67 research outputs found

    Gli Habitat terrestri costieri e litorali della Sardegna settentrionale: verifica della loro attribuzione sintassonomica ai sensi della Direttiva 43/92/CEE “Habitat”

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    In this work we talk about coastal and littoral terrestrial habitats and plant communities in Northern Sardinia. We check the right attribution of different plant communities to their habitat type, among those indicated in the Annexe I of the 43/92/EEC Habitat Directive, and the coherence between the Natura 2000 Network and the tested habitat presence in the study area. Finally, some critical examples, regarding either the interpretation or the application of the Habitat Directive, are discussed. In the study area 16 community habitats have been detected, and among them three are priority habitats (1510*, 2250* and 2270*). 15 habitats are confirmed, been mentioned in at least one Natura 2000 formulary, instead, habitat 2220 is here reported for the first time in Northern Sardinia. The presence in the study area of 5 habitats mentioned in Natura 2000 formularies (1310, 2110, 2120, 2240 and 5410) is not confirmed. The percentage of high threatened habitats in the study area (37.5%) is higher than the national one (24%). On the other hand the percentage of low risk habitats in coastal areas of Northern Sardinia (37.5%) is lower than the Italian one (48%). These considerations give priority to the conservation of the coastal and littoral areas in Northern Sardinia. Finally, the discussion of some critical applicative examples bring us to ask for a really needed Habitat Directive Annexe I revision

    Atrial natriuretic factor in essential hypertension : echocardiographic and humoral correlates

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    Aim of this study was to assess the relationship between plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its two-dimensional echocardiographic (left ventricular mass, left atrium diameter) and humoral (plasma renin and aldosterone) variables in essential hypertension (EH). We evaluated 32 patients with uncomplicated mild to moderate EH and 10 controls. They were studied in the supine position after 7 days of constant dietary sodium intake and were off therapy since at least 3 weeks. ANF values overlapped between EH patients and controls (27.8 +/- 11.5 vs. 19.5 +/- 7.4 pg/ml, p = NS). In EH, no significant correlation was found between ANF values and left ventricular mass (r = 0.29), left atrial diameter (r = 0.04), mean arterial blood pressure (r = 0.26), plasma renin activity (r = 0.00), and aldosterone (r = 0.26). In EH, ANF values overlapped between the 15 patients with hypertrophy and the 17 patients with normal ventricular mass: 30.3 +/- 17 vs. 25.6 +/- 10.6 pg/ms (p = NS). We conclude that there is a substantial overlap in plasma ANF values between mild to moderate uncomplicated EH and controls, and left ventricular hypertrophy is not a major independent stimulus to ANF release in EH

    Improvement of Olive Oil Mechanical Extraction: New Technologies, Process Efficiency, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality

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    Most of the recent technological innovations applied to the mechanical oil extraction process are aimed at improving virgin olive oil quality and yield. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) quality is mainly based on the qualitative/quantitative composition of monounsaturated fatty acids, volatile and phenolic compounds that are strictly related to the health and sensory properties of the product, with particular attention given to the fraction of secoiridoid derivatives and C5 and C6 volatile compounds. The different levels of concentration of these compounds are due to some important variables: agronomic and technological. The chapter explains the recent approaches and innovations introduced in the oil extraction process to improve the working efficiency of the production system and to obtain high‐quality extra virgin olive oils

    Long-Term Outcome After Adoptive Immunotherapy With Natural Killer Cells: Alloreactive NK Cell Dose Still Matters

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    Recently, many reports were published supporting the clinical use of adoptivelytransferred natural killer (NK) cells as a therapeutic tool against cancer, including acutemyeloid leukemia (AML). Our group demonstrated promising clinical response usingadoptive immunotherapy with donor-derived alloreactive KIR-ligand-mismatched NK cellsin AML patients. Moreover, the antileukemic effect was correlated with the dose of infusedalloreactive NK cells (“functional NK cell dose”). Herein, we update the results of ourprevious study on a cohort of adult AML patients (median age at enrollment 64) infirstmorphological complete remission (CR), not eligible for allogeneic stem celltransplantation. After an extended median follow-up of 55.5 months, 8/16 evaluablepatients (50%) are still off-therapy and alive disease-free. Overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) are related with the dose of infused alloreactive NK cells (≥2×105/kg

    Multicentre harmonisation of a six-colour flow cytometry panel for naïve/memory T cell immunomonitoring

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    Background. Personalised medicine in oncology needs standardised immunological assays. Flow cytometry (FCM) methods represent an essential tool for immunomonitoring, and their harmonisation is crucial to obtain comparable data in multicentre clinical trials. The objective of this study was to design a harmonisation workflow able to address the most effective issues contributing to intra- and interoperator variabilities in a multicentre project. Methods. The Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanita, ISS) managed a multiparametric flow cytometric panel harmonisation among thirteen operators belonging to five clinical and research centres of Lazio region (Italy). The panel was based on a backbone mixture of dried antibodies (anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD8, anti-CD45RA, and anti-CCR7) to detect naive/memory T cells, recognised as potential prognostic/predictive immunological biomarkers in cancer immunotherapies. The coordinating centre distributed frozen peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and fresh whole blood (WB) samples from healthy donors, reagents, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to participants who performed experiments by their own equipment, in order to mimic a real-life scenario. Operators returned raw and locally analysed data to ISS for central analysis and statistical elaboration. Results. Harmonised and reproducible results were obtained by sharing experimental set-up and procedures along with centralising data analysis, leading to a reduction of cross-centre variability for naive/memory subset frequencies particularly in the whole blood setting. Conclusion. Our experimental and analytical working process proved to be suitable for the harmonisation of FCM assays in a multicentre setting, where high-quality data are required to evaluate potential immunological markers, which may contribute to select better therapeutic options

    Polyfunctional Type-1, -2, and -17 CD8+ T Cell Responses to Apoptotic Self-Antigens Correlate with the Chronic Evolution of Hepatitis C Virus Infection

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    Caspase-dependent cleavage of antigens associated with apoptotic cells plays a prominent role in the generation of CD8+ T cell responses in various infectious diseases. We found that the emergence of a large population of autoreactive CD8+ T effector cells specific for apoptotic T cell-associated self-epitopes exceeds the antiviral responses in patients with acute hepatitis C virus infection. Importantly, they endow mixed polyfunctional type-1, type-2 and type-17 responses and correlate with the chronic progression of infection. This evolution is related to the selection of autoreactive CD8+ T cells with higher T cell receptor avidity, whereas those with lower avidity undergo prompt contraction in patients who clear infection. These findings demonstrate a previously undescribed strict link between the emergence of high frequencies of mixed autoreactive CD8+ T cells producing a broad array of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-4, IL-2…) and the progression toward chronic disease in a human model of acute infection