
Gli Habitat terrestri costieri e litorali della Sardegna settentrionale: verifica della loro attribuzione sintassonomica ai sensi della Direttiva 43/92/CEE “Habitat”


In this work we talk about coastal and littoral terrestrial habitats and plant communities in Northern Sardinia. We check the right attribution of different plant communities to their habitat type, among those indicated in the Annexe I of the 43/92/EEC Habitat Directive, and the coherence between the Natura 2000 Network and the tested habitat presence in the study area. Finally, some critical examples, regarding either the interpretation or the application of the Habitat Directive, are discussed. In the study area 16 community habitats have been detected, and among them three are priority habitats (1510*, 2250* and 2270*). 15 habitats are confirmed, been mentioned in at least one Natura 2000 formulary, instead, habitat 2220 is here reported for the first time in Northern Sardinia. The presence in the study area of 5 habitats mentioned in Natura 2000 formularies (1310, 2110, 2120, 2240 and 5410) is not confirmed. The percentage of high threatened habitats in the study area (37.5%) is higher than the national one (24%). On the other hand the percentage of low risk habitats in coastal areas of Northern Sardinia (37.5%) is lower than the Italian one (48%). These considerations give priority to the conservation of the coastal and littoral areas in Northern Sardinia. Finally, the discussion of some critical applicative examples bring us to ask for a really needed Habitat Directive Annexe I revision

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