374 research outputs found

    Strong fields and neutral particle magnetic moment dynamics

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    Interaction of magnetic moment of point particles with external electromagnetic fields experiences unresolved theoretical and experimental discrepancies. In this work we point out several issues within the relativistic quantum mechanics and the QED and we describe effects related to a new covariant classical model of magnetic moment dynamics. Using this framework we explore the invariant acceleration experienced by neutral particles coupled to an external plane wave field through the magnetic moment: we study the case of ultra relativistic Dirac neutrinos with magnetic moment in the range of 101110^{-11} to 102010^{-20} μB\mu_\mathrm{B}; and we address the case of slowly moving neutrons. We explore how critical accelerations for neutrinos can be experimentally achieved in laser-pulse interactions. The radiation of accelerated neutrinos can serve as an important test distinguishing between Majorana and Dirac nature of neutrinos.Comment: 8 page

    Eye Tracking Evaluation Of Chinese Web Sites For The Chinese Market

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    This paper assesses and analyzes ways Chinese and European people view web sites designed in English and Chinese languages.  The results suggest some similarities and differences based on different cultures.The Chinese market is gaining more and more importance in the international business arena. Due to the strong Chinese Internet growth rates increasingly more global enterprises use the Internet for e-Commerce, market penetration and expansion, and to communicate information in China.  But the success of online communication with customers in the Chinese market is in many cases not as effective as planned, because of cultural differences between Chinese and European people.  Specific reading behavior, different cultural color definitions, diverse meanings of symbols or pictures as well as differing Chinese attitudes and values have to be considered when designing web sites for China. To gain more knowledge about the needs, tastes and behavior styles from Chinese Internet users, an experiment was designed with the following hypothesis:  Chinese and Europeans differ concerning web site evaluation and recognition due to culture.  Web sites designed for Chinese (Mercedes, Sony Ericsson, and China Eastern) were tested using an Eye Tracking camera.Observation, using an Eye Tracking camera, combined with a survey, showed that Chinese users share only preferences like clarity and comprehensibility in web site quality with German users.  Significant differences can be named concerning amount of information, design/color design and terminology.  During the tests it also became clear that the order in which the Chinese users look at elements (navigation bar, text, pictures, etc.), and the tested recognition is not identical to European users.

    The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies in a constrained hydrodynamical simulation: morphological evolution

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    We study the two main constituent galaxies of a constrained simulation of the Local Group as candidates for the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda (M31). We focus on the formation of the stellar discs and its relation to the formation of the group as a rich system with two massive galaxies, and investigate the effects of mergers and accretion as drivers of morphological transformations. We use a state-of-the-art hydrodynamical code which includes star formation, feedback and chemical enrichment to carry out our study. We run two simulations, where we include or neglect the effects of radiation pressure from stars, to investigate the impact of this process on the morphologies and star formation rates of the simulated galaxies. We find that the simulated M31 and MW have different formation histories, even though both inhabit, at z=0, the same environment. These differences directly translate into and explain variations in their star formation rates, in-situ fractions and final morphologies. The M31 candidate has an active merger history, as a result of which its stellar disc is unable to survive unaffected until the present time. In contrast, the MW candidate has a smoother history with no major mergers at late times, and forms a disc that grows steadily; at z=0 the simulated MW has an extended, rotationally-supported disc which is dominant over the bulge. Our two feedback implementations predict similar evolution of the galaxies and their discs, although some variations are detected, the most important of which is the formation time of the discs: in the model with weaker/stronger feedback the discs form earlier/later. In summary, by comparing the formation histories of the two galaxies, we conclude that the particular merger/accretion history of a galaxy rather than its environment at the LG-scales is the main driver of the formation and subsequent growth or destruction of galaxy discs.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Effect of Environment on Milky Way-mass galaxies in a Constrained Simulation of the Local Group

