195 research outputs found

    Dispersión del numerario de Sekia

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    Se presenta la ordenación y actualización de los hallazgos  de la ceca de Sekia sita en territorio suessetano, por medio de los cuales se deducen las motivaciones históricas de su activación relacionables con la presencia bélica romana  en el Valle del Ebro y su papel integrado en el circuito económico de la zona del río Ebro

    Set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation and generalized semi-braces

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    This paper aims to introduce a construction technique of set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, called strong semilattice of solutions. This technique, inspired by the strong semilattice of semigroups, allows one to obtain new solutions. In particular, this method turns out to be useful to provide non-bijective solutions of finite order. It is well-known braces, skew braces and semi-braces are closely linked with solutions. Hence, we introduce a generalization of the algebraic structure of semi-braces based on this new construction technique of solutions

    Solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and strong semilattices of skew braces

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    We prove that any set-theoretic solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated to a dual weak brace is a strong semilattice of non-degenerate bijective solutions. This fact makes use of the description of any dual weak brace SS we provide in terms of strong semilattice YY of skew braces BαB_\alpha, with αY\alpha \in Y. Additionally, we describe the ideals of SS and study its nilpotency by correlating it to that of each skew brace BαB_\alpha

    Set-theoretical solutions of the Yang-Baxter and pentagon equations on semigroups

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    The Yang-Baxter and pentagon equations are two well-known equations of Mathematical Physic. If SS is a set, a map s:S×SS×Ss:S\times S\to S\times S is said to be a set theoretical solution of the Yang-Baxter equation if s23s13s12=s12s13s23, s_{23}\, s_{13}\, s_{12} = s_{12}\, s_{13}\, s_{23}, where s12=s×idSs_{12}=s\times id_S, s23=idS×ss_{23}=id_S\times s, and s13=(idS×τ)s12(idS×τ)s_{13}=(id_S\times \tau)\,s_{12}\,(id_S\times \tau) and τ\tau is the flip map, i.e., the map on S×SS\times S given by τ(x,y)=(y,x)\tau(x,y)=(y,x). Instead, ss is called a set-theoretical solution of the pentagon equation if s23s13s12=s12s23. s_{23}\, s_{13}\, s_{12}=s_{12}\, s_{23}. The main aim of this work is to display how solutions of the pentagon equation turn out to be a useful tool to obtain new solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Specifically, we present a new construction of solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation involving two specific solutions of the pentagon equation. To this end, we provide a method to obtain solutions of the pentagon equation on the matched product of two semigroups, that is a semigroup including the classical Zappa product

    Inverse semi-braces and the Yang-Baxter equation

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    The main aim of this paper is to provide set-theoretical solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation that are not necessarily bijective, among these new idempotent ones. In the specific, we draw on both to the classical theory of inverse semigroups and to that of the most recently studied braces, to give a new research perspective to the open problem of finding solutions. Namely, we have recourse to a new structure, the inverse semi-brace, that is a triple (S,+,)(S,+, \cdot) with (S,+)(S,+) a semigroup and (S,)(S, \cdot) an inverse semigroup satisfying the relation a(b+c)=ab+a(a1+c)a \left(b + c\right) = a b + a\left(a^{-1} + c\right), for all a,b,cSa,b,c \in S, where a1a^{-1} is the inverse of aa in (S,)(S, \cdot). In particular, we give several constructions of inverse semi-braces which allow for obtaining solutions that are different from those until known.Comment: 43 page

    Influence of grapevine cultivar on the second generations of Lobesia botrana and Eupoecilia ambiguella

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    Grapevine cultivar can affect susceptibility to Lobesia botrana and Eupoecilia ambiguella with important implications on control strategies. A four-year study was carried out in north-eastern Italy on 10 cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon, Carménère, Chardonnay, Merlot, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Rhine Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Terrano, Tocai Friulano and Verduzzo Friulano) grown in the same vineyard to assess whether the cultivar affects second-generation population levels of the two vine moths and L. botrana larval age composition. The influence of bunch traits measured at the peak of egg hatching on demographic parameters was also evaluated. Over the four years, L. botrana significantly prevailed over E. ambiguella in nine cultivars. Chardonnay and Tocai Friulano were the most infested cultivars and Merlot was the least infested. At the sampling date, the age composition of L. botrana varied with cultivar, with the larvae being significantly older on Chardonnay and younger on Carménère, Merlot and Verduzzo Friulano. Older larval age was significantly associated with higher bunch compactness. Larval infestation was not significantly influenced by either bunch compactness or berry volume, which suggested a more important role for contact and volatile substances mostly originating from the berries. These results allow for the improvement of Integrated Pest Management strategy against vine moths

    Ready for a digital Euro? Insights from a research agenda

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    Innovative tools—such as cryptocurrencies, electronic money, and digital payments—have enhanced the digitisation of financial system, but not without risk. To ensure financial stability and innovation, Central Banks have recently begun supporting the creation of so-called Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). The present study reviews the literature around the digital transformation of the financial environment, with a specific focus on the creation of a digital Euro. A bibliometric analysis, conducted on 290 documents from the Scopus database, provides insights into the topic and its future research avenues. The results show a growing interest for CBDCs and their related issues, especially those related to the implementation of monetary policy instruments, which can hinge on issues related to the digital transformation of finance and innovation-related problems such as crime prevention and cybersecurity

    BlockHealth: Blockchain-based secure and peer-to-peer health information sharing with data protection and right to be forgotten

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    Abstract To identify health risks in working environments, it is crucial for companies to share personal health data demonstrating to clients and suppliers their employees are healthy, while being compliant with data protection legislation. Based on these considerations, our Blockchain-based BlockHealth solution allows personal health data sharing with tamper proofing and data protection. Traditionally, the Blockchain guarantees data immutability but not confidentiality. On the contrary, BlockHealth stores in the Blockchain only hash values of data. Health data is stored in private databases managed by companies, thus also allowing to delete data in compliance with the right to be forgotten

    Measuring Social Mood on Economy during Covid times: effects of retraining Supervised Deep Neural Networks

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    [EN] Supervised Machine learning approaches are popular techniques used for sentiment analysis tasks. However, such techniques have strong limitations due to their sensitivity to the quantity and quality of the training datasets and may fail when training data are biased or insufficient. In the present study we address the impact of Covid on a deep learning classifier based on long-short term memory neural network (LSTM).  This classifier is used to compute a daily sentiment index on Italian tweets with economic content, for the first five months of 2020 (more than 11 million of tweets are classified). We show how retraining the model with a set of annotated tweets containing reference to Covid increase the accuracy of the classifier. The accuracy is measured by analyzing the dynamics of the index. We will show that during pandemic the retrained index decreases coherently with most Italian economic indicators.In addition, we analyze how the training and tuning procedures (one-step, two-steps with fine-tuning) affect the daily dynamics of the index.IstatCatanese, E.; Bruno, M.; Stefanelli, L.; Pugliese, F. (2023). Measuring Social Mood on Economy during Covid times: effects of retraining Supervised Deep Neural Networks. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 139-147. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2023.2023.1647413914