A solution of the 4th clay millennium problem about the Navier-Stokes equations.

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    In this paper it is solved the 4th Clay Millennium problem about the Navier-Stokes equations, in the direction of regularity. It is done so by utilizing the hypothesis of finite initial energy and by applying the regularity of the Poisson equation which is a well- studied linear PDE, involving the also well studies harmonic functions. The Poisson equation either in scalar or vector form, relates many magnitudes of the flow, like pressures and velocities, velocity and vorticity and velocities and viscosity forces. It is also proved 5 new necessary and sufficient conditions of regularity based on the pressures, viscosity forces, trajectories lengths, pressure forces etc. The final key result to derive the regularity is that the pressures are bounded in finite time intervals, as proved after projecting the work of the pressures forces on specially chosen bundles of paths

    Job satisfaction of public administrative peronnel in Greece: an empirical analysis

    No full text aim of this paper is to study the satisfaction of employees from their working environment in Greek public sector. As a case study the Region of Western Greece who will be analyzed, who, on a daily basis, serve the needs of a large geographical region and come into contact with the public as well as with other services at local, regional and national level. In order to achieve this, in 2017 we conducted an empirical research using the structured questionnaire method in accordance with the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) model. Data from 100 district employees were collected and processed descriptively through SPSS. From the findings of this research and in accordance with those of other international surveys, we find that workers are generally satisfied, in a level that can be classified as medium to high. In addition, we note that satisfaction from endogenous factors is higher than exogenous. The Greek public sector needs to become more operational, efficient, decentralized and able to work in a flexible and efficient way, responding to internal and external changes. Ensuring the benefits of public administration will make it more effective and more efficient for citizens, contributing decisively to ending the economic and social crisis that has been rampaging Greece for about 8 years now

    The economic crisis of 2008 and the financial system supervision: towards a European Banking Union

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    The significant repercussions of the recent crisis in the financial sector and the real economy have led to the development of policies aimed at strengthening the stability of the international banking system. Banking regulatory reforms (Basel III) improve micro-prudential supervision and involve macro-prudential supervision to avoid systemic risk. Capital requirements are tightening up and the quality of core capital is upgraded in order to provide greater coverage of losses and better risk management. In addition, a new framework for liquidity risk is introduced, as well as a complementary tool for limiting leverage. Recently, an agreement was reached in the EU to establish a Banking Union in the Eurozone, based on uniform regulation, supervision, bank clearing and deposit protection mechanisms. This framework includes a common banking capital for bank consolidation, which aims to reduce the impact on savers. This study aims to analyse the banking sector's activities and the constituent elements of the existing regulatory framework, particularly those involved in the causes of the financial crisis. It also aims to present the dimensions of the new regulatory framework for joint supervision leading to the European Banking Union and to analyse the pillars that form it, even though they are still in progress. The analysis will also build on the experiences from the recent crisis, in order to reach clear conclusions about the necessity and role of the Banking Union

    The solution to the 3RD Clay Millennium Problem. A short proof that P not equal to NP and NP = Exptime in the context of Zermelo-Frankel set theory

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    In this paper I provide a very short but decisive proof that P not equal to NP, and NP = EXPTIME in the context of the Zermelo-Frankel set theory and deterministic Turing machines. We discuss also the subtle implications of considering the P versus NP problem, in different axiomatic theories. The results of the current paper definitely solve the 3rd Clay Millennium problem P versus NP, in a simple and transparent away that the general scientific community, but also the experts of the area, can follow, understand and therefore become able to accept


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