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    In this letter we present, for the first time, a study of star formation rate, gas fraction and galaxy morphology of a constrained simulation of the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda (M31) galaxies, compared to other MW-mass galaxies. By combining with unconstrained simulations we cover a sufficient volume to compare these galaxies environmental densities ranging from the field to that of the Local Group (LG). This is particularly relevant as it has been shown that, quite generally, galaxy properties depend intimately upon their environment, most prominently when galaxies in clusters are compared to those in the field. For galaxies in loose groups such as the LG, however, environmental effects have been less clear. We consider the galaxy's environmental density in spheres of 1200 kpc (comoving) and find that whilst environment does not appear to directly affect morphology, there is a positive trend with star formation rates. This enhancement in star formation occurs systematically for galaxies in higher density environments, regardless whether they are part of the LG or in filaments. Our simulations suggest that the richer environment at Mpc-scales may help replenish the star-forming gas, allowing higher specific star formation rates in galaxies such as the MW.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Historische Entwicklung des Truppenübungsplatzes Allentsteig

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    Fokus dieser Arbeit soll es sein, den Truppenübungsplatz Allentsteig von seiner Errichtung bis zur heutigen Situation aufzurollen. Dabei wurde versucht, nicht nur seine militärische Funktion für das Österreichische Bundesheer niederzuschreiben, sondern vielmehr eine gesamtheitliche Analyse zu dokumentieren. Was ist nun damit gemeint? Die Wichtigkeit des Übungsplatzes für militärische Zwecke steht außer Frage, doch müssen auch wirtschaftliche, organisatorische, ökologische und soziale Aspekte beachtet werden. Der Autor beschäftigte sich neben den Organisationsstrukturen des Truppenübungsplatzes auch damit, die Heeresforstverwaltung auf der einen und die wirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen mit der Stadt Allentsteig auf der anderen Seite zu analysieren. Es wurde auch versucht, ökologische Zusammenhänge im Zuge der Bearbeitung darzustellen, was die Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturschutzthematik widerspiegelt. Ebenso war es dem Autor ein Anliegen, die soziale Komponente nicht zu vernachlässigen. Bei Überlegungen, wie er diese in die Diplomarbeit integrieren könnte, wurde er darauf aufmerksam, dass die Einheitskommandanten des Aufklärungs- und Artilleriebataillons 4 in den meisten Fällen aus anderen Bundesländern stammen. Deshalb rückten soziale Beziehungen zwischen Soldaten anderer Bundesländer und der Waldviertler Bevölkerung in den Fokus. Die Bearbeitung dieser eben aufgezählten Themen sollte den Lesern tiefere Einblicke in das Gebilde Truppenübungsplatz Allentsteig gewähren

    First description of natural Echinococcus multilocularis infections in chinchilla ( Chinchilla laniger ) and Prevost's squirrel ( Callosciurus prevostii borneoensis )

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    This report describes for the first time the occurrence of alveolar echinococcosis in two exotic rodent species in Europe. A pet chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger) was euthanized due to a painful enlargement of the abdominal cavity, and a Prevost's squirrel (Callosciurus prevostii borneoensis) was found dead in the enclosure of a zoo. At necropsy, extended liver lesions consisting of small vesicles and cysts were observed in the livers of both animals. Histological examination revealed that these cysts were composed of an outer, homogenous, eosinophilic layer and an inner, cellular germinal layer. The cysts from both animals contained numerous protoscolices. The morphological diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode infections was confirmed by molecular mean

    Mergers and the outside-in formation of dwarf spheroidals

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    We use a cosmological simulation of the formation of the Local Group to explore the origin of age and metallicity gradients in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We find that a number of simulated dwarfs form "outside-in", with an old, metal-poor population that surrounds a younger, more concentrated metal-rich component, reminiscent of dwarf spheroidals like Sculptor or Sextans. We focus on a few examples where stars form in two populations distinct in age in order to elucidate the origin of these gradients. The spatial distributions of the two components reflect their diverse origin; the old stellar component is assembled through mergers, but the young population forms largely in situ. The older component results from a first episode of star formation that begins early but is quickly shut off by the combined effects of stellar feedback and reionization. The younger component forms when a late accretion event adds gas and reignites star formation. The effect of mergers is to disperse the old stellar population, increasing their radius and decreasing their central density relative to the young population. We argue that dwarf-dwarf mergers offer a plausible scenario for the formation of systems with multiple distinct populations and, more generally, for the origin of age and metallicity gradients in dwarf spheroidals.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA